Plaguepunk Justice

Plaguepunk Justice

Great mix of roguelike and squad based strategy. Unique setting and mechanics for a zombie game. Love the art style and the music is very enjoyable and gives a nice tone. Very polished with no crashes or issues so far. Has that addictive “one more turn/mission”. Glad I found this hidden gem.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Stealth Zombies Games.

recently got this game on sale, got completely hooked within the first three missions

the style, dialogue, combat, and crafting system are all top notch, 10/10

some of the things that hold the game back in my eyes is the movement, often times passing through another person (or vice versa) can mess up my placement, but to be fair thats just a learning curve

the combat enforces high mobility because of the healing combat, and i think thats really interesting. It makes positioning, resource management, exploration, and map awareness very important. Also requires a little bit of tracking which “patients” you have already treated, etc

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Plaguepunk Justice on Steam



★☆☆☆☆ Terrible!


The 2020 remake of XIII is a cheap, lazy, broken cash-in on a once fascinating name.

It really makes me feel bad to have to say that because I had high hopes for this. But it’s true! In the same year that 2K gave us an amazing remake for the original Mafia, XIII stands in its own class of awfulness. That anyone could release a game in this state and try to charge 40 Euro for it, let alone goat people into pre-ordering it, is appalling.

At first, I thought the ‘very negative’ review status on Steam was a little overboard. I had followed the discussion boards before release and boy, some people did not like the style change. Having played this for an hour and then gone back to the original, I can say with a certainty that I should have listened to those people more. Not only have the developers ripped all of the charm from the original game, but they have also failed to replace it with anything of substantial worth. I think this is the most apparent in the half-a$$ed attempts to tie some of this remake’s style into the original’s. In the original, was frequent and eventually blended into the background. Here it’s reserved for very few things. It’s noticeable that its inclusion feels inconsistent at best.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Stealth Multiplayer Games.

Graphics aside, what the remake was INTENDED to be was the original game’s campaign and levels more or less faithfully recreated (with the original cel-shading replaced by more of a Fortnite-like cartoony art-style), but with new, more “modern” Call of Duty-inspired gameplay, including aim-down-sights, a limited inventory, a simplified health/armor system, and partial regenerating health. Rather similar to what happened with F.E.A.R. 2/F,E,A,R, 3, Bioshock Infinite, Aliens Colonial Marines, etc.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

XIII on Steam

XIII - Classic

XIII - Classic

Recommended but with some caveats. It’s a fun game, and unique, and certainly cheap, and seems to be a good port (I didn’t encounter any issues aside from the two mentioned below) though there are better games out there for sure. If you’re curious about the comic book style, or if you, like me, have always wanted to play it since it came out but never got around to it, then it’s definitely worth the play. Otherwise, you won’t be missing much.

The main issue with the game on PC is the default low resolution and issue with no sound in cutscenes. So check the discussions for the necessary changes that need to be made to a couple of the config files before playing. The other issue is that if you want to play with controller, you’re going to want to use the Steam controller config to map it for K+M and you’ll probably want to manually adjust the look sensitivity, otherwise it’s near impossible to aim because it’s too sensitive or it takes forever to turn around because it’s not sensitive enough. It’s disappointing they took a game that was initially designed for controller use and made it K+M only so that it requires all that just to make it playable. Now on to the issues with the game itself.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Stealth Stylized Games.

In 1984, the Belgian writer named Jean Van Hamme and artist William Vance released the first volume of a spy comic series called XIII. As more and more volumes came out, the popularity of XIII rose and it quickly became one of the best selling Belgian comic series with over 23 volumes released to this date.

In 2002, Ubisoft announced they secured a license for XIII and that they were working on a videogame adaptation. The game was eventually released in November 2003 for PC, PS2, OG Xbox and Gamecube, starring the voice talents of several major A level stars such as the singer Eve, David Duchovny and Adam West.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

XIII - Classic on Steam

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

working the night shift at the asylum

bored af

smoke a phat joint

thugs come out of nowhere

realize I am about to die

dark shadow comes down from the sky

Batman’s here!

Beats up the thugs

I thank him

He turns around and looks at me

starts walking toward me

He’s looking at the joint in my hand

Remember weed is illegal in Gotham City


Real player with 123.3 hrs in game

This one is a classic! Truly an amazing game with respect to the source material! 10/10.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition on Steam

Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition

Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition

Arkham City is a direct upgrade to Arkham Asylum: This installment managed to improve literally every aspect of it’s predecessor: Your movement is faster and combat is even more versatile, thanks to all the new gadgets and combat moves included. Remember those annoying Taser, Shield and Firearms bastards from Asylum? You can now destroy their weaponry which looks so badass. Basically you are now given even more tools how to proceed in both Combat and Predator situations. The enemies are more aware of Batman’s tricks - able to destroy vantage points or scan them using thermal goggles. We also get to play as Batman’s allies - Nightwing, Robin and Catwoman - who is my personal favorite due to her light-speed attacks.

Real player with 126.5 hrs in game

Game of the year for a reason. Even non Diehard Batman fans can enjoy this masterpiece of a game years after the initial release. If you have never played it, you are doing yourself a disservice.

Real player with 52.5 hrs in game

Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition on Steam

Codename Nemesis

Codename Nemesis

Codename Nemesis is an indie, top down, action/stealth RPG set in a 70’s Noir themed world with story rich movie styled cinematics and retro low poly, comic book styled graphics.

Follow Sam, a goofball hitman through a dark city filled with scum as he tries to find his friend, Neil, who’s in the wind after the alleged assassination of their boss, a powerful crime lord. With every goon in the city wanting Sam and Neil dead, our hero takes off into the dead of night in search of his brother while eventually coming face to face with his ultimate nemesis.

Key Features:

  • Immersive story-line and movie styled in-game cinematics.

  • Choice of gameplay between Action & Stealth.

  • Striking, stylized comic book and retro low poly graphical extravaganza.

  • 70’s era urban themed characters and RPG environment.

Codename Nemesis on Steam

Thief of Thieves

Thief of Thieves

Миллионы приходят, уходят, не в них счастье. Самым важным на свете всегда будут люди в этой комнате, вот здесь, сейчас.

Скромная, непримечательная и очень неоднозначная Thief of Thieves - это прежде всего необычный эксперимент с фильмами про ограбления, только в видеоигровом жанре. Ты когда-нибудь пересматривал Друзей Оушена, Западню или Вора 1981 года, думая о том, как было бы здорово самому в таком поучавствовать? Что ж, хотя и крошечный, но шанс у тебя появился. Ты можешь познакомиться с Силией, той еще отпетой воровкой, поучавствовать в паре тройке хорошо (или не очень) спланированных ограблений, натворить пару интрижек, попутаться в хитросплетениях мастерства мародерства, немного побыть выдающимся планировщиком или же дерзким импровизатором, словом, прощупать все неординарности профессии вора.

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are worth your time [/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 12-14 hours

Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: There is chapter selection, you will have to replay most of the chapters for different outcomes

Has it been in a bundle: No

Is there a good guide available: Yes, there is an amazing one here

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Thief of Thieves on Steam

Wonhon: Prologue

Wonhon: Prologue

Like stealth games? Try this.


You play a vengeful spirit that’s been allowed to return. It plays out as an isometric puzzle game that requires a tactical approach. The only way you can fight is to possess the bodies of your enemies, but you have limited spirit energy to maintain either possession or a ghost form that lets you move through objects. If you get spotted in your fragile reanimated human body, you die quickly.

This was the first teaser demo and they’ve also released a longer demo with a few more missions (and additional story). The full game launches July 2021.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Feels awesome. Can’t wait to see more.

Perhaps more camera controls like (zooming/panning) wouldn’t hurt.

What I really hope to see in the final release is fast saves/load anytime and insanely hard levels.

Really great works folks!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Wonhon: Prologue on Steam

Void Bastards

Void Bastards


Void Bastards (VB) is a FPS rogue-lite game in which players collect parts to repair the Void Arc, a prison spaceship. Stranded in the Sargasso Nebula, you, the WCG Client, are tasked with fixing the ship while avoiding the many threats found throughout the nebula.

✔The Good✔

  • Lots of replay value

  • Challenging and fair runs

  • Fantastic art direction

❌The Bad❌

  • Enemy awareness can be wonky at times

Real player with 153.7 hrs in game

This is both a review and a word of advice to players before they begin, regarding how to play it.


Play the game on Hard or Hard Bastard difficulty, not Normal difficulty.

Explanation and review:

I was this close to writing a negative review of Void Bastards, after finishing it on Normal difficulty. I enjoyed it, but the amount of content was mismatched with the price, and I’d purchased it - despite reading other reviews to that effect - hoping the game would continue to be expanded.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

Void Bastards on Steam

Batman™: Arkham Knight

Batman™: Arkham Knight


Arguably the best game in Arkham series. There were obvious improvements in almost every department, be it gameplay, graphics or stealth compared to the previous Arkham titles. The best way to describe this game is that it is a mixture of both City and Origins. Story is decent, Combat system was definitely improved. They added the fear takedowns but I personally liked the double takedowns which were removed in the Knight.

The most annoying part was blowing tanks literally half of the time. But they did introduce Batmobile for the first time in Arkham series so the experience wasn’t too bad. Its definitely overused though.

Real player with 140.1 hrs in game


  • Decent storyline / plot, nothing too cliche

  • Combat system - hit, dodge, counter, parry, chain combos, just like your DS / Sekiros

  • Different kills ( takedowns ) / variety of gadgets that can be used. If you want to compare to other games, the tools / gadgets available is pretty decent, perfectly balanced, nothing too OP

  • Playing on hard difficulty, AIs are not dumb, they are well coded, however AI is still suffering from minor cases of ‘lack of peripheral vision’

  • Minimal to none grinding involved

Real player with 96.3 hrs in game

Batman™: Arkham Knight on Steam