Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive

Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive

Entertaining. This is a tactics game in the likes of Commandos. The graphics are old but still nice. Decent soundtrack. The story is good.

No bugs but some freezes and some crashes, really not a big deal. Runs fine on Win 7.

Well, this is a classic now. It’s a good game with a lot of content. Many hours to finish it. There are several ways to approach a mission and characters with diverse abilities to help you in your quests. This game is an elaborated puzzle, basically. Unlike Commandos, solving some of the scenarios requires thinking outside the box, which is not necessarily an awesome thing. You can experience some frustration time when the abilities don’t work as they should, like enemies refusing to investigate a noise or pick up something. The game breaks its own features and mechanics to create hard head-scratchers with weird solutions. In some cases, It will be both surprising and dumb to find out that you need to be a happy-trigger and not a puzzle solver. If it gets too frustrating, just look for a walkthrough.

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Tactical Games.

Many people have reviewed this game with an eye on compatibility issues - these are obviously important, and it’s sad that a game can be sold on a platform like this in an essentially non-functional state. But I feel there needs to be a bit more said about the game itself.

Desperados, as a real-time tactical strategy top-down stealth game (genres are confusing), falls into sparsely-traversed terrain. You command a posse of ridiculously stereotypical western caricatures as they make their way through a ripper of an old-school western.The backdrops of each map are frequently beautiful, the voice acting is impressively involved, and the gameplay is involving. But it is the latter that makes Desperados stand out.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive on Steam

Hard West

Hard West

Thanks to the Developers at CreativeForge games and the Publishing group of Gambitious Digital Entertainment for providing a game that provided hours of entertainment and escape.

Hard West is a strategic turn based game set in the wild west with minor RPG and choose your own adventure elements. The one surprising addition is it’s all told with a fantastic dark written narrative(some voiced) that I could swear was written by Stephen King himself. Impressive in every way I found myself addicted, not since Xcom EU, to the world of Hard West.

Real player with 73.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Games.

I’m so glad I got this on sale for $2. Hard West isn’t worth $20.

It’s rare to see a turn-based game THIS wrong. Hard West is the most unimpressive turn-based tactics game I’ve ever played and I played Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch. Although it has some great theming, a fun setting, and decently fun adventuring, I really REALLY hate the combat.

What’s so bad about it? Well it’s X-Com lite, but without the charm. Let’s start with the biggest flaw. Luck. Each character has a luck score, usually starting at 100. Every time an enemy misses, you lose an amount of luck equal to their chance to hit you. I’m not entirely clear on how the rest works, but it seems that if you have 0 luck, enemies will always hit.

Real player with 53.2 hrs in game

Hard West on Steam



Great buy for the discount for $2.49. A lot of fun. My first time playing this type of strategy. Totally hooked. Can’t wait for Desperados 3. I recommend playing this one as a ramp up to the 2019 version coming out. Cool cut scenes, and despite what others are saying I like the option to go into Third Person (not First Person as many are calling it). Helldorado is the 3rd game (or 2.5) in the series. Not sure why they didn’t give it the Desperados name. Maybe because its suppose to be act 2 for Desperados 2: The Revenge game. Good characters, good story telling, AI could be better but this was published in 2009 so what you want? Strongly recommend. Found it from a YouTube video that was calling Tastee: Lethal Tactics a hybrid of Xcom and Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive.

Real player with 125.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Singleplayer Games.

  • Total Score: 6,5 / 10

Here is all I think about Helldorado:

  • I like a lot the “mechanics” of the game, and how is it work, also if is almost the same of Desperados 2. It look much more like an expnasion that a new game. Its only change few things, also the graphics, is the same.

But… There is few things, I dont like much:

  • all the soldier in the game, CNT be killed, if U kill one of them, u lost the mission (but as they see you, they just start shooting, and kill you). And this could be ok, but there are too many mission where there are soldiers, and that means that in most of the mission, u cnt kill your enemy, and this is really annoyng, and some times makes the game a bit boring.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Helldorado on Steam

Desperados III

Desperados III

Perfect game made with love and attention to detail. Engaging story, believable characters, excellent voice acting. Smooth and customizable control scheme.

This game represents the peak of the genre.

Real player with 117.5 hrs in game

I LOVED the original…Then I played this! The original now sits in that nostalgic corner of my gaming brain never to be played again just thought about with fond memories because when you play the original you’ll be thinking of this!. Well worth every penny and more. I lost two and a half hours on one mission that only felt like half an hour, I also managed to burn my dinner in the process! Ha. The achievements are a very nice touch that gives the game some longevity….Speed running might be a bridge too far for me though! The only negative thing about this game is you get to the end eventually and you’ll want more!. Note to Mimimi…Please take my money and make more content….(pretty please).

Real player with 91.3 hrs in game

Desperados III on Steam

Desperados 2: Cooper’s Revenge

Desperados 2: Cooper’s Revenge

Before I write this, it is worth knowing that this game was supposed to be of much higher quality. Atari’s inability to pay Spellbound (the developers) for 6 months meant staff had to be put off and this (basically) unfinished game was the result of that. This review nevertheless is about the steam product.

Edit: Another warning is that there are some bugs with certain graphics cards. Apparently there existed (functional) view cones and although this is a minor point, it may make the game a bit more digestible.

Real player with 80.7 hrs in game

Also See: my reply to [atomblonde]

This game is actually REALLY GOOD! It’s a shame sh*### bags that have played for less than 1 freakin hour have to throw in their 2 cents. If you like Western themed movies or games you will ACTUALLY LOVE this. A little buggy, but who cares, for the experience its worth it. This style game is not for everyone, IF YOU MUST PLAY a CALL OF DUTY or FORTNITE this game is not for you. Patience, strategy and tactics. But I love the 3D/third person view for game play and really putting you in the western world. Only an isometric game cannot provide this. I think Spellbound improved on the first game but the hard core fans all got together and CONSPIRED against the Developer Spellbound the way some of you all conspire to betray your buddy by cheating with his girlfriend while he is laid up in intensive care ward after being hit by a car going 55 in a school zone while he was walking an old woman half way through a cross walk. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU “DESPERADO” fans, who are the reason Spellbound is no longer in business. THIS GAME ROCKS! If you like strategy and tactics mixed with 3rd person perspective this is a KEEPER!!! Play as a build up to Desperados 3, and pay the dam $59.99 price tag to help support Mimimi for having the vision to recessitate and bring this “Best Friend Franchise” back to life. And BTW… get off your cell phones and stop speeding through the school zone - losers! - TKP

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge on Steam



(TL;DR↓) First off, this game has been on my wishlist for quite a while, and I finally picked it up on sale, for 49¢. I would have gladly payed full price for Fuego! and I’ll break down why. For starters, I wasn’t expecting much more than a simple, casual strategy game, but it is a pretty decent experience so far. It’s multiplayer, cross-platform multiplayer even, it has a puzzle based campaign, it’s got A.I. for quick play games, the art style is nicely done, the soundtrack fits well, the game runs a steady fps count, and it generally plays well. All of those are major upsides, especially coming from indie developers. But, it’s also a game that doesn’t require a low ping to play online! That’s right, you heard correctly! This was one of the major selling points for me personally, and I only found out once I started playing. Since this game is so simple, you can play this game online anywhere, and games that can be played online by people in rural areas are few and far between, which is great for someone like me who doesn’t live in the city full time. Fuego! is a simple, sweet, casual strategy game that you and a friend can both enjoy together for a few bucks. I look foward to this game gaining popularity and growing as a whole. It has the potential to be a bigger multiplayer game; if Fuego! had the option for matches with a bigger player count, that could make it more replayable too.. The more friends that can play, the more fun there is!

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Coyote gunslingers, the Tortoise and the Hare teamed up and a few greedy Raccoonstacks. I barely started playing Fuego and I’m already loving it.

The visual design is wonderful, music’s very atmospheric (though it’s short lenght might be an issue) and the gameplay’s highly enjoyable in both available modes (puzzles and battles).

The skill floor is quite low, anyone can pick this game up and learn it’s rules in the matter of a few minutes, but recognising the nuances that affect the final chain reaction of each battle (like the speed of bullets, the angle of ricochet, or if killing your own, previously placed bandito before he’s able to shoot would actually benefit you) in the few seconds that are given to you sets the game’s skill ceiling reasonably high.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Fuego! on Steam

The Feud: Wild West Tactics

The Feud: Wild West Tactics

Ok my reviews will be simple and funny, if you are like me and spend money on games that appeal to you especially from this genre cool dont hesitate to buy. At first glance i said to myself here we go with another flop but then I realized that once i got into it the game became a tactical surprise. Like in X-Com the standard bearer cover will save you alot especially in this game which brings me to my only con; Omnipotent enemy rifleman, lol the game needs balance in the difficulty for the base experience. I suggest starting on easy which in itself has the occassional lucky enemy shot. Its easy to win encounters but its gonna cost you a gonad EVERY encounter, I am still kinda sore about my boy “Cleon Rukus”, lol who lost his life in the first shot against a holdup fugitive. I still cant figure out if the difficulty in some encounters is a critique or maybe thats what keeps me playing whatever the case “Cleon” will be avenged, lol. Yeah buy it and have fun maybe the devs will surprise us with excellent support and plenty of bug fixes and yeah content. Thumbz up!!

Real player with 152.1 hrs in game

This is a great new turn based game, set in Kentucky in the 1800’s, a pretty rare situation.

Ignore the other reviews about this game being too tough. The game was quickly patched after release. It is still hard but after the patch the new normal can be won without save scumming. You will need to win 50+ battles and kill 100’s of enemies to win the Saga normal game. You will have losses and defeats but you can tough it out and win.

If you really need it there is an easy mode but normal makes for a better game if you have any experience with turn based games. There is also hardcore and other tougher modes to suit your skill level.

Real player with 112.7 hrs in game

The Feud: Wild West Tactics on Steam

Westward Collection

Westward Collection

I’m an old broad and I loved replaying these games during COVID! Very casual and a great time-killer but still requires some strategy.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

The original Westward (1st game in collection) is an iconic blast from the past town simulator. It’s the perfect mix of time management, decision making, and plain fun.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Westward Collection on Steam



Impressions Games' Pharaoh (also available on Steam, though pricey for a 1999 title), sans combat, in a wild-west setting, with a heavy focus on trading.

You supply houses with goods to increase their level, they support more population and pay more rent this way, but eventually demand more quantity and diversity of goods to improve. You might be able to produce some of these goods for which you will need to set up a supply chain, from producing the material to crafting the end product. Some of these you can’t produce at all, you will need to open trade routes with cash and then buy or sell goods accordingly.

Real player with 76.8 hrs in game

1849 is a gold rush-themed city builder in the same vein as the classic Impressions series (Pharaoh, Caesar, Zeus, and Emperor). It’s a little less complex than the aforementioned games, and the strategy is pretty much the same for each level, making it a little repetitive after a while. Still, it’s a long game (20 hours in, and I still haven’t finished it), and it’s certainly worth picking up on sale.

The UI has some flaws; first of all, it covers up too much of the playing field. There are only two ‘advisors’: population and economy. The economics advisor doesn’t give you nearly enough information about where your money is going. When buying and selling goods, you cannot set a purchase/sell level, where anything below/above that number is bought/sold. If you run out of a resource needed for your houses, they will devolve; thus, you must keep an eye on how much stock you have in your warehouse. You can tag items in the warehouse to ‘hoard’, but only food and alcohol, not resources such as wood and fabric.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

1849 on Steam

Gunslingers & Zombies

Gunslingers & Zombies

plays well once you figure out the goals - no idea how to save progress though

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Całkiem miła i relaksująca gra. Grafika prosta, kreskówkowa - pasuje do lekkiego klimatu gry. Interfejs intuicyjny, przyjazny. Jak na razie nie napotkałem na żadne bugi. Po przejściu pierwszych kilku plansz, jak na razie trochę brakuje głębi strategicznej. Miałem czasem wrażenie, że wystarczy po prostu iść przed siebie i strzelać. Ale może powinienem poczekać i pograć kilka kolejnych plansz, zobaczymy wtedy.

Jak na razie daje łapkę w górę - gra bez jakiegoś wielkiego szału, ale można dla relaksu popykać,

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Gunslingers & Zombies on Steam