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Best Ambient Emotional Games on PC

DeepStates [VR] (Received this for free thanks to the thoughtful developer, after I provided a bunch of feedback during the ā€˜betaā€™. I had been planning to buy this on release and I think the asking price is just right!). Absolutely stunning (highly realistic) environmental beauty, not just in visual fidelity but in sound, space, and spirit. Iā€™ve played and enjoyed a variety of ā€˜environmentā€™ apps in VR, and none of them have impacted me like this....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient Experience Games on PC

soundStrider You will want two things: your headphones, and to read the gameā€™s manual before playing. Even then, this isnā€™t for everyone. If it is for you, youā€™ll find a hypnotic soundscape worth exploring. I would describe it as an audio-only walking simulator; there are minimal graphics (as you can see in the screenshots), but you can even turn them off completely and play only by sound. There are waypoints that you can hear, and you can walk from one to the next on a trance-like journey, finding strangely relaxing varied soundscapes....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient Faith Games on PC

My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt ā€˜We lose ourselves in the things we love. We find ourselves there too.ā€™ - Kirstin Martz In this surreal psychological horror made in RPGmaker MV, Mole enters a tunnel complex under the premise he is being guided by God to complete a purpose during the ā€˜Endtimesā€™. Throughout Moleā€™s time spent down there we see him seeking out the Voice to direct him and, it is here, we see the mental journey being taken until Mole is finally ā€˜toldā€™ what he must do by the Voice which is to bring a baby to Him....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient Family Friendly Games on PC

Christmas day literally just a room with little interactivity. ā€“ Real player with 0.7 hrs in game Read More: Best Ambient Relaxing Games. I like the idea of a realtively simple interactive Christmas scene for the holidays ā€“ which is what led me to search for one, and I found this. It looked relatively nice, but in practise this plays like someoneā€™s first attempt at an interactive UnrealEngine 4 scene....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient Funny Games on PC

Wooden House For this review I will talk about my reviews. I am none-native english speaker and I use steam review to practice my english. It generally worked out for me and I even have a few small review fans that like to read them. Which made me very happy. I feel bad that a lot of my spelling and grammer is bad but I donā€™t overly concerned to fix every single one of them because i am not selling my review for money....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient GameMaker Games on PC

NUMTATE december 2021 edit: the 2.0 update revamped the whole game, so I edited the review to reflect the changes. numtate is a portmanteau of number and rotate, and sure enough, itā€™s about rotating numbers so they add up to the one in the middle, called a core. luckily, not much math skill is required, as the core keeps track of the current situation, no need to constantly count whatā€™s around....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient Gaming Games on PC

Kanso How to describe Kanso? Well, you play with your mouse, and you have to draw a line around a shape! Sounds pretty simple right? This is one of those relaxing, zen like games, where you think everything is all easy and simple, but quickly you realise that things take some skill. This is a ā€œline followingā€ game. Everything is very bright and colourful and really is a joy to play....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient Gothic Games on PC

Deep Lake: Prologue nice opening music. nice graphics. Story is okay- from what I can make of it. Bad translation in parts which made it hard to follow. For example the mc stepped in a ā€˜paddleā€™ twice and got his feet wet smh. I hope the later installments fix this. Might be pretty good if they do. Iā€™ll give the benefit of the doubt and thumb this one up, but if thereā€™s no improvement, Iā€™ll have to change my recommendation....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient Historical Games on PC

Train Life: A Railway Simulator Train games are not exactly a highly competitive market so most are downright garbage. Train Life is not one of my favorites for good reason. A couple of the games I prefer are as follows with the first being a bit complicated to learn as itā€™s Korean and you need to make notes about what certain things are and how to do things. The second is designed for multiplayer, but, I and many others play solo....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Ambient Illuminati Games on PC

Wooden House For this review I will talk about my reviews. I am none-native english speaker and I use steam review to practice my english. It generally worked out for me and I even have a few small review fans that like to read them. Which made me very happy. I feel bad that a lot of my spelling and grammer is bad but I donā€™t overly concerned to fix every single one of them because i am not selling my review for money....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator