Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages is a charming, humorous, and highly original game.

The basic premise is this: you control a boulder rolling across a twisted battlefield of ramps, obstacles, and enemy traps. Your aim is to destroy your opponent’s gate.

As you destroy your opponent’s defenses, you accumulate money to spend on building upgrades. These upgrades can be either single-use power-ups for your boulder to make it stronger or more deadly. Or, you can spend the money on defenses like elephants, dynamite, and catapults that can knock your opponent’s boulder off the map. You get to place these obstacles wherever you want on the map.

Real player with 84.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Indie Games.

Rock of ages is a game about rolling down a hill; to squish a little man, literally.

In Rock of Ages, there is a very minor story, hardly relating to the game. This isnt a bad thing because the game doesn’t need a story to be enjoyed, however the story is humorous.

The core gameplay aspect of Rock of Ages is rolling your rock down a slope riddled with defences in order to smash down an enemy gate. The opponents, are not only people from history, also attack your gate and the player must build their own defences in order to slow down or stop the other rock. You gain in game gold in order to pay for defences, and to upgrade your rock.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Rock of Ages on Steam

Ghost Master®

Ghost Master®

In Ghost Master, you command an army of ghosts and are trusted with completing an array of different objectives.

The story takes place in Gravenville, a town where a lot of paranormal activity takes place, after a group of teenagers summons you – the Ghost Master.

Before entering a haunting, you must choose which ghosts you take with you. You can pick anyone you want, but sometimes, especially when you are trying a level for the first time, it is better to press “Recommended” which will pick the best available ghosts in your army for said level.

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Classic Games.

I’ve been a huge fan of this game since I first picked it up from our company store while I was working at Sierra Online. I wasn’t sure what I was getting into with it and the style of game was never my thing, but I was completely hooked after completing the first level. It was simple to learn from that first tutorial-like level that gave you enough room to play around with things on your own, as well as including other ghosts to unlock.

I loved being able to play the game however I wanted to for the most part, although there are times when you are better off using specific ghosts and / or buying specific skills for them. You’re never really penalized for doing that, though, since you can pretty much complete all of the levels with the ghosts' base-level powers, even if you don’t unlock any newer ghosts on your own.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Ghost Master® on Steam

Defend The Highlands

Defend The Highlands

Why did I buy this? Because I am Scottish, like strategy games and it looked like fun. Was it? Oh man, it is brilliant. Even if you are unlucky enough to have been born English, you will laugh at this game and settle into the manic porridge-throwing action.

I am not saying, like you could, that strip away the humour and its a solid game - sure, it is, but why would you take away the magic that this little gem offers? So far it is not especially challenging but it is such fun, as each level adds more flavour, that you will invest yourself, regardless of your level of Scottishness.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Strategy Indie Games.

I must admit, this game is pretty fun. Although a bit rough on some edges it is still hilarious and at the end of the day that’s what matters. I got it for free and I certainly wouldn’t buy it for 8,99€, but for 2 ou 3 € it is well worth the price. The voices are just priceless and made me laugh a couple of times. Including famous historical and fictional characters (like Robin Hood and Nessy) was definitively a pro.

Every time I see Robin Hood from now on I will remember the quote: “They beetin' the crap out of Bobin Hoo'”. It makes me laugh every single time I remember it.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Defend The Highlands on Steam

Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™

Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™

Have you ever found yourself playing bowling and thought to yourself: “gosh, this is fun and all, but what if my goal was to avoid the pins instead of knocking them over, and the pins were placed by my enemies for some reason”. Well, do I have the perfect game for you! Rock of Ages 2 is a game where you play as a famous character from history, commanding your mighty boulders to smash down your opponent’s front door and crush him with your turgid rock. If Monty Python, bowling and a real-time strategy had a threesome and made a baby, Rock of Ages 1 would be the result, while Rock of Ages 2 is more of the same, just more of it and more balanced.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

My review after the first playthorugh on Normal difficulty:

I’m a huge fan of this idea and loved the first game!

But this game feels quite different compared to the first one, but not in a bad way.

Here is why!

1st: You are way faster!

This means that corners are really annoying and in most maps best chokepoint to bring your enemy to a hold.

But it also means that avoiding obstacle of your opponment often is a bad choice.

Simply because you gain so much speed in such a few seconds that it doesn’t matter that you crush through 2-4 layers of walls before. Also it is more beneficial to destroy the obstacle for your further runs, so just ram through nearly everything in your path(exept animals, they will stop you)

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™ on Steam

Agent Awesome

Agent Awesome

My playtime: 22.8h (based on steam).

Grindy Achievement: Yes (1 achievement).

Optional Achievement: Yes (45 achievements).

Difficult Achievement: No.

Developer Response: No (last response is in 18 Feb 2015).

*Note that around 13 achievements are bugged.


Agent Awesome is a turn based stealth game where you play as an agent which plans to wipe out everyone in his previous company. There are 12 levels in total and each level can be completed in a few minutes to a few hours (if you retry a lot of times).

Real player with 374.5 hrs in game

My playtime: 22.8h (based on steam).

Grindy Achievement: Yes (1 achievement).

Optional Achievement: Yes (38 achievements).

Difficult Achievement: No.

Developer Response: No (last response is in 18 Feb 2015).

*Note that around 3 achievements are unlocked randomly.


Agent Awesome is a turn based stealth game where you play as an agent which plans to wipe out everyone in his previous company. There are 12 levels in total and each level can be completed in a few minutes to a few hours (if you retry a lot of times).

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Agent Awesome on Steam

Attack of the Earthlings

Attack of the Earthlings

In Attack Of The Earthlings you embrace the opportunity of playing the oppressed alien natives simply protecting your home planet from the ruthlessly ignorant human invaders, as you claw, stab, pulp, and pulverise your way up the corporate ladder of the Galactoil company and put a halt to their invasion.

Integral to this game is it’s sense of humour, akin to Borderlands and Portal in the video game world, and Office Space and Mars Attacks in the film world, with Galactoil (the corporate representation of space-faring humanity) as a pseudo-functioning corporate hegemony operating with a casual disregard for employees coupled with an ironic motivational propaganda machine in a modern office-space environment. There are so many little touches incorporated into the level design alone that really imbue this humour and help world and character-build in what could otherwise be seen as a very short and superficial game. This humour is also more obviously threaded through the hapless characters and their dialogue and interactions with each other and the AI/robots throughout, which as you play gradually reveals more of the antagonist’s motives and frustrations as you pick them apart and upset their plans (or just overhear comedic character monologues and watch as robots respond benignly to your presence).

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

So what can i say about Attack of the Earthlings really? Well let me start off by saying this game has a ton of personality and it will make you laugh at times. If you’re a Sci fi fan like me, you’ve probably tried one of those classic sci fi horror/action games where you’re playing as an astronaut on a space station trying to avoid getting eaten by some alien scum. Well in this fun and exciting strategy game it’s pretty much the exact same type of scenario but you’re playing as the aliens. There’s not really much of a story to this game. Basically a massive company and it’s rich owner has decided to mine your planet for resources cause why the fuck not? And you, the leader of the alien race doesn’t exactly allow outsiders inside your territory. So you do the most rational thing and start assassinating the average joe workers of this massive company, then use their biomass to produce an army of lower lifeforms under your command to assassinate even more humans! :D You can create 4 different unit types and they’re all totally unique creations with special abilities that fit different playstyles. In the beginning i thought i had to use all 3 different evolutions (Out of the 4 creatures you can spawn 1 of them is the default non-evolved alien drone) but it turned out that you should really only stick to the xenos that suit your personal playstyle. I didn’t hear about this game from some big youtuber, or anything. I just happended to get it recommended by Steam one day and thought ‘‘hey that’s a neat concept and it’s on sale!’’ There’s also a small progression system in the game that allows you to upgrade your units and give them new and improved abilities. The game takes about 11-12 hours to finish if you’re just doing a casual playthrough and you fail a few missions (Like i did) Each mission is really fun cause no mission has the same objective. There’s no difficulty options in the game, and there’s unfortunately no new game+… This is the bad part of the game, you see you can’t replay levels unless you have an old save file right before the level you want to play. If you don’t then you need to replay the level until you get to the level you want to replay. However there is only about 7-8 levels in total so it’s not like getting to a specific level is hard. Each level feels new and unique due to each level having it’s own objectives that are all totally different from one another. Overall i’d give Attack of the Earthlings a solid 7/10. Would recommend, even at full price if you’re into strategy games and don’t mind the low difficulty. Now go out there and nom some humans :3

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Attack of the Earthlings on Steam



What to say about this game? Well, to start with some points here:

The game is a remaster of the original game Constructor launched in 1997, it presents remastered elements as well as the original units sounds presented back there.

There is new things in this version such as new buildings and even a mission mode that will be released in the future, those missions are like in Mob Wars (Street Wars) in where you need to execute specific things in order to win the map.

Although some of the reviews are negative, saying the game has bugs, the multiplayer doesn’t work or something else, the devs team are constantly working in bringing updates and fixes for those things that can break the game.

Real player with 157.2 hrs in game

TL/DR: Splendid remake of an old game, if you liked it then, you will like it now. But some problems from the original remains.

A remake of a classic, old school game.

Some features have been updated to be more digestible, like the UI, graphics are more polished, there is some few additional content, but the game still feels precisely like the old one, and that is a good thing.

So if you enjoyed this game back then, you will likely be delighted to see this new, polished edition.

And there is even full controller support, in a game that frankly did not need one. While playing this game with a gamepad is certainly a step back from the keyboard and mouse, it needs to be said that the devs were industrious enough to provide such a complete support, specially considering there are many games out there that really need controller support and do not have it officially, or have a bad one.Having said that, some problems of the original game remain, and this may even be a good point somewhat, since changing them would require to radically change the nature of the game. But the problems are that you may as well be skipping the construction of many buildings, whose features are not needed to prosper in the game. Actually, they may even be detrimental, in a cost to profit analysis, So some “undesirables” (the in game term for some sort of “agents”) will never be played, unless you really want to see how they act like, while others are superb. And this goes up to the maximum difficulty level, with a full opponent rooster.

Real player with 64.4 hrs in game

Constructor on Steam

Evil Genius

Evil Genius

Underrated, Under-The-Radar Game of the Decade - Just the way an Evil Genius would like it.

Imagine to my surprise when Rebellion revealed that, after so many years, Evil Genius is getting a sequel! Who woulda thought? Let’s just say that this news snuck up on me like the sneaky under-the-radar original ended up on store shelves.

For an impulse buy in boxed form when it first came out 16 years ago, this game has received more playtime than any other game in my possession that I also impulse-bought. It is clever, hilarious, and surprisingly challenging.

Real player with 88.4 hrs in game

An old favorite of mine. I distinctly remember just seeing this on an EB Games shelf when I was 14. I loved the box art at first glance and upon further inspection, I discovered that this game involved the building of a secret island lair, from which countless dastardly schemes could be unleashed upon the world. “Perfect,” said young Myself. The only reason I really remember this experience was because the oldest woman I have ever seen working at a video game store tried to get me to show her some form of ID because it was rated Teen. I told her I was fourteen years old and I didn’t know of any kids my age who had IDs who weren’t sheltered because I didn’t know any of these kids because they were sheltered and sat at home playing games about learning and stuff and living life like an inspirational poster, only to dream secretly at night of escape and perhaps even breasts or penises or whatever body parts they learned to like.

Real player with 88.0 hrs in game

Evil Genius on Steam



Launch missiles!

  • Battle against the island in the distance

  • Be the first to start hurling nukes at the enemy

  • Upgrade your facilities to help with defenses

  • Research for huge perks

Master your strategy!

  • Balanced gameplay for numerous paths to victory

  • Observe your enemy from a distance

  • Learn different strategies

  • Different AI battle difficulties

Launched! on Steam

Lesson Learned - Tower Defense

Lesson Learned - Tower Defense

You should always pay attention in school. Otherwise, you can end up just like Frank. His day was ruined by an unfortunate and quite unexplainable event.

Help Frank travel through history in this unique approach to the Tower Defense genre.

Gather resources, build defenses, and survive waves (in single-player or cooperation) of historically inaccurate enemies, from Cavemen through Roman Legionaries, Medieval Knights, and French Imperial Army to Nazi soldiers. Free your classmates to expand your crew of minions and with their help hopefully, get yourselves out of this predicament.



Where there are towers there must be enemy waves. This is the LAW! Six historically inaccurate periods.

The World of Lesson Learned is full of demonic creatures that are echoes of the great historic warriors and leaders. Your job is to fight your way through human history.


Towers can be upgraded with a specific function in mind. Need fast shooting and slow-down effect? Easy! Build a tower and upgrade it with speed and cold damage in mind. The crafting system in Lesson Learned is based on gathered resources. Every level has different resources available. The balance between gathering, building towers and fighting is the key to survival.


What could come out if we would take a bit of excellence from “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure” and mix in some teenager imagination - cool & mad farm animals?


Your classmates are scattered throughout the underworld. Your job is to find and rescue them. If you take care of them they will become great assets in your quest to get back home.


Fight cows, frogs, wolves, pigs, and more. Remember, they are as humorous as they are dangerous.


Playing through the campaign unravels the mystery of the ancient tome - a mysterious artifact responsible for Frank’s not exactly planned vacation to the underworld.

Lesson Learned - Tower Defense on Steam