Guardians of Gridvale

Guardians of Gridvale

Push enemies into water or set them on fire. Use the environment and smart positioning in this tactical, turn based RPG. Enemies telegraph their moves and an optional timing mini-game decides the damage of your attacks. Equip and level up your heroes and take control of the Guardians of Gridvale!

Use the environment

Push enemies into the water, blow up rocks to make shortcuts, freeze water to create bridges, stand on hills to extend the range of your projectile attacks or set grass on fire and enjoy watching the world burn.

Optional Timing based attacks

While dice rolls can be fun and all, missing that 99% shot can feel worse than a kick in the family jewels. The swingmeter let’s you use your timing and skill to determine the result of your attacks instead! Don’t worry if your reflexes sucks though. The Guardians of Gridvale never “miss”. Even botched attacks do some amount of damage. You can turn this off if you prefer a more traditional, random damage system.

Peek into the future

Enemies clearly show who they will attack and change their target as you make your moves so you don’t have to waste actions based on crazy guesses and hearsay. Plan accordingly! Enemy about to slaughter your fragile bard? Take the enemy out first or move the bard into the woods to increase her defense and mitigate damage.

Unique skill trees

Each hero has their own unique skill tree that you can tweak to suit your play style. Don’t like to play defense? Then turn your pacifist cleric into a bloodthirsty mass-murderer that leaves piles of corpses in his wake… Well, maybe not exactly like that but you get the point!

Go camping

All heroes need to relax and clear their heads a little between sessions of stomping baddies and what better way of doing that than going camping? Rest and tend to your wounds, hang out with friends or sharpen your weapons to make stabbing poor goblins an even more satisfying experience! It’s your camp and your heroes, so you decide how they should waste their time.

Other features

  • Fast paced turn based combat. No need to go and make coffee while waiting for excruciatingly slow animations to complete.

  • Customizable difficulty. Make the enemies frail like soft tissue paper or reduce their damage. If your reflexes are a thing of the past you can always make the timing mini-game go slower or turn it off completely and rely on random damage. I won’t stop you if you want to make the game harder either.

  • Classic 2D perspective and old school pixel art. Grandparents generally can’t handle rotating cameras nor fancy “3D” graphics so I made a game that works for them too!

  • A story full of idiots and stupid jokes. Who said that saving the world needs to be boring, dark and dull?

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Games.

Guardians of Gridvale on Steam



Build 1.1.6 review

This is an Indiana Jones (Temple of Doom/ Raiders of the Lost Ark) inspired role play tactics game that is suitable for players relatively new to tactical games. This is because each skirmish is generally resolved within 5 minutes. The adventure itself can last an hour or so depending on your choices and the number of sectors (maps) assigned to that adventure. Each adventure sector will always start and end at defined locations, but the possible routes are always procedurally generated. You can save after any encounter has been resolved.

Real player with 104.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Choose Your Own Adventure Games.


Pathway is a turn-based rogue-like that takes its core mechanics inspired by the Xcom series and its art style and story inspired by Indiana Jones. Neither of these hinders the game because it’s not original, in fact these two combined work well together. Though the rogue-like elements don’t suit the strategic and cautious gameplay style very well and overall it makes the game more repetitive and frustrating than it needs to be.


• 16 unique characters all with their unique abilities, skills, perks, and personalities

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Pathway on Steam

Tactical Vanguard Saga

Tactical Vanguard Saga

Nice game sofar,, but right now it seems only the first Mission is playable, it will not let me continue to the next Map after the 1st intermission.

For a Game that lasted less than 30 minutes 4€ is a bit much, hope it will bne updated in Future with more Missions.

For now sadly i cannot recommend it

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Games.

A slightly-edited worked example of TShadowKnight’s SRW Engine MV, featuring some unique assets but just one stage that’s all of 15 minutes long. So, this is blatantly unfinished crapware trying to get money out of people by promising a game but then not actually creating the game.

Can’t recommend buying this for any reason.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Tactical Vanguard Saga on Steam




*** 电影般的硬派剧情**


*** 沉浸式的模拟体验**


*** 个性十足的出场角色**


*** 自由开放的成长系统**


*** 大开脑洞的越狱路线**


动物迷城 on Steam




Run! Dice! Cthulhu!

Bad End! Multi branch! Different worlds!


“It is not you pursuing knowledge, but knowledge is pursuing you”

Death cycle

Irreparable regret

Unrivalled enemies


How will you accomplish your mission meanwhile save those who are important to you?


The exploration part is based of COC game running skills


Investigation skills can find props in the scene

Learn about other characters

As well as the discovery of the scene of hidden doors, hidden channels, and not obvious clues


Listening skills can hear whispers in partitioned rooms

Strong listening skills can detect danger as soon as possible


Conversation skills include persuasion, threat, deception and so on

It can be used to talk to other characters to get more information


Psychology skills can discover what other characters are currently thinking

And their hidden secrets

PS:It doesn’t work for the character whos psychological defense is strong

PS: In order to have fun, we directly made psychology into a mind reading type of black magic


Stealth skills can find targets around you which can be used to hide yourself

Avoid enemies' search


The battle part is a card game.The cards consist of the character’s own basic cards and their equipment cards. The numerical effects related to the battle are

accomplished by the dice goddess.


Those indescribable beings are waking up

Crazy, listen to its voice!

Sing and pray for its coming!

Crazy, listen to his voice!

Sing and pray for his coming!

Depersonalization on Steam

El Mucho

El Mucho

Epic world

The world is being attacked! Liberika, a world hidden behind huge hills and endless rivers. A world full of secrets, populated by Luchadores, a noble race filled with pride, whose world is fulfilled by fistfights. Born in masks they reflect strength and heritage. Protect their world together with prince El Mucho!

Class System

If the Luchadores gained enough experience, they can choose different paths. Even if the fistfight is the highest form, there is also magic and weapons to explore in their world of Liberika. Choose wisely between the different options of promotion!

Nerve wracking fights

Enjoy the epic fights between the Luchadores and the nasty monsters.


If a fist is not enough, then magic might help. Some chosen ones are able to master the secret art of magic.

Oscar worthy dialogs

Experience the nerve wracking adventures of El Mucho in high class dialogs. Everything available in English, German or Spanish.

And many more

Experience 16 extensive missions and try to solve the mysterious attacks on Liberika. Quickly hurry up, before the king is dethroned and the entire land will fall apart.

El Mucho on Steam

Midnight Wave

Midnight Wave

Midnight Wave is a samurai cyberpunk tactical action RPG with immense customization, narrative choice, and innovative gameplay mechanic combinations, set in a world full of katanas, mega corporations, and elemental powers. Inspired by legendary classic titles such as Fire Emblem and Super Smash Brothers and more recent games like the Mass Effect series, Midnight Wave invites you to take part in a total genre mash-up adventure like no-other!

  • Innovative Combat: Plan your attacks on the tactical map, then battle them out in a platform fighter duel! No more RNG percentages. You control the action.

  • Old School Aesthetic: We’ve got pixel art vibes that’ll make you drown in nostalgia!

  • Narrative Choice: The story is yours, say what you want, do what you want, and make difficult choices that shape the world.

  • Characters and World: Everything is fleshed out! Explore and learn more about characters and the world, and watch as they react to your actions.

  • Customization: Customize all of your characters! Not just their equipment, but their appearance, class, and skills too! Unlike other games, in Midnight Wave tactical sprites, portraits, and platform fighter sprites all change appearance accordingly.

  • Elemental Combat: Wreak havoc on the battlefield with the elements! Freeze your enemies, burn them alive, or blow them away! Manipulate the environment to your advantage.

  • Local Multiplayer: Enjoy local multiplayer with up to four friends! Choose your character and fight head to head in platform fighter combat.

Midnight Wave on Steam



Hard to play without the translations in some levels. Also, the achievement is unclear

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Welp not bad not bad but hard xD

Still enjoyable for few minutes max half hour

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

别动这个方块 on Steam

Aeloren Tactics

Aeloren Tactics

Many grammar and spelling error, total lack of map design and absolutely no tutorial nor explanation(will be kind of rough for players new to the genre)

There is many better and cheaper alternatives, don’t lose your money on this.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

This game is the very definition of why you shouldn’t take reviews too seriously.

I read the reviews and thought of not getting this. Boy, were they wrong. One of the reviews complains about grammar. I don’t see it. In fact, that guy’s grammar is atrocious. Secondly, the developer states that the font makes the capital “H” look lower case. So, that explains a bit. Also the other reviews about the game being too hard? You have multiple characters that have one hit kill items across the map at the start of the game. Also the side missions were very easy and my people are very strong. It just sounds like people are not actually playing the game and are quick to leave negative feedback. So, I just have to say… play the game. You won’t be upset.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Aeloren Tactics on Steam

Phantom Brave PC

Phantom Brave PC

Phantom Brave is about a little girl and her phantom earning money and living their lives on an island whilst encountering all sorts of characters and an over-arching plot that ties itself together towards the end. In other words, this game follows the “slice-of-life” set-up; here are your characters, here is your setting–watch them live their lives. Its one of those, “this could be an anime” type games, and its introduction of tropes and characters makes it very effective.

The general format is the same as the developer’s Disgaea titles: you get an episode, a cutscene, a map is unlocked to play, a cutscene, another map to play, repeat until the episode ends whereby a new episode proceeds. There are a little close to 21 episodes in the game, so you definitely get your moneys worth. Because the format is pretty simple you always have points where you can save and drop the game off before coming back to it. And I can appreciate that.

Real player with 210.9 hrs in game

I love this game. Fantastic SRPG right here.

It’s got a nice story, memorable characters, fun and unique gameplay, awesome music, and an all-around nice aesthetic with gorgeous sprites. Phantom Brave is seriously a hidden gem. It’s one of Nippon Ichi’s lesser known games, but it’s a fun and unique experience that people are missing out on. Even though the game’s been released effectively 5 times (on PS2, Wii, PSP, PC, and now Switch), it’s still a pretty obscure title that not many talk about. I highly recommend it! I’ll go more in depth about what I love about it below for if you want to read a longer review.

Real player with 191.6 hrs in game

Phantom Brave PC on Steam