Epic Chef

Epic Chef

The key to comedy is timing. The simple nature of the game mechanics allows the humor to just keep rolling. Is this some new avante garde game? No.

It is fun. Pure and simple fun. Stop worrying about how hard or easy the game is and let it take you on a ride worth the price. If you only care about being some hoity toity gamer critic? Move on.

The cooking is more of a puzzle with ingredients than a mechanic. It sets the canvas for a fun story with characters you will remember and not have to wiki when you need to find them.

Real player with 126.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Simulation Games.

Absolutely fantastic! The humour and story telling is amazing. I was afraid, that it was targeting a young audience, but this isn’t the case. Witty characters, great punchlines.

It is also more in depth than I thought. Not mentioning spoilers, there is a lot more going on, than just building your farm and the cooking competitions.

If you look for a great story game, combined with some farming, resource gathering and cooking, you are going to love this game! I would not recommend it, for people who don’t care about a story and are looking more for a cooking simulator.

Real player with 89.3 hrs in game

Epic Chef on Steam



My name is Scribble & this is my game, Scribblequest! It’s a whimsical musical adventure. No, it’s not just a game with music in it, it’s like LITERALLY a musical. We sing songs with lyrics that tell the story while minigames pop in and out in time with the music.

There’s also a colorful world to explore and lots of lovable new friendbuddies to meet! (Just a warning that 2 of the aforementioned “friendbuddies” are my parents. You don’t have to be friends with them if you don’t want to. I wouldn’t blame you, they’re kind of A LOT… Modge and Podge, if you somehow figured out how to use Steam and are reading this, I’m very sorry and I love you… Also I’m proud of you for figuring out a computer thing despite being like 5 million years old. OK, I’m sorry again. I’ll stop talking now.)

  • Songs that tell the story. In Scribblequest me and my friends literally sing songs, you know, like in a musical.

  • Gameplay that feels the beat. Everything reacts to the beat of the music in minigames that rapidly pop in and out.

  • Befriend a charming cast of characters (and my parents too, I guess). My name is in the ding dang title so you know I’ll be there, but so will a bunch of my best friendbuddies. I think you’ll like them a lot. My parents invite themselves to everything so I’m sure we’ll run into them too and I apologize for that in advance. (Nah, but seriously, Modge and Podge are actually pretty fun sometimes I guess… Don’t tell them I said that though.)

  • Join the band! Will you shred a scorching guitar solo or honk out a stinky sax solo? The choice is yours!

  • Create a custom avatar! You will totally get to create a custom avatar using a very well designed and intuitive user interface. I promise. (I don’t promise)

  • Race shopping carts and lift weights! Podge says this is the stuff “manly men” do, so if you’re a manly man I think you’ll really enjoy these particular activities.

  • Grow your own nose by helping it eat fruit! (I swear this makes sense in context)

  • Experience the power of server-side cloud rendered blast processing! I don’t know what this means but Podge told me nobody will buy the game unless I included it. (I don’t think he knows what it means either)

Read More: Best Story Rich Choices Matter Games.

Scribblequest on Steam



Let us consult the stars.

Astrologaster was one of those games that I almost passed up on. I don’t remember exactly when I first came across Astrologaster, but it didn’t click with me at first. I was just sleepily browsing the upcoming games section around midnight, as you do, and it popped up. Finding the name interesting, I clicked, looked at the screenshots, and thought “hmm, I don’t know”. I saw it a couple more times, but when it got closer to the release date I finally watched the trailer. Why I didn’t watch it before, I can only blame it on being way too tired that night. With the combination of finding the trailer and the real life element behind Astrologaster intriguing, as well as peeking at a gameplay video, I thought “Hey, why not take the chance?”. Spoiler alert, I’m glad that I did.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Interactive Fiction Games.

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this Letter of Recommendation for the General Public, as such that it is publicly displayed for All to fashion and be notified of the most excellent Occurence that has blessed our Water Vapour Storefront.

I feel obligated with great Duty to inform the good People of this Community that the very Heavens have brought down a veritable Angel of scientific Inquiry and medical Expertise. Why, I am, of course, referring to Doctor Simon Forman, an extraordinary Gentleman of grand Intellect and greater Empathy for the common Man. Through the Science of the Stars, Doctor Foreman instills a Sense of Security and Safety towards his Querents, many of which are notable Members of the higher Echelon, for good Reason! It is clear Doctor Forman’s medical Practice is of such immaculate Degree that God himself speaks directly to him via the starry Sky above!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Astrologaster on Steam

Do Not Buy This Game

Do Not Buy This Game

Wh- What are you doing here?

Did you not read the title?

I’ll put it here again, just for you, but this time I’ll make a tiny change that will probably help you out:

See that small, unnoticeable circle? Yes, the one in red that surrounds the word ‘NOT’.

Yeah? You got it!

Oh, such a happy moment of learning that we got to share together!

And now that you’ve noticed it, I’m sure you will do the respectful thing and immediately stop reading the description for the game. You are now free to go do something else!

Oh, I get it.

You think that by reading this long description you will find out more about the game.


Here is a feature list you might find useful:

  • A whole lot of nothing

  • Me as the narrator

  • More nothing

  • I have some jokes ready I guess?

  • A lot of regrets

See how full of beautiful features this game is?

It was really hard to polish all these features to perfection, but I never gave up and pulled through it!

So now that you have full knowledge of everything you need to know, I am certain that you can go on with your life.

…why are you still reading this?

Do Not Buy This Game on Steam

Tales from the Borderlands

Tales from the Borderlands

Wow…. just wow. This game is a must buy!

Let me start out by saying that I’ve never played a Borderlands game before this one. If you are new to the Borderlands universe, no worries. Tales From The Borderlands is able to introduce you to the world without needing any prior knowledge of the original games. Technically this game takes place after Borderlands 2, but it is summarized perfectly and requires no further knowledge then what they explain to you.

In TFTB, you play two different characters (Rhys and Fiona) as they recap the story of their adventure. Like most other Telltale games, Tales plays out like an interactive adventure, with dialogue options and choices sprinkled in.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

I guess there’s a lot to say about the game but I’ll keep it short for ya’ll. If you really want to read some in-depth critisism you can check out the lower part the review. If you just want to know if this game is good for you, just read the short COOL-list up here.


  • Tales really captures the Borderlands' iconic mix of action and humour.

  • Dialogue is quite solid, be it in a serious or humorous scene. Has it’s off-moments though, but that’s to be expected when…

  • …You have about 10 hours of story going on. Quite a long journey with lots of twists and turns.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Tales from the Borderlands on Steam

Heroes Must Die

Heroes Must Die


This game is very hit or miss. The ideas are geat and unique but the excecution is passable at best and uninteresting at worst. The combat is very engaging and unique but it get’s reppetitive and easy quickly. The writing is great and never slows down with it’s wit and charm but the story is short, predictable and boring. The bosses are interesting and provide a slight change in combat but they aren’t distingushable from each other most of the time due to most of them having the same attacks and they aren’t very difficult. The characters are fun and have interesting designs but they are undeveloped and most don’t get enough screen time. I appreciate the game’s attempt to remedy the difficulty by introducing new enemis with different attack patterns later on but those get predictable as well and the last enemies you fight have the same patterns as the first ones. The game has more good points than bad and I do recomend it but understand that it’s not as good as the developers say it is. The worst thing I can say about this game is that I would never pay money for it.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game


+Decently funny story

+Original combat system

-Easy, with no difficulty settings. Most attack patterns are really easy to remember, and so even if you suck at landing comboes, there’s never any urgency if you can just dodge all the attacks round after round

-No option to pause in battle

-No option to make faster the fighting animations you’ve seen a bajillion times

-Choices don’t matter at all

  • The art is OK.

  • Duration is about ~4,5 hours.

7.5/10 overall.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Heroes Must Die on Steam



Its a good 2D style anime Detective game with great Storyline mix with comedy. You play as duo partner with one having a power of speaking to dead spirits to find clues on the crime scene. Theres even different endings too which makes u to play it again to find other ending. A great game would recommend to try it out.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

É um excelente jogo no geral para quem gosta de jogos de investigação. Basicamente você resolve um caso de assassinato por cada capítulo, mas o que mais me chamou a atenção é como os desenvolvedores conseguem prender sua atenção nos casos usando uma história recheada de humor, deixando-a bastante envolvente,

Para mim foi definitivamente uma boa experiência!

Principais pontos positivos:

1-Uma excelente história de detetive.

2-A trilha sonora é espetacular.

Principais pontos negativos:

1- Achei o controle por mouse estranho, então eu recomendaria jogar pelo teclado no lugar. Mas não é nada que impeça o usuário de jogar do começo ao fim usando só o mouse!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Seance on Steam

Pixel Puzzle Makeout League

Pixel Puzzle Makeout League

I cannot say enough good things about Pixel Puzzle Makeout League.

The game itself has tons of accessibility features for solving picross, that you can adjust at any time. You can make the game horribly challenging if you want to, or you can make it a relaxed experience with plenty of time to think about how to solve the puzzles. The puzzles themselves are varied, well-themed, and really fun! There’s a good mix of easy, medium, and hard puzzles that make it easy to work up to the harder ones.

And oh gosh the writing. At the time of this review I’ve completed two of the character’s routes, and the writing in both is stellar! The jokes are funny, and there’s no sign of the edgy and grimdark humor that has come to plague a lot of otherwise very fun and upbeat titles. The characters are earnest and believable and very kissable!

Real player with 88.0 hrs in game

(update update) This review used to have a photosensitivity warning. The flashing images have been fixed. Thanks to the developers for responding.)

A delightful dating sim (with a bit of a slow start) with lots of funny lines. The pixel puzzles range from easy to challenging. A nice feature is that, as you progress the plot, there continue to be easier challenges mixed with the tougher ones. Two UI flaws: 1. You have to completely finish a “story” (sequence of dialogue and puzzles) before the game saves. If you’re two out of three puzzles done and you have to go to sleep, welp. 2. The cursor is shaped like a heart and the part you point with is actually the center of the heart. I have mis-clicked so many times because of this. Overall, though, I’m very glad I bought and I look forward to buying future games by these authors. Note: the maximum puzzle size is 15x15.

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

Pixel Puzzle Makeout League on Steam

Psychonauts 2

Psychonauts 2

I’ll start this off saying I have basically no nostalgia for this series. I got into it literally days before this game released and my god was I missing out. The first game was wonderful and incredibly charming, but this one? Absolutely phenomenal. I don’t play games a lot, as I have trouble focusing on them and get bored easily, but in this game I was completely engrossed the entire way through. The story, the characters, hell, even the environments and overall feel of this game are all top tier. Definitely one of my all time favorites now, and I’m currently slowly working my way to 100%. Double Fine has absolutely outdone themselves with this title.

Real player with 56.3 hrs in game

This game is the sequel I waited over a decade for. The first game was one of my favorite platformers when I found it, and when I had heard there was a sequel coming, I was READY. Now, when I had heard this game was coming, all I wanted was a follow-up to the cliffhanger from 1 (and Rhombus, after that came out). It could’ve played the same, and I would’ve been fine. HOWEVER, not only did the story surpass my expectations of what they could build off of from the world the first game created, the gameplay received so many major improvements. Each power was improved, and could be leveled up after unlocking. New features left and right, each of them incredibly useful and creative. Mental cobwebs were replaced with collectibles that were much more fun. And the devs are always listening to feedback, and that meant so much to see. Given the game’s themes and the target demographic, it deserves that accessibility and attention to details and playerbase. This game blew me away, and while it will never replace the original, it certainly lived up to it.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

Psychonauts 2 on Steam

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark

The first one was really charming and I loved it. This one I can’t recommend. It boring and uninspired.

First of all, it doesn’t have the charm of the first one. Instead of delightful and creative music, I’m two hours in and its looping the same ugly track. The story is bland, the puzzles don’t make sense like they used to, and I find myself bored which never happened with the first. The dialogue has grown exponentially in all the wrong ways, and the jokes just aren’t cheesy funny anymore, they are just… bland.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

A lot of (sometimes minor) characters from season 1 of The Darkside Detective make return appearances in this second season – it’s cool they keep building out the world like that – and to refresh my memory I started going back and replaying episodes from the first game while going through this one. And I enjoyed them so much again that I ended up replaying all of them in random order. That ended up making me feel as I finished this game up (except the, at this point, unreleased bonus episode) that the second season wasn’t quite as good as the first. But that’s a very high bar to try to reach, since I loved the first season. Main comparative downside for me was that it seemed like they aimed to build out longer episodes with more challenging puzzles, which was a good direction to take a lot of the time, but it was a bit marred by what seemed to me to be some excessively convoluted, directionless puzzles and moon-logicky item combinations that you needed to make and some cases of excessive backtracking through the larger environments trying to find something to interact with.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark on Steam