Little Town Hero

Little Town Hero

Little Town Hero is Game Freak’s recent outing from-

Oh? You didn’t want me to hear me talk about this game? You want me to talk about Pokemon? Can that wait until the end please? Thank you.

Little Town Hero is Game Freak’s recent outing from their “Gear Project” system. Mixing the strategy from both card and board games, Little Town Hero offers a very unique RPG experience. Even as someone who loves the game on the Switch, I can only recommend it with caution because of the battle system. If you’re into card and board games that’s long and has loads of strategy, then you can jump right in, otherwise stay away from it. The lack of a free demo doesn’t help either because this is a game that sorely needed it. As of this writing there’s an issue with the pricing for certain regions, so don’t spend over 30 bucks for this until this is fixed. I even feel that the price is really steep, topping on this being a divisive title is a gamble.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Story Rich Games.

Its such a wonderful game to play! In terms of other reviews issues I haven’t really ran into them aside from the intro being unskippable and start on a small screen but, fixable with options in the main menu. I love the music and mechanics of little town hero and the amount strategy needed when playing in hard mode!

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game

Little Town Hero on Steam

Goblin Stone

Goblin Stone

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Dungeon Crawler Games.

Goblin Stone on Steam

We Are The Caretakers

We Are The Caretakers

This game is a great concept, and the Afro-futurist aesthetic adds a layer of depth I did not expect. Yes, it is early access/beta, so there’s bugs, but the dev team is available nearly 24/7 to discuss problems and hear feedback. This is indie game development done right, and what is already a good game will be an outstanding final product as a result. Think of the early access purchase as a long term investment that is going to pay off soon!

tldr: buy this. support indie games, and immerse yourself in Afro-futurist sci-fi!

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Grand Strategy Games.

One of my friends said this game is sci-fi super soldier park rangers and that is spot-on. 

The combat is a blast. The game is still buggy in early access but that doesn’t block it from being a beautiful and fun experience. Also - that music, man. So. Good. 

Check it out if you like: Final Fantasy-esque combat and graphics and music, Divinity Original Sim’s combat, rhinos, park rangers

Main word that comes to mind when I play this game: protector

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

We Are The Caretakers on Steam

Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

If a potential buyer is reading this, I recommend reading the conclusion paragraph first.

If this is someone who has purchased and played this game already, I want you to add any more bugs/recommendations to the list in the comments.

Game-Breaking Bugs

-When the AI jumps, it results in them gaining essence (two turns of sleep) while the player loses essence for jumping.

-When using a ranged weapon, the only way to access your inventory for potions is if you get close to the enemy that only allows access to inventory if out of range, which for a bow is anywhere but in close range.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

Well okay, first time ill write a long review.

I have played around 20 hours and gotta say it wasnt bad, like the game could be really good IF there wasnt so much buggs like holy sh*t!

I know its hard making games by only yourself, trust me, Im also a solo game developer but you should instead of making 3 or 4 games focus on one or two untill its stable and as good as it can be. Just my thoughts…

Well now Im going to talk about the game.

The story is great and just like s&s2. Some people dont like the graphics but i think its cool. The weapons could been in a better quality doe cause they are kinda blurry and upscaled it feels like. Sad cause the characters and armor quality looks great.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Swords and Sandals 2 Redux on Steam



The game is a solid Pokemon style game, but with much better battles I think. Overall it felt quite polished.


1. The team dynamics make battles exciting and require coordination between Murgles.

2. Most fights are tough which is good in my opinion.

3. Fights aren’t too long or too short. I think they are just right to have some tactics in them, but not last forever.


1. The team dynamic creates a lot of build options for what Murgles you want to use on your team.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

This game is a waste of money and time. Too many bugs. Stuck on chapter 3 due to a bug.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Murgles on Steam

Royal Frontier

Royal Frontier

The wagons are packed and an eager group of settlers are ready to head out.

But the journey is full of dangers. Treacherous terrain, savage bandits and ancient monsters have been the end of many settlers. So they turn to you to protect them.

Choose your party, move across the map like a board game, and battle monsters.

The combat is a nuanced mix of turn-based and time-based approach, with attacks, specials and items make each encounter unique.


  • Unlock characters and power ups for your next trip

  • Use the gold to buy weapons and equipment

  • Take decisions that can help or hurt your party

  • Turn-based and time-based combat

  • Choose your road wisely

Royal Frontier on Steam

Strike Team Gladius

Strike Team Gladius

Strike Team Gladius is a typical Wave Light game, and in my book that’s a good thing. The story serves as the framework for the game campaign’s 40 combat missions, so it’s all about building a team and tactical combat. Finishing the campaign twice took me about 100 hours.

There are 12 different classes, each with a male and a female version. They all have different stats, skills and abilities. You choose 6 of them and off you go. After each mission your units get EXP points and after roughly 5 missions they get an upgrade - if you can keep them alive, that is.

Real player with 145.4 hrs in game


The game has improved tremendously in early access and a lot of the rough edges have been removed. And the difficulty curve has been mostly smoothed out. A tutorial has also been added that helps quite a bit in getting the player oriented. Two new classes (exo armor troopers) were also added an are a lot of fun! And now it is out of early access!

Definitely recommended for fans of tactical turn based games!

Original Review:

Strike Team Gladius is a solid squad based strategy game by WaveLight games. Your 6 squad members will fight aliens in a variety of outdoor environments, with a large variety of allies and enemies. It is currently in early access and has some rough edges, but progress has been fast on sanding them down. Definitely worth a buy if you are a squad based strategy fan!

Real player with 119.9 hrs in game

Strike Team Gladius on Steam

Together in Battle

Together in Battle

Together in Battle is a strategy RPG and team management roguelite with vibrant procedurally generated characters and emergent relationship-building. Uncover a sinister conspiracy; fight deep turn-based tactical battles; deal with random events; watch your characters grow together.


You’ve arrived in the island kingdom of Dese with a secret mission to enter the gladiatorial games and find loyal fighters. Hunted by an imperial praetor, you must maintain a low profile even as you find yourself drawn into intrigues that will decide the fate of Dese itself.

Recruit and manage charming characters. Stay stocked on food, make payroll, and keep your characters practicing. But beware: they have feelings! Let their friends to fall in battle, and they may become depressed. Let morale fall too low, and you’ll risk resentment and desertion. Keep them happy, however, and they will grow close to one another, form fond memories, give nicknames–even share their special combat skills! With skill and patience, you will emerge victorious…together in battle.

An evolution of the lauded Telepath Tactics combat engine

With a deterministic core that never wastes your time, combat in Together in Battle nonetheless features dizzying tactical depth:

  • Backstabbing: strike from behind to avoid counterattacks and score a huge damage bonus!

  • Elevation: claim the high ground to boost your effectiveness and hinder the enemy’s!

  • Knockbacks galore: shove and throw enemies into water, lava, and chasms; off of cliffs; or into each other!

  • Destructible environments: bust down doors, blow up walls, hack through bushes, chop through barricades! If you can see it, you can smash it.

  • Create new structures on the battlefield: build your own bridges and barricades; freeze water to form ice bridges; set traps for enemies to wander into; place explosives to detonate at an opportune moment.

  • Defensive terrain: take up position in tall grass to gain a defense boost–or hack it down to deny that same advantage to the enemy.

  • Extreme turn flexibility: move a character, move a second character, then return to finish the first character’s turn. An unlimited undo stack lets you redo it all if you don’t like where everyone ended up!

  • Clever AI: face enemies that use the terrain to their advantage, take advantage of weak positioning, and compete with you for dropped items.

Tons of content!

You won’t see everything Together in Battle has to offer in a single playthrough–every game offers a new experience. TiB includes:

  • 6 playable species

  • 24 base classes with branching promotions for a total of 72 distinct character classes

  • multi-classing

  • more than 150 skills

  • dozens of random events and side quests

  • hundreds of thousands of possible procedurally generated weapons and pieces of armor, including unique and personal weapons

Deep procedurally generated characters

Every character you recruit has distinct traits, personal histories, beliefs, hobbies, and secrets. You’ll never get the same character twice.

These differences matter: a baker will use food to produce cookies and cakes you can eat or sell; a jokester will do funny impressions to boost morale; a hunter will boost your stocks with wild game; a blacksmith will repair the group’s weapons. Dancers are nimble; sailors are good swimmers. Some characters are prone to depression; some, to self-doubt. Some self-soothe with long walks or prayer; others undertake long-term projects like growing vegetables, crafting dolls, or writing novels. Learn what makes each character tick as they grow and form powerful bonds of friendship!

A campaign creation suite

Together in Battle comes with a campaign creation suite to let you build your own full-fledged SRPG campaigns!

  • Build characters in the character creator!

  • Sculpt battlefields and place armies in the map editor!

  • Compose cut scenes in the cut scene editor!

  • Write branching dialogue trees for both battles and cut scenes using the dialogue editor!

  • Create new skills for your characters to use in the skill editor!

  • Craft new items and equipment for players to loot in the item editor!

  • Need ideas? Let the game roll up full-fledged characters and battles for you to edit (or simply use as-is)!

  • Construct your own scripts, then assign them to items and skills for whatever custom effects you can dream up!

  • Mod support for custom music, sound effects, character classes, AI profiles, and more!

Together in Battle on Steam

Clouds of Rain

Clouds of Rain

An excellent small RPG with nice graphics and very hard battles. See my Review for more …

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Real player with 39.7 hrs in game


  • Tough but rewarding combat system

  • Hand drawn art style that suits the tone

  • Exploration is engaging most of the time


  • Some characters do not evolve much and the story starts quiet and not a lot happens

  • Even though most of the story arcs get a resolution the game ends with a cliff-hanger, hinting to a follow up title but leaving some things unanswered

Let’s start off with the aesthetic look. I really appreciate the hand-drawn style and the effort of customise every visual aspect even though there are not many dynamic elements, like leaves, wind effect etc.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Clouds of Rain on Steam

Final Stardust

Final Stardust

Choose Your Element

Final Stardust is an anime like JRPG that aims to bring a new perspective to turn-based battle systems by introducing many new features such as Saiments, Synergies, Turn Effects, Dynamic Music, Voice Acting and more!


This is how you deal the “big damage”. Every synergy has a cost and you need to consume stacks to be able to cast it. You get a stack by using a spell and its element will be the same as the used spell, meaning that if you use a “Mars” spell, you get a “Mars” stack. After multiple turns you will get enough stacks to cast a powerful spell, a.k.a synergies!!!


You can’t use items in battle, only saiments. Saiments are similar to items but they have their own system. At the end of every turn you draw a saiment(randomly from your deck). Every saiment has an “effect” that you can use instead of casting a spell/synergy. Every saiment you use is consumed and you can’t use it again(unless you start a new battle)!!!


Sealing new monsters(a.k.a Planos) isn’t about luck but about strategy. You need to use “Sealing” saiments and survive long enough to be able to fill up the “Sealing” bar to 100% and acquire the new Plano!!!

Anime Moment: Ultimate Draw

Final Stardust is filled with anime moments and this is one of them. This mechanic allows you to get any particular saiment you want from your deck(can only be used once per battle). If you are a fan of anime, you are in for a treat!!!

Final Stardust on Steam