Guardians of Gridvale

Guardians of Gridvale

Push enemies into water or set them on fire. Use the environment and smart positioning in this tactical, turn based RPG. Enemies telegraph their moves and an optional timing mini-game decides the damage of your attacks. Equip and level up your heroes and take control of the Guardians of Gridvale!

Use the environment

Push enemies into the water, blow up rocks to make shortcuts, freeze water to create bridges, stand on hills to extend the range of your projectile attacks or set grass on fire and enjoy watching the world burn.

Optional Timing based attacks

While dice rolls can be fun and all, missing that 99% shot can feel worse than a kick in the family jewels. The swingmeter let’s you use your timing and skill to determine the result of your attacks instead! Don’t worry if your reflexes sucks though. The Guardians of Gridvale never “miss”. Even botched attacks do some amount of damage. You can turn this off if you prefer a more traditional, random damage system.

Peek into the future

Enemies clearly show who they will attack and change their target as you make your moves so you don’t have to waste actions based on crazy guesses and hearsay. Plan accordingly! Enemy about to slaughter your fragile bard? Take the enemy out first or move the bard into the woods to increase her defense and mitigate damage.

Unique skill trees

Each hero has their own unique skill tree that you can tweak to suit your play style. Don’t like to play defense? Then turn your pacifist cleric into a bloodthirsty mass-murderer that leaves piles of corpses in his wake… Well, maybe not exactly like that but you get the point!

Go camping

All heroes need to relax and clear their heads a little between sessions of stomping baddies and what better way of doing that than going camping? Rest and tend to your wounds, hang out with friends or sharpen your weapons to make stabbing poor goblins an even more satisfying experience! It’s your camp and your heroes, so you decide how they should waste their time.

Other features

  • Fast paced turn based combat. No need to go and make coffee while waiting for excruciatingly slow animations to complete.

  • Customizable difficulty. Make the enemies frail like soft tissue paper or reduce their damage. If your reflexes are a thing of the past you can always make the timing mini-game go slower or turn it off completely and rely on random damage. I won’t stop you if you want to make the game harder either.

  • Classic 2D perspective and old school pixel art. Grandparents generally can’t handle rotating cameras nor fancy “3D” graphics so I made a game that works for them too!

  • A story full of idiots and stupid jokes. Who said that saving the world needs to be boring, dark and dull?

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Games.

Guardians of Gridvale on Steam



Ive played this game for now 90hrs+ its not been too bad so far, some will enjoy it others will not. This game seems to be a spin off or a remake of the Gamevil & Singta colaboration of 2017. Giants War. Same characters same BGM. same play style, you might even say its a re-release.

Not a lot of active players in this game. i suspect the guys who maxed out are the devs playing the game. its heavily pay to win. or speed to the end of the content. im FTP myself and on zone 8. But u get kinda restricted with a limited amount of champions to send off on mission and carry on with the content.

Real player with 116.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Games.

There is a daily stamina cap that you can refill with money, but this is a minor issue.

After many hours i didn’t find a single rare hero inside free chests, and i don’t think it’s possible. You can transform your common heroes in better random heroes for golds, or purchase them with currency you earn for free by playing, but the cost is high and you need the above said currency to upgrade your common heroes, or at some point you can’t really win against monsters that are higher than you. About this… i’d like to know where is the strategy, where is the timing, if you can’t win by interrupting monster skills. Everything seems more based on heroes level and rarity than your skill. It’s enough already if i say that bosses oneshot all my units with a single normal attack.

Real player with 97.0 hrs in game

Giants on Steam

Mad Wild Fairy Tale

Mad Wild Fairy Tale

I invested already close to 30+ hours in this game. I was playing a beta version befor early access release.

This is surely RPG and Strategy but in a few ways it is almost a rogue like game.

Even if it has no common rogue like elements. WHAT???

The Thing is you reach “immortality” only under two different conditions: Character level 10 and Forest Heart (healthbar over 500). And as i said im 30+ hours in this game… still trying!

I would not recommend this game to player who wanna dive in for a few hours.. you will be probably on the same place like a few hours ago!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Action RTS Games.

Information / Review English

Mad Wild Fairy Tale is an Action / Strategy game which was developed by Morozov Sergey and is still in the Early Access phase.

Gameplay / Story

A country is ruled by a merciful king, who stands up for his people and also stands behind it, what more do you want as a citizen. But now the king is death, murdered by an intrigue of the worst kind. A message rises, isn’t the king death at all? The king suddenly rose from the dead through an ancient power with the aim of revenge, which betrayed him and murdered him in cold blood. You take control of the undead king.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Mad Wild Fairy Tale on Steam

Shining Force

Shining Force

This along with its sequel Shining Force II is an absolutely unique mix of tactical RPG and traditional JRPG town and overworld exploration.

In pure Strategy RPGs, what you get is usually a sequence of battles separated by cutscenes. Personally, that causes me to burn out pretty fast because of the repetition. These games however have such a perfect mix of battle/exploration/story that my interest is constantly renewed. Combat can be challenging but the mechanics are light enough that it still feels relaxing to play.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Classic SRPG that’s pretty much fun and sticking to all the old school pattern with class upgrade, hidden objects on battle field, rpg style town explore and hidden characters to collect which adds to the replayability.

I was here because i wanted to start playing another Shining series but vaguely remember the game is supposed to be SRPG and not ARPG, so I came for a quick check but ended up finishing the whole game and probably will go for other series they have on SMD Steam before i move on to play the newer ones. Glad i did too! It’s fun, and the old and simple old school beats all the complex settings and story lore of the later series i guess… too complex makes them a burden to learn… I guess the simplicity is what makes the Classics so wonderful.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Shining Force on Steam

Godking: Master of Rituals

Godking: Master of Rituals

Not as good as Dominions but a solid 7/10:

It is Dominions very/semi-light with a slight QoL upgrade.






Yeah ok. It is more about kill kill kill than any really deep strategic level of gameplay.

Play every faction once against the AI then your next step to get anything else out of the game is multiplayer. This is where I think it would shine. Because, vs AI, all you are doing is figuring out which units to stack and pump them out of your city til you have a death stack and go stomp the capitals.

Real player with 88.0 hrs in game

Well, three hours in this is more than enough time for me to tell that I’m going to have a blast with this game. yes, it’s no big secret that it’s inspired by Conquest of Elysium 4 and it’s nowhere near as deep or as satisfying as that game. But CoE4 really is on the absolute verge of what I’m willing to tolerate graphics-wise when it comes to playing games. This game has much of what makes CoE4 great but it also looks mych better.

At the time of posting, there are only a few factions but they’re different from each other, just like CoE’s factions are different. This game has 3D models of the units and they are really well done so it’s a mssive upgrade in the visual department over CoE. But it means that it will require much more work to create the models and animate them properly on the battlefield that it would to add a new faction to CoE, especially as that title shares a lot of artwork from Dominions.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Godking: Master of Rituals on Steam

Mythic Legions Tactics

Mythic Legions Tactics

Discover the world of Mythoss and build your “Mythic Legion” in this innovative, customizable, non-Pay-to-win TACTICS game featuring Fully 3D Realistic Environments, Hundreds of Class options, and Skill Based Battles! Build your Legion! Change your faction! Fight in the WAR OF THE AETHERBLADE!

  • Free-To-Play Multiplayer game that that comes with a purchasable Single Player story that includes more than 150 fully 3D Battles, Hundreds of Weapons and Armor, and nearly a Dozen Races.

  • The game will be available on PC and mobile platforms initially (iOS, Android) and is being designed with strategic, satisfying gameplay in-mind…

  • Fully Customizable Characters!

  • Cinematic cut scenes with high-paced action!


  • Single-player or Multi-player where you can battle against your friends in Hot Seat or Tactics With Friends, or anyone in Tactics With Friends or Auto-Battler Modes.

  • Not a “pay-to-win” game. Players can only enhance their power in the game by building up their skills and completing challenges during actual gameplay.

  • Players can purchase different character skins and graphical enhancements to accessories or weapons (like adding flame effect to a sword.

  • Turn-based strategy & tactics players will embrace the familiar joy of a classic genre with innovative features, such as movement across fully 3D realistic environments that include different elevations and landscapes such as hills, stairways and even in water. On top of those there are special moves, full 3D camera rotation, and Auto-battling options.

  • Combat matters! Besides normal combat mode, players can choose to attack certain limbs and making special targeted attacks.

  • Customization is king - like the Mythic Legions toy line, players can customize their characters at a very high level and add details to their characters body, armor, weapons, clothing, accessories – no 2 characters will be the same

  • Players will build a “special ops” team within the faction they choose and will follow the storyline getting into battles, side missions and boss battles to advance in the game and unlock levels and rewards.

  • One of the coolest features is that players will be able to play the storyline of a certain faction, and then go back and play the storyline as a different one. For example, play as the good guys chasing the stolen Aetherblade, or as the bad guys trying the outrun your pursuers and return the sword to its master.

  • When players do switch storylines, they will be playing against the faction team they’ve previously created which is now run by the games AI.

  • Character Skins & Power Level – Players will be building their characters using a “slot” system. Which will allow them to build up their characters skills and powers. Players can decide to change their character skins during the game (say from Knight to Barbarian) and the skill/power they’ve already built up will automatically transfer over. This also includes when players decide to switch storylines to a different faction. For example, if you build up a character to a 20 during one storyline, you will start the other storyline with a 20 so you are not starting over. The games AI will scale automatically.


  • War of the Aetherblade is the 1st season of the Mythic Legions Tactics game and is set in the high-fantasy world of Mythic Legions with Humans, Elves, Knights, Orcs, Trolls, Undead Skeletons and Vampires, and more

  • The game’s story starts with the coronation of the Elven Queen Artemyss Silverchord at Castle Silverhorn. During the ceremony, the castle is attacked by the Legion of Arethyr and the mystical Aetherblade sword is stolen. Queen Artemyss’s legion, along with other factions and splinter cells, are now racing to win back control of the Aetherblade before it falls into the hands of its master Arethyr and he lays waste to the realm of Mythoss.

  • Play the storyline as different factions – Mythic Legions has a deep storyline and there will be 5 factions included in the Single Player game.

  • When a player does decide to switch factions, the skill and power levels that they’ve already built up will be transferred to their new storyline. So players don’t have to start from scratch.

  • Boss Battles – every Faction will feature a boss battle featuring one of the core characters from the Mythic Legions universe

  • Side Missions – Each storyline will have side missions (like a jail break out) and challenges that will either advance the story or unlock bonuses.


  • 3D Realistic Levels - Most Tactics games are 2D and won’t let you rotate the camera around to see different angles. The few 3D Tactics games that exist are made where the environment itself is made of just a bunch of textured 3D squares of Hexes instead of more realistic environments. Instead we place the Hex grid over the environment instead of making it using them.

  • Visual Customization - Lots of games allow for visual customizations, but we believe we have taken it much further. Not only are we customizing the standard things like skin color, face, hair, tattoos, but every piece of armor and weapon can be recolored to any color, mix and matched between different types, and effects can be added to each such as flames or frost. The customizer in this game will literally let anyone create a digital action figure and pose them in a display environment as well as shared with anyone to see your collection.

  • Slot Based Characters - This is slightly more difficult to explain. The basic concept is that all of the character data is stored in a specific slot. Since Mythic Legions Tactics lets you play 5 Single Player Faction storylines as well as Multiplayer battles, we didn’t want the player to always have to start back off at level 1 every time they choose a different story or played Multiplayer. So to accomplish this you can create a different playable Character for each Faction storyline and even different ones for Multiplayer all within the same slot allowing the slot to level up. This slot continues to grow the more the player plays the game, so no matter if you are playing Single Player stories or Multiplayer battles, the Slot keeps its experience, Skills, and unlocked Classes.

  • No Pay To Win (Everything is Skill Based) - Well when we set out to make this game, one of the most important elements was to make sure it wasn’t something people could just come in, buy a bunch of overpowered equipment, items, etc… and just destroy other people. So instead we removed ALL stat boosts, specials, and other enhancements from equipment. We made the game more about how skillful your characters are with each weapon, armor, or item. So by unlocking a skill, that skill then levels up as the character uses it more there by increasing the stats, attack, defense, etc… of the character. So the more you play the more your character improves instead of buying that improvement!

  • Melded Classes - This is probably one of the most unique features for Mythic Legions Tactics. This allows players to essentially merge two different classes into a new one. As an example, if you leveled your character up to unlock the classes for Priest and Mage. You could Meld the two into a new hybrid class called a Blue Mage which gives the player access to most of the same Skills and Spells for both classes as well as a few new unique ones to the new hybrid class called Blue Mage. A more extreme example would be melding a Barbarian with a Necromancer. Honestly I don’t know what the new hybrid class would be called just yet, but they are on opposite sides of the Classes hierarchy with very different Stat requirements. But at the same time it is absolutely something you could do and allows for people to have a lot more fun trying out the various options for potentially hundreds of unique classes!

  • Turn-Based Strategy with Auto-Battle - Most tactics game battles take a long time to complete even a single one. Some people love this. It means you can get 50+ hours of gameplay in a single game. However, others don’t like the tedium of having to choose every action for their characters to attack the enemy. While it is far more efficient to do so, it also isn’t always necessary if you are grinding to level up, or just want to play to see the story. To make the game more enjoyable for everyone, we have added what are called Battle Templates. The game will come with a few pre-made ones, but essentially a Battle Template allows you to select a set of predefined rules and action for your characters to follow instead of you having to decide each and every action. This will let you be able to just Auto-Battle levels by having your team just go through those actions automatically so you can enjoy leveling up, the customization, and the amazing story. Also, just so everyone knows, Battle-Templates work on both Single Player story levels and Multiplayer!

  • Win Conditions - Normally win conditions in a tactics game are just to defeat everyone. We are definitely going to have that win condition, but sometimes the win condition might be to sneak past guards and unlock something, get all of your players to a specific area on the map without losing anyone, or incapacitate the enemy instead of kill them. These different types will offer a variety of gameplay options not seen in strategy tactics games.

Mythic Legions Tactics on Steam

Reverse Crawl

Reverse Crawl

Reverse Crawl is an extremely additive game. I can’t stop playing it. I’m always so excited to start playing it and have to pry myself away each time in order to stop playing it. It’s so much fun. I really didn’t think I’d like it near as much as I actually do. I’m so glad I bought it now. It’s so worth the money. They make the game simple to understand and pick up, challenging enough to make you keep coming back, and engaging enough to encourage you to to keep playing and trying if you don’t win a certain quest the first time around. It’s everything I typically want within a turn based strategy and I have a good grasp on what I want since I grew up playing these kind of games. The only two minor critiques I can give on this game is that on the “Endless” option it gives at the end, I wish it allowed you to send out one of each group you’ve picked up along the way to make it even more endless versus the 3 or 4 waves (can’t remember which one it is right now) they give you. The other critique is I wish that they allowed more power options after each quest. That would be especially helpful when going for a certain theme as I’m currently trying to go with a Necromancy theme as much as possible on my current run through of the game. I feel like they should allow one option for each catagory of powers (Necromancy, Saboteur, etc.) each time. Other than that, it’s a fantastic game. This is definitely a game I will be encouraging and even begging my friends to play (I’ve already started begging one of my friends to do so). As far as everyone else is concerned, if you love to play turned based strategies but don’t want to lose your life over a game, don’t buy this game. If you love to play turned based strategies and wouldn’t mind forgetting you have a life, buy this game. Reverse Crawl receives 4.5 skeletons out of 5. The last skeleton just has a head and a torso. Poor guy.

Real player with 122.9 hrs in game

I’ve always been a fan of Nerdook and his games, so consider me a little bias. Reverse Crawl isn’t exactly what it looks like on the surface; The game is more about controlling a group of “Evil” minions that grow in strength through your decisions during multiple turn-based battles. After every battle, you get a choice to upgrade a specific area of your strengths; This could be making your Skeleton Minions deal more damage, or one of your more powerful creatures to gain a new ability. The Campaign is about three solid hours, give or take, and there are no real penalties for losing a “Mission”. Every step gives you a choice of up to 3 different pathways, save for explicit encounters, and you can grow in strength depending on what you choose.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Reverse Crawl on Steam

Shining Force II

Shining Force II

SF2 tells a bit more lore of the World of Runes compared to SF1 and we get a clearer picture in part of the world in our explore and its history of the 3 demon lords here.

Although it’s a SRPG, this game folds out more like a normal JRPG, with everything we can expect in a JRPG story completed in the game, from boat, to ship, to air ship… from hidden characters… hidden items… to final strongest weapon crafting… all the classic goodies of a JRPG is here. The tactic part falls on a random encounter basis, but instead of small fight, it’s a full map fight, so they lowered the encounter rate to super rare… which makes finding a random fight outside the main story battle in the game a wee bit harder than a normal JRPG.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

This along with its predecessor Shining Force I is an absolutely unique mix of tactical RPG and traditional JRPG town and overworld exploration.

In pure Strategy RPGs, what you get is usually a sequence of battles separated by cutscenes. Personally, that causes me to burn out pretty fast because of the repetition. The Shining Force games however have such a perfect mix of battle/exploration/story that my interest is constantly renewed. Combat can be challenging but the mechanics are light enough that it still feels relaxing to play.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Shining Force II on Steam

Aeloren Tactics

Aeloren Tactics

Many grammar and spelling error, total lack of map design and absolutely no tutorial nor explanation(will be kind of rough for players new to the genre)

There is many better and cheaper alternatives, don’t lose your money on this.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

This game is the very definition of why you shouldn’t take reviews too seriously.

I read the reviews and thought of not getting this. Boy, were they wrong. One of the reviews complains about grammar. I don’t see it. In fact, that guy’s grammar is atrocious. Secondly, the developer states that the font makes the capital “H” look lower case. So, that explains a bit. Also the other reviews about the game being too hard? You have multiple characters that have one hit kill items across the map at the start of the game. Also the side missions were very easy and my people are very strong. It just sounds like people are not actually playing the game and are quick to leave negative feedback. So, I just have to say… play the game. You won’t be upset.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Aeloren Tactics on Steam



Gather your party and venture forth to the city of Evertide, where invading monsters have risen from the ruins of the old city. Liberate the city block by block as you uncover the mysterious origins of the ancient city and what lies beneath.

  • Create your character - based on tabletop RPG rules. Choose your class, feats, skills, and spells, and then customize your appearance by selecting your hair, beard, and skin.

  • Explore the world in an immersive first-person view with grid-based movement. Each character in your party gets to choose an exploration activity, such as Search, Scout, Sneak, or maintain a Detect Magic spell.

  • Engage in tactical turn-based combat. Execute reactions like Attack of Opportunity. Smash your enemies with Power Attack. Apply status effects with spells like Sleep, Grease, or Color Spray.

  • Converse with your Diplomacy, Deception, or Intimidation skill against NPCs in a full-featured branching dialogue system.

  • Manage your inventory and equip yourself with a paper-doll system. Craft magic items by grafting Potency Runes to weapons and armor.

Archquest on Steam