My Night Job

My Night Job

Cartoon-styled side-scrolling beat’em up game with surprisingly complex and challenging mechanic.

Basically, you’re dropped just outside of some big mansion, filled with respawning monsters and “civilians”, as well as some items you can use as weapons - from umbrellas and chairs to gas baloons and everyone’s favourite - the Chainsaw!

In short, you beat monsters, gather people and led them to rescue (helipads on the edges of the mansion). For each rescue you collect some goodness, like healthkits, guns with ammo etc. After you rescue 100 people, your main goal changing to blow up the mansion, by settling some C4 in the basement. Meanwhile, as you running back and forth through the area, the monsters are growing their numbers, and if they reach some trigger point, they starting to tear the mansion apart - yeah, before you’ll be able to save everyone and leave the place.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror 1980s Games.

If you think I missed something in my review feel free to tell me

My Night Job

My Night Job is a tribute to the classics of horror and is a nice paying occupation if you somehow live through the job. I will add a TL;DR at the end.


My Night Job is fairly simple as your goal is to save 100 survivors from an abandoned mansion as you are also trying to make sure you do not die and hope that the mansion is not destroyed by its monstrous guests. Do this by using various environmental objects to kill the monsters. This is not an easy game by far and there are tributes to classics all around the mansion. The tributes include the different areas of the mansion and six special survivors you can recuse which give you certain bonuses. An example of one of these is the girl from the ring which you can rescue through one of the televisions within the residence.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

My Night Job on Steam

Evil Tonight

Evil Tonight

If Resident Evil Village hadn’t come out in July, Evil Tonight would be my personal Game of the Year. ET is the whole package; excellent art direction, great music, fun characters, and intriguing storyline, and a simple but sweet and satisfying gameplay loop.

Evil Tonight is a kind of survival horror action adventure, just without the horror. Think of it as more of a supernatural survival thriller through a whimsical anime lens, and you’ve got a good idea of what to expect. Sharp writing and clever puzzle design alongside simple but fun combat describe the experience perfectly.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Action-Adventure Games.

This is a wonderfully challenging game. Great spritework, solid animations and character designs to boot. Just bear in mind that all the enemies hit like trucks so do expect to die a lot. The bosses I feel are challenging, but I do think that the stamina system isn’t necessary considering you already need to get close and personal with enemies most of the game if you want to conserve ammunition and you get hurt if you run into enemies anyway. Plus, you don’t deal a whole lot of damage with the knife, so most encounters you should expect to swing at your enemies at least four or five times to take them down at a minimum.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Evil Tonight on Steam

Strange Nightmares

Strange Nightmares

Using a Fnaf inspired time system, this game is all about surviving the night… You wake up to a mysterious voice in the darkness, and enter a world of unknowns, a room full of darkness and doorways that lead to familiar, yet twisted and foreign places. Each with their own horrors that again, feel familiar to you. Armed only with your mind, a flashlight, and a mysterious voice in your head, you must survive the nights and search for a way to escape these nightmares… That is, if nightmares are really all they are.

Read More: Best Survival Horror 2D Games.

Strange Nightmares on Steam

Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse 2

Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse 2

Mr Hopp has returned, or more accurately, arrived and he has brought friends with him.

Like the first game, it’s simple, controls are simple, but the game itself is not as straight forward. There’s more hunting for items involved, secret areas/stages to find, medallions to grab and coins to collect.

Not to mention that not only do you need to avoid Mr Hopp, but we have Mr Stripes and Miss Bo stalking through the orphanage as well.

The medallion stages can be difficult and frustrating at times, but can be completed after a few attempts.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

First one was sooo good! Old school stealth platform horror with amazing visual & audio design.

This continue that in some respect, but increases the difficulty level to a ludicrous degree. I suspect some fans complained the first one was too easy for them, and so they had to ruin it for everyone…

At points it’s very hard to figure out what you are supposed to do, and the timing on, for example, special events are, if it is even possible, beyond punishing. You have to react BEFORE you even know what you are reacting to. I think I tried a certain section 25 times before being able to move on, and even then your heart is racing because the save points are so scarce and you don’t know what is coming up.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2 on Steam

Surprise Party!

Surprise Party!

oh my gosh idk where to start. its creepy and funny and weird and I just freaking LOVE IIITTTTT I HIGHLY recommend this game.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Was only able to suffer through a little over an hour of this. It’s got some good things going for it. I think the music is great and does most of the work to establish the atmosphere where the environments fails to. I think the uncommon enemy designs were solid, one of which being creepy and intriguing enough to get me to push through the vent section. Character designs aren’t dull and most have their own personalities right out the gate

The writing is…eh. The kids' dialogue was good, the adults' nothing special, and the villains often stumbled into vocabulary and phrasing right out of a creepypasta. A lot of clunky, over-establishing plot details without any grounding e.g. “mwahaha we’re going to do X to you” monologuing without any suggestion of expressing motive. It creates narrative dissonance as it’s unable to ingratiate itself with the narrative before their entrance

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Surprise Party! on Steam



I’m a beta tester and I played the game since the first releases.

LOCIS is like a purgatory, a world where the good and the evil are one thing.

Player will catapulted in LOCIS without much explanations and suddenly it will be like being in a dream, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say like being in a nightmare.

Time is an enemy, but it won’t be the only one. Player will be faced with numerous dangers and monstrous entities, so it will not be easy to survive. I found a lot of variety, and even as a veteran, when you’re sure you’re ready for anything, it doesn’t take much to find yourself dying or lifeless.

Real player with 79.0 hrs in game

This game was very interesting to play. This game it’s not like the majority of indie horror games that you can find here in the Steam store, Indie horror games are not very appreciated, due to the way they are made, without any care and attention to detail, realized with Graphic engines that use pre-packaged assets.

Why you should try it:

LOCIS is a very well thought-out game, despite the weight of the game files, it’s a very rich in content, despite being still early acces. The graphics is retro style and reminiscent of the old ps1 titles like Silent Hill, even the soundtrack it’s very well done and effective, very apt with the game, it gives that sort of restlessness and sense of mistery to the player. The game is divided into different areas, generated randomly, the game develops horizontally, you have to go through long and infinite corridors in whick there are many doors on the sides, locked and that can be opened, they contain interacting objects and furniture inside them. Inside them there are notes that are left by travelers of LOCIS, many are notes of mad peoples that have only meaningless or frustrating phrases, while other notes are very useful to understand what are the dangers of the area. In the rooms you can also find two types of keys and blue flames.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

LOCIS on Steam

project BLARI

project BLARI

For a game coded by a single person, Project BLARI is a game that at first, seems to be a simple retro / horror game like any other, but I can tell you it isn’t !

Pros :

  • The Enemies you encounter are easy to predict and counter if you know how to, a brand new player will have some trouble at first but after some playtime, you can basically counter all enemies easily. (this can be a Pro and a Con, depending on personal opinions)

  • The attention to realism is well made ! you can’t just turn your camera and check behind you, your view is represented by Terence ! The LORE of the game only adds up on it, the small details can tell you a lot about the complex story this game has !

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

very old school game with several routes and endings

but watch out its also creepy and spooky

i love that mechanic of spamming a button to run instead of just pressing it, its kinda more stressful in a way which fits the situation

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

project BLARI on Steam



A terrible ancestral prophecy has unleashed total drought in the sacred lands of Huapalli, leaving its inhabitants without water and on the verge of extinction.

Nuez is the only descendant of a marginalized tribe that does not need water to survive, she is the only one who can bring life back to her lands before it is too late.

Enter the beautiful and terrifying world of the abyss that protects a sacred ancestral object. Destroy every life form that is a threat, at long range with your crossbow or tearing your enemies with your bare hands. Search for minerals, food, and items to craft artifacts that give you an edge over your ruthless enemies and battle colossal bosses willing to annihilate you.

Explore a vast and beautiful world: Discover an incredible world full of dangerous enemies and poisonous plants that inhabit the abyss.

Combinable Combat: Destroy your enemies with the power of your crossbow, a sacred weapon created by your tribe. Create devastating new ammo for your weapon and unlock special moves for Nuez tail that will give you the agility and power to achieve your goal.

Executions: Release your anger by tearing your enemies apart in a bloody way with carefully animated executions.

Customize your game mode: Discover and equip yourself with amulets, which will completely change the way you play, acquiring skills that allow you to overcome areas without being seen or destroying everything in your path. Try different combinations to find one that fits your style of play.

Unforgettable battles against colossal bosses: Face impressive colossal bosses animated in pixel art.

Discover unimaginable areas of the abyss: A world of constant rain full of beauty, magic, horror and sadness. You will find really charming, disconcerting and mysterious characters that could help you, or maybe not. An epic unique and unforgettable adventure that will touch each of your emotions.




cool game

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

This game is actually really well made. It’s challenging, fun, and polished. It’s a small game but with a lot of effort and love put in to it

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cavebound on Steam



  • visual: 9/10

  • audio: 10/10

  • gameplay: 8/10

  • narrative: 9/10

  • challenge: 9/10

  • replayability: 8/10

  • value: 9/10

  • personal grade: 9/10

  • was it scary? yes +1


  • immersive atmosphere and worldbuilding

  • challenging, thought provoking puzzles

  • engaging narrative with deep lore

  • tension building save system

  • great music and sound design

  • humble price point


  • hard difficulty curve (not a con, but not for everyone)

  • clunky combat

total score: 9/10

Please watch the full review at

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

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“It’s Not Much of A VICTOR-Y, I Know-”


You assume the role of Victor, who hopes to find a miracle cure to his wife- Alissa’s terminal illness. As if their prayers had been answered- an Earl by the name of Edmond asserts of a panacea for the right price and gauges their certainty of intentions. To which they desperately accept the offer and travel to Grau Hill Mansion where everything they’ve known quickly fades~

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Lamentum on Steam