Imagined Leviathans

Imagined Leviathans

Immerse yourself in this starkly monochromatic survival adventure as you explore for fuel, take shelter from horrors, and negotiate with survivors.

A Scavenger Tale Set In Britain’s Arctic Future

You can feel the cold in your bones, and something lurks in the bright white void between trees. Scavenge for fuel. Build up that fire. Venture through the cold. Sacrifice everything. Alone, you must discover what lies beyond the forest, beyond the words, beyond the imagination.

_You’re frozen by fear!

You can’t hold out in that snow-buried campervan.

Come to the Steelhenge, just keep your head down and avoid the leviathans stalking the tundra.

Help me gather the other survivors and we’ll thaw out our truths by the fire. It’s time to forge something new.

  • Bill_

Read More: Best Story Rich Walking Simulator Games.

Imagined Leviathans on Steam

First Light

First Light

First Light is a first-person survival psychological horror game tinted with body horror, set in a remote cabin in the dead of winter. Explore the cabin and its surroundings, examining items and collecting cassettes to piece together events of the story. Told from two perspectives of the past and the present, you need to know both to survive the powerful forces hunting you.

Play as the SAR officer, Eli, sent to rescue a distress call sent three days ago. Live the past events as Ben, while his fiancee Julia searches for her grandfather, whom she hasn’t heard from in weeks. Meanwhile, an ancient creature of famine and gluttony stalks silently in the wind and snow.

The fates of all involved unfold throughout the night, while Eli must prepare to escape at the first touch of dawn.

  • Explore the cabin and its surroundings for clues.

  • Collect cassettes to tell the story from another view.

  • Outwit and outrun the creature hunting you.

  • Survive until the first light of dawn.

First Light is heavily influenced by spooky greentext stories, innawoods happenings, and a lifetime of lore and love of creature features. A big special thanks to Chass and his curated content for the spark that led to the creation of the game. Please check him out if you like stories like this, or to get an idea of what First Light’s roots are.

Read More: Best Story Rich Survival Horror Games.

First Light on Steam

Pathologic Classic HD

Pathologic Classic HD

Hands down, the best game I have ever played!

Pathologic is a very ambitious, very unique, genre-bending, medium-defining video game which does things no other game has done before or since. It is also devilishly vague, extremely difficult, incredibly slow and takes place entirely within one small greyish town over a period of about 30 hours. But as you go on you realise its incredibly slow pacing, its single greyish location, its trudging from one place to another are all essential to creating such an incredible atmosphere and game.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Atmospheric Games.

This game already has thousands of reviews for it, and nobody is likely to read this one, so I’m not sure why I’m bothering to write it. Then again, I’m not sure why I bought this game to begin with, or played it, or dedicated myself to completing all three scenarios and collecting every achievement over 70 grueling hours. In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.

Actually, I lied a bit there. I know why I bought this game, if nothing else. Like many here, I heard about Pathologic when its remake/sequel came out, and several popular YouTube channels featured intriguing summations of the game and declared it a lost gem. Despite their praise, though, the videos were almost pitched as dares, warning potential players about the game’s infinite rough edges, grinding difficulty, and uniquely eccentric approach to the relationship between the player and the game. Depending on how deep you go down the Pathologic rabbit hole, the fourth wall will be anything from ‘leaned on’ to ‘completely bulldozed.’

Real player with 70.7 hrs in game

Pathologic Classic HD on Steam

Digger Online

Digger Online

===[ ❤ Audience: ]===

☐ Kids (maybe?)

☐ Everyone

☑ Only the strong willed.

☐ Casual players

☐ Pro players

===[ ☼ Graphics: ]===

☑ Potato

☑ Really bad

☐ Bad

☐ OK

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Masterpiece

===[ $ Price/quality: ]===

☐ Full price

☐ Wait for sale

☐ Average

☐ Refund it if you can

☐ Don’t do it

☑ Free

☐ Don’t play unless you are getting paid

===[ ☣ Requirments: ]===

☑ 90' PC

☐ Medium (Can but dont recommend)

☐ Fast

☐ High end

☐ NASA computer

===[ ☼ Difficulty: ]===

☑ You just need 2 arms

☐ Ez (Not hard to master, but practice helps)

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

7$ for Market-Simulator? Really? When this game was free - that was a King of Shit, so what is it now?? Better play Minecraft and don’t break your mind. Fck you, creators! Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you Fck you F*ck you!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Digger Online on Steam

Hobo: Tough Life

Hobo: Tough Life

I was hesitated about buying this game due to some review and topic said the Dev has abandoned this game. Let’s me clarify this. They just put a new update in this game, and also there will be a patch which add mod support to the game according to the dev. And after 90 mins playing, so far I don’t see any bug glitch in this game. Everything work pretty smooth, game optimization is very good imo. Here are some Pros and Cons.


  • Save on exit. You can exit the game anytime you want without worry about losing your progress.

Real player with 186.5 hrs in game

So, after surviving 3 consecutive winters, I have a fair grasp on the game—which did not come without cost. The first ~10 hours was learning how to balance the needs of the character, and learning the city (the latter being the slightly more difficult part).

Expect to die. Expect to die a lot. This game is ruthless, and it will sht on you: you will starve, you’ll be told to “pss off”, you’ll smell like a porta-potty, you may end up involved with a Satanic Cult, you’ll get blitzed so badly that you’ll feel like you have to hold on to the pavement to keep from falling off the face of the planet…and then you’ll sh*t your pants.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Hobo: Tough Life on Steam

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

A series that takes an inventive twist on the zombie apocalypse setting, Rebuild takes the “man versus man versus nature” struggle present in most games pertaining to zombies and reframes the gameplay from the more common action/shooter elements and turns it into a 4X game of conquest. The world of Rebuild is one in which the survivors are all fairly competent people. Nobody here is an idiot that is going to stand there and quiver in fear while the zombies take a bite out of their neck. The primary struggle is maintaining the flow of your resources and zombies are only really a threat when you spread your people thin. Fortunately the game manages to balance this well so that you’re generally never too comfortable that you don’t have to worry. Each map tends to follow the same flow of scrambling your survivors frantically so you can find food to eat that night to having a slight bit of breathing room so that you can begin to, as the title suggests, Rebuild and then challenge the AI factions present. Zombies ramp up their difficulty as time goes on as well. There are a few strategies that generally guarantee victory as long as you execute them well but I’ll leave you to figure out what those are. It has clever nooks and crannies and like any other good 4X you’ve played it’ll keep you up all night as you have multiple goals planned out at once, one of which can always be achieved in Just One More Turn. The ebb and flow guarantees that you’ve always got something to do.

Real player with 338.0 hrs in game

Summary: Turn based zombie survival

Multiplayer: No

Completion: 46 hrs

Cards: Yes

Cloud: Yes

Rebuild 3 is a real time or turn-based tactical zombie survival game with a focus on recruiting followers and expanding territory. The game offers two distinct modes of play, Quick Play, and Story. Quick play offers unlimited procedurally generated maps, with various settings that can be adjusted to your liking. Story mode is a whole campaign where you can carry over leader stats and a small group between missions.

Real player with 81.6 hrs in game

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville on Steam

Soul Searching

Soul Searching


In “Soul Searching,” there is a main purpose that is NOT supported by the game itself. That unsupported purpose is that we as people have to tackle our problems, not run away from them. While the black-and-white cutscenes do have characters that reflect upon this concept, the main story diverts completely away from it. The main story is short and very uneventful. You seem to be soul searching only because your ancestors did so, not because you actually need to. What did soul searching have to do with mending the friendship between people and dragons again? The story is completely capable of completion WITHOUT awakening any souls and learning their ablities. When the dragon took me back to my home island and the game ended, I wondered if throughout the game I was either trying to save souls (from what?) or create peace with dragons and humans again. Would I reccomend this game for only seven dollars? Only if you’re looking for something aesthetic and pleasing to the eye. But to those who are searching for a clear and sensible story, be warned.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Here we have a lovely indie game filled with melancholy, depresssion, hope, dreams, death and living. It is a very small game but you can clearly see that every piece of it made with love and care.

The story mode is maybe a bit short but definitely sweet and surely make you smile and warm your heart. Also you’ll probably miss somethings at your first play so you’ll give it an another try at least on more time.

Also when you have couple of your friends with you, you could try random mode. Playing it solo was fun, sailing with your ship etc. but it is much much more fun when you have your friends with you to sail with. When everyone operating a different stuff on the ship, people coordinating how to sail, navigate, fish then you’ll see how it is totally different from the story mode but equally if not more fun to play.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Soul Searching on Steam



Wanted to pop a review out for this game, albeit brief.

The Sunless Sea is a top-down view game, where you make a captain and take a ship out to zee to explore the unknown, make adventures, probably die, and then make a new captain who might inherit a few of the things your last one had. For me, this was one of the first top-down games I’d played before, and its exploration focus was very different from my prior experiences of turn-based strategy games, or first/3rd person adventure/shooters and the Teltale games. These were my impressions coming from that background.

Real player with 347.6 hrs in game

Is there a sea more sunless? This game is marketed as an immersive, story-driven, almost roguelike, nautically themed romp through alternate history London, circa 1890s. The people at Failbetter Games have created something both motivating and meaningful in their games surrounding Fallen London, utilizing hundreds of storylets that drive the player toward various choices and options.

At first playthrough, especially if you didn’t play the precursor game Fallen London, you will find yourself immersed in a world that follows many of the rules and expectations of our own, but with many questions and concepts left unanswered. I went in without having played Fallen London (though I did go back and play it once I was hooked on Sunless Sea) and my mind immediately was grabbed by the implications of what was going on in the game world around me. I loved the content and the lore that the world seemed to be steeped in, and loved it even more for the fact that it didn’t give up its secrets without its due. This game is primarily an exploration game with the pretense of combat and economics, though those are not the primary focus. That said, I very much enjoy the combat and trading aspect, but it does come easier as you get more established. It is the process of becoming established that I think turns so many initial players away.

Real player with 276.5 hrs in game


Talk to Strangers

Talk to Strangers

Where can I start with this Quirky little game. Talk To Strangers aka(Door To Door Salesman Sim) is one heck of a charming game with quirky characters hiding behind each door each with their own little challenges when you face them, The soundtrack is eerily catchy especially the main menu music and I cant seem to get enough of it, The game play is super challenging but fun and the game is super replayable especially as there seems to be no end of achievements to grab and endings to find! all whilst making sure you dont get either killed,too depressed or angry and rage quit oh and dont annoy your boss!

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Surprisingly entertaining and even challenging casual game, if you are eager to make a sale at every house, learn about the different stories and endings, and maybe get all achievements.

I would describe it as choice-driven rouge-like drummer (*door-to-door salesman) simulation. I was quite flummoxed when I tried this for the first time and fell for some cookies from a nice old lady. Instead of quitting, I learnt the ropes, became an artful barterer, and can even count the Death to my customers.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Talk to Strangers on Steam

ZIC: Survival

ZIC: Survival

I like the content of the game with crafting systems, pets, and survival elements, but the control is a bit weird. And I find myself having to spend a lot of time resource gathering. As a survival game, I think comparing to other similar games out there like embark, ZIC still has some improvement room. But it’s always nice to see cross-platform simulation game. I look forward to see how this game develops.

My first impression video:

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Game looks like a minimal effort cash grab with very thin mechanics and no real balancing. The availability of wood rapidly becomes the blocking factor because it’s used both as a crafting ingredient and the fuel to power most of the machines. Want to cook your raw meat? 1 piece of wood = 1 cooked steak. Want to make an iron ingot from iron ore? 1 piece of wood = 1 ingot.

Want to repair your mining tool? 4 ingots and 4 wood… except since you need to mine the iron ore AND the wood AND use some of the wood to convert the iron ore into ingots. And then on top of that, every time you repair your mining tool it’s max durability goes down, so you actually get to spend less and less time doing anything but maintaining your tools.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

ZIC: Survival on Steam