

אני שמח לראות שהקסם של המשחק נשמר. יש שאולי היו רוצים להיות יותר דמויות מהמשחקים הקודמים, אולי עוד ימים, אך לדעתי המשחק הזה פשוט משאיר טעם לעוד! וזה חיובי לדעתי. לא יודע אם מתוכנן משחק נוסף בעתיד אך בינתיים אפשר להסתפק בזה. לפחות ככה אני חושב, בתור אחד ששיחק ברוב המשחקים וסיים אותם (חוץ מהתלת מימד שלא סיימית) אני מוצא את המשחק הזה כמבדר וההומור לא שונה כלל. נפלא! כי יש דברים שלא צריכים להשתנות. וכן- וידוי- אני מאלה שהיו שמחים ליותר משלוש ימים ליהנות מהקסם הזה. אך כמו שאמרתי מצד שני הוא מספיק טוב בשביל שלא אבכה על זה. בסופו של יום מדובר במשחק שעשו מאמצים להוציא עם בעיות תקציב בדרך ומה שיצא, התוצאה הסופית, מספקת מאוד. לא מובן מאליו! תודה אבה שהחזרתם את פיפוש אלינו. התגעגענו.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Point & Click Games.

אחד ממשחקי פוינט אנד קליק הכי טובים שיש.

עשרים שנה אחרי המשחק הקודם - פיפוש חוזר! מעודכן וטוב יותר מבעבר!

רואים את ההשקעה של היוצרים, המשחק עצמו מהנה מאוד, אפשרויות הבחירה וההחלטות שמשפיעות על המשחק אדירות,

קאסט אדיר (אילן גנני!) ואיך לא, החוצפה הישראלית הרגילה!

משחק מעולה.. מעריצים לא יתאכזבו ושחקנים חדשים יהנו ממשחק מעולה בעברית

One of the best point and click games there is.

20 years since the last game - Piposh is back! updated and better than ever!

You can see all the time and efforts the creators did on this title.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Piposh on Steam

The American Dream

The American Dream

A 1950’s Fallout type of America where guns rule and you take a Gun theme park ride through a series of life’s moments (mini-games) as you grow up to show how you cannot do without the blue steel of an American gun.

It’s a hard one, the artwork, voice acting and story are all top-notch, the work has gone into this game and it has a fair price tag. The main problem is the mini-games are just a series of boring been there done that games and VR is well past most of these now. The novelty is not there anymore and honestly, it’s just one boring mini shooting game after another.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Dark Comedy Games.

The American Dream is an australian fps shooting gallery VR game set in the 1950ies in the height of McCarthyism. What really sets this game apart from most fps games i atleast have played or heard of is that this game is strongly satirical and critical of the americans infatuation and love for the right to carry arms so the game will surely be devisive as the subject certainly is a hot potato. Propably not a game for NRA members but if you as many americans cares for the right to carry weapons and still has some sense of humour left in regard of the subject i wouldnt necessarily recommend against the aquisition of it either. The game is outright preposterous like when you have to feed your baby with a gun by sticking a gun down the babys food while afterwards feeding it with the weapon stuck right into the toddlers face. On the other side the game has many quotes by renowned filosophers in regard of society and govermental power and such so the mix of the ridiculous and the insightfull makes this a truely unique experience while shooting your way through different scenarios with a talking dog by your side though the game.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The American Dream on Steam

The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything

The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything


-Is the game is on sale?

-Do you like Point and Click Adventure Games?

-You are in the mindset for something different?

IF YOU SAID YES TO MOST: Then try the demo before buying it anyway. It’s a surreal PnC-AG that needs to be tried.

IF YOU SAID NO TO MOST: Play the demo anyway. Even if you bought the game, the demo is right in the full game and is worth a play.

Crunched Review:

–Developer Front Page BS: None (Well, the joke about white blood cells was closer to a simile, but that’s nitpicking)

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Experimental Games.

I kind of loved this game, I think this game must be one of my guilty pleasures! I enjoy point and click adventures and I hadn’t played a point and click game for a while. So maybe that is why I really loved this one so much.

I think this game is original and unique with an equally unique and really effective art style. The story is fun and satirical, but in an intelligent way. It feels very well written and crafted and not just random silly ideas thrown together in a rush.

Point and click games can get very frustrating as it is very slow to walk from one area to another and to another to try different things. As this game is short, it does not get too frustrating.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything on Steam

How to Win: Season One

How to Win: Season One

Incredibly funny, and then actually really emotional in places.

I absolutely loved this game. The characters are great, it’s really funny and interesting seeing what suggestions people have given, and while the game uses more player suggestions that I was expecting, it still managed to keep some order in the chaos to deliver great characters and a really satisfying narrative.

I finished the main story in around 3 hours, but then kept replaying to see different pathways and unlock achievements/bonus scenes.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

There is so much I could say about this game. It’s beautifully done for starters. It touches on a lot of extremely serious issues, some subtly, some much less so. All of them done with wit and charm one has come to expect from the genius of Cael, Elliot and the Hidden Track team. This game will put you through every emotion imaginable. I laughed, I cried, I felt afraid and everything in between. The art style was simplistic, yet unique and beautiful. Once again, to be expected as a Hidden Track project. The sounds were spot on. And DO NOT get me started on the plot twists. I genuinely did not see them coming. It was so easy to lose myself in the worlds they created. And the characters… There were a couple I will love forever, and a couple I will loathe forever, yet another feeling not oft invoked in me. Honestly, I could go on and on, but you’re probably tired of my rambling praise at this point. Needless to say, though I was cautiously optimistic when they gave it to me to try, I fell hard and fast and will be purchasing copies for friends as soon as I’m able. 10 of 10 a must play.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

How to Win: Season One on Steam

Out of Shapes

Out of Shapes

At first I thought this was a classic case of ‘baby’s first game’ syndrome. Clunky movement, basic visuals. Then the signature Kris Takahashi writing kicked in and I started laughing every two minutes. There is so much excellent dialogue and neatly observed satire in here that you forget the cheap-looking parts entirely. If you don’t mind a largely text-based game, then the quality of the writing makes this a decent way to spend some time. Some of the music is really very good too, which helps. For a few quid, I don’t feel short-changed at all.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

This game has the vibe of “What if 1984 had a bunch of robots in it…and also (an optional) happy ending?”

The game gives you:

  • Cats!

  • Green buggy creature-features

  • Puns and jokes so awfully good you hate yourself for laughing

  • Robots with more fleshed-out personalities than your average coworker

  • Philosophy

The game doesn’t give you:

  • Crippling depression about the inescapability of the capitalist system

  • Striking fear of the grim place that is your future

  • Freecam during conversations (this is the only feature of the 3 I’m mentioning I’d love to see)

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Out of Shapes on Steam

Election Year Knockout

Election Year Knockout

A really fun Punch-Out style game, featuring funny parodies of US politicians (Crenshaw being one of my favourites and you’ll see why). Each opponent has their own gimmick that’s fun to figure out, and are all satisfying to beat up. There’s no deep political commentary or anything, just parodies mocking US politicians, much like how the Punch-Out games mocked stereotypes of different nationalities and cultures. The EX boxers are all fun, souped-up rematches against the fighters, serving as a really nice bonus newgame+ for after you’ve done everything else. Much like the Title Defence fights in Punch-Out Wii, these are much harder than the original fights and offer a huge variety of newer, more devastating attacks for each rematch that the player will have to learn and adapt to. The challenges in each fight help boost the game’s replayability, there’s 10 for every fighter in the game (5 for normal and 5 for EX) and they can be tough to figure out, but extremely satisfying once you’ve got them all. The roster is quite limited, however the devs have considered adding more boxers if the game gets enough traction (personally I’m hoping for Bojo to get in). I’d definitely recommend if you’re a fan of Punch-Out or if you just like taking the piss out of US politics.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Not one hundred percent flushed out and people who want to complete everything will be frustrated at some mission because you have no clue why something did not count. But for the most part and the main gameplay, this is just gorgeus. plays nice and funny. long and hard at the later fights until you know what you are doing

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Election Year Knockout on Steam

Cult of Mine

Cult of Mine

Do you want to become the leader of a cult? Do you want to cause nightmares, take control of others' dreams and contact the dead?

Welcome to “Cult of Mine” that unites occultism, rabbits, and satire!


✔️Single-player and online modes;

It’s simple: single-player mode is an hours-long campaign; Online mode is a fight of your cult

against or for cults of other players.

✔️Choose who you want to be - a kind pacifist or a blood-thirsty bunny;

Here rabbits work, eat, chat, have fun, sleep.

But suddenly you show up and… Yeah, what are you going to do?

You have absolute freedom here: make anything you want using any methods you want: conviction, deception, sorcery…

Make this place hell or heaven.

✔️Over 105 detailed characters;

Connoisseurs of well-developed, good-quality stories will definitely not remain indifferent.

Because absolutely every character is unique.

Because every character has their own personality, own purpose, own way of speaking, own style.

✔️Social network “LikeMePlease”;

Make an account in the biggest social network “LikeMePlease”, follow news from your city and share your thoughts!

✔️Cult fights;

This game has a unique and original system of cults. Every cult fights for its influence and

will seek to increase its popularity NO MATTER WHAT COST. No mercy will be shown.


What’s your cult going to be? Give your cult a name, symbol, values, and motto.

It’s all up to you, as you’ve already understood.

✔️Steam workshop - create your own fantastic stories!

This game allows you to easily create your own stories and share them via steam workshop.

All you need is a story and a little bit of imagination.

You can create your own stories with already created sprites (images and animations) or with your own.


Yeah, how we can survive without this one? Stabile 60 FPS is guaranteed

Cult of Mine on Steam

Run TavernQuest

Run TavernQuest

This is a game you won’t be playing. Instead, you will be behind the scenes, overseeing the inner workings of the game for another player named STEVE. Can you shepherd STEVE away from his poor decisions and towards the goal of saving the princess?

Run TavernQuest is the endeavor of one sole developer named Collin Eddings, whose other work includes contributions to The Stanley Parable. The game is styled after old school text adventure games, but doesn’t require any typing. Instead, STEVE is the player and he types commands to you. Your job is to interpret his words and choose how the adventure proceeds based off of his input. When STEVE types go door, what lies behind the door? The choices you make can lead him down drastically different paths, but ultimately it’s up to STEVE to win the game.

  • Choose how the environment and NPCs respond to STEVE’s stupid commands!

  • Full voiceover from a very talented voice actor (announcements soon to come)!

  • Engage in text-based combat where your goal is to lose every time!

  • Experience frustration as STEVE ignores every single one of your plot hooks!

  • Go blind staring at green text for several hours!*

    *Or, you know, just configure the game’s settings to make things easier to read

Run TavernQuest on Steam

The Magic Circle

The Magic Circle

The Magic Circle is a unique puzzle game about game development, in many different ways. First of all, it’s set inside a game trapped in development hell for 20 years. It has a story centered around a few of the developers, an entity within the game known as the Old PRO, and the player. The developers are in a deadlock and can’t set aside five minutes for some simple playtesting without making a major fundamental design change. The PRO is sick of it, so he makes contact with a playtester (the player), and mentors them in the art of messing with the world from the inside.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

I’m writing this for the sole purpose of wrapping my head around the greatness of TMC. Not a review, but an amalgamation of thoughts, wrapped in words and with zero intent of being read by anyone.


1. Absence creates presence.

The canvas here is the picture, like an alpha layer in an image editor, or as silence is what music is built on.

Lack of gameplay systems is the gameplay system. Lack of an art style makes up the the art style. Lack of a coherent story is the storyline. Lack of a finished score is the soundtrack. And the overall lack of polish was deliberately introduced to polish the whole experience.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

The Magic Circle on Steam

Sillyfun Valley

Sillyfun Valley

Happy new year! - Feliz año nuevo!





──────╚╝╚╝╚═╝★✫★✫★✫★•• 2021 ••✫★✫★✫

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Hilarious and charming! Well done!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Sillyfun Valley on Steam