Sinfeld Remastered: Deceased and Assist Playtest

Sinfeld Remastered: Deceased and Assist Playtest

Tranquility Now!

Sinfeld Remastered is a single player action-horror-comedy-parody featuring various gameplay styles inspired by Resident Evil, Silent Hills and PT. Donathan makes his way through the maze of strangely familiar locations. You will solve puzzles, riddles, and dodge the crazies in this new nightmare of what we think New York looks like. This is an early prototype as we continue to build the main story missions.

Key Features:

A Personal Story: You play as Donathan, the oldest orphan in the city on the night he’s finally adopted. Things aren’t what they seem though, and you are thrust into the worst night of his life. Survive the streets and uncover the mysteries behind his past, and maybe you’ll live to see another dawn.

A Familiar Place?: For a limited time only experience a special demo inspired by the original “Sinfeld Chronicles” (2020)

Read More: Best Stealth Interactive Fiction Games.

Sinfeld Remastered: Deceased and Assist Playtest on Steam

Kamikaze Veggies

Kamikaze Veggies

Red, communist vegetables want to take control over the world. Only a special squad of veggies - warriors can stop them. If you like absurd humor and a breath of adventure on your back, then you’ve come to the right place!

Kamikaze Veggies is a game where the wrong move means death. Keep your eyes peeled! You need to be focused to react quickly to a threat. If you are smart, you have a chance of a successful mission. When the frontline situation is dire, use a suicide blast. This is the specialty of the rebel crew.

Red communist vegetables are your enemy. They are cruel and ruthless bastards. They want to take control of the whole world. Reds are better armed, and their troops contain GMO mutants - extremely aggressive beasts.

Get ready for a deadly encounter. War is not a place for cowards!

Key features:

  • Single-player mode with an interesting story

  • Third-person perspective

  • 3D graphic

  • Split-screen mode option (co-op for two players)

  • Unique gameplay based on the sacrifice of kamikaze warriors

  • Many interesting missions

  • Many fascinating characters with different skills

  • Beautiful and contrasting art styles with great music

Read More: Best Stealth Third Person Games.

Kamikaze Veggies on Steam

A Rat’s life: the Cat Conspiracy

A Rat’s life: the Cat Conspiracy

Fast First-person Rat Gameplay

Get on your four legs to sprint and travel through a unique world. Use pipes to reach hidden area and find cheese.

Featured in this adventure:

  • Story rich arcs set in a unique world

  • Different stealth challenges

  • Skilled-based drills

  • frantic cat pursuits

  • Trashball against AI (a popular sport among rats)

  • Rat races

  • Exploration and cheese chasing

  • Great cinematics and soundtrack

Story Rich Arcs

Rats live in societies inside walls. Big corporate control the access to the outside world where cheese, the main currency and food can be found by cheese hunters. In order to find out what happened to your missing siblings, you will have to be employed as a cheese hunter to sneak your way to the outside world, far from home. Through this adventure the narrative deals with social themes related to inequality and conspiracies.

Hide from horrifying cats

The outside world is filled with traps and scary looking cats. Use your speed and small size to sneak your way through this mysterious world without getting caught.

More details to come, make sure to wishlist and follow to stay tuned.

Read More: Best Stealth Interactive Fiction Games.

A Rat's life: the Cat Conspiracy on Steam

Roombo: First Blood

Roombo: First Blood

Roombo: First Blood follows a small but technologically advanced household appliance tasked to eliminate and organize filth. This mostly occurs after its owner has suddenly left home, for unknown reasoning, and the house goes from being totally quiet to a loudly invasion by vast perpetrators. Although the intelligent robot is small, it’s entirely devoted to assuring the owner’s household remains intact but also safe from potential threats that become progressively challenging.

The game begins with a short controller tutorial that’s actually less required since players are able to utilize them quickly. Each stage is divided into sections, all entirely in one household, giving them freedom to explore while also maintaining extensive use of the environment as self-defense. The controls are easily useful against foes and offer rather remarkably innovative tactics to thrive each mission as they become tougher and require more strategy. In each stage, players are given simple objectives involving eliminating enemies, cleaning messes, all while thoroughly surviving with the robot’s very limited health and defense actions.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game


Zoom zoom, doom.


The graphics in this game are adorable, It’s vibrant and colourful without it hurting your eyes. There’s no UI clutter, it’s neatly tucked on the edges and the colours/design do not look out-of-place at all.


There isn’t too much going on with the gameplay. However it makes you feel like you are doing more than you are and that’s.. Well because you are! Here you are, using your keyboard or left stick to drive your little roomba around, pre-planning traps to seal the fates of thieves while at the same time, giving the floor a good S-U Double C . There are multiple different devices and objects to use/hack. Other than that, there isn’t too much gameplay but you can HONK …Beep..? Bonk!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Roombo: First Blood on Steam

Code Brown

Code Brown

there are hard keys and it is a not so long game

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Hilarious game play. Can’t seem to figure out the safe yet, but everything else is self explanatory. The game is meant for people with a sense of humor.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Code Brown on Steam

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

Last level is a great example “How to make cool game and destroy it with final level”.

Optimization sucks and even though my PC can run game correctly with (at least) stable 30 fps, there are lots of frame drops which is annoying (unless you like playing with 10 fps).

How about setting, maybe that will change something and will make the game run properly.

NOPE. Settings is imo one of the devs joke, cause it doesn’t change anything (despite the fog from tutorial seen just after start and never again). Game looks exactly the same, no matter which variant you’ve chosen.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

UPDATE: After getting past a couple B.S. parts (due to bugs) I’ve changed my mind about the game.

This game isn’t ready for prime time just yet, but it’s still pretty fun.

The good:

1. The shrink ray mechanic is fun! This might be a good cheap game when it’s done and all the problems are ironed out.

2. The artwork and music are good

3. Good voice acting

4. Good humor

The bad:

1. Shrink ray projectiles sometimes will literally go THROUGH the broad side of an enemy’s chest and “miss”. This is made worse by the fact that the reload time for the shrink ray is so long. If your shot goes through an alerted agent, you’re as good as dead. You can’t afford to miss any shots, even once.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

The Spy Who Shrunk Me on Steam

Ctrl Alt Ego

Ctrl Alt Ego

You are ego, a disembodied consciousness.

You’ve been downloaded to an evacuated retro-tech space dock where a mind-altering virus has infected the consciousness ctrl stream.

Take ctrl of robots and devices to get around; some are friendly, others not so much.

Explore, grow your ego, find and exploit bugs, install and hack disk programs to upgrade your bug, evade or defeat hostiles.

Adopt a strategic, stealthy approach, or don’t.

Solve puzzles to reach locations of interest, or don’t.

Dig deeper into who you are and why you exist, or don’t.

  • 15 substantial handcrafted immersive environments

  • Sneak, cause mayhem, be a ctrl freak or an egomaniac

  • Darkly farcical tale about the future of consciousness

Distinct Features

  • There is no ‘player death’ in Ctrl Alt Ego. Your invincible, disembodied ego always lives on. If your current host is toast, pick another and carry on:

    (Note: there is a traditional save/load facility too, in case you refuse to accept who you are).

  • Once you’ve ctrl’d a robot, it is yours to keep. Amass an army and bring it with you:

  • Use robots to get around the old fashioned way, or ‘hop’ from one side of an area to another in a near-instant:

Ctrl Alt Ego on Steam



Midwintär catches you at Khazar’s Pass.

You shelter in a cave as the days and nights grow long and cold,

as the snow seals you in and as the world darkens.

Midwintär is a narrative-driven stealth action game inspired by medieval horror folklore that combines careful tactical planning with fast-paced arcade execution and innovative gossip mechanics. Play and switch between three protagonists - a werewolf, a vampire, and a moon witch - to exact your revenge on a vicious religious cult.

Off-Kilter Sunny Horror On the outside, Midwintär takes place among sunny, medieval villages populated by friendly, hard-working, and devoted inhabitants. Stay overnight, though, and you might be horrified to reveal the true nature of their sacred rituals. The world of Midwintär is gruesome and dark but also funny.

Sun / Moon Gameplay Cycle Midwintär features a 3-minute day-night cycle that changes your abilities. You must use your daytime skills such as lock-picking or spreading rumours among villagers to best prepare the terrain for the night-time havoc when you transform into a bloodthirsty, overpowered monster.

Gossip Mechanics Each villager in Midwintär has their own suspicion-meter you can influence by gossiping and spreading rumors about other villagers, and there is also a panic-meter that changes the AI behaviour of all villagers on the map. You can use this against villagers - hide the firewood to lure the lumberjack into the night, kill him near the chapel to incriminate the priest, and later spread rumours on seeing him covered in blood. He’ll be hanged in no time!

Three Playable Characters You will be able to choose, play and switch between three playable characters - a werewolf, a vampire, and a moon witch - each of whom possesses a distinctive skillset and boasts a different playstyle.

Non-linear Skilltree You will be able to customize the skillset and playstyle of each character by opting to complete alternate missions in levels, which will reward you with a special bonus skill of your choice. Will your werewolf hone his terrifying howl, or will he become one with the wolf-packs of the forest?

Co-Op Multiplayer Midwintär will feature a split-screen and a local multiplayer for up to three players, enabling all three characters to fight together.

The corrupt and self-righteous religious institution Oblique Order is attempting to destroy the peaceful cohabitation of people and magical creatures in the pagan world of Midwintär, and enforce their order by uniting people against the powers of the wild. You must stop them before they exterminate your kind…

Midwintär starts off as a revenge story that slowly shifts into an exploration about our relationship to the unknown, and about the limits of what we can hope to control or understand.


The main protagonist is the werewolf, a former disciple of the Oblique Order, disillusioned and out for vengeance. During the game, he is guided by the voice of Midwintär, an ancient force of nature. His skills revolve around spreading panic and using brute force.


The vampire, once a powerful force of the night, his might now reduced by the spells of men. He cannot cross running water nor enter houses uninvited, but his power is in his allure - he can enthrall people to do his bidding, or forge blood links to ensure undying loyalty.


Then, there is the moon witch. Saved just before she was burned at the stake, she had felt on her skin the terror of order, and wishes to rid the world of their influence. Her skills revolve around misdirecting suspicion at others and using concoctions to alter their behaviour.

“Attending the Masked Meeting, you overhear their plans - they have already set all things in motion.”

Midwintar on Steam

A Pretty Odd Bunny

A Pretty Odd Bunny

Note: I received a free copy of this game from the developer with the intention for me to review it.

So, first things first, A Pretty Odd Bunny is hard as nails stealth platformer that despite it’s cute appearance, has some pretty violent aspects to it, making it a poor choice for a younger audience. Do not go into this expecting a kids' game, because your ass will promptly be handed to you by it’s many perils.

I really enjoyed how fresh this game felt. I’ve played a lot of platformers over the years, I would even say it’s one of my favourite genres, but a lot of them can feel very samey or average. A Pretty Odd Bunny keeps the platforming gameplay fresh by adding in some stealth elements. You cannot attack your foes, you will need to find ways to avoid or sneak past them. There are other levels that change things up additionally by chasing you with a overflow of carrots, or making you ride in a minecart.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

After completing it, i can safely say it’s a extremely fun game

it’s short, simple, cute, and just fun

it’s visuals and art style combined with it’s mild gore and central theme feels very reminiscent of newgrounds platformer game

There’s not much to say besides that if you’re looking for a simple but addicting fun game or want something cute or want bunnies(although one that eats pigs) then i’d highly recommend it especially for it’s price.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

A Pretty Odd Bunny on Steam

Rogue Warrior

Rogue Warrior



SIMILAR GAMEPLAY TO: Zombie Parking, Older FPSs

WHAT TO EXPECT: Short campaign. Dated, stiff, unexciting gameplay. Basic graphics. Functional AI enemies. Mickey Rourke voice-over. Difficulty establishing multiplayer session.



WHEN TO BUY: AVOID. Unless bad & corny is your thing!

More info below….


Rogue Warrior is an old-skool corridor shooter with limited cover mechanics and minor stealth elements. Your objective is to one-man Rambo; an eight mission campaign, set in the Peoples Republic of North Korea. Choose to kill by stealth but be seen and its time for gun-toting action. The campaign is single-player but it has a multi-player arena style deathmatch with a few maps.

Real player with 38.6 hrs in game

Rogue Warrior is horrible. Beyond Mickey Rourke’s hilarious voice acting, this game is linear, poorly programmed, and very shallow. Now, that’s not to say that it’s not at least an enjoyable experience, but you need to know what you’re getting into before you buy it, for hopefully a price below $10.

I beat the game in under 3 hours, and that was with me being killed many times in certain levels. The enemies are extremely repetetive, and pose no challenge unless they gang up on you. Dick (protagonist) moves around like a tank. The “stealth” aspect of this game is laughably broken. You can run up to every enemy, making as much noise as you want and kill them with a prompt that appears on the screen. The sound broke for me towards the end, which ruined the ending cutscenes. Grenades rarely ever work in this game, they’re pitiful. The grenade launcher is also a piece of garbage and may kill you more often than save you. Weapon selection is extremely limited. The levels design is boring and, again, very linear.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Rogue Warrior on Steam