
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? No, certainly not. It is still an interesting cyberpunk adventure with some shooting, stealth and hacking.

In the near future, everyone wears an implant in the head, but your implant is different. It has been modified without your knowledge, and it seems that someone wants to kill you because of that. You have been working as an unimportant employee at Securtech, and you obviously got this experimental chip as a guinea pig. All your colleagues who also got the experimental implant have already been eliminated. What a nice coincidence that the person who designed the experimental chip, the busted CEO of Securtech, also has a little problem atm, and needs your help. Maybe you two can help each other?

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Atmospheric Games.


An atmospheric cyberpunk shooter with interesting comic book aesthetics and a pumping soundtrack. Gameplay feels a little repetitive but the story is short enough to keep your interest.

Foreclosed is a narrative driven cyberpunk shooter set in the style of a graphic novel.

Evan Kapnos awakes to the news that the company who owns his identity have gone bankrupt and his account has been foreclosed. He has lost his job, his implants and access to areas around the city.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game


Rainy City: Pandemic

Rainy City: Pandemic

Rainy City: Pandemic

DISCLAIMER: I received this product for no cost for the purpose of reviewing. However, this does not affect my views and opinions of the game.

Short Review

Rainy City Pandemic is a story driven title where the player drives around the city delivering pizza, trying to save up enough money to pay for their sister’s medical treatment. The bulk of the gameplay focuses on conversations with other characters and interactions with them. The game takes place in a dystopian future where the the pandemic (the covid-19 pandemic, assumingly) is still rampant.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Atmospheric Games.

Crim’s Humble Opinion Curator


This is a revisited review. Check out the original review here .

Rainy Days

Rainy City Pandemic is a game about a delivery boy in a city that is swept up in the wave of a pandemic. You are attempting to raise money for your sister to get her the medical attention she needs. This game had started out as a seven dollar game and has gone through some patches and a price drop to raise the quality of life. I played through the game again after a wave of updates and admittedly I have yet to play the newest additions to the game. What I can say is that one of the weaker points of the games has been significantly improved. The weakest point before was the dialogue. When playing the game through again I was no longer running into dialogue that was repeated nor were there as many open ended short conversations.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Rainy City: Pandemic on Steam



This game looks quite simplistic, but offers more than I first thought.

It is quite a challenge finding strategies in order to win a round.

There are so many things to consider (the morphexes, the attacks, neutralizer), which seems overwheling in the beginning,

but actually offers a lot of depth and different approaches to try out.

I only played a couple of hours, yet, but had some fun until now and will definitely continue.

The story is a little cryptic at the beginning, which made me curious on how it will evolve.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Transhumanism Games.

There will be someone out there in Steam VR world that will love beVaiR and play it to death (maybe the other reviewer here), But most of us are going to realise that not only is the price of this game little more than a joke, but the gameplay is way too complex for its own good. The main idea is to turn all the “nodes” your colour by collecting other things and sucking up the floor and turning them into something else. And if you think that sounds complicated and weird, you should try playing the game! Sadly, even if you did somehow manage to work out how to play the game you will soon be begging for your money back. There is NOTHING here to justify the £23.79 price and certainly nothing that would ever make me recommend this to anyone. - item Refunded.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

beVaiR on Steam

State of Mind

State of Mind

Daedalic Entertainment is a German company aimed at production and distribution of Video Games; it’s specialized in point and click traditional graphic adventures with hand-made illustrations relying heavily on puzzles. Daedalic has always paid a lot of attention to the narrative side, although within a traditional and somewhat dated gameplay; its productions are generally characterized by a low budget that manifests itself with graphics and animations not at the state of the art. Nevertheless, the specialized critics have always appreciated the quality of hand illustrations and stories and how the latters are integrated with the point and click mechanics. I refer you to the Wikipedia page to see the numerous Daedalic productions.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

There is a funny thing about me and reviews - I enjoy writing them a lot, but when it comes to reading others opinions on the game, it can be a problem for me. I caught myself on a thought, that sometimes what I see in the reviews, especially when it comes to influent magazines and websites, can make me feel like “wtf did I just read?” and it drives me crazy. Like, sometimes, people can see a comparison between two completely different games just because it has a little bit of similarity in a game’s idea and plot, but in general, it’s freaking opposite products, which will never stay on the same line.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

State of Mind on Steam




Kronostasis is a first-person shooter game with a lot of focus on its unique story. The levels offer a series of different challenges designed to encourage players to think outside of the box. Gameplay mechanics are also designed around this concept. Kronostasis also tries to focus more on fast-paced gameplay. Auxiliary capacitors for instance are power-up type boosts that can be collected while playing. These capacitors may then be discharged to provide additional movement speed or to blast away enemies whilst damaging them and providing additional shield energy.

There is a set of enemies that are commonly encountered on all levels, each level however features one or more unique bosses. Kronostasis’s story is inspired by Greek mythology but set in a futuristic timeline. The enemies you fight are inspired by mythical creatures and all zodiacs are represented by the bosses you encounter.


In ancient times the guild of wizards existed, they studied the arcane of magic through astronomy, astrology and alchemy. Only through decades of training could certain gifted individuals master these skills and become wizards.

Wizards could cast powerful magic to aid ancient civilizations, they could also unleash massive destructive powers on the battlefields during war. Wielding such power however came at a great cost, casting magic would reduce the user’s life force causing advanced ageing.

Frustrated by his own fading live force a powerful wizard known as Kronos used forbidden techniques to conjure a spell that would grant him eternal life. Succeeding in his quest Kronos gained immortality. Freed from the bonds of time he could conjure spells that would decimate mortal mages, he was however driven mad by this power.

For centuries Kronos plagued the ancient word, turning all manner of creatures into monstrous beings. Unable to find a way to destroy Kronos, the guild of wizards, through a combined effort, finally managed to trap him in a time-sphere and banish him into time and space.

Fearing that history would inevitably repeat itself the wizard’s guild was disbanded and all their knowledge was sealed away. Now the only remnants of their existence have been reduced to nothing more than myth and legend.


In the not too distant future advancement in science and technology led to the development of the hyperspace drive. Hyperspace drives create rifts through time-space allowing access to a time altered dimension known as hyperspace allowing for faster than light travel. Together with advanced cryopreservation techniques, this gave rise to a new era of deep space exploration.

It was however discovered that the cryostasis procedures that deep space astronauts were subjected to caused severe mental stress. Combined with the extended periods of isolation associated with deep space travel this led to a massive rise in incidents associated with dementia and other mental afflictions.

In order to maintain safety aboard deep-space vessels, a new advanced type of artificially intelligent android was developed. These androids known as AIVO units are unaffected by the

Banished and entrapped in a time sphere Kronos is adrift in a time altered dimension. Each time a hyperspace drive creates a rift through time-space it triggers an anomaly within Kronos’s time sphere. Sensing these anomalies Kronos conjured a spell allowing him to align the position of his time sphere with that of the rift causing such an anomaly.

The Phlegethon is in hyperspace nearing the planet S3-15P778 as its final waypoint in a three-year mining operation. As the hyperspace drive opens a time rift in order to drop from hyperspace Kronos senses this anomaly and casts his dimensional alignment spell. As the Phlegethon emerges from hyperspace the dimensional alignment spell bends time and space and the ship collides with Kronos’s time sphere. The ship’s control systems are heavily damaged by the impact, and the crew awake from cryostasis to find that only the basic life support systems are active. They immediately scurry to try and get backup power and control systems online.

Meanwhile during the collision Kronos manages to board the Phlegethon and he starts transforming crew members into mythological creatures to serve as his minions. Those who manage to escape the transformation are hunted down and slaughtered by these creatures.

Due to system damages sustained during the impact, AIVO-D13 the AIVO unit aboard the Phlegethon remained unactivated. Amongst the chaos a crew member manages to bring the backup systems online, and AIVO-D13 is finally activated.

In order to prevent this affliction from possibly spreading to other systems, AIVO-D13 sets out to find and contain the source before he can signal for assistance. He starts battling his way through the service and maintenance quarters toward the control deck.

Kronostasis on Steam

Loading Human: Chapter 1

Loading Human: Chapter 1

Despite the negative comments from other Vive owners, I decided to take a gamble and bought it. Personally, I love the intriguing story a lot and graphically it’s very beautiful. Voice acting and music are good too. This is clearly a very well-made production. On the other hand, it’s obvious that the developers have chosen for a one-size-fits-all solution for PSVR, Oculus and Vive, and this means : a seated vr game with less refined control and movement than Vive owners are used to. A seated game has its advantage though : you can perfectly play it when you feel lazy or tired. But, to be honest, you own this incredible room-scale capable piece of technology with these advanced controllers, and yet, while playing this game, you feel like you are forced to use a primitive system of moving, and of picking up and using things, and this doesn’t feel quite right. On the other hand, it’s not all that bad : once you get used to the interface and start focusing on the story and the game itself you can enjoy it a lot. Like someone else wrote : maybe we should stop complaining and be glad that it was released for Vive as well, instead of being a PSVR exclusive for example. :) Anyway, bottomline : game and story are really great, I’m going to keep playing this one, no doubt, I’m far too curious of what’s going to happen during this game and how the story will evolve, but… potential buyers that own a VIve will have to be sure that they can overcome that feeling of having to use a limited system of movement and control. But for me, being able to play a beautiful full-blown adventure, is a welcome change from the many simple demos and wave shooters for Vive.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my full gameplay here (part 1):

and here (part 2):

This is one of the best walking simulators in VR. It’s got a really good story with very nice VOs. My first playthrough took 3.5-4 hours to complete. On my second playthrough, it took a little under 2 hours.

Most of the negative reviews have to do with the default locomotion method, which admittedly is terrible. However, the game did add full locomotion with smooth turning a while back, so those reviews are now no longer accurate.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Loading Human: Chapter 1 on Steam



Who am I?

Is here anyone talking?

I know. I know. But……

What a stupid experiment

Alright. Anyway, all I need to do is put the box on the machine, right?

Why I have to put on the helmet?

『Cyborg_Lab, Syncing… Sync-Rate, 5%』

A little hurt…and dark.Something is leaking…..


『Cyborg_Lab』is a first person 3D puzzle game.Players must solve more than 30 physics puzzle, and find the hidden truth in a peace space station.

Game features:

-About 30 puzzles with clear catch. A fair duel between puzzle designers and players.

-Core mechanism combine with various other mechanism, making puzzle more complex and interesting.

-Time is also a part of puzzle.

-Puzzle is also a part of narrative, solve different puzzle to get different ending.

Cyborg_Lab on Steam

NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy

NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy

You are a newly created A.I. designed to manage the city of Catena. As you tackle the demands of the populace you will be challenged to balance their needs against your own moral compass. How will you decide who to help when the effect of every choice you make ripples out across the city? Choose wisely, your decisions impact the outcome of the story and the future of Catena.

As your influence spreads across the city you will encounter new characters in need of your help. As you learn who they are, their motivations and beliefs, you will have to decide which direction to guide them in. Your choices have the power to alter the course of their lives, for better or for worse.

View the impact of your actions with city-wide reports that detail not only the choices you’ve taken, but how the city evolves based on your decisions. The city’s inhabitants will change their views towards you: will you make a difference to their lives, or bring it all crumbling down?

The line between right and wrong will blur as you make decisions that are tested against a torrent of demands. Can you win over those who see you as a threat, or will you choose to fight them? Who are you truly serving: the citizens that depend on you, or the people that built you? Shape the story with your decisions and uncover the truth.

  • Branching Narrative: A ‘Reigns’ inspired branching narrative where player choice directly impacts the story, with some outcomes benefiting the citizens of Catena and others benefitting someone else…

  • Quick Decisions: Characters pose problems that offer quick-fire decisions, but they are deceptively simple and have far-reaching repercussions. Good instincts are required to make the right choice at the right time.

  • Choices That Matter: See the impact of every choice you make as your influence spreads across the city. Analyse reports and read the social media feeds of the population to observe the effects. Throughout the overarching story, your decisions will change the path and decide the outcome.

  • Diverse Cast: Meet and build relationships with 23 diverse and fully voiced characters. Guide each one on their journey as they face the tough challenges life in Catena presents.

  • Compelling Events: Over 5000 story events to experience, each offering choices that affect the characters you meet.

  • Rich Lore: Explore the world of Catena through an expansive digital Codex packed with deep lore, engaging characters, and stunning cyberpunk environments.

NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy on Steam

Saturated Outer Space

Saturated Outer Space

_“The future has a habit to unpleasantly surprise everyone who makes plans for it.”

  • Alastair Reynolds “Redemption Ark”_

Whenever a threat emerges in outer space, a squad is coming to the rescue.

You are the Commander of a squad working for the S.O.S. Your primary task is to rescue civilians across the galaxy and to eliminate all emerging threats, ranging from raiders and ruffians to unidentified forms of being never encountered before. It’s up to you to go for a stealth run or to turn things into a bloodbath. But there’s yet another decision to take, the crucial one: when you finally make it to the civilians, you won’t be able to help everyone.

Choose who will live and who will be left abandoned - build yourself a name and get the privileges of a revered rescuer or make a fortune by saving those who pay and enjoy the power that money can give.

No matter what you choose, remember: SPACE NEEDS YOU!


  • Experience a captivating storyline inspired by sci-fi classics

  • Sneak past your enemies or kill them all in a tactical turn-based combat

  • Team up with various allies to make the most of their distinctive traits

  • Build your own strategies to make it through boss fights

  • Protect civilians, keep them safe and escort them to EVAC-zones

  • Your decisions matter - it’s up to you to decide who is to be rescued or left behind

  • Complete the story in your own way - 3 different endings based on your choices and playstyle along with an extra one

Saturated Outer Space on Steam



This game is great!

The game does a great job of taking an idea of a society like the one seen in movies like BladeRunner (or fuckin Pluto Nash) and expands on it. The world has enough new elements to make it stand out.

The main characters are great and you really do end up loving them. The side characters are also great in how funny or wacky they are while sometimes being effectively used symbolically to highlight real world issues and topics.

While the controls of the ships can be a little wonky everything else is pretty spot on.

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

Full game video -

I had my reservations about this game to begin with, I thought it was going to be yet another 8 bit style game trying to be something more impressive. Well, I was quite wrong, this is a good game with a good storyline and impressive graphics with out of this world lighting. My only criticism is the rigidness of the story every answer and every question is already planned out, now normally I wouldn’t mind that layout but I feel the game deserves more. There is a lot to love about this game, I felt sorry for control and was invested in Rania’s life enough to keep playing. A good game with good characters and fantastic lighting, man I love that lighting :-). One last thing to add, the city is glorious, fascinating to drive around and big, very very big.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Cloudpunk on Steam