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Best Cold War Foreign Games on PC

Russian Mailman Simulator love it. radiation. vodka. guns. what could be better – Real player with 15.4 hrs in game Read More: Best Cold War Action Games. best game ever 10/10. must win game of the year – Real player with 13.8 hrs in game Russian Mailman Simulator on Steam

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Collectathon Foreign Games on PC

Aritana and the Twin Masks “They are not ready…” Are you? Prove your value in Aritana and the Twin Masks. An adventure based on Brazilian mythology and culture that will carry you deeper into the forest’s mysteries. This second Aritana’s adventure extends gameplay possibilities, bringing a bow and arrow gameplay, 3D movement, vast sceneries in open landscapes and powers that help the player solve several puzzles. Explore a colossal temple, find artefacts that can be mixed in many special potions, and prepare yourself to save the Tree of life....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Colorful Foreign Games on PC

- R E F L E C T E D - Very enjoyable game, but with a hardcore challenge. – Real player with 2.1 hrs in game Read More: Best Colorful Cute Games. Very challenging game. I liked so much. – Real player with 1.6 hrs in game - R E F L E C T E D - on Steam Frosty Jumper Your world is freezing....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Comic Book Foreign Games on PC

Lost Sunday Comics Lost Sunday Comics is a virtual comic book library where you can read original, new and exciting works of art from carefully selected comic book artists. While not a game per se, make no mistake, Lost Sunday Comics is alive and bursting with magic. Step into an enchanted room where books may wink at you, claws may grab your attention and innocent cups of tea may lure you into beautiful, secret gardens....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Conspiracy Foreign Games on PC

Alt Oxygen Alt Oxygen is a survival game where you can complete a story. The game is based on an economical design. Here you can explore different planets and interact with aliens to know more about places. Aliens are speaking their language and are translated. Also to survive you have to collect precious stones and sell it to vendors to make ALTO and after that you can buy water, oxygen, food and all necessary needs to survive....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Conversation Foreign Games on PC

Coffee Talk One Chocobee Miruku please! One of my all time favorite games is Va-11 Hall-A and ever since, I’ve been on the lookout for similar games ever since to scratch that itch it left behind. The closest I’ve gotten was playing The Red Strings Club which does have you literally pouring drinks to bring out certain emotions in your customers, but it turned out to be disappointing (for me at least)....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Cooking Foreign Games on PC

- R E F L E C T E D - Very enjoyable game, but with a hardcore challenge. – Real player with 2.1 hrs in game Read More: Best Cooking Family Friendly Games. Very challenging game. I liked so much. – Real player with 1.6 hrs in game - R E F L E C T E D - on Steam Hot Pot For One It’s mostly about loneliness, very, very short, and easy to misunderstand....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Creature Collector Foreign Games on PC

30 Birds Help our girl Zig to find the thirty birds. Explore the Lanterns, a gorgeous flying city built by the goddess Simurgh, and meet all kinds of bizarre characters : from djinns to magic animals, from regular weirdos to mafia rude boys… Zig will have to make them talk, to use her wits and play good dub music to collect all the birds' contacts. Only then may she be able to wake up Simurgh, the giant bird Queen, from her decade long sleep....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Crime Foreign Games on PC

动物迷城 这是一款关于越狱的游戏,犯罪、阴谋、陷害交织其中,当然也少不了纷杂的感情线。在精美的像素画面下,你将扮演动物囚犯在严酷的监狱中生存、探索、成长以及逃脱。在《动物迷城》的世界中你会遇到众多个性十足的角色,并体验令人映像深刻的剧情。打起精神来,你即将拯救的不仅仅是自己,还有身后的这座城市! *** 电影般的硬派剧情** 置身于动物之城,扮演遭受陷害的记者,试着在严酷的监狱中生存下来。与作为律师的挚友里应外合,收集证据,在危难之中拯救自己和这座城市。(当前游戏还在开发阶段,今后将推出更多的可扮演角色,当然每个主角都将拥有自己的故事) *** 沉浸式的模拟体验** 彻底融入这座庞大的监狱,严格遵守它的规定,同时将它作为你的表演舞台。探索陌生的环境,迎接种种未知的挑战。是当个安稳度日的模范囚犯,还是四处惹是生非大搞破坏,这一切都将由你决定。 *** 个性十足的出场角色** 这座监狱里每个角色都拥有令人难以忘怀的故事。与他们结交并相互帮助(利用),或是狠狠的踢他们的屁股!当然你也可以做个“独行侠”,或是在各个势力间巧妙周旋。是贯彻正义还是用点手腕,既然进了监狱,不妨试着入乡随俗。 *** 自由开放的成长系统** 做个用拳头说话的硬汉,或是藏于阴影中的盗贼;想要巧舌如簧外加一点黑客技术?当然,在这里一切皆有可能。学习技能,收集装备,制作工具,试着从无名的菜鸟囚犯成长为耀眼的监狱之星吧! *** 大开脑洞的越狱路线** 从洗衣房到医务室,再到下水道和停车场,这里的每寸土地都能成为你越狱拼图中的一块。发现每个场景中的秘密,然后利用它们,自由之路上,你的想象力将成为最有力的武器。 Read More: Best Crime Multiple Endings Games. 动物迷城 on Steam Mumbai Gullies Mumbai Gullies is inspired by the amazing contrast of life in Mumbai city. A city where the landscape changes every few meters. At one glance you could see towering skyscrapers and on the other you see miles long slums....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Cute Foreign Games on PC

Miracle Calamity Homeostasis gamesense – Real player with 0.3 hrs in game Read More: Best Cute Story Rich Games. Нет, это не обзор на этот шедевр 2015 года! Это обзор возможно на шедевр 2019 года, дез стрендинг! Вау жэсть Кадзима Гений скажите? А что если все эти мемы оказались правдивы? В плане сюжета пока убедиться не могу, так как игру до конца не прошёл, да и не скоро пройду) я люблю там дополнительные заказы брать, нагружать так свой рюкзачок после школки, ууу ее)....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator