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Best Action Alternate History Games on PC

Hassle 1977 Wasn’t expecting such good stuff as small indie game. This product has so much potential, I do hope devs are planning some advertisement for it and they will add more features in the near future! – Real player with 3.6 hrs in game Read More: Best Action Cyberpunk Games. pre-pre-pre alpha game feeling (clearly not beta) vehicule physics are trash no in game mapping controls...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Animation & Modeling Games on PC

Aboard the Adventure Aboard of adventure is a humorous adventure game (with capital ADVENTURE!) in which you will be part of the team of the daring Captain Quinn, with the goal of defeating the sinister Professor Weaver in a race to get various ancient and mysterious artifacts that can change the fate of the world. Unabashedly pulp! Intrigue, grave robbers, fisticuffs, NINJAS! Get ready for a roller coaster of thrills and action....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Anime Games on PC

Fate/EXTELLA LINK 初步有些许不满的地方在于主线内容第一感觉被裁剪、压缩了太多东西。主题轴类似于有光明就有黑暗的这种形式,手柄方面又出现了无夜之国1同样的问题,不过官方人员在社区置顶帖给出了解决方案(若无效可以只勾选DS4控制器支持)。战斗细节上觉醒与真无双终于可以共存了,上一代游戏可是觉醒了后就放不了真无双了。现在总算可以了。片头CG掉帧明显(冬木市地图也掉帧)。游戏运行环境应该只是做了初步适配,等以后的进一步优化吧。 原本御主只能进戒指,现在可以以独立体的形式以总大将的身份参战指挥战斗并解除哑巴模式了。只是可能会发生各种突发状况需要救援,闪避终于不实用了。跟普通走路一样的速度,不像上个版本那样移动迅速了 敌方据点强度也被削弱很多,相对的己方剧情扣血速度被加快了。 似乎真正的剧情精华在后半部分,让人回想起了seed残酷的亚金•多维要塞攻防战。对拼宝具、两个印度籍的顶级英灵就这么两败俱伤,消失了,可惜dlc时装不是每个人都额外有花钱买的(现阶段只有女性英灵服饰、没有男性的)。以及御主也无法换外装,这很遗憾。 不过游戏相当于是融合了像是高达(据点)、大蛇(快攻技)、战国(一般招式)老真三(对招拼招、方技、蓄力技等)这四种无双的集合体等 – Real player with 105.5 hrs in game Read More: Best Action Hack and Slash Games. Diary: Fate/Extella Link Summary | Gameplay | Fast Action, Very button spammy, Multiple skills per character, Taking over sectors, fighting bosses | | Story | Three different endings, Different paths, unlockable true ending | | Graphics | Nice environmental designs, bad character graphics, great character designs |...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Arcade Games on PC

Annalynn I would like to preface this review by stating that I have been aware of this game’s development since early 2019. At that time, I acquired an early build of Annalynn from 2016 from the developer Cruise Elroy’s Twitter page. This version lacked many of the features of the 2021 version, and was more similar to an 80s arcade game (perhaps a bit more blatant with its influences as well)....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Arena Shooter Games on PC

Putrefaction 2: Void Walker Moving on from 2015’s poor man’s Doom 3 to 2017’s poor man’s Doom 2016: Putrefaction 2 improves upon almost every flaw of its predecessor and shows how a one-man-project is done the old-school way. My expectations were kept at bottom level, but this game took me elsewhere: the efforts of searching for a decent low-budget FPS are finally coming to fruition, never ever did I think it would conquer such heights, literally....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Artificial Intelligence Games on PC

Compost A fun little game that is a mix of tower defense and critter simulation. There are many various critters in the game with each type having their own behavior and priorities, some being peaceful, some preying on other types of critters, some plants having different ways to spread, some critters eating specific plants and so on, which makes for a surprising amount of artificial intelligence in the game. You don’t control anything directly but instead are given power to generate a breeze that gently pushes stuff around....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Assassin Games on PC

Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered If you want to buy this, please keep in mind that AC Odyssey Ultimate Edition will grant you a free copy of AC III Remastered, with other benefits as well (it can go as low as £24 to collect both games during the right sale). If your plan is to play all AC games, might as well keep that in mind. – Real player with 37.5 hrs in game...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Asymmetric VR Games on PC

Acron: Attack of the Squirrels! Fun party game. Got it as a birthday present to use with Index headset, and it’s a blast with family and friends. During this crazy time in the world, sorta cooped up indoors a lot, it’s been fun, and family have played remotely at their homes as squirrels while me and my family take turns as the tree in VR. It’s tough to be the tree though, and often with 4 or 5 real player-controlled squirrels, it is almost too tough at times to keep those squirrels at bay…but still a lot of fun....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Asynchronous Multiplayer Games on PC

Codename: Terranova This game is such a hidden gem. I’m not sure what I expected when I paid $24 on an early-access co-op indie puzzle game, and to be honest I was worried it wouldn’t be any good. However, my buddy and I (who usually do such puzzle games together) were VERY pleasantly surprised. It almost felt like “We Were Here” in a way. One player is the Agent, and they’re the player that is required to buy the game....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Atmospheric Games on PC

Fisherones [Quick review of the game] Things I personally enjoy: Perma Death aspect - If you love the thrill of having your progress at risk then you’re definitely going to enjoy Fisherones. It rewards good play and you can choose to invest in either glass cannon builds(crit chance mutagens and stamina regen) or more defensive ones(poison when attacked,hp & dodge chance mutagens). Game also offers a revive mutagen that you can use to cheat death once, extremely useful and saved me from a couple deaths before that otherwise woulda made me pretty sad...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator