The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark

The first one was really charming and I loved it. This one I can’t recommend. It boring and uninspired.

First of all, it doesn’t have the charm of the first one. Instead of delightful and creative music, I’m two hours in and its looping the same ugly track. The story is bland, the puzzles don’t make sense like they used to, and I find myself bored which never happened with the first. The dialogue has grown exponentially in all the wrong ways, and the jokes just aren’t cheesy funny anymore, they are just… bland.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Point & Click Games.

A lot of (sometimes minor) characters from season 1 of The Darkside Detective make return appearances in this second season – it’s cool they keep building out the world like that – and to refresh my memory I started going back and replaying episodes from the first game while going through this one. And I enjoyed them so much again that I ended up replaying all of them in random order. That ended up making me feel as I finished this game up (except the, at this point, unreleased bonus episode) that the second season wasn’t quite as good as the first. But that’s a very high bar to try to reach, since I loved the first season. Main comparative downside for me was that it seemed like they aimed to build out longer episodes with more challenging puzzles, which was a good direction to take a lot of the time, but it was a bit marred by what seemed to me to be some excessively convoluted, directionless puzzles and moon-logicky item combinations that you needed to make and some cases of excessive backtracking through the larger environments trying to find something to interact with.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark on Steam

Kid Detective

Kid Detective


Kid Detective is an Open-World Murder Mystery Role-Playing Game where the player can prove any suspect guilty in a Court of Law. Designed to fit the parameters of Game Maker’s Toolkit’s video on “What Makes a Good Detective Game”, Kid Detective aims to make the Story and the Mechanics indistinguishable from one another. Inspired by narrative driven games like “Undertale” and “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney”, detective games like “The Return of the Obra Dinn” and “Outer Wilds”, Kid Detective aims to take discovery, mystery, and that Eureka! feeling to the next level.

Read More: Best Story Rich Choices Matter Games.

Kid Detective on Steam



Its a good 2D style anime Detective game with great Storyline mix with comedy. You play as duo partner with one having a power of speaking to dead spirits to find clues on the crime scene. Theres even different endings too which makes u to play it again to find other ending. A great game would recommend to try it out.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Comedy Games.

É um excelente jogo no geral para quem gosta de jogos de investigação. Basicamente você resolve um caso de assassinato por cada capítulo, mas o que mais me chamou a atenção é como os desenvolvedores conseguem prender sua atenção nos casos usando uma história recheada de humor, deixando-a bastante envolvente,

Para mim foi definitivamente uma boa experiência!

Principais pontos positivos:

1-Uma excelente história de detetive.

2-A trilha sonora é espetacular.

Principais pontos negativos:

1- Achei o controle por mouse estranho, então eu recomendaria jogar pelo teclado no lugar. Mas não é nada que impeça o usuário de jogar do começo ao fim usando só o mouse!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Seance on Steam

Don’t Forget Me

Don’t Forget Me

Bought it thinking it’s a cyberpunk point-and-click but it turned out to be a graphical novel with branching paths instead. I normally don’t like this genre but Don’t Forget Me is surprisingly good. It’s too short to recommend at it’s retail price, but consider picking it up when it’s on sale if you like an engaging story.

The narrative / graphical novel genre is filled with games that have poor writing that is either simplistic emotional (like To the Moon) or barely philosophical, filled with lengthy dialogues and monologues focusing on ethics and morality (like 2064: Read Only Memories). I tend to stay away from this genre for this reason. Don’t Forget Me does have some lengthy dialogues about ethics but luckily keeps it concise enough that it doesn’t completely destroy the pacing. And because of the branching paths it even has replay value.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Tl;dr: It’s a good text puzzle game with cyberpunk aesthetics, but with very heavy topics. Trigger warning for suicide, manipulation, alcohol and drug use, physical and mental violence, murder, blackmail.

This game needs a more prominent trigger warning. My original review stated that there wasn’t a trigger warning, but the devs point out that there was one on the Steam page, but it is located at the bottom with the System Requirements. I never even thought to look there, because I personally only look at the game summary and description of games. There is currently no trigger warning mentioned in the Steam page game summary, description nor in-game.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Don't Forget Me on Steam

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, sh1t on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it

no further explanation needed, its a legendary game with high affordability

Real player with 120.7 hrs in game

When you deductive reasoning

















Real player with 106.0 hrs in game

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy on Steam

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One

-Story is quite poor, from the pacing, and the direction of this so called origin story, it mostly makes more holes in Sherlock’s story than it does filling in the questions we expected to have answered in a Sherlock Holmes Origin Story. Then if you expect to have at least a decent ending for this story, then you might be sadly mistaken, it will not be a satisfying taste you’ll have when you finish the story, you also outta save files that you like or want to replay again, because this game doesn’t have any NG+ for you to replay a new game with your progress in hand. The scenes are also van be very off at times, where it feels like you’re seeing an illusion, but it was just in Sherlock’s odd imagination in the weirdest time possible or in a serious situation.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One, Is it that Elementary dear Watson?

Written by Happymartin


Sherlock’s Childhood. A rarely touched on subject matter as most would prefer to think of Sherlock as a Victorian Batman; a perfect detective and badass that’s better then everyone and has practically zero flaws outside of the occasional drug habit or being eccentric. Why is Sherlock who he is? What makes him so much of a investigative genius while doing insane things like shooting up his suite or nearly dying of self posioning?

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One on Steam

Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases

Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases

As a Poiort fan of nearly two decades I must say I’m extremely disappointed. If this is a game that has absolutely nothing to do with Poirot I would be fine with it; but since “Poirot” was what was advertised I must judge this game on that merit, and I must say it failed spectacularly.

First, the mystery itself was pretty bad; the blackmail plot was highly implausible and had set a certain admirable group back a thousand years (Why? What was the writer trying to accomplish?). The murder plot was…nothing at all like Christie’s, because it was not clever, or surprising, or even well-planned. Even a third-rate Golden Age writer would have been embarrassed to find their name attached to this drivel, let alone Christie’s.

Real player with 36.1 hrs in game

I’ll cut to the chase - if you like either Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments or Blacksad, or both, then you will like this game too. If you are a fan of the Agatha Christie films that have been adapted for the big screen, such as Death on the Nile (the original one with Peter Ustinov of course), for example, or the TV series that starred David Suchet, you will love this game too.

The developers of the game have weaved a convoluted tale that is true to the spirit of the original Agatha Christie novels. It is so great that I am actually wondering if it is based on an unpublished work, or the idea for a novel that she never wrote.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases on Steam

I Am The Prosecutor: No Evidence? No Problem!

I Am The Prosecutor: No Evidence? No Problem!

it has an among us reference AND the impostor gets ejected. good game

jokes aside, its a really nice game. ill absolutely replay it, because i got the good ending first try lmao (this game has multiple endings!!! how swag!!)

another awesome game from the sigyaad team, keep it up

also, please check your spelling, mr sigyaad :cirnu:

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

I think the concept of the game is great, the writing is good as I would expect from this developer, and the characters are fun! Good tunes too.

My main issue is that this game is wayyy too buggy

I’m not sure what it is, but I’ve had several issues where the game seems to lock up, the skip function is broken (I had to use it because I had to restart the game over a dozen times), character sprites can be the wrong size and other perspective glitches like that, and the game now for some reason slows to a crawl when it didn’t before, making it pretty much impossible for me to look at the other ending (I got the good ending)

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

I Am The Prosecutor: No Evidence? No Problem! on Steam

Mohism: Battle of Words

Mohism: Battle of Words

Unlike traditional wuxia games, Mohism: Battle of Words is a whodunnit visual novel where detective work will be required to progress. The stage in which Xiaochen lays out his conclusions pays homage to whodunnit classics such as Ace Attorney, Danganronpa and Sherlock Holmes.

BackGround of the Demo

A single blade is forged every decade, destined for fame throughout the ages. Every decade, all are invited to the Blade Tournament held by the Order of the Blade. Before the Order’s latest creation can be unveiled before the attendees, the interim master of the Order is found dead under strange circumstances. Our newly-minted detective is on his own and must untangle innumerable clues to arrive at the truth. Who murdered the Order’s master? Were their sights set on the blade or the Ultimate Blade Manual?

Mohism: Battle of Words on Steam

Return of the Obra Dinn

Return of the Obra Dinn

In “Return of the Obra Dinn” you’re an insurance investigator who is tasked with determining the fates of all 60 crewmembers aboard the Obra Dinn, a merchant ship that went missing in the early 19th century. Among your possessions is a pocketwatch that, when opened while standing nearby (the remains of) a corpse, shows you a glimpse of the deceased’s surroundings – and what they heard – at the moment of their death.

Furthermore, you have a book in which you keep a record of every crewmate’s death and disappearance. It also contains an artist’s rendition of the face of every crewmember and a list of the crewmember’s names, their occupation and their nationality. Your task is to assign a fate to everyone aboard the ship by using the 3D stills the pocketwatch provides you with. Some people’s fates are easier to determine than others, and the game will rely heavily on your deductive reasoning skills, since you’ll have to draw conclusions by narrowing down possibilities. Although sometimes conclusions based on guesswork and incomplete information were required too.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game


People declaring Obra Dinn a prime example of games-as-art and a shining pinnacle of what games in general should strive to be, probably have little to no understanding of how games actually work and wouldn’t recognize a good game if it hit them in the forehead. The core puzzle is good, tho.

Longer version

It’s better to know one important thing before even considering buying The Return of Obra Dinn. This can make or break your experience with it.

The whole affair boils down to solving one big constraint satisfaction problem (think the famous Zebra, or Einstein’s, puzzle) uniquely presented as a series of “memories” (still 3d dioramas) accompanied by an interactive notebook instead of a usual cell table. There is nothing else to it, period.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Return of the Obra Dinn on Steam