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Best Cooking First-Person Games on PC

Hot Pot For One Itā€™s mostly about loneliness, very, very short, and easy to misunderstand. By most standards, it would be barely a game at all. But if you donā€™t have expectations this thingy never tried to meet, it is kindaā€¦ nice. You stand in the kitchen, cook, eat, and for every piece you eat, memories start floating up, showing how food connects you to people, mostly your significant other. You eat rather little, clean up a bit and watch the end titles....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Creature Collector First-Person Games on PC

Creature Lab Become a mad scientist in search of the ultimate mutagen! Creature lab sets you on a difficult path of a genius scientist with a very liberal approach to test subjects and official procedures. Establish your hideout and let the experiments commence! Take stock of your inventory. Thereā€™s no use hoping for government funds so youā€™ll make do with anything you can find or even steal. Prepare your laboratory, obtain basic reagents, and see what happens when you mix them together....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Crime First-Person Games on PC

ASPENļ¼š Uncanny Home love the game the atmosphere was awsome little hard to tell most times what you need to do but it was a fun experence and i loved it so much hope yall will make more games like this in the future :) ā€“ Real player with 3.1 hrs in game Read More: Best Crime Horror Games. Aspen: Uncanny Home has a beautifully rendered environment for the player to walk around in....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Cute First-Person Games on PC

LIBRARY this game makes me so happy !!! :) theres something exciting about looking for cute (and somewhat creepy) easter eggs. i do wish happy snake could maybe collaborate with a horror game developer to make a doki doki type game (but like this, instead of a boring visual novel) its just about an hour long but if yr cute n quirky n not like other girls then you should check this out...

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Cyberpunk First-Person Games on PC

InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror Iā€™ll admit; I like the simplicity of the game and while I do want to continue it, it stops reacting to inputs (glitching, enemies not dying, a bossfight that never ends because there is no way to actually END the fight). The DLC is also glitched out, meaning it wonā€™t run at all. If there was more work pumped into the game, Iā€™m sure it would be lots of fun....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Cycling First-Person Games on PC

Tour de France 2020 Few things to say: No energy management by AI - They either go full out until blow up, or basically stop riding so they can regain energy. Simply stupid to see on some mountain stages where peloton goes hard for like 15 km only to basically stop for final 3 km before summit. Predictible - after riding like 3 TdF you can easily tell where breakaway is going to be caught, where breakaway can actually go away, what time will breakaway have at specific moment of stage(!...

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Dark Fantasy First-Person Games on PC

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic I am genuinely afraid to reinstall this game againā€¦ I keep playing it and beating it again and again and again. It is just THAT good. The storyline and the gameplay are both amazing. You play as a young apprentice to a mysterious wizard, who sends you to retreive a magical crystal, during which you get a basic tutorial in the basics of gameplay, including the combat, spellcasting, and stealth, and receive the first skill points used to specialize in different abilities (unlocking combat moves, spells, stealth abilityā€¦ increasing health or mana levelsā€¦)....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Dark Humor First-Person Games on PC

Golden Light Holy cow, this game is my aesthetic. I turned off the pixelation; as fun as it is, itā€™s difficult to deal with the entire time. This game isnā€™t scary as much as it is a weird B-movie with occasional jump scares. I love the ambiguous storyline; this being a relatively small community itā€™s got a lot of mystery in the world and gameplay. It has a lot of personality and the devs continue to do a good job in updating it....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Dating Sim First-Person Games on PC

ęœ€åŽēš„47å°ę—¶ - The Last 47 Hours I like this visual novel to be honest. I think the art design is nice and the story is okay. I Recommend. ā€“ Real player with 2.2 hrs in game Read More: Best Dating Sim Romance Games. The story is alright, nothing extremely special. Felt a little bit rushed. The art itself is pretty good and same goes for music production....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Demons First-Person Games on PC

Out of Oblivion Showed a lot of promise, there is a a part of the game where you have to survive a horde of zombies - which seems near impossible to accomplish. Save your money. ā€“ Real player with 7.0 hrs in game Read More: Best Demons Horror Games. I can recommend the game. Good horror atmosphere that keeps you in suspense. The story could be a bit better but it is quite fair for this price....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator