Samurai Zero

Samurai Zero

Tactical Action RPG

Experience a unique champloo of fast paced combat with skillful competitive mechanics and tactical game modes. Featuring RPG systems, players can create situational builds for their favorite characters. Team up as a squad of three or take the Lone Samurai’s path and fight on your own.

Iconic Samurai

You’ll play as a unique cast of super powered Samurai, each with their own abilities and powerful signature attack that enhance combat and team cooperation. No two Samurai play alike and each has depth which will require hours to master.

An Evolving Universe

Discover everything the world of Edo has to offer. From ancient mystical ruins to technologically marvelous capitals, become enraptured in the vast history of conflict that has shaped the world. Experience an eclectic cast and bear witness to the journeys they take to change both themselves and the world of Edo around them.

Read More: Best Tactical Swordplay Games.

Samurai Zero on Steam

Dungeon Deathball

Dungeon Deathball

Fun tactics game. It plays like into-the-breach-lite.

What this game does better than into the breach:

  • Every turn is more connected. Enemies can only move a small amount and won’t jump across the map and target something else unlike ITB.

  • Enemies can be manipulated easily; A big part of mastering the game involves manipulating enemies which is really fun

  • The orange monsters and goalies chases the ball

  • Cyan monsters that chases players.

  • You can stand in an enemies attack range to make them attack you the next turn

Real player with 102.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tactical Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Quick note: My actual playtime at the time of writing this is closer to 8-10 hours, as I’ve been playing it since the first public demo on itch, months before Early Access release.

Dungeon Deathball is a compact, turn-based strategy game, in part inspired by Into the Breach - it shows you exactly what enemies are going to do next turn and also allows you to turn them against each other by pushing them around. Unlike ItB, it’s a very easy game to pick up and play a quick round or two while on a short break.

Real player with 45.2 hrs in game

Dungeon Deathball on Steam

Jagged Alliance: Rage!

Jagged Alliance: Rage!

Хорошо! Я буду работать на тебя, проклятый капиталист!

Fine! I will be working for you, you bloody capitalist!

~Ivan Dolvich

Jagged Alliance is a unique franchise. With the first two games being incredibly good and majority of the games that came afterwards being incredibly bad, nowadays, the Jagged Alliance name has a weird effect on people. If you’ll call your game “Jagged Alliance”, it’ll mean two things. First, the people would buy it. Because the original games were that good. Second, the people would bh about it. Because, obviously, the Jagged Alliance games would never be the same. For many reasons. Even Firaxis Games' XCOM is not the same with the one from Mythos Games. Sure, the last two Jagged Alliance games are not Firaxis Games' XCOM. Not even close. But I don’t think they’re that bad. I mean, sure, both Russians and Germans fd things up with their Jagged Alliance: Back in Action and Hired Guns. But they’re Russians and Germans! That’s how they make games! Now, with Jagged Alliance: Flashback and Jagged Alliance: Rage! it’s a different story.

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tactical Top-Down Games.

From a Co-op perspective alone:

  • First, I’m not at all comparing it with older Jagged Alliance, I haven’t played those. But I’ve played a lot of turn-based games. My buddy and I have been playing the latest version in Aug 2020.

  • You can play complete campaign co-op with a buddy. So Yay!

  • The gameplay is fun and keeps one engaged and always nice to co-ordinate attacks with a buddy or figure out ways to kill the enemy in diff ways

  • Good balance in AP spending and tactical

  • Good maps balance

  • The Rage name is an actual element in the game where you get Rage points which are useful

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Jagged Alliance: Rage! on Steam

Guild of Ascension

Guild of Ascension

Nice idea, but not enough meaningful content

I enjoyed my time playing this, but the repetitive nature and lack of content makes this a: ‘wait for a sale’ game.

The gameplay is similar to tactical turnbased games like “Into the Breach” or “Advance Wars.” But what makes this game unique is that you only have ten seconds to plan out your moves, and then you actually control the character for x amount of time either moving, attacking, charging your shields (called dodge in this game, but it’s really just like shields) or more typically, a combination of all three. There are also special attacks that can attack multiple enemies in a row, etc. You can use the environment on the map as well to trigger attacks, or push an enemy onto a spike floor. There are also synergies to be had, and there are a couple different ways you can plan your run.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Lots of fun, the mechanics between the two characters is challenging and allows you different play styles according to what weapons and boons you select. Higher level floors are challenging and fun. Enjoyed collecting different charms and animals even though i was only able to collect 2 before beating the game,

This game would be one of my top ten Rogue like if more areas and characters were added. The limitation of 2 characters really doesn’t allow for any replay value unless you need to collect and unlock everything, I am usually a person that like to collect everything and get all achievements but didn’t feel the need to replay the game after 16 hours to collect a few more animals, a few weapons, and one more achievement.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Guild of Ascension on Steam



I had this game in my backlog for a while before playing it, and I would say I enjoyed the overall experience. The setting (Steampunk mythological Greece) is very charming, the characters are simple but likeable, the story can take unexpected turns and even in my 4th run through the “branching storyline” I was finding places I imagined only existed “in lore”, and the battle system could often lead to bombastic combos where using positioning properly could make the difference between taking out 5 enemies in a turn or losing turn 2.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game


I got my copy of the game free and early. I don’t know the devs though I have met one of them and one of his friends is one of my friends and they knew that I liked games in this genre, so I was asked to play through the game for compatibility/bugs.


  • Scarce on animations and lots of re-used art in general.

  • Too few character abilities spread across to much game; not enough incentive to play levels and progress once you’ve unlocked the main abilities you’re interested in.

  • Branching story felt unnecessary; would’ve preferred linear story rather than hearing about the same things over and over.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

Hellenica on Steam

Irongrave Tactics

Irongrave Tactics

-This store page will continue to be updated as the game is developed-

The Emperor has decreed the Irongrave is ready - the tournament shall begin.

Recruit a team of gladiators and compete against friends and AI enemy teams in tournaments in the Irongrave, with tactical turn-based combat.


A tournament in Irongrave starts with you recruiting a team of 5 heroes - however you must pick from 10 randomly generated units - meaning you must be flexible and adaptable to win, rather than just being able to rely on a favorite strategy.

In-between tournament matches you have the chance to heal your heroes wounds, buy magic items, level up your heroes to improve specific stats and abilities and more.


Over 18 different classes, ranging from melee Fighters, quick Monks, and powerful Wizards - to Necromancers able to detonate the fallen bodies of friends and foes.

Barbarian - Brash melee warriors able to charge enemy lines with high HP to tank hits, but low armor leaving them vulnerable to enemy status effects

Sorcerer - Ranged magic users that can deal damage in a wide area and set enemies on fire

Blood Mage - Magic users able to pull blood from enemies to heal themselves and shoot their own blood into allies - healing them at a cost of their own HP

Fighter - Melee heroes with high armor and consistent damage, able to keep enemies nearby

Necromancer - Magic users able to summon the dead, their Detonate Corpse ability makes them very powerful at the end of a round

Storm Mage - Ranged magic users focusing on AoE attacks with effects to slow and push enemies

Details on more classes to come…


Combat is quick paced and tactical - you will need to out-think and out-strategize your opponents, either AI teams or friends over Steam.

Many attacks inflict powerful status effects - from slowing enemies, preventing healing or stunning them. Each unit has a magic and physical armor value that protects them from these effects as long as that armor remains. Inflicting such status effects and keeping your own units safe is a major part of a winning strategy

Irongrave Tactics on Steam

Jagged Alliance 3

Jagged Alliance 3

Grand Chien, a nation of rich natural resources and deep political divides, is thrown into chaos when the elected president goes missing and a paramilitary force known as “The Legion” seizes control of the countryside. Now, the President’s family has pulled together all their resources, including an arrangement with the powerful Adonis corporation, to hire a group of skilled mercenaries tasked with finding the President and bringing order back to the country.

In Jagged Alliance 3, select from a huge cast of mercenaries all with their own unique personalities, quirks, and backstories. Then go out and explore Grand Chien as you meet new people, earn money, grow your team, and ultimately make your own decisions that will decide the country’s fate.


  • Engage in rich, tactical turn-based combat

  • Recruit from a large cast of unique mercenaries, including many familiar fan favorites

  • Loot, salvage, and customize an arsenal of weaponry and equipment

  • Choose from a wide array of special perks to customize your mercs as they level up

  • Decide the fate of Grand Chien in an open RPG structure

  • Control territory, train the locals, command multiple parties, and defend against enemy forces in an alive, active world

  • Experience the campaign with friends in online co-op mode

Jagged Alliance 3 on Steam

Spacer: Legacies

Spacer: Legacies

This is a fun turn-based, hex-grid ship combat game. The ships are somewhat similar between classes of the same type (they do all come from the same tech background, so I give it a pass) but the story missions themselves are fun, and there’s randomized missions you can take from stations to improve your standing with them, make extra money, and salvage some loot if you’re lucky. Your pilots all come from the story line, so there’s little sense in wandering off the beaten path for more than a few missions until you have all of them. They also come with their own ships, so you’re not scrambling to scrounge up the money for another ship b/c someone invited themselves in! They also level up and get better as they take more jobs, so there’s incentive to bring them along.

Real player with 36.0 hrs in game

Fun game, very reminiscent of battletech.

Some suggestions after playing it for a while, though.

  • Add a “Retreat from side quest” option. If I answer a distress call with my two corvettes and a frigate, and I find a convoy defending against four frigates, half a dozen corvettes and a battleship sitting on the gate, I’m going to have to tell the convoy to turn around and go home. Sure, there are some missions worth dying over. Making sure three shiploads of toilet paper make it through pirate space isn’t one of them.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Spacer: Legacies on Steam

Tactics & Strategy Master:Joan of Arc

Tactics & Strategy Master:Joan of Arc

Recommended : Ratings 5/10

Originally this game have a number of instability bugs, but the developer has been actively trying to fix them. I changed the ratings from “Not Recommended 4/10” to “Recommended 5/10” as a result.

This game is in Simplified Chinese only, which is fine with me.

This game is also really fun and has lots of potentials.

However, my main complain is that this game is rather unstable right now. It freezes randomly during long battles, and forces me to restart always. Although this game is interesting, I have not been able to get very far into the game because of the random freezes. I have already wrote a post in the forum, hoping that the developer will fix it.

Real player with 259.4 hrs in game

It is a game with broken dialog yeah but the game play is fun the story once you make sense of it is good. It can be a little bit of a challenge at times. Well even after I figure out how its played it’s all great I love the broken dialog it makes me laugh. I shouldn’t be mean but when I see stuff said wrong but know what they meant it makes it fun for me. My brother saw me play he was like Put Arrows What….. then we both bust out laughing. Please don’t take it to heart creator of the game we know you where trying to make it easy for us. I loved it so yeah I recommend it to others just hope no one is harsh on you game creators. I mean it makes it more fun when you see games like this I mean it from my heart. The leveling system is great so is the idea of leveling the gathering areas to get better stuff. Dungeon play is cool too I have not gotten far enough to where I’ve seen equipment break on you yet but it is over all great loved it. Loved the ideas makes me happy every time I play and at times like this man it makes me so happy.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Tactics & Strategy Master:Joan of Arc on Steam

Fort Triumph

Fort Triumph

For a game in early access I was really impressed with how far along this game is and how smoothly it plays.

The amount of content will keep anyone interested for hours already, and I can’t wait to see what the next few chapters have in store once they’re released, not to mention the replayability once they add the other races properly!

I had only a few criticisms after completing the first couple chapters, and while I have more to say about them below than my positive points I go into detail because I want the game to improve and truthfully, the criticisms were more mild annoyances than glaring problems that would make me stop playing.

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

Times like these are when I wish I could give a ‘meh’ rating. I’m giving a thumbs up because I like the game. But this a hard, hard sell.

For clarity’s sake, I got this in a humble bundle, so I got it cheap. Despite this, in some way I feel like I didn’t get a quality product. This is frustrating because there was not a moment with the game I didn’t enjoy, and I’ll probably keep enjoying it. But that’s mostly because of the kind of game player I am, the sort that enjoys a tactical challenge because I find it relaxing.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Fort Triumph on Steam