Strike Team Gladius

Strike Team Gladius

Strike Team Gladius is a typical Wave Light game, and in my book that’s a good thing. The story serves as the framework for the game campaign’s 40 combat missions, so it’s all about building a team and tactical combat. Finishing the campaign twice took me about 100 hours.

There are 12 different classes, each with a male and a female version. They all have different stats, skills and abilities. You choose 6 of them and off you go. After each mission your units get EXP points and after roughly 5 missions they get an upgrade - if you can keep them alive, that is.

Real player with 145.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Games.


The game has improved tremendously in early access and a lot of the rough edges have been removed. And the difficulty curve has been mostly smoothed out. A tutorial has also been added that helps quite a bit in getting the player oriented. Two new classes (exo armor troopers) were also added an are a lot of fun! And now it is out of early access!

Definitely recommended for fans of tactical turn based games!

Original Review:

Strike Team Gladius is a solid squad based strategy game by WaveLight games. Your 6 squad members will fight aliens in a variety of outdoor environments, with a large variety of allies and enemies. It is currently in early access and has some rough edges, but progress has been fast on sanding them down. Definitely worth a buy if you are a squad based strategy fan!

Real player with 119.9 hrs in game

Strike Team Gladius on Steam

Kingdom of Heroes

Kingdom of Heroes

An RPG game that grows by defeating monsters to level up and making a variety of items.

As this is a defense RPG game, monsters invades through the door of the dimensions to destroy Archangel where is in the center of town every two hours.

If Archangel is destroyed, you’ll lose the game, so you’ll have to defend it.

To stop monsters that are getting stronger over time, you should grow seven heroes and guards quickly


You can hunt monsters on the field to level up and take various items accordingly.

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Games.

Kingdom of Heroes on Steam

Hex Gambit: Respawned

Hex Gambit: Respawned

“Hex Gambit: Respawned is like chess meets Into The Breach meets American football.”

-Rock Paper Shotgun

Command your squad of robotic minions in the enthralling battle sport of Hex Gambit! Whether you’re tackling Campaign mode alone or after some multiplayer board game action, this is an easy-to-learn tactics game that’s hard to put down. Matches take about 20 minutes.

Bounce across the strangely-elastic heads of your opponents. Swat characters clear across the map. Inspire your teammates with an operatic blast from a guy with a giant speaker for a head. Your minions are teeming with useful tricks to master!

  • Match wits with the undefeated Mastermind in Campaign mode.

  • 3 difficulties to tackle as you learn the ins and outs of the sport.

  • Local multiplayer for 1-4 players, 0-4 controllers

  • Free for All & 2v2 Modes

  • Spice things up with any number of Easy or Smarter AI opponents.

  • Steam Remote Play supported!

  • 10 Captains to choose from

  • 7 map themes with 21 different layouts!

  • Make your own House Rules with tons of match options.

  • Player handicaps help inexperienced players go toe-to-toe with veterans.

Read More: Best Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Games.

Hex Gambit: Respawned on Steam

Lost Eidolons

Lost Eidolons


Fight your way through challenging story-driven combat scenarios on a classic turn-based grid. Face off against archers, spellcasters, mounted units, monsters, and more. Choose the right weapon for each enemy, and wield elemental magic to turn the terrain to your advantage.


Create the perfect fighting force, with over 20 CHARACTERS and 10 CLASSES to choose from (with more to come). Recruit your allies and build Rapport in camp, with MEALS, TRAINING, AND CONVERSATION. Then take your troops to the battlefield and show off what you’ve learned.


Enter the land of BENERIO, a war-torn nation by the sea. Join small-town mercenary EDEN and vengeful noble BALASTAR as they fight to bring down the Empire and take back their homeland.

But do the means of revolution justify the ends?

And when the smoke clears… what comes after?


Take on the corrupt LUDIVICTAN EMPIRE and shape the next chapter in the land of ARTEMESIA, a feudal landscape of hulking castles, mudstained towns, and forgotten gods waiting to be unleashed.


Be transported to a world of myth and war, with a moving string soundtrack by CLARK ABOUD, composer for hit indie titles like Slay the Spire, Factory Town, and Kind Words (winner of the 2020 BAFTA Games Award).

Lost Eidolons on Steam

Lord of the Sea

Lord of the Sea

This seems like a good quality merchant trading game, but it seems like the game has you running annoying errands sometimes. The main menu is in Chinese when you start, and you have to change it to English.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Lord of the Sea on Steam

Mythic Legions Tactics

Mythic Legions Tactics

Discover the world of Mythoss and build your “Mythic Legion” in this innovative, customizable, non-Pay-to-win TACTICS game featuring Fully 3D Realistic Environments, Hundreds of Class options, and Skill Based Battles! Build your Legion! Change your faction! Fight in the WAR OF THE AETHERBLADE!

  • Free-To-Play Multiplayer game that that comes with a purchasable Single Player story that includes more than 150 fully 3D Battles, Hundreds of Weapons and Armor, and nearly a Dozen Races.

  • The game will be available on PC and mobile platforms initially (iOS, Android) and is being designed with strategic, satisfying gameplay in-mind…

  • Fully Customizable Characters!

  • Cinematic cut scenes with high-paced action!


  • Single-player or Multi-player where you can battle against your friends in Hot Seat or Tactics With Friends, or anyone in Tactics With Friends or Auto-Battler Modes.

  • Not a “pay-to-win” game. Players can only enhance their power in the game by building up their skills and completing challenges during actual gameplay.

  • Players can purchase different character skins and graphical enhancements to accessories or weapons (like adding flame effect to a sword.

  • Turn-based strategy & tactics players will embrace the familiar joy of a classic genre with innovative features, such as movement across fully 3D realistic environments that include different elevations and landscapes such as hills, stairways and even in water. On top of those there are special moves, full 3D camera rotation, and Auto-battling options.

  • Combat matters! Besides normal combat mode, players can choose to attack certain limbs and making special targeted attacks.

  • Customization is king - like the Mythic Legions toy line, players can customize their characters at a very high level and add details to their characters body, armor, weapons, clothing, accessories – no 2 characters will be the same

  • Players will build a “special ops” team within the faction they choose and will follow the storyline getting into battles, side missions and boss battles to advance in the game and unlock levels and rewards.

  • One of the coolest features is that players will be able to play the storyline of a certain faction, and then go back and play the storyline as a different one. For example, play as the good guys chasing the stolen Aetherblade, or as the bad guys trying the outrun your pursuers and return the sword to its master.

  • When players do switch storylines, they will be playing against the faction team they’ve previously created which is now run by the games AI.

  • Character Skins & Power Level – Players will be building their characters using a “slot” system. Which will allow them to build up their characters skills and powers. Players can decide to change their character skins during the game (say from Knight to Barbarian) and the skill/power they’ve already built up will automatically transfer over. This also includes when players decide to switch storylines to a different faction. For example, if you build up a character to a 20 during one storyline, you will start the other storyline with a 20 so you are not starting over. The games AI will scale automatically.


  • War of the Aetherblade is the 1st season of the Mythic Legions Tactics game and is set in the high-fantasy world of Mythic Legions with Humans, Elves, Knights, Orcs, Trolls, Undead Skeletons and Vampires, and more

  • The game’s story starts with the coronation of the Elven Queen Artemyss Silverchord at Castle Silverhorn. During the ceremony, the castle is attacked by the Legion of Arethyr and the mystical Aetherblade sword is stolen. Queen Artemyss’s legion, along with other factions and splinter cells, are now racing to win back control of the Aetherblade before it falls into the hands of its master Arethyr and he lays waste to the realm of Mythoss.

  • Play the storyline as different factions – Mythic Legions has a deep storyline and there will be 5 factions included in the Single Player game.

  • When a player does decide to switch factions, the skill and power levels that they’ve already built up will be transferred to their new storyline. So players don’t have to start from scratch.

  • Boss Battles – every Faction will feature a boss battle featuring one of the core characters from the Mythic Legions universe

  • Side Missions – Each storyline will have side missions (like a jail break out) and challenges that will either advance the story or unlock bonuses.


  • 3D Realistic Levels - Most Tactics games are 2D and won’t let you rotate the camera around to see different angles. The few 3D Tactics games that exist are made where the environment itself is made of just a bunch of textured 3D squares of Hexes instead of more realistic environments. Instead we place the Hex grid over the environment instead of making it using them.

  • Visual Customization - Lots of games allow for visual customizations, but we believe we have taken it much further. Not only are we customizing the standard things like skin color, face, hair, tattoos, but every piece of armor and weapon can be recolored to any color, mix and matched between different types, and effects can be added to each such as flames or frost. The customizer in this game will literally let anyone create a digital action figure and pose them in a display environment as well as shared with anyone to see your collection.

  • Slot Based Characters - This is slightly more difficult to explain. The basic concept is that all of the character data is stored in a specific slot. Since Mythic Legions Tactics lets you play 5 Single Player Faction storylines as well as Multiplayer battles, we didn’t want the player to always have to start back off at level 1 every time they choose a different story or played Multiplayer. So to accomplish this you can create a different playable Character for each Faction storyline and even different ones for Multiplayer all within the same slot allowing the slot to level up. This slot continues to grow the more the player plays the game, so no matter if you are playing Single Player stories or Multiplayer battles, the Slot keeps its experience, Skills, and unlocked Classes.

  • No Pay To Win (Everything is Skill Based) - Well when we set out to make this game, one of the most important elements was to make sure it wasn’t something people could just come in, buy a bunch of overpowered equipment, items, etc… and just destroy other people. So instead we removed ALL stat boosts, specials, and other enhancements from equipment. We made the game more about how skillful your characters are with each weapon, armor, or item. So by unlocking a skill, that skill then levels up as the character uses it more there by increasing the stats, attack, defense, etc… of the character. So the more you play the more your character improves instead of buying that improvement!

  • Melded Classes - This is probably one of the most unique features for Mythic Legions Tactics. This allows players to essentially merge two different classes into a new one. As an example, if you leveled your character up to unlock the classes for Priest and Mage. You could Meld the two into a new hybrid class called a Blue Mage which gives the player access to most of the same Skills and Spells for both classes as well as a few new unique ones to the new hybrid class called Blue Mage. A more extreme example would be melding a Barbarian with a Necromancer. Honestly I don’t know what the new hybrid class would be called just yet, but they are on opposite sides of the Classes hierarchy with very different Stat requirements. But at the same time it is absolutely something you could do and allows for people to have a lot more fun trying out the various options for potentially hundreds of unique classes!

  • Turn-Based Strategy with Auto-Battle - Most tactics game battles take a long time to complete even a single one. Some people love this. It means you can get 50+ hours of gameplay in a single game. However, others don’t like the tedium of having to choose every action for their characters to attack the enemy. While it is far more efficient to do so, it also isn’t always necessary if you are grinding to level up, or just want to play to see the story. To make the game more enjoyable for everyone, we have added what are called Battle Templates. The game will come with a few pre-made ones, but essentially a Battle Template allows you to select a set of predefined rules and action for your characters to follow instead of you having to decide each and every action. This will let you be able to just Auto-Battle levels by having your team just go through those actions automatically so you can enjoy leveling up, the customization, and the amazing story. Also, just so everyone knows, Battle-Templates work on both Single Player story levels and Multiplayer!

  • Win Conditions - Normally win conditions in a tactics game are just to defeat everyone. We are definitely going to have that win condition, but sometimes the win condition might be to sneak past guards and unlock something, get all of your players to a specific area on the map without losing anyone, or incapacitate the enemy instead of kill them. These different types will offer a variety of gameplay options not seen in strategy tactics games.

Mythic Legions Tactics on Steam

Pandora Galaxy

Pandora Galaxy

awhh yes pandora galaxy is an amazing experience reserved only for those who wish to explore the vast unknown of space

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Pandora Galaxy on Steam

蜀山幻剑录 Sword of Shushan

蜀山幻剑录 Sword of Shushan



WHAT TO EXPECT: Hardcore SRPG. Intimidating challenge except on easy. Chess-like strategy. Squad-based tactics. Fast gameplay. Complex tactical combat with strong AI. Chinese theme, ambience and setting. Pretty graphics. Complimentary soundtrack. Lacks dynamicity. Limited replayability. Terrible English translation. Singleplayer only.




Real player with 32.4 hrs in game



剧情 0 分

关卡设计 0分

剧情乱七八糟,尾关的二选一结局其中之一还卡bug 看不到



通关了没感觉到有任何的成就感。。 只有慢慢的恶心。。。

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

蜀山幻剑录 Sword of Shushan on Steam

Field of Glory II: Medieval

Field of Glory II: Medieval

This is a fantastic game, but it’s not for everybody.

What it is:

The best generator of realistic tactical ‘battle narrative’ covering the period available on PC - wild swings of fortune, men uncontrollably pursuing and fleeing. The goal is to drive the enemy from the field, with morale and terrain being the key factors. It’s unforgiving, with an extremely high skill ceiling - though I at least found the series approachable playing against the AI at lower difficulties. The feel of tabletop wargaming, but with the computer adjudicating all the math, and obviously sans all the painting of expensive minis.

Real player with 472.7 hrs in game

A terrific game. A wargamer’s dream. You have all the units, the great models (especially the knights), and the tactics. A very large multiplayer scene with zillions of official tournaments organised by Slitherine and competitions organised by players such as the infamous Digital League (see the Slitherine forum for news on all the competitions). This would be one of the best PC wargames of the decade in my view. And, there are plans for further DLCs covering the Crusades and Late Medieval period. The development and updates are constant.

Real player with 263.4 hrs in game

Field of Glory II: Medieval on Steam

SIK Space Invader Kreature

SIK Space Invader Kreature

It’s fast

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Amazing visual art

I love multiplayer games to play with my friends.

This is a multiplayer shooter game with a really good vibe where I can play with my friends and it’s not just shooting but we can have paths to unlock and we can have strategy.

Shut up and take my money

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

SIK Space Invader Kreature on Steam