The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes

Better than most modern movies!

At first, the story seems cliche but will intrigue you the more you learn.

Choices shape your journey and allow for multiple play-throughs in return.

Exciting, scary and silly, all in one.

It’ll take you at least 5 hours before you’re done.

Off to find more secrets, I go.

There is much more of the plot, I need to know.

But there is one final note, for me to leave.

A grade of 7/10, this piece of art will receive.

And a word of advice, as you choose who will live or die.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Psychological Horror Games.


Very fun with friends. Your choices can affect each other’s characters and you can mess around a lot.

Voice acting was well done.

The graphics look pretty.

There is a lot of action.


The game isn’t scary.

Quick time events don’t do anything most of the time, and failing them doesn’t affect the outcome of the scene. When this is noticed you are unimmersed.

Some dialogue choices aren’t well enough presented so you pick what initially sounds good, but then the character says something completely different than you intended.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes on Steam

March of the Living

March of the Living

TL:DR at the end, scored 10 / 10 as of 20th April 2016

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  • Genre - A 2D roguelike-like such as FTL and Convoy, this time in a zombie postapocalypse. It manages to capture the desperation of such event through excellent writing and a well balanced challenge, as players need to guide their survivors on a journey in a search for a safe haven while trying to prevent them from starving to death, becoming infected or getting killed by either zombies or humans.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Roguelite Games.

March of the Living

is an isometric 2d game similar in presentation to Death Road to Canada (although much slower in pace) and other such pixelated roguelikes. I’d had it sitting in my library for a while and decided to play it on a whim. It was decent. I wouldn’t call it great, although I imagine it WOULD be great as a mobile title. No idea if that statement is actually true or not, but the game is well suited to that format. But…it was also well suited to this one.


The story is more or less the same ultimate goal of getting to the city of Wellston on the coast and on a ship getting ready to set sail with whatever survivors were able to get to the safe zone at the docks. The specifics of the story vary based on which character you play, but all in all, those little snippets of story are more like splashes of color than any sort of painting. Still, it helps to keep the game fresh.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

March of the Living on Steam

Strobophagia | Rave Horror

Strobophagia | Rave Horror

Okay, to start off, I really think this game is awesome. It’s got an interesting premise and a great atmosphere.

However, in it’s current state, it feels a little… lacking in some of the plot elements, especially towards the end. It is also a short game, and a little pricey for the length.

BUT, I believe that the potential in this game is very high, and that is what keeps me closely invested in this game’s development.

I just can’t recommend Strobophagia to the average player at it’s current stage. I’m leaving a negative review because I don’t want the average player to have a bad time because the game didn’t live up to their expectations. I will update this review(or make a new one) once the game gets smoothed out a little bit.

Real player with 36.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Psychedelic Games.

This game is amazing! I had to review it do to people giving it down rated reviews. I dont think thats entirely fair. The game is absolutely beautiful and it will run on anything. The sounds are great, the music is amazing and very industrial rave. The lighting is incredible, the game gets VERY scary at times and there is always a looming fear hanging over you at every turn. The game also has SO much potential. Ive only played it though once at the time of this post but i plan on replaying it again and again. I understand that 2.2 hours for a playthough is a bit short, and i hope they plan on adding more content, different endings, and things to do. However this game should get an up vote. If they added nothing to the game, the value would actually still seem fair to me. Give it a try, and if you feel its not full enough, maybe give it some time to build before down voting it as that can actually kill a great game, and this is indeed a great game. If you agree with me and want to see this game going strong, give it an up vote!

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Strobophagia | Rave Horror on Steam

Corpse Mansion

Corpse Mansion


Corpse Mansion is an open-world action horror survival game where decisions play an important role in the outcome of the story. Cole Woods embarks on a mission to help his friend find her lost father, while trying to investigate an infectious disease that turns people into flesh-eating corpses.

You choose your own fate, watch the city plunge into complete chaos or build a unique economy to combat the virus. Use over 30+ weapons to lay waste to your enemies. Customize your guns with parts at a workbench to create the ultimate zombie killing weapon.

Current Features

  • Fully interactable environment : Use weapons that have the “Tool” trait to do more than just attack or use a rope to climb up a ledge. Search everything from vehicles to houses, drawers, boxes, cupboards, fridges, stoves, shelves and much more.

  • Impressive arsenal of weapons to obtain. Light enemies on fire with a flamethrower or blow them to pieces with an RPG, you choose how you want to fight this epidemic.

  • Crisp and accurate sound effects for everything in the game. For example, when you move, store, sell or drop an item, it plays its own unique corresponding sound effect.

  • Decisions impact the flow of the story and ultimately the ending too. Save the citizens from their demise to gain access to more resources. You can keep track of who you have managed to save on your portable data system. (must have unlocked data in main menu by obtaining the HPD Scanner)

  • Slot based limited inventory system for you to manage, with containers for you to store your rare items in (must own a safe house for storage containers).

  • Realistic Shops : Shop owners don’t have unlimited stock; items Sold to them will remain in that person’s shop stock for sale indefinitely until it’s sold again. Shop owners will also get a new stock or re-stock of items for sale as the story expands. Doing missions for them can also change what they sell.

  • Survival system where players have to manage Cole’s Hunger, Thirst and Rest. You can obtain food and water from various sources in the game. Players will also be required to find a bed to sleep in to restore their Rest stat or risk passing out from exhaustion.

  • Become your own Gunsmith! You’ll need a special item called a “Blueprint” first which teaches you how to repair and attach gun parts to a particular weapon. Then you can attach gun parts at any Gunsmithing Workbench to upgrade a weapon’s traits. Such as but not limited to Headshot Chance, Capacity, Damage, Durability, Knockback, Stun, ect.

  • Complex and unique dialogue selection system. Players will be able to know which things they have already said to an NPC to avoid unnecessary repeated dialogue (faded out grey). When options have a permanent effect on the game they will be highlighted in red to indicate this to the player. The same is true for green but in addition always satisfies the conditions of something.

  • You can also repair a weapons durability but beware of it costing more material (Aluminum) to repair the better your gun’s upgrades are.

  • Finally, you can create ammunition with gunpowder at a Gunsmith Workbench once you have learned the associated blueprint.

Planned Features

  • With enough support we can consider adding weather to the game world based on what time of year it is. So in the winter the streets of Hell City would be covered in snow ect.

  • Make the shops even more dynamic and change the Sale/Sell price of weapons based on their current upgrades attached. Right now weapons cannot be sold back to vendors because of their complexity. Parts can be sold normally.

  • A completely different mode of gameplay where you would select challenges to complete. More stages and challenges would get unlocked as you progressed through the games story mode.

  • A massive city to explore and loot items from. Suburbs, slums and downtown areas should all be covered.

Having trouble with the game?

If you are have any issues with proceeding through the story, you can contact or post in the community here - where someone will be able to assist you (most likely the same day even). While we strive to fix all bugs and make sure everything is perfect, we are still in Early Access so please report it to us and we’ll do our best to fix it. Thank you for your understanding. We are constantly adding more content to the game so we appreciate your patience here.

Corpse Mansion on Steam



At 12:03 AM, September 16th, Damien Mara mysteriously vanished on a camping trip. At 10:00 AM October 1st, the search for Damien was officially called off with no evidence found.

Fleshgait is an atmospheric survival horror game inspired by the classics, but with several unique twists. For example, the game’s puzzle and item placement dynamically shifts, so each playthrough is slightly different. The game’s event system randomly places jump scares based on the player’s progression. “The Stigmatized” are a zombie-like enemy which can be put into a dormant state by receiving damage but can only actually be killed by the use of fire. Another one of many monstrosities you will encounter dynamically grow in numbers if their sources are not destroyed.

Explore, solve puzzles, and conserve resources.

Puzzle and item placement vary on each playthrough.

Realtime menu-less inventory for maximum immersion.

The camera system switches between static cameras and panning cinematic cameras.

Two playable characters, with A and B scenarios.

Fire weapons must be used to fully defeat “The Stigmatized”.

Multiple endings.

Dynamic jump scare systems.

Unlockable modes, weapons and costumes.

Fleshgait on Steam

Killing Stream

Killing Stream

Killing Stream is a feature-length, interactive thriller with horror elements, in which fate of the main character depends entirely on the viewer. It tells the story from a first person perspective to intensify the immersion and put audience in the main character’s shoes.

Try to survive… Killing Stream.

Killing Stream on Steam



TLDR; Close, but no cigar. Very close, but still.

I finished Song of Horror at the highest available starting difficulty. 98% blind(Will explain later down the line), first play through, none of the characters were lost.

I can’t recommend Song of Horror for a very simple reason, which some can look past and some can’t. I fall under the latter category- The reason is not permanent death, but rather how it is handled; Very, very poorly. It absolutely affected my experience, very negatively. Most of my other issues, I could have looked past if it wasn’t mainly for this.

Real player with 45.5 hrs in game


1. Variety of Characters, Stats, and Backgrounds = I enjoyed the opportunity of playing different characters with different perspectives of how they see the world. I like how each character had different stats to how they function and how they should adapt against the Presence. I also enjoyed how some of the characters know the layout of a particular area of the game to give the player a potential advantage.

2. Many Detailed Locations = It is refreshing to explore different maps of in the game to keep it interesting. From a haunted mansion, a shop, an abandoned hospital, and more.

Real player with 42.5 hrs in game




About This Game

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away” Whiteside is a first-person survival horror game. As an investigator of the Common European Asylum System, explore an island where they keep the mentally insane that are beyond help, uncover the truth, but don’t believe everything.


On an island that is now used as a mental/prison facility, part prison part asylum terror and horror awaits at Whiteside Asylum. An old hospital for the criminally insane who are hopelessly past rehabilitation. The island was deemed an ideal location for a prison/asylum. It is assumed no prisoner could ever escape or survive the cold ocean that surrounds it.

Acting as an investigator of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) it’s your duty to inspect the asylum to make sure it up to standards. Up on arrival straight away things seem off, and what you discover is only the beginning.


  • Survival horror: You will have to use all your wits to try and seek the truth but also survive in this horror slasher.

  • Enemy AI: Enemies will not be predictable there is no set path way, they can come anywhere and at any moment, you will feel very unsafe

  • Graphics: Whiteside utilizes the unreal engine 4 and has made use of nearly all the engines features, including real time volumetric lighting, high textures, pushing the boundaries of what computers can do to give of a truly AAA quality in the graphics department

  • Rich Story and multiple endings: Whiteside focuses on story as much as it does on graphics and performance and game play, in this rich story telling game the player has choices that can be made which will effect the outcome of the story, not only that but environments have different entrances and exists meaning there can be multiple ways around the environment.

  • Random Jump Scares: Whiteside has hand crafted jump-scares made to scare the player but only a few will generate during each play-through giving the player more reasons not to play again

Whiteside on Steam

Help Me

Help Me

This game was so much fun and made me laugh so much! Probably the best $2 I’ve ever spent!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

A nice silly little game of choices where every turn there is potential death. No matter what happens you won’t be leaving completely intact. The art-style is interesting and everything meshes well together. Its short but worth the time to play.

Full playthrough, all endings:

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Help Me on Steam

Choo-Choo Charles

Choo-Choo Charles

Charles is a bloodthirsty train, and you need to destroy him.

These winding tracks are treacherous, so you’ll need to plan each mission. Be careful when clearing your path on foot, or switching the tracks direction, because Charles might be waiting for you.

Upgrade you train to fit your needs.

Go looting or complete missions to find “Scraps”, which can be used to turn your train, into a death machine on wheels.

Get help from the townspeople.

Help out the settlers in return for high powered weapons, and other items vital to Charles' destruction.

Fight Charles to the death.

Prove yourself a worthy train killer, by gaining enough strength, firepower, and skill to take down the mechanical terror once and for all.

In Choo-Choo Charles you’re given the task of eradicating a monster known by the locals as “Charles”. Nobody knows where he came from, but they know why; to eat the flesh of puny humans. You have a small yellow train, with a map, mounted machine gun, and an exquisite collection of bobble-heads on the dashboard. You’ll use this train to get from place to place, while you complete missions for the townspeople, or loot scraps from around the island. Over time you’ll use your scraps to upgrade your train’s speed, armor, and damage. You’ll grow your arsenal, and (hopefully) become an unstoppable force, ready to take on the great and mighty Charles.

Choo-Choo Charles on Steam