At Dead Of Night

At Dead Of Night

Maya is forced to spend a night at the Sea View Hotel after her friends migrated there because of the weather forecast. However, she’s awaken by a scream. Investigating, she find Jimmy Hall, the owner, assaulting a guest. Locked outside her room, she manages to get to the reception to find a master key. Her attention is caught by voices coming from a spirit box : the ghosts haunting the hotel implore her to get out and tell the world what Jimmy did… Maya is determined to escape and free her friends but not before finding the truth… while avoiding Jimmy who is conscious about her roaming around.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Supernatural Games.

Pros and cons are down below) Don’t forget to drop a like if it was useful! Check out one chapter of the game here (I took the developers request and didn’t include the ending in the video to avoid any major spoilers, and likes and subs are highly appreciated and encourages, of course :3):


1. The game looks incredible (I mean, obviously as it is a part-game, part-movie thingy). Still, there are so many nice scripted scenes of enemy jumping from behind the corners and noticing you. Even looking in the spy glass, one can note lots of different animations for the same action of enemy walking by the door. The attention to details is very appealing.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

At Dead Of Night on Steam

Mythos: The Beginning - Director’s Cut

Mythos: The Beginning - Director’s Cut

I recommend The Walking Dead: Season 2, WITH some caveats.


Pleasingly pixelated. Final Fantasy style graphics are used in combat (eg. no animations, just effect overlay to show attacks).


I liked the sound and music very much and found it quite evocative.


The game was clearly made with RPG Maker or a similar clone so the controls are perfect.

PLOT 8/10

The locations are diverse and well illustrated. The story as written (ignoring combat, gameplay, etc.) is very Lovecraftian and well written. Lovers of Lovecraft, such as myself will be quite pleased :3.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

This is an adventure “survival horror” game with a Lovecraft theme. It’s an extremely bad treatment of the genre, and it’s an insult to fans everywhere.

Technical problems abound. Mythos the Beginning plays a lot like a game from 1992. When I first ran it, I thought I’d picked up some abandonware/retro game I hadn’t previously heard about. Unfortunately, after some research, the game really was published first in 2014. It has pixel graphics and only supports 4:3 aspect ratio - you cannot change the resolution of the game, and the inputs are mostly controller based (despite the game having no console release!). If the low effort technical implementation isn’t enough to scare you away, the rest will. You also need to enable your Windows Firewall to run this game, because bad game design is bad.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Mythos: The Beginning - Director's Cut on Steam

Candle In Darkness

Candle In Darkness

It’s a good game, but it’s short. I would like a sequel. It’s hard to pick up all the achievements.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Runner Games.

tämä on kyllä hyvä peli

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Candle In Darkness on Steam



The game is really fun and well worth the purchase. !But there is just one thing: at this stage, people with weak PC are better off not playing and waiting for fixes - since the developers regularly patch the game - normal optimization is not far off.

Игра действительно интересная и стоит того, чтобы её приобрести. Правда есть одно !но - на данном этапе людям со слабыми машинами лучше не играть и подождать фиксов, благо разработчики регулярно латают игру, а там глядишь и нормальная оптимизация не за горами.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Game was definitely fun, especially co-op. There were a few bugs like when I saw 6 wolves just stand there with no hitbox whatsoever after a fight. The story did not really hook me, however, we didn’t pay a lot of attention to it anyway so I definitely won’t say anything about that, it seemed interesting enough and I simply missed it basically completely. The mechanics are a little clunky and we felt a little lost and/or stupid at times but it’s a really fun and interesting game to play; looking forward to the next chapters. Not recommended if you’re looking for a high-quality horror game or something similar, though. I’d also like to mention that the music really doesn’t fit the atmosphere at some points in the game but it made it rather entertaining lmao

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Noch on Steam



It has so far been a fun and challenging 2D pixel art survival horror game. Would recommend.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Sur on Steam

Westmark Manor

Westmark Manor

Just completed the game and I loved it! There are some issues with bugs, which caused me to have to restart the game a few times. I suspect that the issues will be dealt with because the developers seem to be paying attention.

What I enjoyed about the game:

1. There’s an immensely creepy house to explore, with lots of nooks and crannies! There are plenty of fun surprises behind locked/ barricaded/ boarded shut doors. Keys, axes, and puzzles help to get you into them.

2. The sound effects, music, and somewhat flat tone of the main character suits the genre and adds well to the atmosphere. The giant-headed-guardian-of-stuff has the most entertaining voice. I’ll be thinking “Damn. Daft. House” randomly for days, I just know it.

Real player with 78.8 hrs in game

A fun, horror-adventure title.

While still rough around the edges, and greatly needing more optimization, Westmark Manor still manages to be a lot of fun once you get a handle of its core gameplay. While the mansion’s layout is largely fixed, many items are randomized, prompting exploration of the dark abode as you look for clues to solve the puzzles, which manage to be strange and as bizarre as their Lovecraftian inspirations, yet still manage to remain in the realm of sensible compared to other adventure titles and their extreme sense of logic.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Westmark Manor on Steam

The Swine

The Swine

How does this game have good ratings ? I love the horror genre, but they completely dropped the ball on this one . By the end of it I thought to myself , that’s it ? Thankfully it was only 1.99. The graphics on the other hand are top notch and if they would have taken a different route this could have been a fantastic game . Going into it it , I was hoping it was going to be like Granny or Evil Nun , 2 of of my fav hide and seek horror games, but the potential was wasted on a mediocre plot that’s not unique and just wasn’t fun to play . It’s a walking sim , which I actually like if there’s more exploration involved, but most of the time the only thing you’re doing is picking up books laid out through the house and picking up tarot cards … yep that’s the whole game . Terrible

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Not bad, and not very good either.

This is a short, cheap walking simulator in a house in rural America that has a small Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibe to it.

You go about your life while your wife is stuck in the bathroom and “intruders” slowly disorient your household, with excellent visuals and decent sound. The main problem is that this game is very short and has only one or two solid jump scares and then it ends! Not much else to it… examining drawers and classic books is really the only side part to this game.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

The Swine on Steam



I just played through Alisa from beginning to end and I just cannot praise it enough. I’ve seen a lot of attempts at recreating that 90s survival horror experience, but nothing has nailed it with the perfect execution that this game has. I could go on forever about everything I loved about this game (the flawless retro aesthetic, the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, the nostalgically familiar gameplay, the myriad unique features that make it something new and exciting…) but to get to the point of what I think people need to know, I will start by stating it simply as this: If you love old school survival horror games like Resident Evil 1, Silent Hill 1, etc., you will love this game. If you have not played games like these or haven’t played them recently enough to remember the difficulty of fixed camera angles, tank controls, and the like, then this might not be for you. It seems to me that most negative points in the reviews I’ve seen here fall either into the category of the game being too difficult or into the category of problems with bugs, so I will address these two points.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

I just finished my second playthrough of this game, and, god, what a great game it is! It captures the pure essence of PS1 survival horror games in absolutely every aspect, from gameplay and graphics to voice acting and cheesy moments. I’m a big fan of this genre and beat RE1-3 hundreds of times and if you are just like me then you will enjoy this game!

This is probably the survival horror game with the most enemy variety in genre. Every location has their own enemies and sometimes you might get some surprise encounters while visiting old locations. Bosses are cool and dope and each of them is completely unique in design and combat. What I really like is that upon entering a room you know instantly that there’s going to be a boss battle and you have a chance to go back and get ready, instead of being like “no please I wanna go back, I don’t have much ammo :c”. There’s a lot of weapons and costumes with various effects that might suit your gameplay style just perfectly! Puzzles might be hard and frustrating at times, but they are so much fun and so different from each other. These are probably the best puzzles in a horror game I’ve ever seen, the perfect balance of difficulty and fun. Music and graphics of this game are just PHENOMENAL! Preserving an art style and feeling of a PS1 era is challenging, but they did it flawlessly! This game has a lot of surprises and you never know what’s going to happen next.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Alisa on Steam

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi is the sort of game that feels like it’s flying apart as you play. It’s an authentically janky experience, filled with rough visuals, rough AI, and rough edges of all sorts… but a surprisingly playable, unique, charming, and fun “janky experience.”

At heart it’s actually a fairly simple FPS–traditional, even, with its backtracking and weapon inventory and twitchy gunplay. You’re tasked with exploring a pseudo-random castle to rescue various family members and deal with the local vampire population. “Deal with” in this case meaning “slaughter.”

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

In the endless search for quality in the bargain bin of the Steam catalog, there lies a special category for games that many have purchased on a whim, but never played. These tend to be older games, created under time crunches or by small studios. They became either punching bags for being mediocre crap, or things that are actually worth talking about, but fly under the radar because everyone’s backlogs are constantly filled with superior products purchased on sale. It’s a shame, as Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi is an interesting experience that provides quite a bit of bang for the buck (or 3, if you’re not getting it on sale.)

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi on Steam

Witch Hunt

Witch Hunt

I want to start this review by saying I really admire a lot of the design choices made in this game. A lot of care has been put into the atmosphere, sound and exploration. That being said, the last boss really soured the entire experience for me for a number of reasons.

Before I talk about the last boss, I’ll start with everything I love about this game.

I love how to the point this game is. It gives you a few lines of exposition, then you are in. You are doing your own thing, there is basically no interuptions. It does not hold your hand, it lets you experience every surprise and you learn how to deal with them on your own. The world map is not too big, and has enough strange things in it to discover to keep you entertained while hunting down the beasts. I really love that the creatures you are hunting down are roaming the world and can be anywhere. The game also keeps account of their location each time you save, or fast travel. So finding each beast for the first time is an amazing experience.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

This game is incredibly atmospheric and just fun to play and explore. The quality of this game is very high, and you can tell that a lot of care is going into developing it.

There are a few things I’d like to criticize

  • The enemies sound much closer than they actually are. The sounds enemies make are very loud compared to their actual location relative to the player. If that could be changed, it would make things more tense and balanced, as it is too easy to locate enemies based on their sounds from far distances.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Witch Hunt on Steam