

This game its awesome gujs

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror FPS Games.

The game is really good, I would definitely recommend it. I saw people not being happy with the difficulty of this game, in my opinion it’s difficulty makes the game more fun since you learn things each attempt which is really satisfying. The idea of putting “hidden” collectibles is pretty neat too.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

C.H.A.S.E.D. on Steam

Eternal Evil Prologue

Eternal Evil Prologue

Eternal Evil Prologue is a demo for an unreleased/may never be released FPS adventure/zombie game that seems to have been slapped together by flipping a template from the venerable Unreal Engine.

While this is free, it’s not a game, it’s a demo, that was misleadingly published on Steam without being flagged as a demo. This is a common mistake.

As far as demos go, it shows promise as it’s copied from a reasonably good template set for Unreal. However, it’s buggy and largely unplayable despite the nice framework and art that copying assets from the Unreal store provides.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Vampire Games.

The game is GREAT but assuming you have a good machine to run it.

Played on my old PC and it was terrible, very long loading times, 10-15mins, and there are loading screens between different maps. Add to this very low fps, super laggy on medium settings and it becomes basically unplayable,

But I really wanted to play it after watching one walkthrough, the youtuber had a lot of fun and he didn’t have these issues.

So I tried Eternal Evil on a more powerful machine and it was a completely different story!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Eternal Evil Prologue on Steam

Evil Tonight

Evil Tonight

If Resident Evil Village hadn’t come out in July, Evil Tonight would be my personal Game of the Year. ET is the whole package; excellent art direction, great music, fun characters, and intriguing storyline, and a simple but sweet and satisfying gameplay loop.

Evil Tonight is a kind of survival horror action adventure, just without the horror. Think of it as more of a supernatural survival thriller through a whimsical anime lens, and you’ve got a good idea of what to expect. Sharp writing and clever puzzle design alongside simple but fun combat describe the experience perfectly.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Pixel Graphics Games.

This is a wonderfully challenging game. Great spritework, solid animations and character designs to boot. Just bear in mind that all the enemies hit like trucks so do expect to die a lot. The bosses I feel are challenging, but I do think that the stamina system isn’t necessary considering you already need to get close and personal with enemies most of the game if you want to conserve ammunition and you get hurt if you run into enemies anyway. Plus, you don’t deal a whole lot of damage with the knife, so most encounters you should expect to swing at your enemies at least four or five times to take them down at a minimum.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Evil Tonight on Steam



EDIT: Alright so I just replayed this game TWICE and have to say the majority of all my problems were completely fixed.

I found about 2 new bugs, neither of which were game breaking and I don’t doubt the Dev will fix it as he does really care about this game.

Give this game a shot, it’s well worth it and if I can beat it before the update and twice after so can you.

LOVE THIS GAME, Try it now! I’ll add a link to my new playthrough when I get it uploaded soon.

New Playthrough as promised:


Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

I love this game although at moments it touched a rage nerve lol. But it is great! Good atmosphere but the one thing I will touch on is the fact when you die it sends you back to the start which is really frustrating for me and probably others. But all in all a great game:) Check my playthrough and I got the bad ending so must get the good ending now:) Well doen Dev..I look forward to your next game:)


Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Krakatoa on Steam

Weekend Drive

Weekend Drive

This game hits the perfect margin of difficult and fun. After a while the Long road gets boring, the Final survival is challenging and fun at the same time, what i think long road needs is more variety and random events. Obviously this isn’t going to happen for a while because of there being one person working on this which is impressive, I just want to offer my opinion on this. This game is worth the buy if you want to see it grow overtime while it’s basic now, it has potential. One problem i found was balancing between the different factions while the ordinary zombie is far weaker than a normal alien, the mothership always loses to the Mega zombie i don’t know if this is intentional or not but I think it should be even. This is all just my opinion…(add a faction of bugs it would be cool ;)

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Weekend Drive on Steam

Dread X Collection 3

Dread X Collection 3

I really enjoyed the 2nd collection, but this one blows it away. 12 games plus the castle hub, and I can’t call a single one of them bad. Let’s get into some details:

The Castle

Bringing back the spooky-cute aesthetic of Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion, Kira’s castle is an adorable little hub-world complete with it’s own inhabitants and puzzles. As you complete games, the castle gets spookier, but never reaching full horror. The music in the castle is great, too! This is also where we get to hear the overarching story, which does tie in to both other collections as well as to individual games from those collections.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

If you’ve read my other Dread X reviews, you know the deal: I list each game and my thoughts as well as my favorite. Ratings are Very good, good, meh, bad, and horrible.

| Name | Dev(s) | Rating | Comments |

| Puzzle House | Dread XP | Good | It’s not as good as the one from the previous game. The previous game let you explore everything in one go, meaning you could finish all the puzzles and then play all the games back to back. In this one, you’re forced to play some games to make progress. Namely, the first game opens some doors, and the 10th game clears a pathway that’s inaccessible for most of the game, allowing you to get the candle to play the 12th game. I had to look up a walkthrough to figure this out, and it’s a good thing I did, cause otherwise I would have spent hours looking for the last candle. Take notes, Dread XP. Avoid limiting freedom of exploration, cause different people have different playstyles. Some like a story/gameplay lasagna, and some like to keep their peas and mashed potatoes separate so they can eat em one at a time. Yes, there’s free play mode, but I consider the overworld hub to be its own game and as such would also like to play that separately instead of interspersing its puzzles with the other games. Do the puzzles, play the games in a marathon, finish the story. The castle design itself is very pretty and atmospheric, according to the credits, it was made by Akuma Kira. You know, the guy who made Lost in Vivo? Epic. |

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Dread X Collection 3 on Steam



At 12:03 AM, September 16th, Damien Mara mysteriously vanished on a camping trip. At 10:00 AM October 1st, the search for Damien was officially called off with no evidence found.

Fleshgait is an atmospheric survival horror game inspired by the classics, but with several unique twists. For example, the game’s puzzle and item placement dynamically shifts, so each playthrough is slightly different. The game’s event system randomly places jump scares based on the player’s progression. “The Stigmatized” are a zombie-like enemy which can be put into a dormant state by receiving damage but can only actually be killed by the use of fire. Another one of many monstrosities you will encounter dynamically grow in numbers if their sources are not destroyed.

Explore, solve puzzles, and conserve resources.

Puzzle and item placement vary on each playthrough.

Realtime menu-less inventory for maximum immersion.

The camera system switches between static cameras and panning cinematic cameras.

Two playable characters, with A and B scenarios.

Fire weapons must be used to fully defeat “The Stigmatized”.

Multiple endings.

Dynamic jump scare systems.

Unlockable modes, weapons and costumes.

Fleshgait on Steam



So many good scares in this and i really enjoyed some of the puzzles, my voice acting could have been better but still i had fun with this one :) the prison is terrifying btw!

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Good game. Interesting story line. Would recommended.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game


My Friendly Neighborhood

My Friendly Neighborhood

Something is amiss with everyone’s favorite Saturday morning puppet show! For years, the colorful cast of The Friendly Neighborhood delighted audiences across the globe with their cooky capers and educational adventures. However, as time went on and interest waned, the production studio found themselves out of money and closed their doors for good. Toy sales would dwindle, and birthday balloons and cakes would find new mascots. In time, the once household names would fade into increasingly niche fandoms. Until one night years later, the studio unexpectedly clicks back to life and starts broadcasting The Friendly Neighborhood. TV sets across the globe flicker for a moment before the familiar puppets return for a surprise encore! But this isn’t your typical family-friendly holiday special… are those puppets eating each other!?

Thinking the antenna on top of the main building has started broadcasting old episodes, the city sends Handyman Gordon to straighten things out. It doesn’t take Gordon long to find that the typically friendly neighborhood has become a lot less welcoming. Stepping into his work-boots, you’ll have to fend off ferocious friends, solve a plethora of playtime puzzles turned perilous, and hopefully uncover the dastardly truth at the heart of this terrifying tale.

If you’re tired of games that rely on gore more than solid scares, then come on over to the streets of MFN! Featuring a mix of action and adventure, MFN is the perfect game for horror fans looking for something a bit different. Sure, there might not be any dismemberment or decapitations. But that just means the puppets don’t stay down for good…


  • A colorful cast of puppet friends turned adversaries (and maybe turned friends again!)

  • Non-linear, survival horror gameplay. Make sure to check your map!

  • Unique weapons like the Rolodexer. Do you know your ABCs? You better - it’s your ammo.

  • An array of puzzles in the vein of the survival horror greats.

  • A multitude of diverse environments, from the “BTS” Ray’s Workshop to cardboard crayon halls

  • A grid-based real-time inventory, cause that’s just way better

My Friendly Neighborhood on Steam

Organ Quarter

Organ Quarter

Organ Quarter is one of those beautifully rare moments for Silent Hill fans where someone not only understands the essentials and building blocks of surreal and mesmerizing horror, but perhaps not coincidentally also has the skills needed to take that understanding and make it into something original. Imagine if SCP-610 took over a small urban town overnight and you seem to be the only one out of the loop of societies new economy specializing in skin, that’s what the first hour of Organ Quarter is. You are a shut in who never leaves the house (for reasons that would be a lot easier to explain than mine to my psychiatrist) who is told by the voice of your doctor on the telephone that it’s time to leave your comfort zone and go smell the roses, only to quickly find out that said roses are made of processed ham and want to eat you. It pulls off the nightmarish breakdown of common logic incredibly well: there’s no intro cutscene or exposition needed, just you, a gun, and several subtle ques pointing you in the direction of what the hell happened to the town and why a lady in a mask very politely, in a perfectly normal tone asks you if she can have your skin when you are inevitably consumed by the very walls of your apartment building. But enough about the content of the game itself, you likely came here to know if the game will scratch the itch that most modernized gaming horror can’t, with its juvenile jumpscares, ample ammunition and/or lack of any artistic balls. And the answer is FUCK YES. The fact that sounds, not screeches or the clanking of metal but ordinary ambiance made me dart my head around faster than a woodpecker on crack is assurance enough for me that the games’s atmosphere is top notch. The early 90’s looking indie visuals actually add to the tone very well, giving me flashbacks to my first playthrough of Silent Hill 1 and Harvester. And anyone who knows me is aware that I don’t get scared by video games outside of the existential eeriness of the narrative, and Organ Quarter manages to have both that but also one the first times I was ever genuinely afraid to keep going, knowing that the game’s wonderfully dark imagination wasn’t above making something dreadful completely ordinary in it’s own little world. I felt an immense feeling of relief when the credits began to roll, along with an incredible feeling of satisfaction knowing the game I just played would become one of my all time favorites. Hell, there were times where I felt genuinely lost on if I was going in the right direction and the game was able steer me to the exit every time without any arrows or objective markers, that’s how good the level design alone is. As a designer, however, the lack of any kind of melee weapon confuses me. Running out of ammo will make you wish you had one more bullet to shoot yourself in the head with and go back to your last save since you are now completely defenseless. It only happened twice in my entire 5 hour playthrough but it was especially a kick in the balls for me since I went mostly melee in all the Silent Hill games and now being forced to just dodge enemies like how I dodge the special needs kid in the school hallway instead of facing them at a disadvantage wasn’t as fun. There was also a moment where I thought the game broke because an elevator door wouldn’t open on a specific floor, when in reality it just didn’t go to that floor and there was only a slight indication. The $25 price also makes me wish it had more replay value, like an infinite ammo mode or an option to make the monsters wear silly costumes, that sort of thing. That being said Organ Quarter is easily the best game to get for VR if you’re looking for a legitimate survival horror and not a haunted house simulator without the option of punching the poor man in the costume while pretending you’re Leon Kennedy or something.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

It’s been 2 years, I decided to revisit this game. All the bugs I identified in the prior review have been fixed. It is now completely playable without any jank. If it still falls short in any area it’s the level design. The maps are geometrically less complex than many original Quake 1 levels. Very basic 3D solids smooshed together.

I think the most egregious example of this is the fusion of two wooden walkways at a 15 degree angle in the subterranean section where the power core/gate lifting puzzle is. No effort was made to joint them believably. They just kind of phase into each other at the tips. The caves and tunnels themselves also look very…“Quake engine”-ish. Big angular faceted surfaces with repeated textures rather than organic shapes.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Organ Quarter on Steam