

The Cold is Just the Beginning

A science expedition was sent to Zhokhov Island to study recent occurrences of magnetic anomalies in the region. Amongst them was Anna, a young geophysicist, along with her mentor and a small military crew. As her group investigates the cause of the anomalies on the island, a sequence of disastrous events unroll trapping them in an unknown underground military complex, under the extreme cold of the Russian climate. Now, Anna desperately tries to survive and find a way out, but something down there disturbingly draws her deeper, and that unknown haunting place bizarrely welcomes her more and more…

Kriophobia is a survival horror in third person, inspired by the old-school games of the same genre. Immerse yourself in a Cold and Inhuman World of Mad Obsession, Extremist Patriotism and Disturbing Relationships, presented with a Unique Art-Style that mixes comics and painting.


  • Immersive psychological horror storyline that explores a twisted and abandoned world

  • Hidden Past Secrets to be found, inspired by real events from Russia’s Darkest Times

  • Cold, Obscure and Terrifying scenarios to be Explored

  • Evasive Combat centered on fleeing and hiding from gruesome abominations.

  • Survival with Limited Resources against Freezing Temperatures in a hostile place

  • Dark Visual Style that blends Comics and Painting in a unique way

  • Fully Illustrated Game World displayed with modern Static Cameras

  • An Exclusive Russian-Inspired soundtrack

Read More: Best Survival Horror Old School Games.

Kriophobia on Steam

Disney The Princess and the Frog

Disney The Princess and the Frog

⡴⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀







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Real player with 100.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror World War I Games.

This game is pretty bad.

The controls are very wonky and difficult. The cursor just doesn’t move right, the click detection fields are not where they should be based on the pointer of the cursor, and just generally controlling Tiana and figuring out what to do next is frustrating. The minigames are terrible and unclear, and they seem to just play themselves. Overall, only the music, art and voice acting are good, but the gameplay is ROUGH. My daughter couldn’t really enjoy this one, the controls just don’t work well and there’s too much reading required for such simple gameplay.

Real player with 72.9 hrs in game

Disney The Princess and the Frog on Steam

Fidget Spinner

Fidget Spinner

At first glance, this game may seem as if it was made by a child. The icon seems a bit abstract, but when you look closer, you’ll understand all the hidden meanings behind this game. What they are? That’s for you to find out. I can’t ruin this surprise for any one of you. But now, I must tell you the story; one of the absolute power this game actually contains. Some say that words can’t affect you, but these words can. My daughter once had cancer. Every breath, every step, every motion was painful for her, but she still clung on to life. She was determined to beat her cancer and live on, sitting in the flower forests that she always loved to visit whenever she played with her fidget spinner. Gosh, she loved those flowers. Even now I tear up when thinking about her. I remember the day she was told that she had a year left to live. She was shocked; she thought that her fighting was enough, but it seems that it wasn’t. The cancer was too strong. However, through it all, she still prevailed, and so did her love for the simplicity of a small hand held toy, basic but passes time in a unique way. Coming across this game was a large surprise to myself, saying that I have not heard of this artistically crafted video game beforehand. But, after buying this masterpiece, I feel ashamed for not holding the passionate story line like The last of us in my possession before this point. Never before in my life have I played such diligent and thoughtful storytelling spilled out upon these pixels.The cover of this game is a beautifully hand drawn masterpiece. It is a mind baffling precursor to the extreme design of such a game. I will tell you why. After you play this game, you experience your body being cleansed from head to toe. this is only the beginning. Your sadness will go into the yawning abyss, and an extreme amount of happiness will wash over you like a wave. This game is exquisitely well coded. I look back on our many memories from back then and cry. On that last, fateful day, I held her hand close. I held it tight. Her mother couldn’t be with her, but she’s alright with just me. She left us a while ago. I can’t blame her for it; our living situation is terrible. I couldn’t stand to see her in a situation like this, and I suppose that she couldn’t stand being in it. I remember her asking me to play this game with her, with a great big smile on her face. Her grin went from ear to ear; something I barely saw anymore. I do remember tearing up. But her heart rate was slowing down. I had played it before she left me. Each level, each spinner, each breath I took gave her a smile. I remember her always wanting to play this but never getting the chance to, so I got it for her. She closed her eyes with a smile after I unlock the final spinner and closed the closed the game. A final beep, then nothing. But her heart rate decided to come back. I practically jumped out of my seat; I was surprised. I alerted the doctors right away. Was it this game? Was it this game that had brought her back? Fast forwarding to now; my daughter’s in college. She has left fidget spinner behind, but still visits it from time to time. This is her favorite game. Thank you, dear developer, for putting such care and effort into this wonderful game. I hope it continues to spread its blessings throughout time, lovingly teaching kids about the joys of a toy. I hope this game gets to those in need, and I hope the meaning behind the story will inspire them as well. And again, thank you. 3

Real player with 4003.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Illuminati Games.

Ok how do I even start this review. Ok so im a EPIC DESPACITO GAMER and I gotta say after playing 24+ hours of this game I acheived true immortality. This game has completely set a new standard on how future games should look and feel. Comparing this to Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto V should not even be a discussion. This game is far superior than all of these other AAA games that are currently being released. This game is far tooooo under priced for a game on this level.

This game features revolutionary game mechanics. The atmosphere is incredibly deep to the point where it ACTUALLY makes you feel like batman. The music in this game is also top notch and I cant wait for a soundtrack to be released for this masterpeice. Another thing that makes this such a perfect game is that the graphics surpass that of Grand Theft Auto V, Fallout 4, Call of Duty Black Ops 4, ETC.

Real player with 87.3 hrs in game

Fidget Spinner on Steam



Never in my whole life have I been more terrified within the realms of a video game.

I believe a large portion of that comes from my intense phobia of nuclear power plants, but there’s also a huge variety of aspects this game nails in terms of horror. As someone experienced with music composition and production, the first thing I want to point out is the absolutely stellar sound design. Low, abstract drones bounce off of each wall, and you know it’s coming from… somewhere. But you don’t know where.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

It’s a short but tense 3D exploration and interaction game, it happens in several rooms inside a nuclear plant. The story is based on an important fragment of the actual event Chernobyl Disaster.

  • Graphics

Old story in 1986, then not the modern HD style. If you don’t accept pixel things, go to Settings- Video- Filter Strength, turn it Low or None.

  • Music

Radiation detector sound and background noise in plant. No intentional extra sfx.

  • Gameplay

1. There might be some bugs under fixing, but it doesn’t influence the experience if you like this kind of game. The developers are active in the pinned discussion so just ask.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Liquidators on Steam

Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship

Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship

So… almost two years later, and I’m reviewing the second game in the Cars video game series (shhhhhh Radiator Springs Adventures never happened SHHHHHHH). Let’s go.

A year later after releasing Cars: The Video Game and Rainbow Studios, after technically developing two versions of the same game (I’d say three, but Incinerator Studios made the Wii version of the first game), were at it again with an entirely new game acting as said first game’s sequel. How did it turn out?… Mixed, to say the least. Let me explain.

Real player with 1344.7 hrs in game

I cannot even begin to express my gratitude towards this video game. This video game has gotten me through the toughest times in my life. This video game helped me get a girlfriend. This video game was the missing piece in my life.

Back on one day in 2007 or 8, I played this game for the very first time on my dads computer. With the original disk. I distinctively remember letting out the biggest fart in the entire world. It didnt end up being just a fart though. It was a massive shit. I then became lost and could not play the game due to lack of interest, and the big life goals of finishing kindergarten and starting first grade.

Real player with 198.3 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship on Steam

Tunguska: The Visitation

Tunguska: The Visitation

This game is very hard, but in a strategic way. It requires no aiming skill or reflex, and you have plenty of time thinking about what to do to solve each combat scenario. Sometimes it’s more straight forward, and other times you have to die a few times to figure out the right way. It’s all about attention to details - some enemies wear armors, for example, and you can tell it from their appearance. But if you ignore that intel and just start shooting without the right kind of ammo, you’ll just be waiting ammo. There is a lot of details in the dialogues and journals, and you must pay pretty close attention to not miss important information.

Real player with 74.4 hrs in game

6 hours in, and I really like this game. I first heard about it a couple of years ago on a Stalker forum, and my first impression from the previews was good. Now that I’ve had a chance to play the game, that first impression has been reinforced. Tunguska’s setting is moody and atmospheric. The gunplay and stealth are straightforward but challenging, and the overall result is a fun top-down twin-stick “shooter.” Quotes because there’s more to this than running and gunning – there are some light RPG elements, and a heavy element of exploration.

Real player with 71.9 hrs in game

Tunguska: The Visitation on Steam



Escape from Voyna: ALIENS FROM AREA 51 is an action packed realistic single player shooter set in the era of the Cold War on russian soil. After many nuclear tests the land is devastated and apocalypse spreading. You, a secret agent stranded on an island try to escape without getting caught by enemy soldiers.

During the time of the Cold War the major powers attempt to secure their power by attempting to build the biggest and best nuclear weapons. Those were tested on remote islands. Due to a misfortune, you land on one of those islands. As an american secret agent you must not be caught by the russian special forces of the RSWS.

You sneak, run, shoot, collect and scout the huge game world. One of the over seven different weapons is bound to get you out of any sticky situation. After the game start you first need to get your bearings and find your way - there’s always more than one way out. Find the quickest and easiest, because this game is hard. It’s a tactical shooter. Weapons have realistic recoil and should be used for single shots most of the time. There is no HUD showing your life or ammunition, no crosshair or hit marker. Hardcore ain’t for casual players.

You need to find food or medical supplies to heal yourself.

The game features a large amount of realistically modeled weapons. Recoil is modeled in as well, so make sure to aim before your shots go astray.

Ammunition is limited!

Your enemies are going to give you a headache. The AI hears your steps and shots. It will hunt and pursue you and shoots accurately. Watch your cover, because the AI will act as a team. You should sneak up, learn the patrol routes and maybe dodge certain enemies altogether. Life is short, and the AI aims well. Most of the times escape or avoiding is the better option.

Breathtaking graphics based on Unity DX11

With Unity Engine and DirextX 11 we created a beautiful, living world you just want to immerse in. Enjoy the trees, grasses and stunning light effects. Get the maximum out of your PC and experience AAA worlds.

Realistic 7.1 surround sound

Experience realistic gun sounds of AK and friends in 7.1 surround sound quality. Let the ambience of the surroundings enchant


The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead

The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead

I truly enjoyed playing this game. The atmosphere was what kept me going to explore and discover more of what was going on here. If you liked playing Observer and Soma this game is right along those lines but with it’s own twist. It’s got a nice flavor of creepiness without resorting to jump scares to make you feel uneasy. . The ending is with a ‘to be continued’ tag and I do hope that there will be more game play to follow. Achievements are available which if you try to complete them will aid you in solving more of the mystery.

Real player with 61.0 hrs in game

The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead is a story based Sci-Fi / Horror game that focuses mostly on setting a strong unsettling atmosphere while adding sci-fi elements around it.

You spend most of the game walking around exploring memories and piecing together the story. The cohesion system really works well and adds a nice survival mechanic.

Audio is relay nice too and adds a disturbing layer to the experience.


Real player with 47.4 hrs in game

The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead on Steam

Desert Bus VR

Desert Bus VR

If you are lucky, this might be the worst game you will ever play.


What does that even mean? Let me explain:

There’s good games. There’s bad games. There’s interactive art pieces that use game mechanics. There’s barely interactive media that present themselves as games. There’s training simulators that are set up like games but aren’t intended to be games. There’s… how many of these would you like me to list? Want to talk about interactive movies? What about visual novels? What about… oh, was I wasting your time? Did you want me to make a point about Desert Bus? Hang on, I wasn’t done rambling…

Real player with 1337.1 hrs in game

That’s a great game.

In fact, I realized that it can substitute my sleep time.

For the last month, more or less, I spend my former sleep hours driving this bus and I felt very well the next day.

The only side effect is that sometimes when I’m walking distractedly I tend to slowly drift leftways. No big deal.


So… Strange things started to happen as I slowly began to expand my daily driving time.

Now I’m nearly driving 16 hours a day and sometimes I have some really weird and vivid dreams.

Real player with 235.1 hrs in game

Desert Bus VR on Steam

Rayman Raving Rabbids™

Rayman Raving Rabbids™


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(+) Good grapichs quality for cheap game

(+) So much interesting mini game for wasting time

(+) Nice soundtrack, especially “Misirlou” :D

(+) Bring back my childhood memories LOL

Real player with 47.1 hrs in game

People typically hate on this game for inevitably being the decent of Rayman games for half a decade, and that is actually true. Though I do wish this turned out to be the full fledged “Rayman 4” that it was supposed to be, this game is still fun.

I grew up a huge Rayman fan because of the characters, they were so entertaining. The Rabbids are an entertaining group, as proved by a line of sequels, mainstream merchandise. and a television show. Since Rabbids are your only source of character selection here, you’d think it’d be sub-par, alas the Rabbids continue to entertain with their outlandish behaviors.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Rayman Raving Rabbids™ on Steam