City of Gangsters

City of Gangsters

An amazing game overall. I would like a few more features though, such as the ability to export goods to other cities, mansions that you can buy, maps based on Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, and the ability to buy off the mayor or even run for office.

Real player with 227.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Crime Games.

Great management style game. Don’t expect a game with heavy fighting as this is not the focus of the game. It’s really how to max profit. Easy recommend for me.

Real player with 115.0 hrs in game

City of Gangsters on Steam

Sheltered 2

Sheltered 2

There is a good game waiting to happen here but right now it is still a product that should be in Early Access.

There are TONS of bugs and features that simply don’t function well and the game balance is pretty much non-existent as it stands.

Bug example:

Your Shelter (which you have painstakingly expanded and built onto) is breached or invaded. You use the very rudimentary control scheme to position your survivors right in front of the door as they are cutting through, ready for COMBAT!!!! Then, nothing as the collision detection fails utterly and every invader literally clips through your survivors to go on and loot whatever they want.

Real player with 111.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Survival Games.

Hooked on this game for a while. Plenty of bugs back then. But a lot of issues have been fixed, although there’s still few remains but worry not, they always working on the game! Beginning part of the game has always been fun to me, as you get used to it. its get easier later unless you are playing on harder diff cause breaches could be brutal if you aren’t careful enough. Overall, pretty chill game to spend few hours in!

Real player with 98.7 hrs in game

Sheltered 2 on Steam

Chronicles of Vinland

Chronicles of Vinland

do not buy this game. you get 6 production buildings each can have there production speed and there storage upgraded.

a wall and one tower each with one upgrade path. and your main hut with two upgarde paths.

all you do is click on the buildings to colect material and upgrade the buildings. the natives will attack and there strength is tied directly to your chiefs hut. the outside world is a map with 5 tee pees on it you cilck on the teepees to get quests from them like upgrade this building or defeat this many attacks against you or give these resources. after a bit you just log out and wait a while then log back in and colect your resources do your upgrades then log back out. supper fun

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Casual Games.

Most of the negative reviews are from the early access, so I’m not sure how the game used to be before the latest update. I’m enjoying it so much, in fact the game is pretty addicting!

The story based on the history of Vinland (North American lands) when vikings arrived there to explore it. You’ll have your settlement among the native Americans and try to earn their trust as well as friendship and eventually forming an alliance. To achieve that they’ll ask you to do some tasks like upgrading your buildings and workshops, or give them a certain amount of resources. Some of the angry and unfriendly natives will attack you, so you need to improve your village’s fence (Palisade) which I forgot to upgrade at first and focused only on the watch tower - Of course I lost a couple of encounters against the natives because of that and they stole tons of my resources.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Chronicles of Vinland on Steam

COVID: The Outbreak

COVID: The Outbreak

get it in 80% off

one of the best game during Lockdown or Quarintie or stay at home order !

compared to another Honor/ shooting / War fighting games flooding in Ste-am Va-lve playing million per day

this is great education game for upperclass and Private school or mutilanguastic or Frequency traveler to learn how the Commerical tycoon/Politican thinking

however according to mogolia/KAKZ conlony PRC citizen think , the wuhan bio-Weapon dead rate is 5% but if they don’t Work in nightlife, the dead rate is 100%

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

So I found this game by a pure accident a couple hours before getting published and rushed to buy it, hoping to find a game that’s complex, detailed, realistic and most importantly, let’s me cope with the zombie apocalypse going currently in the world and the quarantine shitshow.

The game turned out to be exactly what I expected and far more, the amount of data available is truly astonishing and immersive, all the actions you can take, quarantine, public order maintenance, research, border closing, decisions you have to make during various random events that can appear, all this makes for an excellent simulation, and the fact that I’ve received a product that already looks very polished despite probably being made rather quickly is mindblowing. I really hope it’ll be updated accordingly as the situation develops and more knowledge about the virus will be gained.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

COVID: The Outbreak on Steam

Demon Cycle

Demon Cycle

This is one of the few gems that comes out each year. I came in to it with no expectations and ended up spending my next 6+ hours killing demons. I enjoyed every minute. Get this game.

Full review on my YT channel under “IndieSenshi”

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

It’s true, I like anime……………………. tho my story didn’t start like any other I was plopped into existence not knowing my purpose? what was I made for? who was my inventor and what did they design me for? questions but no one to answer them. a deafening murmur which only felt like static keeping my question company. the silence was only but a cold and bitter reminder that one day, ill become a flying anime pillow who sores throughout the starts delivering steaming cold cocoa. …………………….its true this game is pretty cool you should buy it :)

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Demon Cycle on Steam

Destroy the Demon Army - Modified

Destroy the Demon Army - Modified

Simple. I like it. Looking forward to updates and more content. : )

Edit: Not as simple as I thought. This will keep me busy. I want to keep the 5 stars lol

Good game. Great potential.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Destroy the Demon Army - Modified on Steam



Build a settlement from the ground up and sustain with nature’s blessings. Produce, trade, prosper. Spread the word to attract other people. You have no lord, so choose your ways of ruling. Educate your folk, but remember that knowledge is a double-edged sword that can turn against you.

Implemented & planned mechanics:

  • Procedural landscapes

  • Resource extraction by foraging / farming / mining

  • Production chains with varied automation level depending on the state of the game

  • Grid-less settlement planning

  • Complex building system where materials of the building determine its parameters

  • Player-made buildings with customizable interiors

  • Unique knowledge system

  • Personal stats affecting productivity of a particular villager and their preferences

  • Health system

  • Lifecycle simulation

  • Market simulation

  • Coinage and banking system

  • Trading with other settlements

  • Settlement policies and different government types

  • Political opposition

  • Guilds

  • Inter-settlement traveling

  • Second game mode

  • Other features to be announced

Kolo on Steam

Patrician IV

Patrician IV

7/10, got on sale for $5 but would be happy at full price of $15. I’m surprised it has such a low review score (53% at time of writing), maybe people had higher expectations than I did (update: seems people are unhappy about the lack of tutorial).

It’s kind of a leisurely game with no apparent objective other than discovering the game, enjoyment, and building out an intricate trade system. Granted I haven’t finished the game yet so perhaps the end game objective has yet to be revealed.

I like the ‘older’ looking pixely graphics and keeping and eye on the map as my ships make their way to and fro, and discovering and building mutually beneficial trade routes is also quite fun. Music is good and not inundating or overly repetitive. Helps if you enjoy trial and error and investigating what does what as the tutorial (campaign advisor) does not hold your hand much.

Real player with 50.7 hrs in game

It’s been a while since I’ve written a recommendation for a game, and it’s a service I feel the community really needs doing, so here we go:

Patrician IV, henceforth known as “Patty IV’s” is in something of a niche genre, in that it is a Renaissance trading simulator set around the Hanseatic League in Northern Europe. Doesn’t sound like the most riveting game now, but when I rephrase that as TIME TRAVELLING DOSH SIMULATOR 1420 EDITION it starts to sound phucking dank. (Note to self, make montage video with that title)

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Patrician IV on Steam

Quarry Simulator 2021

Quarry Simulator 2021

Quarry Simulator 2021 - inovation simulator and economical strategy about develop of the quarries. You beginner magnat, that need earn some money for his bussiness. INOVATION AND ORIGINAL IDEA. For beggining you will need choose and buy place of your quarry, after you need be explore this place, then ypu will be have all information you will can dig the ground. You can using dynamite for destroy the hills. After you will be using some big drills and big trucks for the mine the raw ores, also you can direct control the drills and the cars, that have realistic physics. At the next big location you will be can using miners trolley and after big trains with ores, that transport ores to the railway station. Using government contracts for mine gold and diamonds. After all mining works you will be need recover landscape and plant new grass and trees.

Quarry Simulator 2021 on Steam



It has been quite a while since I experienced time loss playing a game, but rymdkapsel did it for me. I got so into the game I played for 3+ hours without realizing. I thought maybe 40 minutes had gone by.

It did a couple things right for me personally to achieve that: enjoyable base building and management of units, despite the minimal approach + short, challenging, make it or break it runs to achieve various goals. The first level/difficulty of the game was a blast, easy enough to keep playing though challenging enough you will die, reassess your strategy, and start over a few times. Next level/difficulty is more challenging (I haven’t gotten all the achievements yet) but similar. Build, manage, gather and grow resources, power ups, fight enemies, die, reassess strategy, try again. It’s quite fun and sucks you in!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

On the face of it rymdkapsel looks like an isometric type tetris clone, but in reality it’s a surprisingly good minimalistic space RTS come Tower Defense game where you have to build corridor like capsules (that look like colored tetris pieces) such as weapon rooms, living quarters, kitchens, gardens, reactors and resource extractors. The aim of the game is to complete several tasks such as researching monoliths that once unlocked gain you extra attributes such as speedier minions, slower enemies, increases the range of your weapons or makes for faster resource production. Other aims are to complete all four monoliths within 45 minutes and to survive the 28 waves of enemies that get steadily harder as you progress. You race against time between enemy attacks to build your various modules. The sensible thing is to concentrate on aiming for one monolith at a time and building one each of the modules in turn till the cycle begins again. The sortest route to each monolith is the optimum so use the pieces that appear at the top left of the game field to decide when to build a new corridor. As your work force increases you can manage them via the task bar at the bottom of the game field, swapping minions between tasks as and when needed.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

rymdkapsel on Steam