Escape the Ayuwoki: Horror Night

Escape the Ayuwoki: Horror Night

Horror Night is an online Third/First person asymmetric horror adventure coop multiplayer videogame. Escape from the abandoned mansion by solving puzzles and finding items.

You can customize your character with a variety of hairstyles, outfits, faces, colors, etc.

Explore and enjoy each match as its own unique experience! because the mansion is procedurally generated each time you play :)

And finally, get to play as the Ayuwoki! and hunt down all the survivors you can before they escape!

Enjoy all the new cosmetics, skins, and NEW MAPS that are being added periodically to the game!

Finally! you can play as the Ayuwoki! hunt down every last survivor to win the match!

The Ayuwoki monster has special abilities to use as an advantage, visual hearing like a sonar, or echolocation!

Also throwing up biomass to create a sticky substance in the floor, or alarm rats, among other things!

You can also directly execute players with an “ultimate” skill (with a huge cooldown time of course).

Knock down closed doors to keep pursuing the survivors or to prevent them to shutting the doors in your face so they can escape.

Play alongside your friends and don’t let the Ayuwoki catch them! you are rewarded for helping your teammates, solving puzzles and working as a team to be able to escape the mansion.

Each time you play re-live the experience of being lost in an unknown mansion! since its randomly generated again and again each match! Puzzles will be also randomized and this time you can escape through different exit points and each one is a different challenge to solve.

The Ayuwoki monster can be customized through a different variety of skins!

New skins are being added with each update, events and special hollidays!

The survivors can be customized with different hairstyles, faces, outfits, colors, etc!

In each update, event or special holliday new cosmetics are being added!

Read More: Best Survival Horror Multiplayer Games.

Escape the Ayuwoki: Horror Night on Steam



So, this is one of my scariest games yet, but SCP was definetly the more challenging, besides that they are many pros and cons that i found while playing this magnificent game, each one will have a detailed explanation about why I beleive this.


The atmosphere was simply fantastic, it kept me on my seat, something most horror games just couldnt coprehend, the sounds and spooky sounds always kept the feeling eerie and creepy, which should always be a Pro for Games like these

The mechanics are also fairly decent and amazing, took me 2 hours to figure it out but in the end, it turned to an easy yet challenging experience that i personally find enjoyable and Reasonable for these type of horror survival games

Real player with 36.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Robots Games.

Tattletail follows an unknown but presumably young main protagonist during the week of Christmas engaging various questionable activities with their newly mysterious toy Tattletail. Although they’re aware opening this present prior to Christmas is risky, it becomes unexpectedly encouraged once strange supernatural events occur after the toy is removed from its packaging. Tattletail is seemingly a good toy made for the whole family until it’s later revealed something more threatening is prepared to reign over the protagonist’s household.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Tattletail on Steam



I just played through Alisa from beginning to end and I just cannot praise it enough. I’ve seen a lot of attempts at recreating that 90s survival horror experience, but nothing has nailed it with the perfect execution that this game has. I could go on forever about everything I loved about this game (the flawless retro aesthetic, the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, the nostalgically familiar gameplay, the myriad unique features that make it something new and exciting…) but to get to the point of what I think people need to know, I will start by stating it simply as this: If you love old school survival horror games like Resident Evil 1, Silent Hill 1, etc., you will love this game. If you have not played games like these or haven’t played them recently enough to remember the difficulty of fixed camera angles, tank controls, and the like, then this might not be for you. It seems to me that most negative points in the reviews I’ve seen here fall either into the category of the game being too difficult or into the category of problems with bugs, so I will address these two points.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Survival Horror Retro Games.

I just finished my second playthrough of this game, and, god, what a great game it is! It captures the pure essence of PS1 survival horror games in absolutely every aspect, from gameplay and graphics to voice acting and cheesy moments. I’m a big fan of this genre and beat RE1-3 hundreds of times and if you are just like me then you will enjoy this game!

This is probably the survival horror game with the most enemy variety in genre. Every location has their own enemies and sometimes you might get some surprise encounters while visiting old locations. Bosses are cool and dope and each of them is completely unique in design and combat. What I really like is that upon entering a room you know instantly that there’s going to be a boss battle and you have a chance to go back and get ready, instead of being like “no please I wanna go back, I don’t have much ammo :c”. There’s a lot of weapons and costumes with various effects that might suit your gameplay style just perfectly! Puzzles might be hard and frustrating at times, but they are so much fun and so different from each other. These are probably the best puzzles in a horror game I’ve ever seen, the perfect balance of difficulty and fun. Music and graphics of this game are just PHENOMENAL! Preserving an art style and feeling of a PS1 era is challenging, but they did it flawlessly! This game has a lot of surprises and you never know what’s going to happen next.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Alisa on Steam

Block Me.

Block Me.

I am an informationmanagement student. This arcade game was made from scratch, it is just to test how Steam works.

Do not excpect much. You NEED at least Java 9! (You can just download it. Search for “Java 9 Download Oracle”)


Keys are W/A/S/D to move and

B to open and close the buymenu


You are a spaceship and you travel around the universe, you have to collect food

without getting hurt by enemy Spaceships. Every once in a while,

when you collected enough food, you can visit the alien-pawn-shop

and trade for good spaceship upgrades.

Pls rate/comment the game.

Everthing is programmed from scratch with Java.

Block Me. on Steam

Alone in the Dark 2

Alone in the Dark 2

Probably the first survival horror games ever made and boy they done it right!

Great atmosphere, amazing graphics for the time, the sounds and music so creepy that it actually gives me chills till this day.

The stories are quite familiar and considered to be a classic horror stories taken from known books.

The puzzles are freaking insanely hard, and the games (1,2,3) as a whole are not easy at all to say the least.

I’m ashamed to admit that I never managed to finish any of them as a kid but oh man now that iv’e done it it was quite a ride, an epic blast from the past!

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Alot of improvements following on from the first game. At the time in 1994 the controls would of felt alot more polished compared to the original game but in today modern era they are still horrible. Some excellent game play script events in this one compared to the first one espically the bit where you get to blow up the entire sleeping quaters with a cannon. This one foccuses alot more on combat compared to the original game which you can tell straight from the start of the game where youre given a machine gun and every other guard drops ammo. The puzzles are really fun in this game and challenging and the fact half way through the game you get to play as the young lass which adds some more player variety in the game.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Alone in the Dark 2 on Steam



Absolutely loved this game! Great narrative and it was not what I expected at all in the best way! Thought it was going to be just a bunch of hide and seek but I really enjoyed the story along with it. I don’t usually enjoy stealth games because I just don’t have the patience but this one I would highly recommend! Great jump scares in this one as well! A+

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Played a few hours of this game. Haven’t yet completed it but I enjoyed my time playing it so far.

It does have some very random jump scares (Flashing white light with quick narrative about whats going on in the story)

I feel like it can be scary at some points but once you get used to the environment, you calm down a bit.

The Monsters/Ghosts design are fairly simple so once you come across them a few times you get to know their mechanics and can avoid them quite easily I’d say. They do give you a good chase which does get the adrenaline going.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Yuoni on Steam

Alone in the Dark 3

Alone in the Dark 3

წინებისაგან განსხვავებით ამან მაგარი გამაწვალა. ძალიან ბევრი თავსატეხი უბრალოდ უაზრობაა და ამოხსნის ლოგიკა ვერ დავიჭირე. პლუს ძააალიან ცუდი პოზიციონირება აქვს, ანუ მაგალითად ერთ ადგიალს გავიჭედე, მივედი მილთან ვცადე გახსნა, არაფერი არ ქნა, ვტრიალებ ერთი საათი წრეზე და ბოლოს გასვლა მოვნახე და ბამ, ის მილი უნდა გააღო, ოღონდ მილიმეტრით გვერდით უნდა იდგე. ძალიან გამაღიზიანებელია… ისტორიაც არაა ისეთი ძლიერი, როგორც პირველის იყო და მეორესთან პირდაპირ კავშირშია ამავდროულად, მაგრამ არაფერი განსაკუთრებული. ბევრს ვერაფერს დავამატებ, დიდად აღფრთოვანებული არ ვარ, ხანგრძლივობას მოუმატეს თამაშის მაგრამ ხარისხი საკმაოდ დაბალია (გეიმფლეის მხრივ) ჩემი აზრით.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Probably the first survival horror games ever made and boy they done it right!

Great atmosphere, amazing graphics for the time, the sounds and music so creepy that it actually gives me chills till this day.

The stories are quite familiar and considered to be a classic horror stories taken from known books.

The puzzles are freaking insanely hard, and the games (1,2,3) as a whole are not easy at all to say the least.

I’m ashamed to admit that I never managed to finish any of them as a kid but oh man now that iv’e done it it was quite a ride, an epic blast from the past!

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Alone in the Dark 3 on Steam

Alone in the Dark 1

Alone in the Dark 1

For anyone who doesn’t already know, this is the very first survival horror game every made. It first released in 1992 on floppy disk, 1993 on many Japanese computers of the time and on CD-ROM, finally releasing on the 3DO in 1994.

Before this review turns into a history lesson about the entire survival horror genre, I’ll get on with the game itself.


Despite the character models looking very rough-around-the-edges today, I think there’s a certain charm to them.

Considering this is the first game of its genre, it gets terrifying at times!

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Alone in the Dark 1 AKA the first game in the Alone in the Dark series is a classic horror game, it has its problems but let’s get into the story.

First off you can play as one of two people in this game Emily Hartwood the niece of Jeremy Hartwood or Edward Carnby a private investigator dealing with paranormal shenanigans.

Anyway after the death of Jeremy Hartwood, Emily Hartwood goes to the Derceto house to find out why her uncle killed himself.

Or you play as private investigator/paranormal investigator Edward Carnby, who was hired by Gloria Allen an owner of an antique store to go to the Derceto house to get an old piano with secret drawers.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Alone in the Dark 1 on Steam



I want to stress first that I am one of the beta testers for this game. I did get it for free and I’ve been following the game in it’s development for a while now. Do with that information what you will. Having said that, there are a tremendous amount of positives here and a couple negative as well and I’d like to start with those to get them out of the way.

Cons: This game is not overly difficult, but the difficulty level is not horizontal. In fact, it’s more like a wave. There are some parts that seem gift-wrapped for you and others that make it seem like you’re on Santa’s naughty list. I would have preferred a more evenly distributed challenge. Also, make sure you’re attention to detail is on point or else you’ll be backtracking a lot. Prepare for that.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Amazing work from the developer and I highly recommend this game to anyone looking to for a good indie horror. If you are lost in the game then they do have a walkthrough and Discord so I also recommend joining! There’s not much more I can say about this game other than I felt compelled to continue playing, it had me on edge most of the time and constantly second guessing my actions and a wave of accomplishment when I won. The characters look simplistic but have an old-school charm that is reminiscent to Tamagatchi and the atmosphere pulls you in with it’s ambiance and sound.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Bubbaruka! on Steam

No Cure

No Cure

Aladdin for the Super Nintendo is your basic run-of-the-mill videogame that was adapted for the movie

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

No Cure on Steam