NASCAR 21: Ignition

NASCAR 21: Ignition


pants ok..


First and foremost. This game has disappointed not only me but everyone who bought it.

This game is faaaaaar from what I both wanted and expected. But thats my fault for letting my imagination take hold instead of being realistic. Lets look at this package we have here. rFactor 2. What a sim… once you get over that steep learning curve that is the UI. Even with the updated UI s397 put on it, it is still a major pain in the rectum than it has any right to be. But the physics.. the PHYSICS are so good. Coming from Machines amazing NASCAR Mods, this game matches up to what I feel on rF2 with its own feel. The tracks on N21 are easily its best selling point, just feels so right even though there is so much wrong. This game is missing alot of key assets, such as Assignable Buttons for steering wheel, use of H-Pattern Shifters or a Practice only mode. I hate that so much is missing but I can understa.. WAIWAIWAIT HOLD ON HOLD ON PLEASE JUST LISTEN.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Immersive Sim Games.

FIX THE GAME!! This is a joke!

PRO: Graphics

CONS: Everything else about the game.

To pay $90 for this is absurd. I have played several hours trying to not leave a negative comment, but this is a complete joke.

Don’t put out a game and then try to work out the bugs. That should be done first and foremost.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

NASCAR 21: Ignition on Steam



How do i go back to the menu? I think im missing something because every time 9 shots are fired, nothing happens past that point. no more shots are fired and there doesnt seem to be a menu to use

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports VR Games.

the game plays great and is a lot more responsive than what i expected for it being free. only issue ive had so far is i feel like a giant but aside from that its great!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Goalienator on Steam

AFL Evolution 2

AFL Evolution 2

Alright firstly,

Massive improvement from the first evolution, i feel like the gameplay is very fair and if you mess up a marking contest it’s genuinely your fault. So good job from a gameplay stand point which is the reason i very much like this game.


Wicked Witch seem to just brush past some major details about this game where it seems like no effort was put in whatsoever. Here’s a list of those:

1, Commentating is even worse than evolution 1 the audio is pieced together so poorly it’s hard to listen to, also one player from the saints, hannenbury doesn’t even have his name called when he gets possession or kicks a goal, it just says. “great goal from….” as in he doesnt say the name. I think the commentating was honestly better on afl 2006 for the PS2, how is that possible?

Real player with 163.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Simulation Games.

I like this game. I’m a footy fan and decided to get this cause of the fact that I can change guernsey numbers for players. There are some suggestions I would make. I’d love to see them implemeted but it doesn’t bother me too much.

  • I’d like to be able to outright delist players in coach career mode. Even if they are on a contract (If they are, make me pay out the rest of the contract’s money or something) Perhaps I just don’t know how to do this. If so I’d like to be enlightened.

  • Please put in the Australian anthem that they use in real life AFL finals. That would be nice. Understandable if you can’t cause of legal reasons. This version is shit though.

Real player with 105.8 hrs in game

AFL Evolution 2 on Steam

Axis Football 2015

Axis Football 2015

Ok I’m fully supporting these devs because this is really the only way that we are likely to get a good football sim on the PC. EA has exclusive deals with NFL and NCAA and will never port to the PC. MS is trying to make make exclusive deals with 2K so that they can have sports games exclusive to xb1 and MS10. In addition It looks like MS is trying to start yet again their own distribution network for the PC that will only run on xb1 and MS10.

I don’t like this environment where you are being forced to buy a console or upgrade an OS just so you can play games. If you are like me and don’t like the way this is going then you need to support indie developers like this who are really trying to make a difference.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

First off I would like to say that I think the passing mechanic is the best innovation to the football genre in over a decade. I just wish that the rest of the game was as well fleshed out. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had fun with the game, but it feels like it should be in early access or a promotional tool to get a kick-stater going and not something being sold as a finished retail product. Also, it’s awesome that this game supports Xbox One controllers.

For me it just has too many issues to recommend it at $20, which puts it in the same class of competition as games like Rocket League and SuperMega Baseball. But at a discount it is worth checking out but bear in mind it does have a few glitches and bugs here and there.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Axis Football 2015 on Steam

Axis Football 2016

Axis Football 2016

I want to give as detailed and unbiased review as possible so no one is misled.

I recommend this game not just because it’s the only football game on steam, but also because this game has also showed a good amount of progress from last year’s version. With that in mind, I’m not saying this game is perfect. This game is most likely slightly overpriced. Not as overpriced as 2015, which I couldn’t see spending 15 dollars on. That price, is probably more fit for this game, and for ‘15, a cool $6-10 dollars. The game needs funding though, so overpaying isn’t awful because Danny puts the money back into the game.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game


+This Game is way better than Front Page Sports Football that was released a few years ago.

+Graphics slighty better than Maximum Football, not much we can have for PC American football market.

+Price is very reasonable, cheaper than Front Page Sports Football, Maximum Football and most of the popular PC

currently on the market which majority of them are NON 3D simulation.

+Adding the sideline cheerleaders is a big plus.


-No Individual Player Stats.

-No AI vs AI (I was hoping it would be included on the initial release).

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Axis Football 2016 on Steam

Girl Rugby Dash

Girl Rugby Dash

Girl Rugby Dash is absolute Trash!

When I first played it, I thought it might be fun. But it isn’t… The “story”/campaign is the same as the endless mode. The only difference is, that you have a limit as f.e. 500m to run, 3000m to run, etc.

But what is the game about? It is just an endless runner in the skin of a rugby player. You need to avoid running into the opponents or just knock them out to get through… Yep, that’s the whole game. You can then collect coins on your way to buy new costumes.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Can be fun for 10-20 minutes that you would need to complete it, but no more. Far to expensive if not from bundle (not the steam one).

Game is broken as it does not report steam achievements (over 70% of them) nor in-game ones. Sometimes, it does not generate neither coins nor opponents, so you can run for how long you want, without anyone stopping you.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Girl Rugby Dash on Steam

Rugby League Team Manager 2018

Rugby League Team Manager 2018


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☑ Ok

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe is an upgrade


☑ Reason to live

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Driving nails through your genitals is an upgrade


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☑ Bad

☐ Why is there blood in my earphones?


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Human

—{PC Requirements}—

☑ Potato

☐ Word processor

☐ Average rig

Real player with 274.7 hrs in game

I’ve had the game a few days now - not having played any previous versions . There are glitches - but overall it has been an enjoyable experience - where I have been learning and adapting as I go along .

Things like the Individual Training system , and setting up the Academy are still not clear to me - but overall I have enjoyed the game playing and the sight of my players notching up good wins is most satisfying.

Things I would like to see include the ability to ‘inspire’ the team with ‘pre-match , or half time talks : the ability to check out players in other teams without going through the cumbersome ‘scout the club’ route - and an improvement to the training process to make it clearer to implement would help . In addition - the only messages I ever get from the directors seem to be negative ones - even after gaining promotion their only comments appear to be about shortcomings in the financial situation , or problems with the ground and its upgrading ( which are surely Directorial issues anyhow ) ?

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Rugby League Team Manager 2018 on Steam

Spike Volleyball

Spike Volleyball

Too buggy (characters not responding to your inputs/ players air bending to hit the ball that is no where near them/ losing points to faults or block outs that don’t make sense)

Too bare bones (no character creation/ no team customization besides uniform/ single-player is only 5v5 mode at international level and simple quick match/ everyone basically looks the same/ animations are dull and too few between)

Too confusing and not intuitive (serving takes a bit to learn and once you get used to the timings, the game messes it up when you get HIGHER RATED players with BETTER serving ratings, because better ratings actually makes it harder to serve consistently/ the process of getting new players and coaches is simply stupid/ for a game available on PC you HAVE to use a controller, making the game more expensive to play if you did not have one already)

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Hi, Im not so much a guy that loves to write a review, but since that this is my favourite sport, I feel like I want to do so. Its very early to judge the performance of this game, I didnt say that dont give it a go, if you love this sport, its worth a try.

But there are things that bother me. Technical and visuals of the game. The receptions, quite predictable, easy, sets, what? one hand - and no matter where the ball is, it will surely arrive to the intended spiker, and then the spikes? Most of the time the spiker spikes using their elbow or through the power of the wind from their hand - the ball doesn’t connect.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Spike Volleyball on Steam

Alley Catz Bowling

Alley Catz Bowling

Cheap, easy and effective way to interact with your Twitch community. It’s not too complicated but not too simple. You can just all bowl together and chit chat, fantastic for a Just Chatting stream with something to do.

Real player with 3224.4 hrs in game

This game is quick and easy to setup. A great game to play with your community. Keep up the good work and thanks for a great game!

Real player with 837.2 hrs in game

Alley Catz Bowling on Steam

Axis Football 2018

Axis Football 2018

For me, Axis 18 got off to a rough start. At first it was receivers who caught everything even if they were triple covered. Then there was a problem with the run game. CPU teams would finish the game with something like 14 yards in 18 attempts. Then there were issues with the ball not being spotted correctly, or the wrong team getting to choose what happens on a penalty.

And then it all got fixed. The developer listened to his customers and fixed the issues that were reported.

Axis 18 is now a pretty solid football game. The stats are realistic and the game is enjoyable to watch. Yes, I said watch. I play strictly exhibition mode. I watch the games. Occasionally I’ll play in coach mode if I want to call the plays. So I can’t comment on how the game is if you control the players.

Real player with 118.1 hrs in game

I was lucky enough to be able to play the beta for this game and now that the game is out, I bought the game and am more than happy with it. Let me start by saying that the game is developed by a small indie team, but man do they listen to the community! ‘Can you add this or change that?’ Discuss, update, test, done. That’s the attitude that makes a game successful. They had a vision when making the game, but they know gamers have options and the future is looking good for sim football. So here are my thoughts on the game.

Real player with 99.4 hrs in game

Axis Football 2018 on Steam