Das Geisterschiff / The Ghost Ship

Das Geisterschiff / The Ghost Ship

Short version: You can die in the tutorial. Hardcore! 10/10!!!

Long version: This game is the long lost cousin of King’s Field, if it was a sci-fi title made for the Virtual Boy. As such, those looking for shiny graphics and twitchy gameplay should stay away: the game’s unique art style looks blocky (although in exchange it works with a toaster, if you can read this you can play it), it’s a turn-based dungeon-crawled that demands patience to be played.

The sound effects are okay, nothing special in my opinion, but they do their job. The music though, it’s something else: It perfectly conveys the nightmarish, claustrophobic survival horror scenario that the author wanted to convey.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Turn-Based Combat Games.

Laser-focused, ultra-minimalistic dungeon crawler. Think id’s mid-to-late 00s mobile RPGs (Orcs & Elves, Doom RPG, Wolfenstein RPG) their slim frame further stripped down of tissue so that the mere bone of combat, resource management and exploration remains. There are no crutches here, nothing placed at one’s disposal is superfluous or optional - one really must master what mechanics there are. Tutorial mustn’t be skipped.

The presentation is just as spartan yet equally put to just the desired use, minimal wireframe visuals supported by excellent soundtrack conveying this desolate, claustrophobic feeling.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Das Geisterschiff / The Ghost Ship on Steam



I’m gonna bang this out fast since I wanna get this out here quickly. Apologies if it’s a bit messy.

I was informed of this game about 20 hours prior to the release. I checked out some videos and made up my mind that the game looks like it should be within the 15 dollar range (just my opinion) . The following day I got an email saying the game has released, and for 10.49 for the first week. I jumped on it and bought the game.


This is a top-down style survival horror shooter. You have 5 scenarios, a neat little tutorial, and an “onslaught mode” to complete. In my almost 4 hours of gametime I only completed the tutorial and the first scenario. Having only completed scenario 1, I can say that each one consists of a large map with multiple locked doors and small puzzles throughout, with plenty of documents to read that will fill you in on what is happening around you. Now you can’t just assume you are safe because you are reading something, ohhh my sweet child no.. THEY WILL COME AFTER YOU AND THEY WILL NOT STOP. So you’d best not dilly dally or you will become zombie food ( I did a few times -_- ). You have an inventory system that allows you to carry only so many items with you at a time. I had a few tough decisions to make between ammo and health while playing. You complete puzzles, fight monsters, and unlock doors while running for your life and trying to find the exit.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Action-Adventure Games.

Outbreak (or - as the fans refer to it as - ob2d) is the first game in the “Outbreak” series. It’s a 2D, top down survival horror game, which brings the player back to strict inventory control, limited resources, and even limited light, with the legendary tank controls set up.

I’m not going to pull any punches here; I strongly disliked this game in my first 5 or so hours… I just couldn’t get into it, and found it unnecessarily hard and punishing… I left it a negative review, uninstalled it, and vowed to never play it again. But as the developer kept work on his other titles in the series, I thought I’d give it one last look. This time around, and with a little research and correspondence in the series' Discord channel, I found the game much more enjoyable to play.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Outbreak on Steam



Amborettio is an interesting game with a unique story behind it. I was impressed with the details in the backstory and I enjoyed collecting materials to build the required tools for the game. For the price, I would recommend this game to everybody who is interested. The solo developer has completed impressive work with this game at a fair price. I look forward to seeing the future games that this developer publishes.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Tutorial Games.

Amborettio on Steam



Fun game, quite replayable and definitely scary at points. The setting is pretty interesting and you can definitely see there’s a lot of love put into it. I recommend!

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Pretty cool little roguelike horror game.

The untold lore is interesting and it’s pretty tense late game.

Right now trying to get the second ending and it’s not easy I like it.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game


Chernobyl inferno

Chernobyl inferno

After the disaster at Chernobyl Atomic Power Station, many locals hid from radiation in underground shelters, canalization, houses basements and other underground units. They had been living underground for several years being afraid to go out. In some years radiation got through the ground, people started to mutate, chaos under the ground had begun. As a result of the mutation, some people became aggressive and started to hunt other people. After 30 years one boy called Jack penetrated Chernobyl territory to film a video and make some photos. When he entered the old house, the floor under his feet collapsed and he fell into the sewers of the very dungeon in which the mutated inhabitants of Chernobyl lived. He managed to send you a message asking for help, after which he never got back in touch. Your main goal is to find your brother, who got lost in the catacombs of Chernobyl.

Chernobyl inferno on Steam

Draft of Darkness

Draft of Darkness

a fantastic blend of card based rogue-like with survival horror elements and atmosphere.

there’s a good amount of content here for the asking price (around 15 hrs+), giving you a great introduction into what this game has to offer, after playing through everything there is currently available I thoroughly enjoyed my experience from beginning to end, any issues/bugs I experienced where minor(and also easily report-able within the game).

these where only things I could find fault with,

the gear can be a bit cumbersome to keep up with(it would be nice if it was a bit more visible what gear was higher level/higher rarity, I understand there is a sort tool but I wish this could be a saved setting instead of resetting each run), the UI is however very good at providing detailed comparisons between what your looking at and what your wearing.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Very fun and genuinely unique as far as this roguelite deckbuilder genre goes. The atmosphere often reminds me of STALKER in terms its lore and world being enigmatic. If you enjoy digging around for lore and what the hell is going on (at this point with 10 hours in I still can’t confidently claim to know myself what is up.) then you will deeply enjoy this game. It may be early access but has enough content to chew to justify picking it up just to toy around with. The combat is very odd when it comes to timings but you’ll get use to it. My favorite part of this game is the flowchart. While i’m not 100% sure what all it encompasses it basically is just helps paint a better picture of what events lead into what.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Draft of Darkness on Steam

Outbreak: Endless Nightmares

Outbreak: Endless Nightmares

Been playing for about 12 hours and its a good game if you want to play a rogue-like that carries over your equips, levels and meta progression. As you play, you will find Conductor coins that unlock said features but the spawn rate of these coins slow down by midgame. You can tweak the dungeon difficulty by yourself before entering, with higher difficulties giving better loot.

As for the gameplay, its Resident Evil 1-3 with tweakable camera angles. And randomised dungeon layouts. Weapon types are like in RE. AI could be better, they usually stand around unless you take too long to clear the level. I’m kind of disappointed with the costume unlocks but the gameplay is fun enough to grind for coins. Some enemies can one shot you so the difficulty is definitely there.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Its a really fun game but I feel the weapons certainly need some rebalancing, to go from needing 3 bullets to kill a fat zombie with a target pistol mk.2 to needing legit 6 bullets with a tactical rifle mk3 is beyond a problem, especially when the rifle only has 7 bullets. The game is really fun and i still am finding new enemies that i absolutely didnt expect to run into but the camera certainly needs some work and it is definitely very very janky. Theres a lot of potentional here and hopefully it continues to improve. What’s here is a great game though, and it can only get better

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Outbreak: Endless Nightmares on Steam

Rat Prison

Rat Prison

I got this game from a pack of keys, it is very bad. There is no goal is this game. You do the tasks and then you wait for 5 minutes until the day passes. The controls are super annoying, having to use the mouse, WASD and arrows. So in short: Do not buy this, I could honestly make a better game in 2 days.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Rat Prison is a 2D retro pixel side scrolling adventure game with an unusual premise and an unusual interface. You’re a guard in a dungeon and you have to juggle keeping the lights on, checking on the prisoners, and not being killed by rats.

It’s certainly an interesting premise for the game but the implementation is lacking. You have to use the mouse to play (well, just the mouse wheel, no other functions of the mouse do anything in the game, which is a bizarre and unfun decision), and the keyboard to move left and right. If that sounds like an awkward interface, well, it is.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Rat Prison on Steam



You wake up in the room which resembles of old bunker, you don’t remember anything.

You notices that you’re wearing military suit and some kind of helmet you can’t get off and can’t move lips to create any sound.

In the room there is a lot of CCTV cameras which are watching you.

Suddenly, intense light hits circle around you like you’re stage actor.

From the speakers on the walls some voice starts talking to you, you’re in SPECTEARED, live show stream of survival horror!

Green light starts to shine in other side of the room, heavy doors opens revealing giant mysterious tunnel.

There is no other door, you have just this way to go.

Visit SPECTEARED Discord Server Here

Upcoming features:

Game implements custom solutions for animating characters, simulating audio waves, AI of spectators and procedural level generation.

  • Each character in the game is animated with simulation of real muscle behavior and inverse kinematics manipulation to erase artificial animation feeling.

  • Audio waves simulation provides new way of identifying danger in really immersive way, audio is very important for the game mechanics.

  • AI of spectators making game flow balanced, controlling slightly attraction for enemies. If player would die too soon, spectators can talk through speakers and turn on some siren in far rooms to keep enemies away for a moment, or in reverse when player is just hiding and doing nothingm they lure enemies towards you.

  • Custom Procedural Generation algorithms will generate each set of facility in different way each time played, which also applies to multiplier!

Game is open for people who enjoy jumpscares and for ones who don’t like it.

In any time of playthrough you can switch intensity of jumpscares with simple slider.


The Caretaker

The Caretaker

The Premise

This review contains no spoilers.

The Caretaker is a top-down survival horror set during year 2005 in the city of Red Chapel, where a mysterious plague has transformed animals and humans alike, into deadly monsters. Players impersonate an unnamed survivor seemingly immune to the contamination, and have to find a way through the ruins of a dead city, deemed irrecoverable even by the military.

Quick Sum-Up

| 🟩 The Pros | 🟥 The Cons |

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

For Gameplay - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kUPyfnG-Fo&t=7s

Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/lordaction

If you like roblox,minecraft, zombie, You gonna love this game. This game have it all. Good graphics, solid audio, Humor, and good gameplay. Zombie games can be boring , but not this. It makes you keep playing the game


☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Nothing special

☐ Okay

☐ Bad


☐ Masterpiece

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Will do

☐ Bad

☐ Awful


☐ Amazing

☑ Very good

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

The Caretaker on Steam