Strobophagia | Rave Horror

Strobophagia | Rave Horror

Okay, to start off, I really think this game is awesome. It’s got an interesting premise and a great atmosphere.

However, in it’s current state, it feels a little… lacking in some of the plot elements, especially towards the end. It is also a short game, and a little pricey for the length.

BUT, I believe that the potential in this game is very high, and that is what keeps me closely invested in this game’s development.

I just can’t recommend Strobophagia to the average player at it’s current stage. I’m leaving a negative review because I don’t want the average player to have a bad time because the game didn’t live up to their expectations. I will update this review(or make a new one) once the game gets smoothed out a little bit.

Real player with 36.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Choices Matter Games.

This game is amazing! I had to review it do to people giving it down rated reviews. I dont think thats entirely fair. The game is absolutely beautiful and it will run on anything. The sounds are great, the music is amazing and very industrial rave. The lighting is incredible, the game gets VERY scary at times and there is always a looming fear hanging over you at every turn. The game also has SO much potential. Ive only played it though once at the time of this post but i plan on replaying it again and again. I understand that 2.2 hours for a playthough is a bit short, and i hope they plan on adding more content, different endings, and things to do. However this game should get an up vote. If they added nothing to the game, the value would actually still seem fair to me. Give it a try, and if you feel its not full enough, maybe give it some time to build before down voting it as that can actually kill a great game, and this is indeed a great game. If you agree with me and want to see this game going strong, give it an up vote!

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Strobophagia | Rave Horror on Steam



  • visual: 9/10

  • audio: 10/10

  • gameplay: 8/10

  • narrative: 9/10

  • challenge: 9/10

  • replayability: 8/10

  • value: 9/10

  • personal grade: 9/10

  • was it scary? yes +1


  • immersive atmosphere and worldbuilding

  • challenging, thought provoking puzzles

  • engaging narrative with deep lore

  • tension building save system

  • great music and sound design

  • humble price point


  • hard difficulty curve (not a con, but not for everyone)

  • clunky combat

total score: 9/10

Please watch the full review at

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Action-Adventure Games.

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #142 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“It’s Not Much of A VICTOR-Y, I Know-”


You assume the role of Victor, who hopes to find a miracle cure to his wife- Alissa’s terminal illness. As if their prayers had been answered- an Earl by the name of Edmond asserts of a panacea for the right price and gauges their certainty of intentions. To which they desperately accept the offer and travel to Grau Hill Mansion where everything they’ve known quickly fades~

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Lamentum on Steam



This game is beautiful and has an awesome concept. The music, visuals and all are just amazing, but I do have a list here with the problems I have that can potentially fix this.

-Better Key placement like E, Enter, the use of the mouse and mouse wheel for combat, as for the combat system is hard to use against the enemies.

-Shorter Intro just so we can start the game faster.

-Allow us to skip scenes.

-Allow us to save early in the game.

-The block that acts as a platform needs a bit of a speed up.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Cyberpunk Games.

It’s free so give it a try, but definitely has some issues.


  • unique style and story

  • somewhat unique gameplay

  • atmosphere


  • controls are not terrible but not the best

  • subtitles (translations are far from perfect, but understandable)

  • played half an hour and then quit, wanted to continue and had to restart the game because apparently it didn’t save

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Ha_Bits on Steam

Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition

Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition

Should This Life Sometime Deceive You, Be Strong!

Yuppie Psycho. It’s a horror adventure game made by Baroque Decay that developed The Count Lucanor. Yuppie Psycho has a different background to this developer’s previous work, The Count Lucanor, but its unique vibe is quite similar each other. So if you’ve already enjoyed their games previously, you will be satisfied with this game as well. Of course, new users can start with Yuppie Psycho first. The player becomes a new employee of Sintracorp, one of the world’s largest companies, and is tasked with hunting the witches who threaten his company. But as the story unfolds, the hidden secrets of this huge company are revealed one by one. In this game, unique pixel artworks & animations with its horror vibe are impressive. And it’s also worth noting that Garoad, who was responsible for the OST of Va-11 Hall-A in relation to the soundtrack, joined Yuppie Psycho.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

I knew this job offer was too good to be true.

We are all afraid of something, whether it be what you can run into everyday or something that is only possible in media. Clowns, zombies, bugs, ghosts, being stalked or spied on, darkness, the unknown, and so on. Although, dread can set in with the seemingly simplest of things like speaking to new people, public speaking (even if it’s like a fraction of a class size), or going into your first job. Despite how much someone hypes themselves up to prepare, it always creeps back.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition on Steam

The Hungry One

The Hungry One

The Hungry One is a combination of horror and drama about loneliness and its consequences.

You are a young scientist. Your task is to do experiments to explore a unique virtual environment.

Another ordinary day, yet another experiment that is pretty much the same as all the previous ones. Or is it..? This time, everything goes sideways. Why has the virtual world changed so much? Who is this little girl, and what’s dog is she talking about? Now you have to deal with what is happening and answer all these questions.

Key features:

  • A tricky mystical story

  • Multiple/secret endings

  • Random events

  • Puzzles

  • Unusual visual style

The Hungry One on Steam

Lighthouse Keeper

Lighthouse Keeper

This is not a game but rather a narrated story from the life of a lonely lighthouse keeper. You get to follow his actions, thoughts and obsessions. The narrator’s voice expresses how it feels to be stuck in constant solitude quite well. You can also feel the nervous tension and a slight bit of insanity caused by the endless loop of mundane tasks. The music and the sounds complete the unsettling atmosphere, the writing is good, and the visuals are unique. It’s short, takes about 10 minutes to finish, but still offers an interesting experience. I really like it. :)

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

A short, narrative-driven title with a pretty cool art style.

This is more of a visual novel than a game, as there are only two simple interactive moments mixed in with the narration. What you do or don’t do in those moments is what lands you one of two different endings.

The voice acting is really good, in my opinion. The actor successfully conveys a feeling of obsession, mental exhaustion, and a touch of madness. Music and sound effects are also good, and add to the bleak, lonely atmosphere.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Lighthouse Keeper on Steam

The secret of the stone

The secret of the stone

So here I go I know the game is very cheap but in the house and outside there was no ambience it was just a quiet game all the way through, some parts where to dark to even see even with the candles on the ground.

I didn’t get to see some of the parts of the game from the screenshots because I couldn’t figure out what to do after putting the candles in the right rooms.

I tried turning of the lights after that to see if that would do anything.

I managed to find a key and I used it on the garage door it unlocked but still couldn’t open the door I think you have to solve the riddle before you can open the door, I had some idea what the answer was but didn’t how to go about it.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Played on Linux using Proton-GE, Video Files, Another UT Engine Horror Game using same pre-made Source code and assets as most other 1 man band game dev.

The normal bad lighting Game, most of the time just darkness and you cannot see at all and then when there is light it’s to bright, Graphics sub-par, Sound very very minimal as mostly no sound, Game play bad as i said it’s mostly to dark to see, and door problems because of bad mapping/placement, and i don’t think this is a Horror Game as i found nothing scary when playing as much as i could, Not Recommended.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

The secret of the stone on Steam

The Trap

The Trap

I really enjoyed playing this game, it definitely reminded me of the game called ‘Darkwood’, the environment was very good plus the sound effects made it more creepy, all the mechanics were neat, I like that it’s a bit randomized everytime you play, and it’s pretty well balanced, after playing for a while you can easily understand the route and the mechanics, definitely worth a try.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Interesting and atmospheric indie game) quite challenging and scary too =) Just what i enjoy a lot! Many thank to developers, keep going guys!

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

The Trap on Steam

A Way To Be Dead

A Way To Be Dead

Like many other asymmetricals, this game HAS potential, but it’s plagued with the typical issues and problems that most of these games start off with. Let’s start off talking about both the good and bad parts of this game.

The game has atmosphere, looks great, and has a gameplay loop that once honed in with regular updates could be a polished piece of work. It looks like an Outlast multiplayer game, and feels as such. The animations are very indie, and I hope to see this stuff improved over time. Sound Design is okay, but REALLY should be looked at and improved (those survivor screams are very silly, better themed music, and more atmospheric sounds would really amp up the map more.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

(7 hours played)

What I like:

  • The developers are constantly taking in suggestions and keeping us updated in the Discord.

  • The atmosphere of the game is really nice! I’m excited to see the new maps that will be added soon.

  • The game is unique enough to not be a Dead by Daylight copy. People will always associate asymmetric horror with DBD but it’s not.


  • The killer is still pretty strong but they’re working with the community to make it feel more balanced.

  • Theirs not many people playing but it’s in beta. Also, the community is really nice so far.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

A Way To Be Dead on Steam



Following the death of her mother, Risu Ishikawa goes to live with her estranged father, but her new home holds a dark, cosmic presence.

In this short-form, atmospheric, survival horror game, players guide Risu with traditional platformer controls to escape an ever-changing liminal space. While hiding from grotesque monsters you must find items and solve puzzles to find your way out of the nightmare befallen you.


  • A dark, character-focused narrative

  • Old-school survival horror puzzles

  • Original soundtrack by KFC Murder Chicks

  • High-detail, Japanese-architecture soaked in CRT fuzz

  • A mysterious and ever-shifting landscape to unravel

  • To the point gameplay and narrative that doesn’t waste your time

Risu on Steam