Sanctuary Saga: Prelude

Sanctuary Saga: Prelude

Press Kit

Guide disgruntled guild leaders leaving their homelands to face the harsh Untamed Wilds. Row-based battles with arguing allies reward strategic play in this 16-bit JRPG.

Send the party out on expeditions into randomly determined Biomes, each with their own set of Monster mobs and unique boss encounters. Collect loot to exchange for gear, leveling the heroes as they succeed in progressively harder expeditions to moving their caravan deeper into the Wilds.

Can you deliver them safely to their new home?

Row Based Combat

Combat is a synthesis of turn based order with a row-based skill system. Your heroes each possess 6 unique skills that must be used cooperatively to overcome the myriad of monsters within the Untamed Wilds.

Narrative Based On Relationship Scores

As party members fight alongside each other relationships develop playing out in an ongoing narrative. Will the party overcome their differences and develop the trust necessary to achieve their goal or will the caravan breakup part way through the expedition?

Argument System

Each hero possesses an Argument meter that rises during fights. Be sure to monitor this score because if it gets too high they may refuse to help fight the monsters!

Swap Party Members Between Encounters

The party can only have four active combatants so feel free to swap in healthier party members after a rough fight! If a hero gets knocked out during an expedition they will automatically revive once the party gets back to the Caravan.

Unique Mini-boss and Boss Encounters

Each Biome possesses four mini-bosses and four unique bosses that must be overcome through the course of the caravan’s travels. Learn the attack patterns of each and how to use your party’s skills to overcome!

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Roguelite Games.

Sanctuary Saga: Prelude on Steam

Reverse Crawl

Reverse Crawl

Reverse Crawl is an extremely additive game. I can’t stop playing it. I’m always so excited to start playing it and have to pry myself away each time in order to stop playing it. It’s so much fun. I really didn’t think I’d like it near as much as I actually do. I’m so glad I bought it now. It’s so worth the money. They make the game simple to understand and pick up, challenging enough to make you keep coming back, and engaging enough to encourage you to to keep playing and trying if you don’t win a certain quest the first time around. It’s everything I typically want within a turn based strategy and I have a good grasp on what I want since I grew up playing these kind of games. The only two minor critiques I can give on this game is that on the “Endless” option it gives at the end, I wish it allowed you to send out one of each group you’ve picked up along the way to make it even more endless versus the 3 or 4 waves (can’t remember which one it is right now) they give you. The other critique is I wish that they allowed more power options after each quest. That would be especially helpful when going for a certain theme as I’m currently trying to go with a Necromancy theme as much as possible on my current run through of the game. I feel like they should allow one option for each catagory of powers (Necromancy, Saboteur, etc.) each time. Other than that, it’s a fantastic game. This is definitely a game I will be encouraging and even begging my friends to play (I’ve already started begging one of my friends to do so). As far as everyone else is concerned, if you love to play turned based strategies but don’t want to lose your life over a game, don’t buy this game. If you love to play turned based strategies and wouldn’t mind forgetting you have a life, buy this game. Reverse Crawl receives 4.5 skeletons out of 5. The last skeleton just has a head and a torso. Poor guy.

Real player with 122.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Games.

I’ve always been a fan of Nerdook and his games, so consider me a little bias. Reverse Crawl isn’t exactly what it looks like on the surface; The game is more about controlling a group of “Evil” minions that grow in strength through your decisions during multiple turn-based battles. After every battle, you get a choice to upgrade a specific area of your strengths; This could be making your Skeleton Minions deal more damage, or one of your more powerful creatures to gain a new ability. The Campaign is about three solid hours, give or take, and there are no real penalties for losing a “Mission”. Every step gives you a choice of up to 3 different pathways, save for explicit encounters, and you can grow in strength depending on what you choose.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Reverse Crawl on Steam

Goblin Stone

Goblin Stone

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Turn-Based Combat Games.

Goblin Stone on Steam

Rime Berta

Rime Berta

To note: while I do recommend this game, I do so with careful consideration of the game’s many MANY issues, which you’ll find below. The playtime is not exactly correct (I did leave the game idling a few times), but I did beat it on Hard.

At its core, Rime Berta is an extremely barebones SRPG in the vein of Final Fantasy Tactics (but without most of the depth). You get to command an army of ‘puppets’ with different classes, each with mostly unique skills, and occasionally change classes when you hit certain skill milestones and get to hire random units at the end of most battles. There are no items or inventory whatsoever, units can’t change class outside of their own class trees and can’t choose different branches of the same tree once you commit to one. Combat’s fun enough when it works and I don’t remember running into any glitches.

Real player with 62.7 hrs in game

This game is not Tactics Ogre, nor is it Final Fantasy Tactics. It lacks features like items, detailed plot, and multiple ways to heal units beyond what support units (clerics in the aforementioned games) can provide.

However that does not mean it’s a bad game.

As an indie game, its lack of features and arguably gameplay polish is quite evident. The camera controls are unintuitve, but the developers allow you to select units from a list if your POV can’t spot them. Sometimes archers can’t shoot down cliffs in certain situations, but mages laugh at the concept of terrain. For many flaws, the developers have offered less frustrating workarounds.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Rime Berta on Steam

Catacombs 1: Demon War

Catacombs 1: Demon War

Just finished the game.

It is short as is stated and contains around 15 screens in total. I thought the story was totally ok and the writing was surprisingly good. There is a lot of variety in monster types and combats are quite nicely executed. The game - while not hard when I discovered I can flee from combats - was hardest in the beginning and I ended tha game at level 5.

The only thing which got more frustrating was that the further you got the further you had to retrace your steps back to town to heal and buy spells. But that was somewhat mitigated by the fact that you could pick up town portal scrolls and also carry a lot of healing potions but most importantly escape combats with good success.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

UPDATE: After this review and the following discussion, the developer quickly released an update to fix the balancing problems. So essentially, I’ve been paying 5 bucks to be his beta tester, thank you very much. The update fixes some of the problems, but not all of them; at least, you can’t get through the game by simply spamming the same two attacks forever. We’ll see what the future holds.


TL;DR: Don’t spend money on this. It has like 2 hours of playtime, most of it boring grind.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Catacombs 1: Demon War on Steam



where do i start on this game’s review? heck if i know but i’ll try to leave it readable

the fun i have had in this game exceeds that of over 99% of rpg games i have ever played the combat is excellent its kinda like active time battle but each time you or the enemy gets their turn the atb bars stop increasing until everyone who has their atb bar around 10000 or so had their turn then atb bars resume increasing up to 10000 then those characters or enemies have thier turn rinse and repeat

the difficulty with the bosses is legendarily hard even by dark souls standards you will die a lot of times and when i say a lot I MEAN YOU WILL DIE A HEAP OF TIMES (assuming if you dont over power yourself because lets face it overpowered characters negating the challenge is less fun then stepping on the edges of lego pieces barefoot) joke aside the some of the bosses will take every single bit of knowledge you have from this game and any other similar role playing games to even have a slight chance take it from me i have been party wiped so fast i didn’t even have time to say darn i got shredded and owned lol (i party wiped so many times though not once have a rage quit because of the boss’s difficulty it happens because i made the blooming mistakes that made the party wipe happen oh for those fans of a certain super hard rpg game im not going to say who it is but all you need know is a certain npc appears from that series somewhere in this game when i saw them i was like nooo….. can it you are you really them? no blooming way its them (yes it was them i can tell because i played a good bit of that game series myself

Real player with 292.1 hrs in game

Wowee I sure can’t wait to finally play the LOT2 Plus Disk with an English translation, sure hope no nerf hammers hit

! Byakuren

_ ! Byakuren:


! Sutra skills: 14% - 12%

! Skanda’s Legs: SPD buff (11+SLv)% - (14+SLv*2)% / No longer states the buff gets higher if she kills an enemy

! Sutra - Duplicating Chant: Overwrites target’s de/buffs with

! Byakuren’s - Applies a buff equal to (36+SLv*4)% of

! Byakuren’s buffs_

Real player with 154.5 hrs in game


Monsters' Den Chronicles

Monsters' Den Chronicles

Fun game for awhile but frustrating as there aren’t enough buffs to add power and health so eventually you cannot proceed. And I’m playing on Beginner mode - I can’t imagine dealing with this game at the higher difficulty levels. This is not unique with Monsters' Den as many other RPG’s have the same problem. Perhaps some players don’t mind starting over again but that’s not for me.

Real player with 274.2 hrs in game

This was a very pleasant, fun surprise. I never played any of the prior games, and am now moving on to Godfall next.


Lots of replayability, if you want to try different team combos, difficulty modes, achievement hunting (most are in-game).

Good system of being able to access shops (upgradeable) and buy/sell loot, for which there is plenty, at any time in-game (campaign).

Each of the 5 main classes has 2 variants, and all bring something to the table. (I would argue that the better healing-cleric is clearly the Confessor!) Think of them like Pathfinder class archetypes.

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

Monsters' Den Chronicles on Steam

Transfer Of Essence

Transfer Of Essence

Tactical RPG meets Dungeon Crawlers in Transfer Of Essence!

Choose a character, then fight, hide, and explore Vamprett’s manor in search of the fabled treasure!

Play the story from each character’s point of view to experience the story through their eyes.

Dynamic Action Point system. Think carefully and create your own play experience!

Remember you can Fight, Hide, or Run to advance, the choice is yours!

Transfer Of Essence on Steam

Descent: Legends of the Dark

Descent: Legends of the Dark

The App is being supported well. Game play is fun and innovative. It still feels like Descent. I like the streamlined changes to the fatigue system. I like the combat system better now that there isn’t a 16% chance of whiffing. You might do very little damage, but something always happens on an attack roll. The multi level terrain adds a neat visual affect and has a descent affect on game play.

Real player with 133.4 hrs in game

FFGs best app based board game yet! Enemies drop loot, you can harvest crafting materials, save your game between rounds, visit a town where you can craft items, have town triggered events, and more. Each mission had specific points of interest and and interactions that were unique depending on which characters you brought with you. I’m also really impressed with the quest variety. They’ve really outdone themselves. 33 hours in, and still having a blast.

Super excited to continue my adventure, and I hope to see this board game/app supported for a long time to come!

Real player with 69.7 hrs in game

Descent: Legends of the Dark on Steam

Dragon Spirits : Prologue

Dragon Spirits : Prologue

fantastic game play need a bit more work in translating some parts to full make it and english ver.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game


Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Dragon Spirits : Prologue on Steam