I Can’t Find Me

I Can’t Find Me

There was an attempt to kill you. You died, but you didn’t die. You lost your soul, but you didn’t!

You’re in a new Form

See the world from a different perspective and figure out your new you, and what it can do. While what happened to you was not easy, but it allowed you to do things that was not possible before you get killed. You could seem like a weak cursed palm! But every curse comes with a gift, and yours’s came with 5!!

Untangle the Story

Search for your remains, while trying to untangle the story behind your mysterious death. Where you are, Why you are here, Who did that to you, and why you didn’t just go on to the afterlife like anyone else.

Survive the Town

Escape anything tries to kill you (again!). And in this town, there is nobody or nothing wants you alive!

After a successful attempt to kill you, you kinda died, but you really didn’t. Your soul still trapped in a a town that you can’t remember visiting. You’r main and only goal is to find out why you came to this place, and what is this place and where is your body’s remains, and why you didn’t die completely, and who killed you. And above all how to fix all that if it’s not too late. Exploring the town, gathering clues, and connecting the dots, is all what’s going to help you getting the full picture.

Read More: Best Survival Horror 3D Games.

I Can't Find Me on Steam



the developer fixed the bugs nice game and finally beat it but i accidentally left my sister behind by accident so i cant say i 100 percented the game but i know i could have, my playthrough should be out this week I am happy was a very enjoyable game thanks

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Action-Adventure Games.

Osylla is a scary game with a powerful message. I love it, even though I have died countless times.

Fun and challenging. For the developer’s first game, it’s a very good product.

I will keep playing it and highly recommend you to give it a chance.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Osylla on Steam

Deadly Forest

Deadly Forest

the game is ok im just wondering why it has a kinda jaws du dum running through it. its free so give it a play. id give this game a ok .

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Gore Games.

This game needs serious work! The atmosphere is quite ok, but the graphics are dull and uneventful. So is the time you spend playing - you sometimes see an undefined creature watching you, but it doesn’t really pose a thread.

The only thing you can do: run around and collect stuff. And sometimes the stuff you find can’t even be taken. The only deadly thing about this forest is dead by boredom.

If my own horror-novel becomes this boring, please shoot me…

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Deadly Forest on Steam

Don’t run out of Soda

Don’t run out of Soda

This game is actually dope as hell!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game



-Funny Man Walk Cycle



-Sound design

-Antagonist AI



-Minimal Tension/Horror

-Poor Game Design decisions

Potential is there, best death screen in horror. Game is unplayable in it’s current state

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Don't run out of Soda on Steam

Family Is Nothing

Family Is Nothing

You don’t know where you are or why, but it feels like it could be home. This woman; you know her, don’t you? But wait, who are you? Everything feels so familiar, but none of it makes sense. And still, there’s something wrong here, like a low hum of warning, droning beneath the eerie silence of this place. Maybe you should leave.

Sometime in the late 1970’s a small, isolated town is plagued by a masked lunatic. You find yourself at the door of a vast home nestled in the mountainous outskirts of the lonely forest surrounding the town. Experiencing a bizarre lapse in understanding, you are left to your own wits to find an answer to a question you don’t even know to ask. Meanwhile, you are being hunted, and perhaps a narrow escape is as good an answer as you are going to find.

  • Immersive first-person exploration

  • No HUD

  • “Implied” inventory that manages itself without needing to sift through clunky menus (simply interact with things of note)

  • Claustrophobic hallways and tight corners

  • Panic room with sealable door for guaranteed safety

  • All original assets and soundtrack, including 4 tracks produced in the style of classic 70’s rock

Family Is Nothing on Steam

An Evil Existence

An Evil Existence

Good horror game except for the weak combat mechanics and lack of control options.

Buy it on sale.


Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I enjoyed the game. I like games that are not necessarily polished - for me, it reflects the beauty of the artist/developer(s) behind the game. The only issue I had really would be, when you hit the “Esc” key, it instantly closes the game. But the game autosave often, so after all, it was not a big issue. I just had to remember not to hit the “Esc” key.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

An Evil Existence on Steam

Hand Simulator: Horror

Hand Simulator: Horror

Played this game in a group of four and had a blast. It is definitely lower quality than original hand sim (not that hand sim is high quality anyways). I had trouble with the mechanics and my scroll wheel was very over reactive, making it even more frustrating when doing tasks that required precision. But as annoying as the game mechanics were, the puzzles were pretty good and it was super fun to play with a group. I recommend if you wanna play a kinda shitty game with friends for laughs.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

The game is very cool but it has some bugs that make the game barely playable. When I move the mouse just a bit too fast the screen lags out for a second, making it very hard to look around. Also items sometimes bug in the ground and you can easily lose them. If those bugs were to be fixed I would definitely recommend the game.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Hand Simulator: Horror on Steam



So many good scares in this and i really enjoyed some of the puzzles, my voice acting could have been better but still i had fun with this one :) the prison is terrifying btw!

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Good game. Interesting story line. Would recommended.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game




i know this game is not all that good but its cause there was not enough added Yet so in the future i hope this game is improved in the future to be perfect cause i honestly i this game is pretty good for a game also good for small kids to learn a small bit just my opinion

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

A pretty decent game I’d say. Got it during a big sale so the price is okay. The graphic is not bad though. It’s like looking under the microscope, watching viruses and immune system fight each other in a cool fun way. In the past I only read it from biology textbooks and had to imagine how things play out. The game has 3 types of virus, 30 levels (6 stages) and about 16 different upgrades available. Strangely, is it just me or is the way infected cells pop and explode to unleash viruses has a satisfying feel to it. Hmmm….

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Infectious on Steam



EDIT: Alright so I just replayed this game TWICE and have to say the majority of all my problems were completely fixed.

I found about 2 new bugs, neither of which were game breaking and I don’t doubt the Dev will fix it as he does really care about this game.

Give this game a shot, it’s well worth it and if I can beat it before the update and twice after so can you.

LOVE THIS GAME, Try it now! I’ll add a link to my new playthrough when I get it uploaded soon.

New Playthrough as promised:


Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

I love this game although at moments it touched a rage nerve lol. But it is great! Good atmosphere but the one thing I will touch on is the fact when you die it sends you back to the start which is really frustrating for me and probably others. But all in all a great game:) Check my playthrough and I got the bad ending so must get the good ending now:) Well doen Dev..I look forward to your next game:)


Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Krakatoa on Steam