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Best 6DOF Dystopian Games on PC

The Great C This short adventure cinematic is well-made, though it has some of that “indie” charm to remind that it has been made by a small team of enthusiasts, rather than a heavy-hitter like ILMxLab. Most of the characters' animations are motion-captured performances, though there are plenty of character movements that are stilted and robotic, which were obviously manually-animated. The characters are cartoony, but expressive. And don’t let the character designs fool you… this story is not for young children....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Abstract Dystopian Games on PC

The Last Survey Warmly recommended to whoever enjoys novels. Warning, game offers close to zero interaction / agency, if a game must have these for you to enjoy it, walk away. But if you can enjoy this, take it like a “novel++”. The story is intelligent, the writing is evocative yet concise, and art/audio fit perfectly, strengthening immersion into the story. Hope the author(s) make more games 3. EDIT oh, seeing my posted review, one last thing to temper expectations: it’s short....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Action Dystopian Games on PC

Shadow Uprising Shadow Uprising is a casual-friendly but still enjoyable addition to the VR stealth genre with a “Sly Cooper 1 but cyber Japan” aesthetic and a very fun twist on movement. The Good: 1. Movement – The Spiderman-like dual wrist grapples and the climbing gloves make moving around the world just plain fun. Scramble up a wall and then go hand over hand underneath the edge of the roof? Sure....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Action Roguelike Dystopian Games on PC

SwapOut fantastic little game, its everything i love as a gamer, its both unforgiving and rewarding, happily threw away a whole afternoon playing this, extremely difficult to master. – Real player with 4.9 hrs in game Read More: Best Action Roguelike 3D Games. This game has promise, while short it does have replayability. gameplay is simple and thats a good thing. run though stages fighting on coming enemys, kill them and they drop health and sometimes weapon mods/attachments....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Action RTS Dystopian Games on PC

Monster Master FPS heroes versus RTS horde. An asymmetric multiplayer where 1 player spawns the different monsters, and 3 class-based fps heroes try to survive it. The game is set in to the small town of Kingsfield, where an energy research facility has given birth to a cosmic horror entity called the monster master. Players can choose to control and mutate the monster horde or survive as a group of class based heroes with unique powers....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Adventure Dystopian Games on PC

Road 96 🛣️ Full video review: Summarized version below! I consume way too many of these narrative-driven games for my own good, but I’m always on the lookout for one that tries to do something new, something cool - so I was excited to give Road 96 a look. Note: Trimmed review to fit character limit, check video for full version! Gameplay: Road 96 is basically a more involved “choose your own adventure”-type game....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Aliens Dystopian Games on PC

Alien AI Keep in mind this is an “early access” game being developed by the good folks at GridSkyGames. This is pretty much a “cat and mouse” game between you and A.I. drones. Having to navigate areas in search for items all the while your food, water and health bar tick down. With limited resources to replenish those bars. At first glance I had issues with some of the mechanics, mostly getting stuck on just about everything....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best America Dystopian Games on PC

Electioneering So I found this game in my qeue (a bit by surprise). And since I really like political-sim and strategy games, I decided to give it a try. Yes, it is really early access but under it’s surface is a good strategy game. You have to constantly run polls and ads, so you win over a state on several topics. But at the same time keep an eye on your money....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Anime Dystopian Games on PC

Marfusha Girls' Frontline meets shoot-em-up One morning I was looking at new releases at Steam. Usually I don’t find something interesting, but for some reason Marfusha has caught my attention. I briefly looked at screenshots and without a second thought bought Marfusha. And you know what? Marfusha turned up to be a great game! The gameplay is simple but heavily addicting. You are playing as Marfusha, a girl who drafted into the army since the country Kazolmya, where she lives is at war with all surrounding countries....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Arcade Dystopian Games on PC

BloodType BloodType is a “Type’em Up,” word-based, wave survival game. You must form words from randomly generated word scrambles to defeat your opponents. Test your vocabulary knowledge through 30 different stages all while under the pressure of advancing enemies. Read More: Best Arcade Casual Games. BloodType on Steam Viper Note before We begin: While I may not have much on the PC Version of the game I have owned the original PS1 Version of the game since it’s release and will be referring mostly to the PS1 Version for this review...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator