LISA: The Painful

LISA: The Painful

LISA is polarizing by design, and simply playing through it’s introduction alone is enough to give you an understanding of why so many people never finish or play it at all. The plot is a pitch black, grim, and hopeless affair filled with only occasional forays into lighthearted and humorous territory. But the catch here is that these moments are designed to make the inevitable fall back down into the blackest pits of human cruelty imaginable even more devastating and impactful. You see, while LISA is a deconstruction of many common JRPG tropes, it’s main deconstruction is that of a trope found in many forms of media, not just video games. That trope is the notion of protagonist centered morality. What this trope means is that in a story, when the protagonist causes innumerable amounts of death and destruction in their quest, they’ll still be a hero and still be loved and praised by the populace, because although they’ve caused all this, their goal is noble so they’re relieved of consequences or responsibility for their actions.

Real player with 91.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Great Soundtrack Games.

“Oh hello there! My name is Nern. I’m considered the greatest historian of our time… I’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge about Olathe and what happened here. Many tales… Would you like to hear? Hmm… I wish you were more enthusiastic… Oh well, I’ll tell you anyway. Let’s see…. Oh right! It all started with what I like to call, THE FLASH. I was sitting with my wife, god rest her soul, sipping on sweet lemon tea. I believe it was homemade by my sweet wife, God rest her soul. Or wait… Maybe she bought it from the store in a bottle. You know, like a plastic bottle? Well hold on now, that would be ridiculous to buy a bottle of sweet lemon tea, then transfer the contents into a glass. Why not just drink it from the bottle? I guess maybe so she could put ice in the glass? But then again, making tea homemade would be just as time consuming, if not more! That sneaky bitch… Anyway, I’ll save that story for later! So, I’m sitting on my porch drinking sweet lemon tea. From a glass of course, ho ho! When suddenly… A great strangeness fills my body… Something was wrong… I’ve lived many years, and I’ve never felt something like this before. Do you know what it was? Yup! It was my rocking chair! That wooden son of a gun stopped rocking! So I looked down and realized a little rock had gotten caught beneath my chair! A rock under my rocking chair! What a day! I decided it was time for bed, I had had a little bit too much excitement for one day! Hoho! I slid into my jammies, brushed my teeth, and said my prayers. As I was climbing into bed I noticed my wife, God rest her soul, brushing her hair in the bathroom. As I peered across the hall my body swelled up with emotion…

Real player with 69.6 hrs in game

LISA: The Painful on Steam

Metal as Phuk

Metal as Phuk

This is not your typical RPG Maker “jrpg”, with your standard typecasted heroes. The characters have well written personalities and interactive dialogue that is just unseen on most “jrpg’s” (and that statement is not exclusive to rpg-maker games, I mean rpg’s in general). While the plot and the direction are somewhat linear, the pc’s are what make it gold. It’s like reading a really good book with fleshed out characters that say things that bring the game to life. I have rarely played rpg’s that actually have dialogue interaction with enemies and bosses throughout the battle itself, and the dialogue is not repetitive. It is rich and full of humor, sprinkled with jokes and funny innuendos throughout the entire game. Moreover, it abstains from the beaten path of stereotypical backgrounds and played out motivations. Pontius, one of the main characters, is not a stereotypical mage and almost sets the stage for what good things you can expect for the rest of the game.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Turn-Based Combat Games.

RPG Maker - I start with this - most obvious and for me it usually keeps me a bay.

That would be the only negative.

Now let’s look at what is good in this game.

Story - not too complex, not too plain. Just enough to make player tied to the developing progress and expand the game beyond fight&survive.

Humor is sometimes for a bit more mature audience, but even kids would get it and is not bad at all. Dialogues between (later) four party members are pretty cool.

Combat - we all know RPG maker combat, and this one is best of breed (what RPG maker can offer). Not to bad, not to difficult, not too easy. Graphics - you can see on screenshots, I like it. Skills and Spells are well balanced and each next level each char gets new spell or ability.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Metal as Phuk on Steam

Where Birds Go to Sleep

Where Birds Go to Sleep

Where Birds Go to Sleep is a narrative adventure game set in a fictional Near East-inspired land, brought to life in a painterly artstyle, with voice-acted dialogue and original score.

Slip into the subconscious of Cormo, a churlish smuggler-turned-explorer, only ever influencing his actions, never directly assuming control. You will mould him through every sentence you put in his mind… but you might not like what he becomes.

Confront him about controversial topics like sexuality, prejudice and morality, and change his mind… or have him change yours.

There is no “Mission Failed”; saying “No” opens new avenues. There is no golden path.

Lie to others, and you’ll be more likely to hide the truth from yourself. Fail to justify your actions and you might find your character not heeding your commands.

Every single small choice you make builds up, and shifts the direction of the story. While there are crucial moments and big decisions to be made, it is the small things that – true to life – ultimately decide who we are.

Reflect on your actions along with the protagonist; exchange your thoughts on what happened; regret or rejoice, grieve or laugh together… or independently of each other.

The difference between saying “you tried your best” and “you’re horrible” is empathy.

The smallest of your choices are remembered by the experimental Insight System, which analyses your character and offers you personalised, interesting viewpoints and alternative outlooks on the things you’ve said and done, recontextualizing your experience both in and out of the game.

An island has appeared in the distant sea…

Sneak your way into a dangerous expedition to explore that island, reserved only for the worst prisoners. Get to know a handful of very special, deeply developed and fully realised characters. Become their friend, get to know their secrets, manipulate or abuse them to your, or Cormo’s will.

One of the first characters you will meet is Dunlin – a noble-born, young man who is steadfast in his moral and religious principles. But what must a purebred like him be guilty of to end up here with you?

Sprawling, naturally flowing dialogue: react in intense back-and-forth conversations. Every dialogue is ready for the choices you make, and can potentially branch off into a completely different conversation with game-changing significance.

Explore the mysterious island, unravel its secrets and lies. Shrouded in noxious, mind-altering mist, you must prepare for every journey inland, anticipating the challenges ahead. The provisions are scarce… but the others need them less than you.

Is Where Birds Go to Sleep a text adventure?

Where Birds Go to Sleep is not a text adventure. It is an adventure game featuring graphics akin to those seen in the trailer with fully voice acted dialogue, sound effects, ambience and music.

Will there be localisation to [language]?

Where Birds Go to Sleep is likely to release with only English, but we are keeping an eye on wishlists and interest from different regions, and will strive to localise the game accordingly post-release.

Will there be Linux support?

Unless we run into major platform-specific issues, we would like to release a Linux version in parallel to the Windows version on Steam.

Read More: Best Story Rich Interactive Fiction Games.

Where Birds Go to Sleep on Steam

Beyond a Total Loss

Beyond a Total Loss

Just finished the the game and really enjoyed it, there are many details and a lot of effort was put into it. It was a great old school adventure with some interesting twists and funny dialogues. If you are not sure, there is a demo.

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

Beyond a Total Loss is good.

It’s about what you’d expect it to be based on the visuals, and is more or less what I love about indie games.

A quirky story about a man who ends up going through a series of unfortunate events.

Real player with 35.4 hrs in game

Beyond a Total Loss on Steam

Artificial Entanglement

Artificial Entanglement

Play as a Super AI, in an abandoned robotics lab. Use puzzle solving & platforming skills to progress through the lab. You are being monitored by another Super AI, the lab itself. Unravel the meaning of your existence, accompanied by the voice of the lab. It might be your only friend.

Gain positive or negative charge to interract with the magnets in the level. Magnetize yourself accordingly or you might die!

Also, this works with interactable objects.

Giveaway your active movement to get a small boost and turn into a ball. You will not be able to move like normal, but you can fit through tight spaces.

While a ball you can transfer your momentum directionally up to 3 times. But don’t forget each time you lose a fraction of your momentum.

Use your momentum to break obstacles to get through. Some breakables are tougher so, you will need to build up your speed.

Touch a deadly trap to blow yourself up! Watch your parts fling across the level and spill your oil all over the place.

Artificial Entanglement on Steam

CAT Interstellar: Episode II

CAT Interstellar: Episode II

CAT Interstellar: Episode II

Return to Mars as a UNC Marine for the second installment of the cult classic CAT Interstellar.

Episode II picks up 24 hours after the first episode and primarily follows the United Nations Common (UNC) Marine Sergeant Gary Freeman. In this episode you’ll navigate a treacherous Martian passage, drive a 4WD rover through Turing Canyon, and blast your way through a Martian laboratory as a Marine Sergeant on a mission to deactivate Android 42.

This experience is intended to be ~1 hour long and follows a very similar structure to the first game. It is a linear story with both first and third person gameplay.

CAT Interstellar: Episode II on Steam

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Gorgeous prehistoric animal designs ! It’s good to see proper paleoart in a game that isn’t a walking simulator for once.

The dog was kind of annoying, but thankfully not for long ;^)

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

This review was made after completing the Beta.

Even at this stage Dino Hazard shows a lot of potential. The games setting and story are so far very interesting and while not 100% original, the more derivative elements are used in the best possible way rather then as a crutch. Do not be turned off by the games retro aesthetic, it’s very fun and runs smoothly. In fact it I rate it far more highly then maybe 99% of the Dinosaur games on steam.

This is a retro style rpg, you have the ability to explore an open world plus interior areas (which in themselves are pretty big) collecting items and solving puzzles. The enemies in this game are vary varied, including not just dinosaurs but a whole host of prehistoric life from multiple eras as well as several types of robot. The combat is turn based, in the same vain as EarthBound. Your characters are not visible on screen and the enemy sprites are static. When you attack sometimes an animation such as hand swinging a knife will appear, as a nice touch the weapon in the characters hand will change depending on what has been equipped. Despite combat’s simple animation, things can still get very tense and you will have to learn your enemies weaknesses in order to make things easier. Some aspects of combat are rather simple, others are a bit more complex but it’s not that hard to figure out. My one and only complain is that enemy attack turns can go by very quickly, making it a bit confusing as to what happened, but to balance that out not once did I feel things were being unfair.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout on Steam



“_That is not dead which can eternal lie,

And with strange aeons even death may die._” - H.P. Lovecraft

  • A frank, sometimes surreal, other times horrifying story with a good portion of caustic irony and grotesque..

  • Simple controls and no “platforming”, pixel-hunting or teeth-grinding puzzles allow you to concentrate on the main thing - the story and your participation in it.

  • A unique atmosphere woven from real photographs, bizarre plasticine animation, and enchantingly murky music by Serge Bulat.

Blood. Guts. Our own meat.

Here are the Great Ancients sleeping in each of us.

Should we fear imaginary monsters, or creatures crawling out of the depths of the sea? After all, they are only the wretched of this world.

The unknown and fleshy within us - is the true, underlying horror of which we may not even be aware. A horror about to break free…

Visceratum draws inspiration from the work of those who have been able to look into the abyss of humankind. Let’s honor those names: Lovecraft and Kafka, Beksiński and Giger; Cronenberg, Švankmajer, Lynch. And many other masters of the dark arts gave a bit of their energy to the seed from which Visceratum sprouted. However, the game does not try to parasitize on the greats - by paying tribute to them, it seeks to construct its own reality.

The strange visuals, сrawling at the bottom of the “uncanny valley”, combining serious themes and drama with outright absurdity - create a special surreal atmosphere of Visceratum. Will you dare to step into these dark waters?

Visceratum on Steam

Blind Drive

Blind Drive

What an interesting game. Blind drive puts you in the shoes of Donny… A guy who is blind folded and cuffed to the steering wheel of a vehicle and sent on his way down a highway against traffic. I will say nothing more on the story as I don’t want to spoil. Anyway, the gameplay is simple enough… You hear a vehicle on one side of the road, steer to the other! That’s not all though. The story takes some wild turns and puts you through many different and sometimes unexpected situations to test you. In all, the sound design is great and story is funny. For it’s price, I’d certainly have to recommend this insane and wacky journey. Sit back, relax, and happy steering!

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

It’s not everyday one discovers a new genre - and what a pleasant surprise it is!

Playing eyes closed, flat on my back with surround sound headphones and a wireless keyboard, Blind Drive is a wild narrative-driven adventure.

The sound effects and spatial design create an immersive atmosphere, complemented with excellent voice acting and often hilarious one-liners (“Give me a break; I’m driving blind! Can’t you see?"), while the graphics make a complete mockery of my 32:9 monitor.

For gamers who think they’ve seen it all, Blind Drive is like playing VR with your eyes closed.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Blind Drive on Steam

Portal 2

Portal 2

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Real player with 5633.8 hrs in game

This review is long past due, I don’t know how I didn’t write a review for this game over so many years. But by far! The best game Valve has made. Portal 2 is the definition of a perfect puzzle game. It really makes you think in a different aspect with portals, it’s so extraordinary. The story is absolutely outstanding and heartwarming, with comedic and lighthearted moments to cinematic scenes all while trying to escape Aperture Science. The visuals are nothing too captivating but very memorable. The audio is fantastic, Portal 2 has some of the best soundtracks I’ve heard out of any game it’s perfect for trying to think while going through test chambers. Everything about the main game is perfect I could play it a hundred times, come back to it years later and play it again, and it would be still just as great as the first time I experienced it.

Real player with 207.8 hrs in game

Portal 2 on Steam