Desperados III

Desperados III

Perfect game made with love and attention to detail. Engaging story, believable characters, excellent voice acting. Smooth and customizable control scheme.

This game represents the peak of the genre.

Real player with 117.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Western Games.

I LOVED the original…Then I played this! The original now sits in that nostalgic corner of my gaming brain never to be played again just thought about with fond memories because when you play the original you’ll be thinking of this!. Well worth every penny and more. I lost two and a half hours on one mission that only felt like half an hour, I also managed to burn my dinner in the process! Ha. The achievements are a very nice touch that gives the game some longevity….Speed running might be a bridge too far for me though! The only negative thing about this game is you get to the end eventually and you’ll want more!. Note to Mimimi…Please take my money and make more content….(pretty please).

Real player with 91.3 hrs in game

Desperados III on Steam

Shadow Tactics: Aiko’s Choice

Shadow Tactics: Aiko’s Choice

It’s like they were short on their Q4 financials and some bean counter said, “Hey, how can get a quick cash infusion before Dec. 31?” And then someone said, “I think there’s a bit leftover on the Shadow Tactics cutting room floor we can wrap up in a bow and sell for cash grab so we can all get our Christmas bonuses.”

This DLC is just way too short. No new characters or abilities. And all the achievements are super easy. There’s no achievements for doing the missions on hard difficulty. No achievements for getting all the badges. It’s like this was all just quickly picked up off the floor and thrown together.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy RTS Games.

Not much to say here, it’s more of the brilliant Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, for which you can see my review here . It’s made in the exact same engine, so all the pros and cons of my original review stand.

The 3 short interlude missions, with no badges, allow for a more relaxed pace to deliver story and plot in. This adds character and is very welcomed. The maps are most huge and, as usual, richly detailed (except the second, which takes place on an archipelago with smaller sandy islands that tend to look mostly the same).

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice on Steam

Partisans 1941

Partisans 1941


I was naturally interested in Partisans 1941, as real-time tactics games based on World War 2 are quite rare lately, especially when they offer a bit more unique view on skirmishes behind the enemy lines rather than on commanding the Red Army. In the end, it surprised me how I was thrilled to start a new mission each time, but my enthusiasm went a bit down due to constant performance issues and occasional minor bugs. As if we could not get a decently done game in all aspects lately.

Real player with 44.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy World War II Games.

I was really craving a game like this for a very long time and it has definitelly scratched that itch. It really reminded mo a lot of the old Commandos games. I’ve been ingame for 32 hours, but I would say it took me about ~28 to complete the story. If you can afford is, the game is totally worth the buy, I really enjoyed it, but that said I would like to go into details about some (not all) of the games mechanics and give my feedback about what I enjoyed and disliked. Please feel free to comment with anything and especially with updates if something has been resolved. Sooo this is my first proper review on steam, and I didnt know there was a word limit. I was actually 5650 words over the limit in my original review which you can find here here and nelow is a very, very reduced version of the original.

Real player with 32.2 hrs in game

Partisans 1941 on Steam

War Mongrels

War Mongrels

Не ну это пиздец.. дошел до 8 главы…


Вырезал всех, но блядь ключ не так использовал и все… пройти миссию нельзя… Ни вынести ворота, ни тупо обойти всем зекам… Это атас..

все остальное, про антисоветчину или антифашизм согласен..

Вы уж товарищи поляки определитесь, кто у вас плохие…

Немцы, которые вас сжигали, русские которые вас освободили?

Или у вас воевала одна армия крайнова, которая на секунду была организована Англией и в принципе была против СССр и рейха..

Зато у нас воевала Польская Армия, официальная армия вашей страны, которую мы одели, вооружили и помогли освободить свой дом..

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

STORY: I will skip this part to avoid spoilers. But it is meaningful and very realistic for WW2. LEVEL DESIGN: levels are huge, much bigger than D3. They are set in various range, from ruined towns, battles, villages, concentracion camp, prison, military base … .Graphic is most awesome part, for sure best graphic in rtt genre. There is more night levels than D3 and ST. Levels have more gimmicks and environment kills which give on richness of it. Visual representation of war is astonishing. CHARACTERS: All have 4 skills and 5th spot is for something special in some missions. They mixed traditional character archtypes skills and split out on 7 characters. There is no knockouts in this game, but there is stunning. MANFRED: Knife/Whistle/Watch/Rifle – knife is for melee kill, whisle is to lure and wider range, watch is also lure but with narrow range and it is more used for some setups that to lure and rifle is standard with very wide range of noise. That is problem in demo levels which are smaller than rest so that is what Sardukar point about that half map come after you. Can climb vines. Can disguise as soldier but officer see through disguise. EWALD: Fist/Bottle/Brawl/Machine gun – bottle to lure, brawl to kill 2 guards similar to Mugen sword attack. And he can use bazooka in some levels.

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

War Mongrels on Steam



I’m new to TD games. I’m intrigued and delighted.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Wish it had a tutorial. I wish there was an indicator for unit range or damage range. Some of the ui is hard to read. Solid concept though. I really enjoy how there is no real set “path”, but rather it’s adaptable.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

ChibiClubTD on Steam

Don’t Miss The King

Don’t Miss The King

Dont miss the king is a strategy-platformer game that lets you strategize while you are in battle. You will be able to fight using different types of soldiers on many different maps in this game where you have to defeat a dark wizard-king who is trying to take all of humanity under his will. You have to save the humanity!!

Don't Miss The King on Steam



I recommend it to some players BUT it’s a very specific group of players.

I gotta start by saying the art design is great. Incredibly eye-catching with all the colors and angles. Premium style!

Anyway, Epitaph’s gameplay is kinda like the line battle system in Darkest Dungeon. And they really leaned into the mechanic. For example, one of the reapers can headbutt an enemy to knock it into a different spot. Another example, one of the characters can attack in front of or behind them. You’re stuck in the 2D but there’s still a lot of movement and options. Even with 13 characters, they’re all simple to learn. Epitaph has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Epitaph on Steam

Field of Arms: Tactics

Field of Arms: Tactics

Field of Arms: Tactics is a strategy game set in the 18th century Caribbean, recreating clashes between the empires of the time for control of territories, with a unique board game aesthetic, players will face the enemy in a tactical map to defend or attack strongholds in sieges and maneuver units during tense battles.

Using a real time with pause system where every move and action counts, the player will need to be aware of each of their unit’s defensive and offensive capabilities, and also the type of terrain they are standing on.


  • Play as different empires (England, Spain)

  • Play through Scenarios in Historical Battles

– Command different units, each one with unique gameplay elements and abilities. Unit types: Infantry, Artillery, Cavalry, and Naval vessels.

  • 18th Century maneuver warfare: Take into account unit properties like fields of fire and broadsides of ships.

–Battlefields with different objectives and plenty of opportunities for a variety of tactics and approaches

– Use different tactics taking into account the terrain. Also be wary of enemy fortifications and Structures.

– Built on Unreal Engine 4

Gameplay Mechanics

Units have the following characteristics:

-Firing arc: Units can only fire in their respective arcs. Infantry fires forward and ships sideways.

-Facing: The unit has to rotate to bring weapons to bear, during which it will be unable to move or fire.

-Terrain properties: Each terrain has defensive bonuses and movement speed depending on the type.

-Unit damage dynamics: Each unit has different damage bonuses depending on the unit they attack.

Unit Flanks: Depending on where the unit is attacked (front, flanks or rear) it will receive damage accordingly.

Roles and gameplay variety

Careful use and positioning of units make the base gameplay for the tactical battles in Field of Arms: Tactics.

Infantry: Main units, makes up the bulk of the armed forces. Exercise a variety of roles and are used to control territory.

Artillery: Long Range units focused on attacking enemy fortifications.

Naval Units: One of the most important features in Field of Arms: Tactics is that you can not only play with the soldiers on the ground but also command the available ships on the sea bombarding from afar and help your army achieve victory.

Field of Arms: Tactics on Steam

King Pins

King Pins

I saw this game being played by a popular youtuber, so I gave it a try. The campaign was short and sweet tutorial. The races seem simple, yet fun to play. I cannot give this game a perfect review because I feel that the build was poorly optimized. Every time I play my game skips and drops frames, making micro intensive battles impossible. Great for casual play. Towers + Siege = Overpowered. 4/5

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

I wasn’t sure whether or not to give this a negative or positive review. Overall its a great game with a great concept, however, the units never seem to get the idea of an order. Sometimes when initiating an instruction for a unit, it doesn’t respond. When your unit is attacking a building and an enemy unit attacks it, the unit stops attacking the building and chases the unit that attacked it! It really is frustrating when you have to constantly tell the unit to go back to doing something you want them to do and not get kited by towers and rangers. This is most likely a bug, but its a very major and annoying bug. A game that could’ve lasted 5 minutes turns into a 20 minute game because of this. It really is annoying.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

King Pins on Steam

Kingdom of Bees

Kingdom of Bees


-Very simple and fun game to sit back and enjoy.


-It has a few things that need be fixed. (Adding in the game)

Example: A nearby queen in another hive died and I gained 2 warriors, 2 defenders and 1 worker but the maximum amount of bees didn’t change to add 5 bees to my hive.

Example: I had 3 warriors and 2 defenders killed by chemicals, it added correctly to where I went from 5 warriors to 2 and 3 defenders to 1, but the maximum amount of bees I could store didn’t change and I couldn’t buy anymore bees still until I upgraded hive.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

incredibly simple game. it does get boring quite quickly and there isn’t much to do in this game. it’s not really worth $1 though. It’s a good game to have playing in the background while you study though.

Cats also enjoy watching the bees fly around your screen. 10/10 for that.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Kingdom of Bees on Steam