Night in the Woods

Night in the Woods

Beautiful game but why the game in the game is so nightmarishly difficult?!? lmao

fk demon tower. I am on the verge of losing my sanity. :3

Real player with 72.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Great Soundtrack Games.

This is a very cute game- you can tell a lot of love went into it. If you’re a fan of slice-of-life games that build a gorgeous landscape and develop their characters flawlessly, then this is the one for you.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Night in the Woods on Steam

What Remains of Edith Finch

What Remains of Edith Finch

I love this game, it has an amazing atmosphere and I can really feel for the characters. The house really feels alive and lived in with each little detail. The story itself is rich and up for interpretation. Overall, the game is a visually stunning experience that left me feeling nostalgic for a life I was never apart of.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Walking Simulator Games.

What Remains of Edith Finch reminded me why I love video games. They are meant to convey a story in a way that is interactive and different to the mass and this game truly delivered; it did so beautifully. Every short story that you are part of brings you closer to the family and the true message conveyed in the bigger story : life should be treasured always, even when it is short-lived. The stories are told in such unique and captivating ways, and even though this particular title falls into the genre of a “walking simulator”, it manages to have one of the best narratives in video games I’ve ever seen. If you had doubts about this game but wanted to experience something mesmerizing, give it a try. It’s beautiful, emotional and will make you feel things you probably never felt before with other games. 10/10 recommended.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

What Remains of Edith Finch on Steam

Pathologic Classic HD

Pathologic Classic HD

Hands down, the best game I have ever played!

Pathologic is a very ambitious, very unique, genre-bending, medium-defining video game which does things no other game has done before or since. It is also devilishly vague, extremely difficult, incredibly slow and takes place entirely within one small greyish town over a period of about 30 hours. But as you go on you realise its incredibly slow pacing, its single greyish location, its trudging from one place to another are all essential to creating such an incredible atmosphere and game.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Story Rich Survival Games.

This game already has thousands of reviews for it, and nobody is likely to read this one, so I’m not sure why I’m bothering to write it. Then again, I’m not sure why I bought this game to begin with, or played it, or dedicated myself to completing all three scenarios and collecting every achievement over 70 grueling hours. In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.

Actually, I lied a bit there. I know why I bought this game, if nothing else. Like many here, I heard about Pathologic when its remake/sequel came out, and several popular YouTube channels featured intriguing summations of the game and declared it a lost gem. Despite their praise, though, the videos were almost pitched as dares, warning potential players about the game’s infinite rough edges, grinding difficulty, and uniquely eccentric approach to the relationship between the player and the game. Depending on how deep you go down the Pathologic rabbit hole, the fourth wall will be anything from ‘leaned on’ to ‘completely bulldozed.’

Real player with 70.7 hrs in game

Pathologic Classic HD on Steam

Whispering Willows

Whispering Willows

This was a surprisingly fun and polished adventure game. I wasn’t expecting a lot from it when I picked it up in a recent bundle, but I thoroughly enjoyed it all the way through. It has a very polished feel to it with a lot of good going for it from its art style, musical score, sound effects, game mechanics, and even has quite a bit of humor.

It is tagged as a “horror” game, but really it falls more into the supernatural experience than true horror storytelling. While there are elements of creepiness and some scares, it is more of an uneasy feeling of dealing with ghosts and spirits than monsters. There are a couple of instances where you will be shocked, or surprised by events that creep up on you forcing you to run away from danger, but overall the atmosphere is more of a haunted house feel. The music is atmospheric to a spooky story, and fits well with old mansions and graveyards. The music is quite good overall, and mixed with some eerie sound effects you will feel some uneasiness while wandering around the game.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Game overview

In whispering Willows the protagonist is on a mission to find her missing father, who is a groundskeeper at the spooky old mansion because and she fears that a supernatural

force has taken him hostage.

Whispering willows is a horror themed graphic adventure game where you control Elena as she explores the haunted mansion and surrounding properties while most kids her age would be too scared to search through the ghost filled house .

Game Breakdown

Elena knows she has a secret weapon up her sleeve, actually it’s around her neck, her stylist necklace allows our fearless hero to make contact with the other side. Having the necklace give the players the ability to turn Elena into a ghostly version of herself, now she is able to interact with dead people and squeeze through small openings.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Whispering Willows on Steam



A stunningly beautiful experience wrapped around an unresolved science-fiction story. It is more of a walking simulator than a combat game.

The main reason to play Industria is to wander through and observe the game world. Everything is gorgeous and evocative. Level design, lighting, and little details all come together to create a very specific atmosphere.

Yes, there is some combat, and it’s fine, but this is really not a combat game. The action is there to enhance the sense of danger and alienation.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

The game is quite intriguing, and the plot grabed my attention the whole time. After finishing I left the game wanting to know more about that world, to know exactly what was happening.

Playing through it you can definitely feel how influential the Half Life franchise was to the developers. Be it the opening, the city design and even some sound effects. One important aspect that helps to differentiate it from HL is the main character being voiced (I know Alyx is voice on HL:A but you get what I mean) and imo the VO was good.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game


OPUS: The Day We Found Earth

OPUS: The Day We Found Earth

I liked this game, but I didn’t love it as much as I thought I would.

Even though the art, dialogue, and character designs are cute, the overarching story is very depressing throughout, and the ending is at best bittersweet. It kind of left me with the same feeling I had after watching Silent Running.

The core gameplay mechanic of scanning for planetary systems is simple to learn and introduced well. I appreciate that the difficulty of the tasks varies over the course of the game due to changes in the available information as well as the level of assistance at your disposal, and I personally never found it repetitious. For whatever reason, though, I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around the map layout as a whole, so it took me way longer than it should have to locate the right zone and area for each challenge.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

The Day I Found Opus

a Sci-fi Indie Adventure game that will have you exploring, and seeing, the stars differently. I found Opus today, and of course played until I’d 100%ed the game. Though there are 31 achievies, they all come pretty normally through the story. By the time I’d finished the story, I had surveyed over 500 stars, which is the achievement just before the highest of 1000. But, I still had to locate a final supernova and a moon of one of the planets, along with the last 500 stars to survey, so that final count took a little grinding.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

OPUS: The Day We Found Earth on Steam



  • Navigate maze-like levels and solve 100+ puzzles with your ability to flip the world.

  • Lean on and utilize the unique abilities of 4 different characters.

  • Conquer various hazards and obstacles that test your skills and understanding.

  • Uncover a mysterious and gripping story of identity and personal growth.

  • Reconcile with who you are, or what you’ve become, on your journey to find your B-Side!

You play as Tae, a being who is currently undergoing The Forming. Tae is on a quest to find their B-Side, just like all other beings in their cycle, but it’s not going as smoothly as expected. Now they must lean on the other beings around them and their unique abilities, including their ability to flip the world, to conquer obstacles and hazards of The Forming. But avoiding the Strayed and the Wither is no easy task and they must find their own strength while reconciling with who they are - or what they’ve become.

B-Side on Steam

Extra Coin

Extra Coin

You are invited to join The Arcade, the virtual existence where you can finally become someone

Extra Coin is a one-of-a-kind adventure game set within a virtual social network called The Arcade. You play as Mika, a girl determined to find her lost parents after they abandon their mortal existence. Dive into and explore this virtual and colorful world, making new friends and testing your skills against your foes to find the truth behind The Arcade. Will you be worthy enough?


  • Peculiar game mechanics which mix adventure, action and RPG elements

  • A lore-rich, engaging story with an original multiple endings branching system

  • Unique visual style which mixes pixel art with 3D environments

  • Total freedom to customize and build your character with ** 60 passive skills**, ** 50 ultimates**. All freely combinable to obtain unique effects and game styles

  • ** 100 cosmetics** to visually customize your character with

  • Management of player in-game social profile, with ** 700 text posts** available and ** 150 photos**

  • Lots of unlockable and collectible content ( 100 achievements, 50 challenges and 40 medals)

  • A fully-voiced cast of characters

  • Lots of replayability thanks to the Arcade Mode

Extra Coin on Steam

Hitchhiker - A Mystery Game

Hitchhiker - A Mystery Game

Philosophical road trip, where the word “trip” might be a part of the word “trippy”. Surreal and thought-provoking, with phenomenal storytelling, it’s definitely worth a playthrough for those who like to ponder on things.

You start as a hitchhiker in someone’s car. There’s little information given on who you are, where are you and, most importantly, why are you there – in that moment. As the ride unfolds, there comes the realization that you’re searching for something – yourself? Missing partner? An event in the past? Lost memories? At first, it’s unclear and seems surreal, as odd conversations with drivers seem to be hinting at something deeper while you try to stay rooted in reality and figure out what exactly happened. As the rides with different, strange companions continue, you’ll eventually find yourself threading on the thin line between dreamlike and real still, however, searching for the answers to this mystery, which in itself is no longer solid…Will you ever find answers? Perhaps strange people, new places, odd clues and lots of philosophical musings will help to point you in the right direction. Or not. In the end, you’ll still get to enjoy one bad-ass road trip showing beautiful scenery of the great United States’ cross-county drive.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

I don’t know what to make of this games storytellers.. the game itself is a laid back low key Indie AA, decent production values. Not the best Indie AA I have ever played but a fair attempt.

I’m really on the fence between a yes and no recommendation.. okay so MASSIVE STORY SPOILER WARNING:

! ### So the story itself is very chilled out, I enjoyed it for the most part.. until you get to the end and you have been doing all this for your dying girlfriend whom you know was cheating on you?? .. WHY THE FLIP DO I CARE IF SHES ALIVE OR DEAD? She cheated.. cheating is a horrific thing and instantly disqualifies her as a valid person.. meaning everything she ever said to me about me, was a lie. So with that in mind.. and note that guy didn’t go and kill them both, which may have been a fun aspect if it was included in the game.. but not only does he not kill them both, but he simps out and goes to her bedside..?! WHO THE FLIP CARES.. DIE ALREADY!.. life isn’t like what these Devs imagine.. ohw you once told someone you loved them and then they cheated on you, let’s all be friends?? Obviously they felt nothing for you or they wouldn’t have cheated! and at that point.. WHO CARES? You died in that second you cheated.. there is no sorry.. the idea of this is horrific.. No.. a hundred times no.. this game while having good points.. just stole the price of it off me.. can’t believe you would write such a weak pathetic character.. compassion?.. where was her compassion while she is taking ** ** *** **** on holiday.. no excuse, this is the modern age, everyone’s got a phone on them, it takes 5 minutes to make a phone call and done.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Hitchhiker - A Mystery Game on Steam

Raccoon Arrival

Raccoon Arrival

Raccoon Arrival is a walking simulator by a single developer. For his first game, this is a sterling effort.

My interpretation is that the raccoon is going back to his past searching for his friend. The story is quite sparse and is shown by brief flashbacks when the raccoon reaches certain spots of the environment.

The main gameplay is running along picking up crystals on each level and reading glowing notes and chomping on food. The latter are usually colourful donuts or slices of pizza which are very hard to miss. The glowing notes flesh out the story more. Gameplay is very easy and relaxing, so suitable for children. Very easy to 100% achievement!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Interesting game. Nice visual. Has potential to be something more in the future if the devs want to.

P.S. This review comes from a fellow raccoon.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Raccoon Arrival on Steam