

A few months ago, my roommates got me hooked on the physical version of this board game, and we absolutely couldn’t get enough. As a Birthday gift, a friend sent me a copy of the digital game we’d all been contemplating getting. After playing a few rounds online, including crossplaying with friends on mobile, I can say this is one of the best digital board games I’ve found to date.

The campaign is realistically just more Sagrada for you to play, but some of the later boards do have some difficult to navigate board/color situations that no one would normally pick, leading to the player having to take interesting and unique lines they wouldn’t normally while playing with friends.

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tabletop Logic Games.

This is both an excellent game and an excellent development! No bugs whatsoever, which is a very rare find these days. Congrats to the developers! :-)

It has a good Tutorial and lots of solo content through a Campaign Mode or Solo Mode.

The Campaign is very well designed. It also works as a simple and inviting way to learn more advanced strategies. I learned about all its features by playing it this way. You can replay it as many times as you want and you get rewarded by that. Upper levels get unlocked only after achieving certain goals.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Sagrada on Steam

Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Best simulator for playing board games on a tabletop with people.

Best simulator for playing

Best simulator for board

Best simulator for games

Best simulator for table

Best simulator for top

Best simulator for people.

Real player with 315.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tabletop Multiplayer Games.

Stupidest value purchase imaginable for anyone who’s a fan of any board game. Cheaper than any single board game and it’s an infinte amount, that’s scripted, requires no set up, clean up or local friends. What more could you ask for?

Real player with 313.1 hrs in game

Tabletop Simulator on Steam

Galaxy Trucker: Extended Edition

Galaxy Trucker: Extended Edition

I’d recommend this game but with a few caveats. I’d encourage the developers to patch it with a couple of things:

Some of the missions are buried in the game in a way that could have just little more convenience built in to finding them. There are even dialogue boxes that say for the player, “I thought I was done with the campaign.” Kind of cute. Mostly irritating.

The more difficult missions, especially the big race, are so difficult that they are likely to be redone. Please don’t make a player click fifty times through the same flavor text every single time the mission is reset. That’s a mid-90s rookie mistake in any game design–like the long cut scene that can’t be skipped. Do it once, give us our laugh, and then let get about the business grinding away at a nearly impossible mission.

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tabletop Space Games.

Great, great conversion from the board game. This is one of those board games that was looking for the perfect digital adaption and they nailed. I only wish they didn’t TAKE SO LONG to make it playable on my OS, and that my version wasn’t still in the habit of making all my options on the home screen come up with a question “Do you want to quit?”. That is some serious glitch. Every time I come back to the home screen I’m forced to quit the game if I want to do anything because I have to restart it to use any option on the homepage. Other than that the game is free of glitches, and just excellent on every level. I want different musical options too, though I’ll probably not use any of them much. Another expansion would be good too, but the included one still has me busy :)

Real player with 39.6 hrs in game

Galaxy Trucker: Extended Edition on Steam

Twilight Struggle

Twilight Struggle

I’m coming up to 1000 hours of online play over a twelve month period. Despite the lack of support from Playdek, this is a great game well worth buying. Hands down, one of the best strategy games ever released.

This is an excellent port of the boardgame and is the better alternative for frequent play. I save my hard copy for special occassions because this is just so convenient. Set up and play are a snap. AN entire game can run in just under an hour. Even better, it functions well on tablets so you can play in bed or generally while relaxing. Much better than being stuck in front of a desk or laptop.

Real player with 1304.9 hrs in game

I’m going to write two reviews, one for fans of the board game of which this is an adaptation, and one for people who have no experience with TS at all.

If you have never played TS before, I highly recommend you play against a human opponent (preferably one who is a competent player) before you try going up against the AI. You’ll have a few moments of fun, for sure, and if that’s all you’re looking for you would probably get a better value for your money elsewhere. But in the process of having that fun against the AI, you’ll learn all kinds of bad habits which, ultimately, will make you a worse TS player. I recommend definitely should NOT buy this game UNLESS you have a friend to play against, but if you do, then I think you SHOULD consider buying it.

Real player with 144.6 hrs in game

Twilight Struggle on Steam

Evolution Board Game

Evolution Board Game

UPDATE I no longer work for Northstar. This review should be considered to be for the first year of the game.

So up front… I worked on this game. I want to be super clear about that. (In case you can’t tell by me having more hours logged in it than it’s been out in the wild.

So why review. Well obviously I want the game I worked on to do well… but there is more than that.

For those who don’t know, Evolution was a table top board game first and has been for years. It was one of my earliest modern board gaming experiences and I still love to break it out and play it. The constant evolution of strategies and plays with the traits that can be played makes the game very replayable.

Real player with 967.7 hrs in game

I’m definitely addicted to this one. Good game balance, I never feel like any build is just too powerful. Challenging AI. Cute/Beautiful art. Fun facts. Satisfying sound effects; glad I can turn the music off without turning them off (though the music is good to).

I assume you could unlock brutal mode right away but playing through the campaign on both difficulties has been both an enjoyable difficulty progression and given me plenty of content to consume. Especially with the fun of trying to unlock sketches. But Darwin gets super annoying on the second go through.

Real player with 99.7 hrs in game

Evolution Board Game on Steam

Fated Kingdom

Fated Kingdom

So, I have 60+ hours in on this game and I have to say, it’s been a lot of fun. I started streaming Fated Kingdom over a month ago. Since then I have made some new friends and discovered a whole new affection for board games.

Yes, there are things worth discussing, like the interpretation from Russian to English. There are also some phrasing or wording points that may seem unclear at first. Reaching out to the developers has helped a lot. The developers are still very active in the games development. From bug fixes to Rule updates. And they are quick to respond to questions on Steam and Discord.

Real player with 94.5 hrs in game

Fated Kingdoms is a promising game. Visually it looks great the artwork is stunning and the design of the game board/ dice/ tokens is fitting and of equally high quality.

Mechanic/rule wise the game is a bit lacking, the rules (in the English version) are very poorly explained, it is clear that English is not the primary language of the developer. Most of the times this is a mild annoyance but certain sections can be undecipherable leading to serious interpretation issues. Another problem is the lack of a clear objective. I understand that the rules are meant to be open and flexible but giving at least a few good suggestions for winning conditions is very relevant for new players, without them it just feels unrewarding.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Fated Kingdom on Steam

Talisman: Digital Edition

Talisman: Digital Edition

Digital edition of classic fantasy RPG board game, Talisman. If you know the board game and like it, think no more, you need this.

..what if you don’t know Talisman? I still recommend it!

Heed this, though: old school board games tend to have different sensibilities than modern digital games and it may be bit too random for your taste. If you can’t stomach being on top of the world only for your game to be turned into ashes in your mouth because of no fault of your own or genius of your opponents, but rather pure chance of bad dice rolls… This may not be for you.

Real player with 157.2 hrs in game

TL;DR: Ignore the meta-critic score; ignorant reviewers shouldn’t be allowed to review games.


Talisman: Digital Edition is an amazing adaptation of the original boardgame. I could write several pages about why this game is enjoyable to play, but there are a million reviews that can give you that. Instead, let me explain why all of the negative reveiwers are wrong:

1 - Most of the negative reviewers can’t read. I don’t know how to put this politely, but it seems that 9/10 of the negative reviews I see about this game come down to the fact that the reviewer didn’t understand how a certain card or area worked. For example, they’ll say things like, “I couldn’t use my Psionic Blast card in the middle of combat????”" … when the card clearly states when you can use it. I’m sorry, but if you can’t even read, you shouldn’t be reviewing games.

Real player with 147.9 hrs in game

Talisman: Digital Edition on Steam

Longsword - Tabletop Tactics

Longsword - Tabletop Tactics

If you like tabletop tactical battle gaming you really should try the free demo and see what you think.

There are currently 243 units / equipment / spells / and structures in the game , spread out among 6 factions (and a small group that are neutral). These all cost a certain amount of mana to play. You gain a certain amount of mana per turn with ways of increasing the amount. You create your 20 card deck / warband from up to two factions (and nuetrals), while a percentage of which needs to come from the main faction you choose.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Well, i am really exited with this GEM. Where to start? or how to define it?, simply, it is the box of dreams i ever wished to have at hand.

I mean what i said, ever desired to have a tabletop to enjoy my own battles with figurines, against a decent AI, but never expected one with so amazing graphics and so easy to manage.

Of course it is an early acces yet, with some bugs, but also playable now, got lot of content, medieval-fantasy by now, but much more will be added as said the Dev.

The Units are reallly well done, not just passed they are beautifull, Orcs smell as orcs and looks like to be really fear (to describe just one class of army, there are many mores by now, Dwarves, elven, Humans, undeads, etc…). So plenty of diferent units classes and razes. Each sceneray, even done by someone so Clunsy as i am, with a minimun of time can look amazings. And when i say a minimun mean right that, few times before i found a so friendly editor as the one incorporated with the game, you can not only made skirmish or storyline battles, just link them into any campaign map your imagination could create.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Longsword - Tabletop Tactics on Steam

Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis

Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis

A very faithful implementation of the original board game, which is a Eurogame by design with a historical ACW theme tagged on it. The game does have a decent AI and can be played solitaire as a result. Statistics on your own profile is available and so you can track your own performance vs. the AI. The only downside is the program still has a bug, freezing the solitaire game play from time to time and it seems Playdek was not aware of the issue. The multiplayer is easy to set up and game with score, measuring how you fare against others. However, there is no world ranking in the game, and different level of AI there is not. You can get notification in email when it is your turn in a game with another. A chat room is available but most of the time it is dormant. There is an alternate mapboard to give the game a variant, non-location look but I doubt people to use such a boring map. The gameplay is abstract and there is no manual inside the game or here on the Steam. You have to download it from the boardgame publisher GMT, as long as you are aware of it. This is absolutely a minor for the newcomer as the game itself is abstract and you are quite probably knowing what you are doing in the first few games. Once you get a hang out of the system, the game is smooth and quick to finish in 10 to 15 minutes. Overall, Fort Sumter is a game of tile-placement competing for control of the areas on the map. Score: 6.5/10.

Real player with 79.0 hrs in game

I’ve been on the road a ton in the past couple of weeks and played the hell out of this. In about 60 offline games and a half-dozen online games I haven’t noted any gameplay bugs or rules/cards implementation problems as noted in another review. The recent AI bugfix improved the AI, and it’s competent enough in a mechanistic sense, but it' still a bit weak against experienced players, especially as it relates to setting things up in terms of the long game and Final Crisis. To be fair, that’s something the many human players don’t grok until they’ve played a while (which I have as an owner of the board game).

Real player with 51.2 hrs in game

Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis on Steam

Gem Master

Gem Master

Space chess against persian robot princes.

It’s a flood filling game. I’ve never seen a competitive version before. I love the atmosphere and no-fuss interface. Each game only takes a minute or two.

The strategy is surprisingly deep. You have to get midfield quick, then strike a balance between containing the AI and claiming space. If you’re too greedy, it will get past you and seize all the territory you couldn’t quite secure.

The hardest opponent is a fun challenge. You have to look ahead on both sides of the board, and weigh quick thin paths against opportunities to advance in multiple places. You can’t both choose the same colour at once, which means you can predict the AI’s move and block it - and it can do the same to you! Then in the next game you get to relax and mindlessly blitz the easy AI.

Real player with 49.8 hrs in game

The update makes the game play more challenging and fun!

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Gem Master on Steam