Close Combat: The Bloody First

Close Combat: The Bloody First

Do I recommend this game? Yes, If your looking for a classic close combat game.

However, I still have to bring up the fact that this game still feels pretty bare bones. After playing through the entire campaign with the US, I tried to play a campaign as the Germans. And, well, I know its a game about the American division and the fighting it encountered, but if you’re going to include the ability to play a German Campaign then you should be at least pretending that the same unit was fighting the whole time.

Real player with 146.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Real Time Tactics Games.

I really wanted to like this game, i may in the future if the game breaking issues are fixed but for now I would Stay away from this game. I ignored the fact that the graphics look terrible for 2019-2020 thinking i was going to get the classic feel of cc with the detailed platoon and company creation and in depth map navigation giving it a realistic feel during combat and in some cases they did do well with keeping those aspects in the game but the game itself is so bugged and poorly optimized that its design ruins almost all of my game attempts, i was able to complete the grand campaign with few bugs that caused me to restart the game but when going back through and playing the Italian campaign and again on the African campaign I ran into such terrible problems that I felt I had to say something, for one the AI is terrible, LOS fails to spot enemy literally 3 feet away, troops fail to load or fire at all when given fire orders, or will just wander out into the open and get shot, or fail to find cover when ordered to do so, troops will run up to enemy tanks when they get close and throw grenades at point blank range killing themselves without orders. The bazookas, mortars, all artillery, and air support accuracy is a complete joke and honestly feels like a complete roll of the dice when using them. Enemy tanks can glitch into each other creating impervious bunkers that your troops just fail to comprehend when it happens and kills almost anyone who gets near them, HQ teams do not feel like they give any kind of bonus, vehicles and troops navigate terrain terribly and cause you to click on multiple locations before they stop saying, “no clear path”. Some missions would end with me taking all objectives and breaking enemy morale and even though that should progress you to the next mission I ended up being forced to repeat them. Also, after experiencing these issues, if you choose to quit a game you will be greeted by chicken sounds, I guess the devs thought that would be funny but with the experiences I had with this game that little addition just makes me dislike this unfinished product even more. This game was never worth 40 bucks, it feels like an upgraded version of sudden strike 3 and i cant even remember how old that game is… I would say $20 is even too much for this game in its current state, that said, i still hope the devs stick with it and fix its issues because it is a game that has great potential but as a consumer I just dont advise others to buy this game right now but would say to check back some time later.

Real player with 131.9 hrs in game

Close Combat: The Bloody First on Steam

Maneuver Warfare

Maneuver Warfare

Outstanding RTS Wargame!

Speed Control

Full Zoom Out

Battle Loss Reports

NO timed missions as an option

Realistic Sounds

1000 Meter grid squares

Unit Leaders

Indirect fire and Air Support

and the list goes on!

Real player with 1164.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy War Games.

The topic and some of the mechanics of this war game are enough to offset missing features and visual appeal. Really hoping that this war game continues to be developed.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Maneuver Warfare on Steam

Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun

Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun

Sengoku jidai is a turn based 4x4 grid style strategy game based in eastern asia and asias historical battles. Covering Japan to Korea, China and Mongolia its a true gem of a game that, get this, the developers still work on.

Lets talk about the game play:

Im going to be straight up honest, It’s not for everyone. Its like chess, with rng. Your units battle each other, based on their attack stats, armour stats, terrain and morale the computer calculates how much damage is done to the unit and if damage is done to their morale. You can also affect this based on your position which is where the game really shines.

Real player with 216.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Historical Games.

This game is simply incredible. I had been looking for a tabletop wargaming experience in digital format for a very long time. The direct predecessor to this game, Pike and Shot, looked very viable, but I was not interested enough in the time period and aesthetic of it to gamble $40. Something about landschneckts in frilly blouses and giant feather caps wielding impossibly long pikes just doesn’t do it for me (purely a personal preference).

But being a lifelong fan of Japanese history, and in particular the Sengoku Jidai, when this game came out I knew I had to get it. I have no regrets. It is a near-perfect digital adaptation of tabletop wargaming.

Real player with 81.7 hrs in game

Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun on Steam

9th Company: Roots Of Terror

9th Company: Roots Of Terror

I picked up this Russian made RTS game in the Steam sale.

The game is a tactical level RTS that follows the the 9th Company of the 345th OPPD through 9 years of warfare in Afghanistan against the insurgents and yes it is the same 9th Company in the film 9th Company. The game even has clips from the film.

The campaign is good but short and you do a nice variety of missions. The tutorial at the start is comprehensive enough for you to get a quick grasp of the controls.

It also has some nice realistic elements. Soldiers can get injured and can’t fight until attended by a medic and if you’re not fast enough may die from their injuries. You also get off screen support fro missions such as D-30 artillery strikes, rocket artillery and Hind CAS (all of which are extremely deadly) and so on. If you lose your radioman you lose your access to support. For some missions you get armoured vehicles to control and if these get hit you can bail the crews before the vehicle brews up. It’s best to take care of them as they provide a great fire-power advantage over your enemy.

Real player with 239.8 hrs in game

Grab it on a sale.

While the game has a good few bugs (I’ve made a steam guide to help avoid them.) I personally enjoy this RTS, keep in mind that the store-page is inaccurate as the non-linear mission structure/morale system and a few other mechanics were actually cut and (like a good few steam games) the description seems to be out-dated.

What you do get is a linear, generally pretty decent budget RTS with some good ideas brought down by clearly being rushed out the door which is a shame as I really enjoy it, you will have to manage your units ammo for instance by scavenging/sharing ammo between them or you’ll end up having to try using your knife, you will be able to have snipers take out the gunner/driver of a truck so you can take it for yourself and you can call in artillery if the situation’s bad enough, these mechanics all together make for a pretty fun experience and the fact the game is set in the rare setting of the Afghan war and with the Russians as the player faction means this is an obscure RTS that’s pretty fun.

Real player with 88.2 hrs in game

9th Company: Roots Of Terror on Steam

Afghanistan ‘11

Afghanistan ‘11

Let me start by saying this is my first review. Why am i choosing this game for my first review? Because I, like many of you reading this, always look at reviews before buying a game, especially the negative ones to see what the postive reviews are ignoring. This is my first review because, very honestly, I believe most of the “most convincing” negative reviews for this game are wrong and can be ignored.

1. “Tedious and boring”

AKA: not your type of game. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it a bad game. It is a turn-based resource management/micromanagement/strategy game. Most people think those are boring. I don’t. That’s why this game interested me. Let’s move on.

Real player with 87.9 hrs in game

Highly recommended.

TLDR; Follow-up to Vietnam ‘65, easy-to-learn controls and layout, but requires some very keen operational executions to succeed. More solid than its prequel, and more helpful towards new players as well.

A sequel to Vietnam ‘65, this game has the same core mechanics, and will be familiar to those who has played the prequel. For those new, there’s 4 excellent tutorial missions that will teach you those core mechanics, and will do so while actually playing scenarios. Still, while Vietnam ‘65 really felt like a tablet port, this game feels much more like a PC game.

Real player with 80.5 hrs in game

Afghanistan '11 on Steam

Full Metal Sergeant

Full Metal Sergeant

You have 12 weeks to turn the recuits into soldiers!

Set up your training plan. Each exercise will affect a characteristic of the recruits. Watch their stamina, if it drops too much the exercise will not be effective. Unlock new and more advanced trainings with Prestige Points.

Raise the level of your soldiers. The stronger they are, the more Prestige Points your boot camp will gain. Try to get them qualified as a diver or paratrooper.

Another way to accumulate Prestige is to beat other schools in competitions. Do you have the right recruit to challenge the Navy in a swimming competition? Or a sniper rifle challenge maybe?

Full Metal Sergeant on Steam

Strategic Command: World War I

Strategic Command: World War I

I’ve spent some time playing this game, and unfortunately, I wouldn’t be recommending this game at current state.

The biggest problem is how SLOW the game is. Reminds me of old SNES games where you made a cup of tea while waiting for enemy AI to finish their turn. In 2020, that’s not acceptable.

The balance of the game is OK but not great. I think they’ve nailed the stagnating warfare in the Western Front, but this meddled with balancing in East and Asia.

And because portrayal of stagnation of Western Front is so good, there are little incentive for Germany to go west. Current meta for multiplayer seems to be, don’t invade Belgium, go East First. We usually see Entente invading Belgium, not other way around. If alt-history is happening most of the time in a historical strategy game, some things needs to be addressed.

Real player with 614.8 hrs in game

Immersive and thoroughly addictive game that more than satisfies the need to scratch a turn based strategic Great War itch. Having played both Guns of August and Commander Great War, SCWW1 is not only a worthy successor but a real gem of a game that needs effort and thought to master.

A good selection of scenarios, including a full campaign, the addition of the ‘Blue Max’ mods and numerous scripts together with an elegant engine and sensible AI makes the game replayable and challenging.

To date, I haven’t played two games the same, as the AI varies decision making events randomly. For instance Italy joins the Entante or bribed with territorial gains by the Hapsburgs to delay entering the war; if Russia is making gains then Lenin remains a bit part orator in Switzerland, if not than the Entante to the West will feel the weight of those transferred Eastern Front battled hardened Corps in 1917/18.

Real player with 473.7 hrs in game

Strategic Command: World War I on Steam

Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition

Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition

I’ve had this game for awhile so i guess this was a review long coming. what did i like? everything essentially. the time the game was sent in, the ships, the muskets. all down to the game’s controls. even watching the battle go on, if you have the time is like watching a movie. if there was anything i could say this game truly missed, it would be these few cons:

  • There’s no way to play with a friend in the campaign. as detailed as it was it missed this feature. maybe if

this ever gets a reboot it could include a campaign like shogun total war 2 has (you can play with a friend). And include a full on multiplayer campaign so players would fight for territory instead of just the AI

Real player with 13114.5 hrs in game

Basically, I’m addicted to this game. When I feel like some quick entertainment a little Road to Independence is in order. This is especially fun when you put it on the hardest setting and promptly cream the red coats at Bunker Hill. Watching them run away is completely gratifying.

Once in awhile it is enjoyable to sink a Spanish Galleon with an 18 gun sloop. It’s nice to have guns that shoot farther than the big boy’s guns. Layoff in the distance, knock out the masts with chain, and then have at the immobile hulk.

Real player with 3817.6 hrs in game

Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition on Steam



second game from developer the first one is set in Afghanistan with the player playing Russian units. this one is is all about Saudi Arabia and with US units fighting against an insurgent against the royalty of the the country


can capture buildings but not tents

different units can use trucks tanks apcs helicopter’s and all civilian vehicles

tank crews can use everything including anti aircraft vehicles except helicopters

vehicle crews can use all types of apcs civilian vehicles but not tanks or anti air or helicopters

Real player with 886.7 hrs in game

So there’s three “warfare” games, all Russian in origin but with some differences in who developed them. I’ve beaten this game two or three times, on normal to hard difficulty. After this one came “Warfare Reloaded” where you play as the Russians against the US in Afghanistan. I can’t even review that one, because it’s not sold on Steam, probably because it’s AI is mentally handicapped and one mission won’t end even after you complete the objectives. The third one is “Syrian Warfare”, and I’ll review that one next. This one is the first, the best, and the other two aren’t worth touching.

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

Warfare on Steam

Wargame: Red Dragon

Wargame: Red Dragon

Awesome..Im a Total War Junkie, and this feeds my addiction perfectly!!!

Real player with 1609.9 hrs in game

One of the few games that can make me throw my mouse at Mach 2, but still come back for more. Worth every penny.

Real player with 420.7 hrs in game

Wargame: Red Dragon on Steam