Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story

Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story

I absolutely love War of the Worlds and anything that involves it.

But if you take the element of the novel and story out, unfortunately the game itself is mediocre at best. The game’s pretty to look at and the dev did a good job of making me feel like I was in England. But the mechanics are generic and the stealth was tedious. Enemies were bland, the crafting system wasn’t all that useful and the characters were next to non existent. I felt frustrated how there was so much stealth revolving avoiding what was basically Human zombies and far too little gameplay against surviving the actual Martians. Speaking of which, we don’t even get to see the Martians! We don’t see how they landed, when they landed and where the invasion began. We go through a drawn out string of avoiding people to get a tiny bit of Fighting Machine activity at the very end.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Stealth Survival Games.

𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗕𝗨𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘!!! Grey Skies is absolutely miserable, it is a combination of boredom and frustration. Grey Skies is a cheap, buggy and janky mess of a game.

There are a plethora of bugs that are down right annoying to deal with. The gameplay is extremely tedious and slow. Most of the time you’ll be running around a dull map looking for random crafting parts, that don’t really make sense (such as finding a red weed to make a glass of water). There are moments where you are forced to slowly walk down an empty, linear path for a few minutes straight, doing absolutely nothing. The music that starts in these walking sections ends before it is even finished, so you’ll be walking in silence for the last minute of the section. Also, the main mechanic in the game is throwing cups of water at generators.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story on Steam

Escape the Ayuwoki: Horror Night

Escape the Ayuwoki: Horror Night

Horror Night is an online Third/First person asymmetric horror adventure coop multiplayer videogame. Escape from the abandoned mansion by solving puzzles and finding items.

You can customize your character with a variety of hairstyles, outfits, faces, colors, etc.

Explore and enjoy each match as its own unique experience! because the mansion is procedurally generated each time you play :)

And finally, get to play as the Ayuwoki! and hunt down all the survivors you can before they escape!

Enjoy all the new cosmetics, skins, and NEW MAPS that are being added periodically to the game!

Finally! you can play as the Ayuwoki! hunt down every last survivor to win the match!

The Ayuwoki monster has special abilities to use as an advantage, visual hearing like a sonar, or echolocation!

Also throwing up biomass to create a sticky substance in the floor, or alarm rats, among other things!

You can also directly execute players with an “ultimate” skill (with a huge cooldown time of course).

Knock down closed doors to keep pursuing the survivors or to prevent them to shutting the doors in your face so they can escape.

Play alongside your friends and don’t let the Ayuwoki catch them! you are rewarded for helping your teammates, solving puzzles and working as a team to be able to escape the mansion.

Each time you play re-live the experience of being lost in an unknown mansion! since its randomly generated again and again each match! Puzzles will be also randomized and this time you can escape through different exit points and each one is a different challenge to solve.

The Ayuwoki monster can be customized through a different variety of skins!

New skins are being added with each update, events and special hollidays!

The survivors can be customized with different hairstyles, faces, outfits, colors, etc!

In each update, event or special holliday new cosmetics are being added!

Read More: Best Stealth Survival Horror Games.

Escape the Ayuwoki: Horror Night on Steam

Specular Stranded

Specular Stranded

Stay Dark, Stay Silent, Stay Alive

The gameplay revolves around light based stealth. Stay in the shadows and keep hidden, silently takedown foes using either lethal or non-lethal takedowns or shoot at your enemies using your silenced pistol and rifle. Getting into shootouts is a bad idea, health is low, enemies are accurate.

Hack Cameras and turrets, Pick locks, Hide Bodies, Shoot out lights, throw distractions.

Use your Silenced Rifle or Pistol to take out your enemies. Aim for the head, missing a headshot will have enemies moving on your position.

Explore the Ship, uncover the secrets it holds.

Stalk your enemy from the shadows, learn their patrol routes, distract and silently takeout your foes.

Use your X-Ray device to see in the dark and spot enemies through walls.

Experience zero gravity exploration sections within the ship.

Make the choice to become a ghost and never leave a trace or choose to knock out or kill your enemies.

Read More: Best Stealth Assassin Games.

Specular Stranded on Steam

Suicide For Him

Suicide For Him

It is a dream come true to see this game take shape like this, and I am very excited to see it grow!

Although it is an indie game with a small team, it has so much to offer such as:

  • A beautiful and original soundtrack

  • Brilliant voice acting that brings the characters to life

  • Entertaining extras that add more variety to gameplay

  • An anime/manga, stylish art-style that is appealing to look at, especially for fans of the genre

  • Customisation of the main character which will expand further

  • An engaging story with the first act being a great introduction to the game’s character and universe

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

I want to know what the connection between this game and the simulator is? Because the style is kind of similar.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Suicide For Him on Steam

SCP: Breakout

SCP: Breakout

In SCP: Breakout, 4 survivors spawn as lowly D-Class that have been granted their one chance to escape. They are pitted against a horrifying SCP and must team up together and overcome challenges to escape while taking on the facility at its worst. In the midst of a catastrophic containment breach, will you survive?

Predator or Prey?

Choose to play as D-Class trying to escape from their nightmare or play as one of many SCP’s with unique abilities, movement styles and upgrades.

Turn on generators, swipe keycards, access computer terminals and more to help unlock parts of the facility while watching out for others. Or hunt down every last survivor of the breach, Lure out prey or take on all survivors at once. Will you play smart or dangerous?

Upgrade Paths and customisation

Both SCP’s and humans have upgrade paths and customisation options, you can choose many trees paths and builds to aid your play style, you may want to be a fast technician who can move quickly from one place to another using your skills in technology to fix power boxes or crack computers and open doors. Or will you opt to be psychotic, getting up close and personal with SCP’s to help take the focus off of your team and allow them to get to work? Having great team chemistry is the goal to making it out alive!

The ability to customise your character with various clothing items, hats, trinkets and more can help you with realism and make the game feel more personal or to you, it also might make the game feel more crazy. The choice is up to you.

SCP: Breakout on Steam

Contract Work

Contract Work

Great retro arcade vibes!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

fun game with some cool surprises. lots of ways to customize it. love vaporizing robots 🤖

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Contract Work on Steam

Phantom Doctrine

Phantom Doctrine

As a big fan of Jagged Alliance and X-Com style games, I am enjoying this game so far. If you are a fan of the genre, I’d suggest you give it a go. Even if only to convince developers and publishers that there is a demand for this kind of game.

That being said, Phantom Doctrine feels kind of half-baked and uneven. I’ve played approx 30 hours so far. It seems generally stable and well coded. It locked up during one of the shooting animations once. No other crashes etc. The game is pretty obscure about how it works under the covers so I can’t really point to anything else I’d describe as a bug. Most of my problems with the game stem from what I’d consider to be bad design choices.

Real player with 237.9 hrs in game

Phantom Doctrine is a cold war era spy game that lives up to the premise, pitting your Cabal (a global intelligence agency) against the enemy Beholder Initiative.

There’s a real atmosphere to the game, with everything from the music to the character designs and clothing choices, to the way you use a cork board and string to piece together connections between the different pieces of intelligence you gather, all coming together to give a real feel of the 80s Cold War setting.

The gameplay itself is roughly divided between turn based tactical infiltration missions, and a pause time global map/management system campaign. The combination will be familiar for fans of games like XCOM, but Phantom Doctrine has some of it’s own elements and ideas which makes the game distinct.

Real player with 212.1 hrs in game

Phantom Doctrine on Steam

Wanted Raccoon

Wanted Raccoon

I really love how fun WANTED RACCOON is & I’ve been really looking forward to playing this awesome game everyday as new content missions are added almost daily. I play a lot of RPG type games & they can quickly get boring with mindless button mashing & uninspired content. That isn’t the case with this game because so far the missions are very interesting to complete & sometimes the things you have to do are really funny. I can easily see myself replaying this game just for the sheer fun it offers plus the animal characters are super cute! The concept of using animals as the main characters is so cool that I wish more games would follow their example. I hope they offer a way to customize your raccoon in the future like maybe different shirts &/or hats & different styles of the backpack would be pretty neat. Another idea would be ways to vary the fur color pattern like maybe different under the eye fur patch shapes or different stripe patterns.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

I will say that the game has a fair share of bugs–however, within the hour of the first game-breaking bug being found, the devs rolled out a patch to fix it. So, I’m not horrendously appalled by bugs, because they’re already showing how quickly they will fix them. It’s also very simple and quick to file bugs either on Discord or in-game.

The only other jarring potential is some localization issues to English. Which, I’m sure will be updated in time, as the devs are not English-based from what I can tell on their Discord. With the community as helpful as they seem, I’m sure a lot of the localization will be ironed out over time.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Wanted Raccoon on Steam

Aragami 2

Aragami 2

My experience with the game was very good. Finished it once in a lethal two player coop run, and then once again in a solo pacifit/stealth run. Both of my playthroughs were very relaxing and pleasant. The game world is pretty and the soundtrack is charming at times. Stealth gameplay is very solid yet not too tedious. Storytelling and dialogue is minimalistic, but it provides a good setting for the gameplay.

It is about 5 times longer than the first installment, the level design is more open and diverse, and the graphics are stylized but beautiful in their own right. It compares well to the “normal” difficulty of the original game, but I would prefer a setting to make visual and hearing perception distance of enemies greater than it is. Your character is less squishy than it was in the first game, but if you mostly play this for stealth, you will only notice when surviving a nasty fall here and there (though not always).

Real player with 76.1 hrs in game

Despite the bugs and issues, this game had in the beginning, it was fun to play with friends.

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

Aragami 2 on Steam



Hacktag is one of those hidden gems that do not appear on the front page. I found the game through exploring the games Steam had to offer and this one got my interest with the game being about hacking and co-operation. Little did I know I would have a lot of fun with this game.

Hacktag is all about hacking like the name suggests. The basic objective is to hack 999 GB of data. There are currently 2 other objective types as well, which are finding out the password of boss computer and hacking 3 mainframes. Whatever your objective is the gameplay is similar in each one.

Real player with 97.8 hrs in game

An isometric view of Monaco with characters from Armello is what I think of when playing this game. However, it has much more charm and is palm sweating, heart-beatingly, exciting.

I’m unsure as to how the difficulty scales or if there are different maps or even specific map layouts but the maps I’ve played are certainly doable. Some were sort of “challenging” in the sense of more security, more running about and getting things in a specific order, while others were pieces of cake.

The “challenging” aspect is trying to get used to the controls. As a hacker, switching directions mid travel can get rather difficult and moving as a stealth agent can get wonky, not to mention you need to be somewhat precise when disabling the scanner. Whether this is on purpose or not is trivial seeing as how it certainly doesn’t make it unplayable (lest you have lag which I’ll get into later). It’s fairly simple to get used to and by your second/third playthrough, you should know exactly how to move and exactly what position you need to be in when disabling mechanisms.

Real player with 85.7 hrs in game

Hacktag on Steam