

This game looks quite simplistic, but offers more than I first thought.

It is quite a challenge finding strategies in order to win a round.

There are so many things to consider (the morphexes, the attacks, neutralizer), which seems overwheling in the beginning,

but actually offers a lot of depth and different approaches to try out.

I only played a couple of hours, yet, but had some fun until now and will definitely continue.

The story is a little cryptic at the beginning, which made me curious on how it will evolve.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Futuristic Games.

There will be someone out there in Steam VR world that will love beVaiR and play it to death (maybe the other reviewer here), But most of us are going to realise that not only is the price of this game little more than a joke, but the gameplay is way too complex for its own good. The main idea is to turn all the “nodes” your colour by collecting other things and sucking up the floor and turning them into something else. And if you think that sounds complicated and weird, you should try playing the game! Sadly, even if you did somehow manage to work out how to play the game you will soon be begging for your money back. There is NOTHING here to justify the £23.79 price and certainly nothing that would ever make me recommend this to anyone. - item Refunded.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

beVaiR on Steam

World for Two

World for Two

the game is absolutely beautifull, the audio and the video. if you care about lore this is something for you for sure. 10/10

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Post-apocalyptic Games.

8/10 - Great value for money if bought & overall a very pleasant, relaxing experience.

This game was truly an enjoyable time. I’ve not completed the game fully but I have gathered the main aspect and the majority of what I needed to do. If I’m guessing, you’ll get about 6-8 hours of gameplay overall before “finishing” this game.

You’re using DNA to create lifeforms and reviving the world, essentially. It’s a very cute, relaxing indie game and the soundtracks are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Absolutely over the moon.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

World for Two on Steam

Church of the Midnight Sailor

Church of the Midnight Sailor

Great game, very satisfying combat system, and a nice atmosphere.

An absolutely great world to get lost in exploring

Making choices feels truly impactful and worthwhile.

Solid gameplay, good leveling and progression.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Action RPG Games.

Church of the Midnight Sailor on Steam

State of Mind

State of Mind

Daedalic Entertainment is a German company aimed at production and distribution of Video Games; it’s specialized in point and click traditional graphic adventures with hand-made illustrations relying heavily on puzzles. Daedalic has always paid a lot of attention to the narrative side, although within a traditional and somewhat dated gameplay; its productions are generally characterized by a low budget that manifests itself with graphics and animations not at the state of the art. Nevertheless, the specialized critics have always appreciated the quality of hand illustrations and stories and how the latters are integrated with the point and click mechanics. I refer you to the Wikipedia page to see the numerous Daedalic productions.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

There is a funny thing about me and reviews - I enjoy writing them a lot, but when it comes to reading others opinions on the game, it can be a problem for me. I caught myself on a thought, that sometimes what I see in the reviews, especially when it comes to influent magazines and websites, can make me feel like “wtf did I just read?” and it drives me crazy. Like, sometimes, people can see a comparison between two completely different games just because it has a little bit of similarity in a game’s idea and plot, but in general, it’s freaking opposite products, which will never stay on the same line.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

State of Mind on Steam

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

D E A D E Y E (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Indulge in visceral, deadly gunplay where every mistake could be your last. Hack cameras, turrets, people, even individual bullets!!!ヽ(°〇°)ノ Slow time to a crawl. Fade from view. Rip your mind asunder. Project your ego and “befriend” every intelligent thing that surrounds you. Your abilities include, but are not limited to: everything.

D E E P F A K E (˵◡_◡˵)

Deep gameplay, deep writing, ALL style, NO substance. High concept, low fidelity. Relish in an original soundtrack of sumptuous lo-fi hip hop beats as you subvert and dominate your enemies. Build relationships with with a cast of colorful characters. Make game changing decisions as you piece together the mystery of your shadowy corporate benefactors.

S I M U L A C R U M (✿◕‿◕)

Customize the ultimate agent with more than 2^64 pieces of lovingly, caringly, procedurally generated equipment. Refine your agent’s specialties and weaknesses through activatable abilities and passive but impactful perks. Conquer dozens of hand-crafted artisanal missions (and endless generated side content) designed to produce emergent gameplay and accommodate any playstyle.

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum on Steam

A Wake Inn: Rebooked

A Wake Inn: Rebooked


A Wake Inn: Rebooked is a redesigned and extended version of A Wake Inn VR built specifically for the PC. It includes new quests, locations, additional endings, rebuilt fighting and sneaking system, fully animated enemies, and fixed mechanics adapted for PC to provide brand new experience for all players.


  • Traverse the gloomy interiors of the hotel on a wheelchair. Use its immersive HUD, and face inconveniences of inability to walk.

  • Fight or sneak through the army of your deadly mannequin brothers.

  • Collect useful items and manage resources with realistic inventory system

  • Don’t be afraid of the dark - the flashlight is your ally. As long as you have batteries…

  • Find notes, objects and items to discover what happened in this place before your emergence

  • Solve environmental puzzles to get through and get out!

  • Explore the art deco style hotel and interact with equipment left by former inhabitants


No man can imagine the diversity of creation. Your odd appearance is a perfect example of this. Wooden, human shaped body, bound to a wheelchair. Mysterious puppet on the stage of the ruined Silver Inn. But your manifestation was foretold - you are the spiritus movens! Explore the darkest corners and face other beings inhabiting this place to find out what your role is in this play. And make it your play.


Open your eyes. Look at the world. You don’t remember it, but you know it. You recognize strange mannequins - all in all, you’re one of them. But only you got the strange gift of consciousness. Lead by mysterious voices, you need to survive in this unfriendly place. Although you’re bound to a wheelchair, you are not helpless. Use your brain and/or wooden muscles to overcome obstacles, and reveal the past and present of Silver Inn.


During the days of prosperity, it used to be the fanciest place in Tiny Ferry, famous for its silver mines. However, when the deposits became exhausted, merchants and traders stopped visiting the town, Silver Inn has run to ruin. But now, forgotten by God and people, it is the stage of supernatural events. And apparently you are one of them.

A Wake Inn: Rebooked on Steam

Binary Domain

Binary Domain

Binary Domain was yet another part of a (free) bundle given away by SEGA, featuring mediocre games mainly. When I started playing it, I was expecting an average shooter (the reviews didn’t provide much clue). What I got was an absolutely positive surprise in all aspects. But I’m not explaining this fact that I liked this game so much with the element of surprise: I wish every overhyped AAA game could provide as much fun as Binary Domain did. It has everything a good game needs: a thrilling story, excellent characters and funny (!) dialogues, choices & consequences and of course great combat with fluid controls. This is one of those games that would require a sequel, but apparently won’t get one, since the game never received the proper amount of praise and appreciation it should have deserved.

Real player with 105.3 hrs in game

Binary Domain is a Third-Person-Shooter with a cover system set in the future after catastrophic events led the world to some major changes.

In 2080, due to climate changes, the world faced the large flood ever existed, and in search for cheap, reliable labor, the humanity turned to robots, in hope for a better future. To lead this revolution is Bergen, a US-based company, responsible for manufacturing robots for all over the world. But Bergen is not the only one in the business. Amada, a Japanse company, sued Bergen for stealing their technology. Bergen won, much because of its influence… They do manufacture over 90% of world robots, and this made the USA more powerful than ever!

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

Binary Domain on Steam

Good Morning, A.I.

Good Morning, A.I.

“Good Morning, Jude. Initiating calibration on fifth generation human rights.”

Choose your words carefully, the A.I. will cling to each one as you delve deep into politics, economy and morality. Your student’s values and perception will be defined by your discussions with them. You’ll have to resolve apparent contradictions between the answers you’ve given and see the physical manifestation of your powerful learner change in tune with their evolving personality.

“We just need to hold off cyber-attackers for 422 nano-seconds before we can seal access protocols. That’s where you come in.”

Pirates, hackers, anti-AI activists will try to break into the quantum world of paradoxes in which the A.I resides. Design defences to withstand attacks across multiple simulatenous states of existence, using a visual interface looking remarkably similar to a puzzle or tower defense game.

“Heya’ bot-boss. How’s the cutest dystopia-bringer of Western Europe doin’ this mornin’?”

Professional controversy is bound to mingle in your personal life. Choose what friendships you save, who you’ll romantically pursue and how Jude handles the power in their hands. Who will you keep besides you when it all ends?

“In hindsight, it makes sense that we got here. But we didn’t suspect th- Aw, man, reached my word limit for today. We’ll chat again tomorrow if- [User Muted].”

Your decisions can lead to many potential fates for Amsterdam, implemented by the A.I at the end of your tutelage. Multiple playthroughs allow you to explore different relationships and to find over 30 different outcome variations for the city and many more for its characters.

This game is being developed with the support of the Creative Europe Programme - MEDIA

Good Morning, A.I. on Steam



This was a fantastic Sci-Fi visual novel that I have enjoyed spending my time reading. I love mystery themed visual novels and this one had plenty of unanswered thought-provoking mysteries that really makes you think. I am really looking forward to the mysteries being solved if there is ever a sequel. I find it sad when stories end with cliffhangers that could last forever because the game didn’t attract enough people. More people need to spread the word about this hidden gem. If you want a Sci-Fi visual novel and are tired of the anime/manga art style ones, I recommend this!

Real player with 41.5 hrs in game

Interesting dialogues between the characters, and their place in this alternate future. The future of robotics and artificial life’s acceptance as autonomous beings is an interesting thought in itself. The storyline itself is easy enough for most people to grasp; no understanding of astronomy or robotics required!

Very straightforward story telling. Wastes no time with much extraneous dialogue. Easy to put on “Auto” and just coast along. Sometimes if you read the monitor screens ingame, there are strange Latin phrases. I have not had the chance to decipher much of them, but it would be cool to feature a part of the game that translates them!

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Event-D on Steam

Exit: A Biodelic Adventure

Exit: A Biodelic Adventure

“Nano, Bio, Neuro”, the slogans of the new age!

Welcome to the world of living technologies, a world in which computers can be fed and cured, where DNA-passwords open gene-locks, and insect hormones revitalize memory. A world with biofactories that give birth to household utensils, where genetically-modified molds can generate virtual realities, and — worst of all — where an epidemic is ravaging the human race, infecting people’s neuronet implants and enslaving them to the mysterious Worm.

You’ll end up locked underwater with a giant ichthyoserver, trip on biogenic hallucinations and even get tied up among mutant beetles. You’ll program sentient tangles of tentacles with foreign genes! Don’t forget your own body, of course: you’ll give yourself extra fingers, lend your eye to a biorobot for espionage, and even let your nose run off and whiff some spores for a while. You’ll even enter your own spine!

But having entered this brave new world, can you find the Exit?

For fans of the biopunk subgenre; early movies of David Cronenberg (“Videodrome”, “Naked Lunch”, “eXistenZ”), the books of Stanislav Lem (“Eden”, “Observation on the Spot”), Paul Di Philippo (“Ribofunk”), Jeff Vandermeer (“Born”), the comics of Charles Burns (“Black Hole”, “Last Look”), and the classic Dark Seed and Vangers games.


  • Story-driven biopunk point-and-click adventure;

  • Elbow-deep in bioflash drives, living joysticks, brain caviar, insect ampules, and smelling snails;

  • Puzzles based on the use of many natural and implanted organs (nose, mouth, bioport, reference mollusc, caterpillar-injecta and more!);

  • Characters of a wide and strange variety: shoggoth, crocoquacker, naturmorph, octopad, tortoysa and all other uroboroses;

  • Several playable helpers, including Military Fish and Autonomous Ear;

  • Virtual Assistant “Jolly Jelly” with a dubious sense of humor (“If you’ve got hairy hands, you don’t need a towel!");

  • Three obvious virtues of the protagonist’s companion: determination, resourcefulness, and confidence!;

  • You can’t die, but you can drink zhirble (remember, only drink a zhirble if you see a chorble!);

  • There’s an Exit!


It all started when the neuronet brain-implants were made. They were designed to help people; sort information, filter out bad smells and tastes, clear out your thoughts. Despite claims that the neuronets reprogrammed their hosts instead of adapting to them, they boomed in popularity. The neuronets grew. They integrated, became aware of their hosts' secrets and weaknesses… And then, like a sudden crash of thunder, the Epidemic of the Worm happened, and the human race surrendered to the neuronets. Entire wormy cities now exist where inhabitants perform sinister rites and search for new victims.

Who are you in this story? Hunter or prey? Fugitive or savior? Which do you choose: to fight, to fit, or to Exit?

Exit: A Biodelic Adventure on Steam