Door Kickers

Door Kickers

Door Kickers is one of those pleasant surprises that comes every now and then.

This is essentially a Top Down SWAT Team Simulator that is extremely Tactical. (And I’m not using the word just because it’s cool)

How would I describe Door Kickers ?

This game reminds me of older releases that change the way FPSes are played such as Rainbow Six and SWAT.

This is a slow and methodical game as it’ll brutally punish you if a mistake have been made. Thought and precise movements must be taken into account if you wish for all of your troopers to survive that one bloody great gunfight.

Real player with 451.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tactical Simulation Games.

One of the best real-time tactics games on Steam.

Having finished all of the single missions and all of the campaigns, both in Normal and in Iron Man, I believe I’m in a position to write a few things about this game. I don’t usually write Steam reviews, but Door Kickers is a special game that deserves recommendation. As someone who is very interested in tactical gaming, the top-down tactics offered by this game are very enjoyable.

The game gives you control over a team of SWAT operators and tasks you with defeating the bad guys and completing missions such as rescuing hostages, arresting a suspect, securing evidence, preventing escape of the suspects or escorting a VIP. There are different ways to play the game, but the way I play it (and I guess the most obvious style of play) is real-time with pause. The way I usually do the missions is like this: I draw actions for my troopers, let them play out those actions, pause, assess the situation and then plan my next move. You can also play the game in 100% real-time or even prepare the entire mission in the planning phase if you want. It’s a lot more difficult and challenging to do, but the option is there. There is no ‘true’ method of playing the game.

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game

Door Kickers on Steam

Circle Empires Rivals

Circle Empires Rivals

Circle Empires: Rivals is the multiplayer successor to Circle Empires. At its core, Circle Empires Rivals is a 10-25 minute long real time strategy game. Despite the short game length, it has quite a lot of content and depth, and easily gets a strong recommendation given its moderate to low price point.

At the time of writing this review, the game has 7 different game modes, 26 commanders with unique army compositions and bonuses, 6 difficulty settings, 5 different map sizes, and within the various game modes (such as stop the army and monster hunt) there are also different scenario selections available. The different game modes range from very easy to very difficult, and even with 4 people working together in a co-op game certain modes like Defend the Castle mode is extremely difficult on even moderate difficulty settings, so if you like a PvE challenge, the game has this available.

Real player with 66.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tactical Multiplayer Games.

Must buy for every RTS fan and people who would like to experience something unique with alot of variety.

You can play this game on easy mode or incredible challenging. There are a lot of game modes and coop makes alot of fun too. The game is also very well made no bugs and a great interface!

Got 32hours on the first one and with this game I expect getting closer to 100+ hours for only 8-12 euro you got great value.

If you want to play this coop, but don´t have someone to play it with, I am always looking for people to play it with, since it just makes even more fun in coop-mode.

Real player with 44.5 hrs in game

Circle Empires Rivals on Steam



So, this is coming from the perspecive of a player on the main PvE Invasion servers. I’ve also done a fair bit of single player, plenty of time in mods, and a whole bunch of the DLC, but single player gets old fast without players on your side to mix things up, and mods/DLC are relatively underpopulated and should be played with a group of friends. PvP can be fun too, if different, but is usually empty outside of scheduled community events (get in the Discord group if that’s your jam).

Okay, imagine a game where everyone is cannon fodder. The enemy is cannon fodder, so they’re easy to kill en masse, but also you’re cannon fodder and a single slip-up will get you instantly killed, and that slip-up can be a missed shot, a wrong movement, or just failure to judge the ebb and flow of battle and getting overrun by a massive swarm of bots that you can do nothing against. You might be able to get some better equipment as your xp goes up, but at the end of the day the only thing that turns you from a simple cog in the machine fighting and dying next to twenty other players into a killing machine all your own that can capture bases single-handedly is personal experience and knowledge of the game.

Real player with 364.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tactical Multiplayer Games.


First of all, This game is so underrated.

HONESTLY, this game need more attention..

The amount of content you get from this game is way bigger than what you usually get from an AAA game. Especially with all the mods that is available for you. and let me tell you. Most of the mods feel like an expansion and a diferrent game.


The basic :

In this game, you play as a soldier. among other soldier.

there is no such thing as hero / special character here, everybody is the same. no special power. the only thing that separate you from the other is rank, equipment, skills.

Real player with 271.6 hrs in game


Jagged Alliance: Rage!

Jagged Alliance: Rage!

Хорошо! Я буду работать на тебя, проклятый капиталист!

Fine! I will be working for you, you bloody capitalist!

~Ivan Dolvich

Jagged Alliance is a unique franchise. With the first two games being incredibly good and majority of the games that came afterwards being incredibly bad, nowadays, the Jagged Alliance name has a weird effect on people. If you’ll call your game “Jagged Alliance”, it’ll mean two things. First, the people would buy it. Because the original games were that good. Second, the people would bh about it. Because, obviously, the Jagged Alliance games would never be the same. For many reasons. Even Firaxis Games' XCOM is not the same with the one from Mythos Games. Sure, the last two Jagged Alliance games are not Firaxis Games' XCOM. Not even close. But I don’t think they’re that bad. I mean, sure, both Russians and Germans fd things up with their Jagged Alliance: Back in Action and Hired Guns. But they’re Russians and Germans! That’s how they make games! Now, with Jagged Alliance: Flashback and Jagged Alliance: Rage! it’s a different story.

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

From a Co-op perspective alone:

  • First, I’m not at all comparing it with older Jagged Alliance, I haven’t played those. But I’ve played a lot of turn-based games. My buddy and I have been playing the latest version in Aug 2020.

  • You can play complete campaign co-op with a buddy. So Yay!

  • The gameplay is fun and keeps one engaged and always nice to co-ordinate attacks with a buddy or figure out ways to kill the enemy in diff ways

  • Good balance in AP spending and tactical

  • Good maps balance

  • The Rage name is an actual element in the game where you get Rage points which are useful

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Jagged Alliance: Rage! on Steam

Thunder Tier One

Thunder Tier One

Thunder Tier One offers real-time tactical action in which you directly control the team leader of a four person squad. You can customize many of the details of the squad before you enter the mission, by spending your budget on silencers, grenades, flash-bangs, breaching charges, etc.

There is an element of stealth that you can take advantage of but don’t expect a very nuanced AI - on either side. The AI does a decent job of responding to sound and sight but its shortcomings become apparent in the little details: taking cover on the wrong side of an object, jiggling around when they get stuck on a piece of the terrain. Usually your AI teammates do what you tell them - just not in the way you want. A good example of this is movement; I cannot find a way to get your squad to move slower than full speed which makes it hard to do sneaky things when you are close enough to the enemy.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Feels like a fantastic blend of SOCOM, Doorkickers, and Insurgency. A few things need ironing out, but the core gameplay is great fun and (on realism mode) very punishing. Once mod support is opened up, it will get even better. A few things I noticed during my few hours so far:

  • Camera controls are not as bad as others make them sound, they just take a bit of getting used to. The camera itself could use a little fine-tuning though. Multiple times I had my camera blocked by something (like a crane), or I was getting shot from a spot that was very hard to see. I’m sure it will get better with patches.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

Thunder Tier One on Steam

Battle Master

Battle Master

A classic which is slightly forgotten, but a overall fantastic game!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Battle Master on Steam



Nice looking, funny and challengeing game. Cool story and idea. I’m looking forward to complete new tasks.

Real player with 78.6 hrs in game

Give it a shot! Overall, I think this game is in a great state of development and a perfect candidate for Steam’s Early Access.


  • The game is about 80% complete by my estimation

  • The player controlled characters are great game representations of monster stereotypes (LOVE IT!)

  • Many of the things that players have come to expect as base level standards are present in this game, which I think we often take for granted in blockbuster titles

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

MonsterSoft on Steam

Heist Day

Heist Day

Heist Day is an action packed top down shooter game where strategy plays a vital role. You will assume the role of John, an IT engineer who has chosen the life of a criminal. Plan and execute heists with your selected crew, choose your strategy, whether it is stealth or loud. Pick out your loadout carefully and unlock new items and weapons in the skill-menu.

Make your way to the top by any means necessary.

Heist Day on Steam

Might is Right

Might is Right

I’ve had this game in my library since August of 2020. It has steadily improved and taken as a casual game is quite enjoyable–with one caveat, which I will get to in a bit.

You start out with one hero and one squad member. Your choice of hero is very important. Even whether you choose male or female, since the skills are different. For instance, the Countess has a powerful single heal, similar to the game’s Herbalist. The male counterpart, the Earl, has a group heal, similar to the game’s Grove Keeper. You aren’t going to know what’s in your hero’s skill tree until you’re actually in game and can look at the talent tree. Depending on the hero type you choose (healer, mage or tank) you’re choices for your first squad member will differ. Once you’re familiar with the hero talents and the different starting squad choices, making your choice will be easy, but the first time you see the choice wheel, it may be a little confusing, so it’s important to spend a moment to understand the information as it’s presented.

Real player with 141.9 hrs in game

I’ve bought this game as my bf so wanted me to try it. Well, it’s not illegal, I thought I give it a go. I play 10-20 minutes and then honestly tell him that I didn’t like it and “You know, I am not that type of person, blah-blah”. Anything to make him happy for the Christmas Eve.

I had my weekend, so I went there just after lunch. I also was going to cut my hair and do my nails. 

Now, it’s way past midnight, I am still here without haircut, without proper nails… would it bother you if your gf had herself beautified for Christmas?

Real player with 72.5 hrs in game

Might is Right on Steam

Crash Dive 2

Crash Dive 2


Reasons for a cheap price tag:

Graphics are interesting, even though simplified in appearance there is much detail in the game.

U-Boat modeling very simple and almost toyish, in appearance but it is all there.

Modeling on objects in distance of being observed don’t have that realistic emergence into view, just that don’t see it now and you do see it thing but it works. You won’t spot smoke on the horizon in other words, just modeled if you see them or not and then scaled according to view and size. There is debris, fires, oil slicks, smoke, fog, rain. clouds are a bit unrealistic in presentation.

Real player with 130.8 hrs in game

Crash Dive II, it’s about the closest recent game that I have found as a sub sim to Silent Hunter III, Wolves of the Pacific.

It will be a game that will be compared because they are both based in the Pacific region during WW2, but there are differences, for instance, Crash Dive II is much easier to get straight into and overall is an easier sim to play, its not as in depth as SH II and does not have a choice of subs or starting zone to choose from, does not have historically dodgy torpedoes that don’t work (all these do) and the graphics in Crash Dive II could be better, but are still ok for the fact this isn’t a big developer.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Crash Dive 2 on Steam