My first thought was to be skeptical, and I thought maybe this game was too much like Spore, but I’m a huge sucker for cell games and there is definitely not enough of them so I decided to buy this game and I am not regretting it one bit! I have been playing it all day and am still on the first level and tier of cell upgrades. So it seems like this is one of those games that takes quite a bit of playing to get good at and understand to it’s fullest potential - and I love that! I’ve barely scatched the surface!
– Real player with 24.4 hrs in game
Read More: Best Survival Tactical Games.
A game seemingly based around multiplayer with no community and really not reason for there to be one. Different cell types interact in such a generic way that there is really only maybe 3 to 5 different ways to play the game. 1. have a carnivore with spikes that runs into things. 2 have an herbivore/omnivore with spikes that keeps things from running into itself 3. have a carnivore with guns/ bombs 4. have an herbivore/omnivore with guns/bombs. 5. some combination of the last four.
having the ability to move pieces of your body while playing could add dynamism to the game. Adding a multiplayer system that allowed you to match with people over long periods of time could make the multiplayer actually viable.
– Real player with 10.1 hrs in game