Rat Prison

Rat Prison

I got this game from a pack of keys, it is very bad. There is no goal is this game. You do the tasks and then you wait for 5 minutes until the day passes. The controls are super annoying, having to use the mouse, WASD and arrows. So in short: Do not buy this, I could honestly make a better game in 2 days.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Dungeon Crawler Games.

Rat Prison is a 2D retro pixel side scrolling adventure game with an unusual premise and an unusual interface. You’re a guard in a dungeon and you have to juggle keeping the lights on, checking on the prisoners, and not being killed by rats.

It’s certainly an interesting premise for the game but the implementation is lacking. You have to use the mouse to play (well, just the mouse wheel, no other functions of the mouse do anything in the game, which is a bizarre and unfun decision), and the keyboard to move left and right. If that sounds like an awkward interface, well, it is.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Rat Prison on Steam

Dismantled 2

Dismantled 2

Dismantled 2 is a survival horror game. It will see new characters involved in the story, 4 years after the events of the first game.

This sequel is also inspired by the old Resident evil games, The Suffering games and by old B-movies. It is built in the Unity 3D engine and is also in first person perspective.

Please be aware that my game is full of shocking content and also contains nudity.

Dismantled 2 aim for a N64 style esthetics, and will be as gory and disturbing as the first game.

Read More: Best Survival Horror FPS Games.

Dismantled 2 on Steam

Agony Online

Agony Online

Agony Online is the world’s first ever mix of MMORPG & Battle Royale on a monumental scale that is made by independent developers that want to play their own game. Players can choose to join Battle Royale, or continue playing the Horror MMORPG. The massive 30 Mile / 48 Kilometer apocalyptic island explodes and burns with hell fire killing 100s of players not quick enough to make it to the safe zones.


Join our Discord and talk to the Dev Team today! https://discord.gg/8sZdvQD


Hell has risen and taken over the world, the last of humanity is in hiding. Your family was killed and your child was tortured to death by demons. Satan then cursed you with immortality so you can never leave this Hell on Earth. You kill yourself, but after dying, you always wake up somewhere else. You find out that you’re a part of a prophecy to team up with others like you to destroy Satan in a final battle to save the world.

Movement Information:

In Agony Online supports both WASD & Point-Click movement, whatever sits your style.

10,000 Player Battle Royale Information:

  • All players that register for Battle Royale are teleported randomly across to a 40km/25mile size Battle Island which slowly explodes and bursts into fire as the island becomes unstable.

  • To get weapons and armor, players kill zombies which drop randomized gear. Alternately, treasure boxes spawn which you can also obtain random weapons/armor.

  • To get higher grade gear, you can either hunt players and steal their loot, or kill bosses which also spawn.

MMORPG Information:

  • Upon launch, level cap will be 30, then as the game progresses with more players, we will raise the level cap as we release more content. PvP will be heavy in this game; guilds can declare war and battle anywhere in the open world. With our World War system, every weekend, all guilds fight over an area in a “King of The Hill” style battle. The winning guild that holds the position wins, that guild controls the tax rate across the world and collects all the tax money.

  • Main Story Line: Your body was dragged from a fire into town, you woke up the next day and went back to search for your family, you found your daughter’s body torn apart with your wife still dying. She points to a hill outside before she dies. Satan murdered your family, when you kill one of his possessed vessels, he laughs and curses you with eternal life - now you wake up somewhere every time you die, never escaping Hell on Earth to be with your dead family. Join others like you to get stronger together and save the world that Satan has taken over in a final battle.

  • Side Quests: Story lines can be very boring, we smash the skip button the moment we see it. In AO, we made quests full of memes and jokes.

  • Maybe a crazy homeless guy with crazy eyes wants to order a pizza with gumballs on it and him and his pet cat discuss bitcoin investments.

Read More: Best Survival Horror Massively Multiplayer Games.

Agony Online on Steam



Your mind is a mess and only a feeling of being hunted remains. You must escape.

Losted is a first person survival horror. A game about immersion, discovery and living through a nightmare. An experience that will chill you to the core.


Losted puts you in a desolate castle, barely remembering anything about your past. Exploring the eerie pathways, you must also take part of troubled memories. The horror does not only come from the outside, but from the inside as well. A disturbing odyssey into the dark corners of the human mind awaits.


By using a fully physically simulated world, cutting edge 3D graphics and a dynamic sound system, the game pulls no punches when trying to immerse you.


Losted throws you headfirst into a dangerous world where danger can lurk behind every corner. Your only means of defense are hiding, running or using your wits.

What’s waiting for you:

Classic Survival Horror gameplay

Multiple Enemies


Crafting Items

Gathering Resources



Collecting items

Losted on Steam

Magic Adventures

Magic Adventures


Real player with 54.4 hrs in game

Magic Adventures is a endless survival clicker game when you fight endless horde of enemy, and get stronger at each run.

Graphics (5.5 / 10) : This part is ok, the graphics are nice, but there only one place (the plain)

Gameplay (4.5 / 10) : Quite simple, but easy, just click to damage the foes, but no special attack or skills …

There different types of enemy, each have it own pattern.

You win gold for upgrade yourself and get stronger (HP, Damage, HP Regen)

The big problem with the game is that you start at lvl 1 at each new run, there no warp system for starting further when you start you become really stronger.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Magic Adventures on Steam

Nightwalker 2

Nightwalker 2

very creative use of perspective in this game. fun short riddles and puzzles that arent too complicated. overall leisurely and atmospheric.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Nightwalker 2 on Steam

Shatter Keep

Shatter Keep

I’m super excited for Freethrow’s first Steam game! Mostly because my friend Myles worked on this game as the Character Artist. I want to do what I can to support them, and I hope they see this review. I haven’t been the greatest friend to them in the past, I’ve made mistakes and I regret a lot, and I’m hoping I can fix that going forward. Here’s to you Myles, and here’s to the rest of the wonderful team at Freethrow, excellent work everyone! I hope this game gets many more positive reviews, and gains a huge following!

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I really like the concept of this game. The killer is fun to play and feels really satisfying when you hunt down your friends, and survivor gameplay is tense for that exact reason.

The game has it’s issues though.

Although scenery goes transparent when walking near it, open doors remain opaque, and standing behind them completely hides your character model, which is one of the only ways to truly avoid the monster.

This is counter intuitive to the intended design, as closing doors are one of the only ways to slow down the monster, however, the door is destroyed when the monster slashes it. It becomes apparent it’s much better to hide your model behind open doors, rather than close it and risk losing it.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Shatter Keep on Steam

Flicker of Hope

Flicker of Hope

I really wish I could recommend this game. There are some very interesting aspects to this game that I’ve never seen before. Unfortunately, however, the gameplay is just too poor to recommend.

First the good: So, the first thing you’ll notice is that the main character design is absolutely adorable and beautifully representative of the themes of light, hope, etc. that is visually expressed throughout Wick. Additionally, the way that Wick and the candles that he lights are the only light in the map (and how the light changes as you sneak and run) and the idea of the light being what leads Sister Mara to you is gorgeous and elegant (and can only really be expressed in the form of a video-game). Finally, the method by which Jean Wick revives is by possessing one of the candles that he’s lighted, which once again is beautifully representative of the the theme and story of spreading light around the cathedral.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Pros and cons are down below) Check out the gameplay here (the game is the 1st there):



1. A very cool stylee! It’s so adorable but terrifying at the same time! Reminded me A LOT of Little Nightmares. Such a great job on this one!

2. I absolutely loved how the story is unravelled through the environment! Game mechanics are also fascinating, I never ever played as a candle! I think the whole concept was amazing!

3. The game was terrifying! I loved it! It’s so cool! I didn’t expect that I will produce high pitched screams playing this at all!

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Flicker of Hope on Steam

Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition

Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition

First let me state I am presenting a general view of this game. Inevitably, while I will strive to be objective, subjective elements can not be eliminated. Kingdom Wars 2 Definitive Edition is that very rare beast, a Fantasy, Real Time Strategy War game. There are 3 main races Humans, Elves, Orcs and arguably a fourth, namely the Dwarfs, who are embedded within the rosters of the Humans and the Elves.

The races play very differently as they have very different economic dependencies and structures. These differences imposes concomitantly different strategies on the player depending on race choice. More complexity is added due to the Rock, Paper, Scissors characteristic of the units. Each unit is very effective against certain opposing units and similarly very vulnerable or mediocre in relation to others. In addition there is a quite extensive Tech-tree and considerably crafting possibilities. There is a learning curve, but once comprehended, the game is easily accessible. I prefer to play Skirmish games, either alone, or with a computer partner. I have just played my first skirmish game at hard level and won. In addition, over the last 2 weeks I have tried the Zombie Survival Challenge and found it to be very exciting. I only wish that it was possible to discover their spawning points and destroy them. I am only now using the Crypt building to spawn undead units and the Dragon Menagerie building to spawn dragons. The use of these facilities have greatly aided my strategic options and contributed to my victory at hard level. I do not consider myself to be a proficient player but after a slow start I began to enjoy the game more and more after each play session.

Real player with 189.3 hrs in game

I’ve been a fan of RTS games from a super young age. Started playing Age of empires on that old white windows 98 pc with a thick CRT monitor. Eventually moving up to that sweet new Dell xp that could run Stronghold, the Warcrafts, Empire Earth, etc. This game brings back those good ole days for me. It has similar mechanics to those staple real time strategy games except it does everything on a massive scale. It tickles that fancy I always had for base building and commanding a large amount of troops.

Real player with 185.3 hrs in game

Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition on Steam

Lightmare Castle

Lightmare Castle

I played this game a day or two after its release. There were a few game breaking bugs I noticed (as mentioned in previous reviews). I went to get the bow (huntsman quest) then couldn’t use the bow, or find my way back to the huntsman to begin my pelt quest.

I have since played this game again, about 2 weeks later and the changes made in that time are noticeable: huntsman is visible on map now, castle with bow is not dark and gloomy (it is quite nice with good lighting I might add) and the bow works (mostly). I am not a game developer, I understand there is work to be put into a game and I was able to notice the change. There are still bugs to be found. I noticed some of the wolves would seem to reanimate, with my arrows still in them, very interesting to see. I grew more limbs when I would load up a game from within the game. There were a few others I noticed as well.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Honestly this game has a bit of potential but there are soooooooo many things that should have been fixed before you even thought about releasing it. I dont want to call the game a scam because it shows that there was some effort put into it but 5$ is too much for this game. Its like buying a cup of coffee but just getting the cup with no coffee in it and also the cup has a hole in the bottom…also the cup is half made…and the other half is made out of shit.

When firing arrows you dont aim correctly you pull the arrow back to your eye which is a really weird perspective and when firing your arrows you can shoot your own bow with your arrow

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Lightmare Castle on Steam