Vikings: Age Of The Axe

Vikings: Age Of The Axe


Gather warriors, take your weapon and get on your boat to sail through the sea. Choose one of many available locations to raid and go ashore.


Before starting the raid, it is worth sending a patrol to discover the location of enemy troops and buildings. Choose your targets order and plan the battle to minimize losses.


Slash, throw, thrust and chop to win in the deadly combat. Use a variety of weapons, kill quietly or eye to eye and do everything to not be the one left on the ground.


This is the purpose of your efforts - break in, grab everything valuable, loot the dead and burn what you can’t take with you. Exchange gathered wealth for better equipment, skilled people and get ready for further battles.

Read More: Best Tactical Souls-like Games.

Vikings: Age Of The Axe on Steam

Externus: Path of the Solari

Externus: Path of the Solari


Externus: Path of the Solari is a character-driven tactical roleplaying game (RPG) adapted from an original tabletop game. We take inspiration from classic tactical RPGs along with modern game development to craft our own story and give you characters that matter. Our approach is designed to allow you to get to know the characters in your party along with strategic combat in full 3D environments. We encourage party interaction through our campfire scenes and storybook sequences that pay homage to the original tabletop game.


  • Strategic Turn-Based Tactical Combat

  • Full 3D Battlefields

  • Character-Driven Story

  • Storybook Choose Your Own Adventure Sequences

  • Death Matters, Each Ally You Lose Will Change Your Story

  • Unique Full-Color Artstyle

  • Based On An Original Tabletop RPG

We’re currently expecting to launch the game in the Summer of 2021.


Externus: Path of the Solari features classic turn-based gameplay. Our battles will take place in full 3D battlefields that allow you to rotate the camera a full 360 degrees. Our character-driven story will be told using those battlefields alongside interactive story sequences featuring custom artwork. You can traverse our world using a map that highlights the two distinct continents that make up the world of Externus. The world map features unique artwork inspired by early cartography.

Externus: Path of the Solari uses a turn-based battle system that takes advantage of our full 3D battlefields to make sure you can see all angles of the battlefield. This will help you weigh all your options from a tactical standpoint. The detailed battlefields feature elevation and other tactical landscapes to use to your advantage when facing your opponent. Sometimes it’s just easier to push someone off a cliff, right? Your choices make all the difference in combat.

Our goal for the battle system in Externus: Path of the Solari is to challenge the player so that they feel accomplished in defeating their foes. You should think about the risks and rewards of bringing certain characters and using their specialized abilities. Your actions and choices matter. Think about the world in terms of fate. Was it fate that a character died? Was it a punishment from the gods or just a mistake caused by an error in tactics? Death will be permanent in Externus, how will you react? Let the story play out and see how a character’s death affects those who knew them both in positive and negative ways. Maybe it’ll even send a ripple effect out into the world!

Externus: Path of the Solari is a storybook brought to life and your actions on and off the battlefield can change the pages as they’re presented. This goes back to our tabletop roots of wanting to tell a collective story that changes based on the players around the table.

#### Story

The world of Externus: Path of the Solari was crafted through years of playing the tabletop game and was a world created with friends. Fate plays a large role in our world as the balance between order and chaos is constantly shifting. We find ourselves in a time where two Gods have been slain by a powerful unknown enemy. Was fate in play here or did the Gods' time end before it was supposed to? Can even the Gods escape Fate or will the world be plunged into chaos?

The story of Externus: Path of the Solari follows Osmund Steele and his sons Alrik and Amante as they travel through the continents of Alcretia and Katrona. Osmund is part of an order known as the Soldat Solari, a tradition he intends to pass down to his sons, that is tasked with keeping balance and order throughout the world of Externus. Our story begins as we follow the Steele family and their companions on their way toward the town of Zyais when they run into unexpected trouble from a mysterious group known as The Monotheists. This group of zealots is led by a man named Gabriel who has a history with Osmund and the Soldat Solari. Was it fate that brought them together on this day? Was it the will of the gods? With Gabriel in the picture and rumors swirling of a larger threat, known only as The Abomination, the Steele family will have a lot of roadblocks in their way as they try to keep the balance of the world from shifting into chaos. Will your choices balance things or plunge them further into chaos? What does Fate have in store for you and your companions? Death matters in the world of Externus and losing an ally can change the story.

About Winterborn

Winterborn was formed by Kent Gambill in November of 2018 to make a tactical role-playing game set in a world he created over 15 years ago as a tabletop game. The studio was founded alongside Moudy Hamo, Jack Steele, Stephen Boilegh, and Trevor Osz to make a game using their unique skills.

As a studio, Winterborn was formed to adapt the original tabletop game that the team played for many years into a video game. We all have fond memories and a lot of stories to tell about our time playing the game. Now is our chance to tell those stories and make the kind of games that we grew up playing.

Read More: Best Tactical Class-Based Games.

Externus: Path of the Solari on Steam

Sweeping the Ruins

Sweeping the Ruins

Good Game, First boss was good, but second one was even better.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tactical Mystery Dungeon Games.

Cheese to meet you

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Sweeping the Ruins on Steam

Thunder Tier One

Thunder Tier One

Thunder Tier One offers real-time tactical action in which you directly control the team leader of a four person squad. You can customize many of the details of the squad before you enter the mission, by spending your budget on silencers, grenades, flash-bangs, breaching charges, etc.

There is an element of stealth that you can take advantage of but don’t expect a very nuanced AI - on either side. The AI does a decent job of responding to sound and sight but its shortcomings become apparent in the little details: taking cover on the wrong side of an object, jiggling around when they get stuck on a piece of the terrain. Usually your AI teammates do what you tell them - just not in the way you want. A good example of this is movement; I cannot find a way to get your squad to move slower than full speed which makes it hard to do sneaky things when you are close enough to the enemy.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Feels like a fantastic blend of SOCOM, Doorkickers, and Insurgency. A few things need ironing out, but the core gameplay is great fun and (on realism mode) very punishing. Once mod support is opened up, it will get even better. A few things I noticed during my few hours so far:

  • Camera controls are not as bad as others make them sound, they just take a bit of getting used to. The camera itself could use a little fine-tuning though. Multiple times I had my camera blocked by something (like a crane), or I was getting shot from a spot that was very hard to see. I’m sure it will get better with patches.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

Thunder Tier One on Steam

Drone Swarm

Drone Swarm

Not really swarming with fun…

I like the upgrading of your ship and all the new abilities that you acquire, and I like the graphics too… and the gimmick in the main-menu is fun to play with for all of 2 minutes… but yeah man, other than those points, I just didn’t really find the game to be fun. I mean, it’s certainly not anti-fun or a fun-vampire at all, but I just kinda found myself plodding along doing mission after mission and watching cinematics for a story that I didn’t really care for. But the game is pretty high quality and it certainly has a lot of redeeming qualities so I’ll give it a recommended. I do however think the $25 price tag is slightly too high and the fact that the game has the Deadnuvo virus is almost enough basis on its own to not recommend the game… guess I’m feeling generous today, but seriously: Deadnuvo is a bag of Meekrob..

Real player with 111.7 hrs in game

**This is an excerpt of my much more detailed review and analysis, that you can find here (ENG & DE) and also as Video below.

| Visit and maybe follow my curator page, to get more detailed reviews |

Opinion and conclusion**

Drone Swarm has a very original and unique concept that can be really fun if you like the setting and controls. The drone controls are usually very catchy and the fights are strategically scattered between easy and super tricky. But here you sometimes wonder if you could get some additional explanations.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Drone Swarm on Steam

Manual Intervention VR

Manual Intervention VR

While it has to be said that ‘Manual Intervention VR’ is little more than a modern-day asteroid clone I still found myself enjoying it. There is a certain playability about it even if those interactions are basic at best. The controls are pretty basic as well, one controller to aim ad fire the missiles and the other to spin/rotate the planet. I have to say rotating it too fast does lead to a touch of nausea, but nothing too bad. Sure, the graphics are adequate at best, but what do you want for just £2.09? For that price, you get a pretty good arcade-style game that retro fans will love and there is even a touch of the anime graphical novel thrown in for good measure. While not exactly original it’s still pretty great fun for a cheap price.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Great game, easy to pickup.

Missile command vibe.

Its £2 for 4 to 5 hrs.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Manual Intervention VR on Steam

Now There Be Goblins

Now There Be Goblins

Hordes of goblins are coming your way and you’re the only thing standing between them and total destruction of your kingdom. Use your mighty hammer or use your arsenal of structures to fend them off.

Smack, bash and stomp the goblins with your mighty blacksmiths hammer, and see them flying. Fight your way through the hordes to find the source of these pesky beasts.

Cannons, barricades, poison, traps, huge piercing bolts and much more are at your disposal. Place them anywere you desire and find out which spots wreak the most havok. Observe, learn and change your strategy to find new ways to take advantage of your structures.

Use anything you can find to dispose of these vile goblins: grab a torch, use dynamite, throw a bottle or destroy the entire bridge! You can even grab their weapons to use against them. Or simply use your massive chained hammer to stomp and bash them back.

Put on your VR headset and get ready for hours of smacking and smashing, however be aware, the goblins keep coming back with new surprises. Attempt more levels and higher difficulties, discover badass structures and unlock unique upgrades, to ultimately defeat all the goblins once and for all!

Now There Be Goblins on Steam

Rushaug: Project Emerald

Rushaug: Project Emerald

The free world is threatened by a tyrannical empire looking to unite the stars under a single voice. The Sayari System is under invasion, and the Colorsky Star Force (CSF), a joint military alliance is fighting to defend the capital from being grasped by the mighty Dekenzia Major Allegiance (DMA). In the middle of this conflict is Rushaug, an elite soldier operating behind enemy lines, gathering critical information, all while sabotaging the enemy from the inside. His accomplishments does not go unnoticed, and he is quickly building a reputation after he defeats DMA’s greatest operative; Ridley Wesker. The DMA is determined to stop the threat, prompting Zargasso to dispatch additional forces to hunt down and eliminate Rushaug. Unknownly, Rushaug is about to meet his equal; Red Nuke.

Suspicious activity has been observed on the cold planet Snotikia. Why is the enemy conducting missile tests on a foreign planet? Rushaug is sent to investigate.

  • EXPLORE a vast spectrum of planets adapting from cold tundras to arid deserts.

  • INFILTRATE hostile settlements ranging from remote outposts to enormous spacestations.

  • ENGAGE in combat against enemies such as the skilled infantry of the DMA, experienced guerrilla fighters on planet Ecuador, or take on the feared Bolse Death Squadron. The game puts huge emphasis on gunplay, and realistic bullet velocity, so it is all about quick reactions.

  • COLLECT intel to reveal new locations and gun schematics to unlock 40+ different weapons to choose from.

  • UNCOVER the truth about Project Emerald and save the free world from a nuclear holocaust.

Rushaug: Project Emerald has been a passion project for more than eight years. It is a dream come true to have you view this page right now. If you’re passionate about stealth games, shooters, and platformers, and happen to like cats as well, I think you’re going to like this experience very much.

Rushaug: Project Emerald on Steam

Across the demon realm

Across the demon realm

This is an enjoyable luck-based game in my opinion, and here is why:

Sure, this game may seem like the broken wheel of an Oregon Trail carriage, but there is still some fun to be had! One run, things could go smoothly, to game-over just like that, or you could have a bad run where you manage to survive long enough to see the end. All-in-all, this is seen as a more hardcore version of Oregon Trail, so if you like luck, un-fair situations, and many retries, this is the game for you.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Do not buy this game. No, seriously, I know it looks cool with its gorey, retro pixelart aesthetic, and it’s Oregon Trail homages, but this game simply is not winnable. It tricks you right out of the gate with talent picks that make it seem like you have some choice in victory, but the RNG will simply deviate around your picks to ensure your survivors die quickly and often. Parts of this game are likewise downright broken, make zero sense, or add nothing to the game whatsoever, an the price tag attached is absurd. This is, at best an $11 title, and that’s if everything worked as intended, but it doesn’t and given there is somehow already a sequel available, it’s unlikely this will ever be addressed. I streamed this for over an hour and if you’d like to see the result of that fruitless endeavor, I invite you to watch here;

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Across the demon realm on Steam

Combat Cycle

Combat Cycle

My final review will be mixed

if you want a game to slaughter anybody in your way for fun to take mind off, off things its great for that

BUT i dont recommend it if you just got some money and decided to buy a game i recommend this if you bought other game and got some money in your wallet left

the mechanics arent great and graphics neither but considering this was probably made by 1 person its amazing

its not that great but good as a go to after rage quit game

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

amazing graphics and generally good gameplay but the UI and the keys needs a lotta fix. Still, worth it for the price.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Combat Cycle on Steam