Jerry Rice & Nitus' Dog Football

Jerry Rice & Nitus' Dog Football

I give it a 7.5/10

Gameplay gets an 8/10

The gameplay is nuts compared to like Madden. I’m picking plays like I would in Madden but I have to think about the size of my dog and where to run because you can get a huge score by running through logs, riding skateboards and such, which are mostly on the sides of the field and give your dog a speed boost when used. To maximize points you want to use different game balls and different powerups so lots going on vs like Madden. I even found holding the right mouse button down to walk super useful on defense so I could hang back and then intercept or quickly take out a receiver. Maneuvering the QB in the pocket and then going for the QB sneak also turned out to be a pretty solid tactic. Basically Madden gets pretty stale for me in the gameplay department and Dog Football makes football worth playing with lots of tactical options and resource management to think about since game balls get destroyed and treats and balls need to be purchased and are necessary for playing well.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Psychological Horror Games.

Before I played this, I didn’t like football but loved dogs. Now I hate both.

This crappy port of a terrible Wii game makes me wants to run over every dog I see in my car for the good of humanity. And as a man of Irish heritage, I’m offended that the devs can’t tell the difference between the Irish and the Scottish, in any way whatsoever.


Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Jerry Rice & Nitus' Dog Football on Steam

USA 2020

USA 2020

11/10 best game in library.

Will never amount to the level of pristine quality as HONGKONG1997, but by taking inspiration from it, becomes the only game to half approach its quality. Besides, how can it hope to be as good with Steam’s censorship. Buy this game, then play HONGKONG1997 if you haven’t already.

Real player with 69.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Action Games.

“Faithful to the original”

USA 2020 is basically a reimagined version of Hong Kong 97. I’m too tired to describe every detail of that game, so if you’re reading this, just Google it. Anyway, it’s extremely similar to that game, with the main difference being the enemies. The gameplay is nearly the same.


  • First Hong Kong 97 clone on Steam

  • No bugs, or technical issues.

  • Is oddly fun

  • Somewhat challenging

  • Leaderboards

  • Trump

  • Jackie chan


Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

USA 2020 on Steam



It is very difficult to describe this game in English words…

Why you ask?

You’re a selfie taking unicorn on a floating tennis court in the middle of the sky, with randomly appearing creatures with tennis balls for heads, and clouds for sportswear. When you kill them, they turn into hearts. Kill those hearts, and they turn into more hearts. You can then kill those new hearts to earn some unlockables. Meanwhile, while all this is going on, you play tennis…by yourself!

I know that’s a lot to take in, but below you will find my more in depth review:

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports VR Games.

If you like pointless, and obscure, fun. I reckon you’ll like this.

Updated April 2020:

I still sometimes go back to this game even after a couple of years. There’s something relaxingly satisfying about it.

I do still wish the devs would find a solution for a ‘fast’ swing passing through the ball. It’s definitely possible to solve, but in the current state you just have to get used to it.

My last comment (and I really do hate myself for saying this), I think the game would be amazing with a friend. I know, I know… I just do. Having 2 (or even 4) people in a game I think would actually be quite fun. Tennis, but not taken too serious. Like being a kid again.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

#SelfieTennis on Steam

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

Rock Paper Scissors Champion

So I have the belief that i’m a man of good taste when it comes down to vido gaymes And I can tell you right now that this game is a MASTER PEICE! 76 HOURS OF CLICKING 3 POORLY DRAWN ICONS IS THE EVOLUTION OF VIDEO GAMING I mean just look at WoW… The Innovation is Insane I have never nor has anyone else ever played or heard of rock paper scissors and to top it all off THREE EXTREMLEY LIKEABLE WELL DEVELOPED CHARACTERS SUCH AS Rocky, A man with big ambitions trains hard to win a very important boxing mat- Wait a moment. I think. No. Ahem Rocky is.. Rocky almost looks like a rock! If you just imagine it to a very certain degree and maybe even flip it 90 Degrees clockwise? Anyway the next character Ripley! She’s a c u n t. Who else, Hmm that’s it. You can trust me I have Over 70 hours in this game. Anyway 10/51 Reccomended that you wear a tinfoil hat and something that can protect your dignity and/or soul. Enjoy Hell~ Riley.

Real player with 76.4 hrs in game

I usually don’t write reviews, but this game was such a hunk of sh*t that I just had to…

I got it for the achievements, and it became a rage-inducing, random waste of time. The “battles” are completely random and for some reason, you usually lose. On multiple occasions I’ve been about to win and then lose 5-6 in a row to lose the match. The game is short, thankfully, but the fact that you have to beat it twice is honestly stupid. The randomness is dumb and there should be at least some sort of algorithm so you don’t waste too much time. Moving on past that, the “combos” are pointless and don’t help at all - plus there’s no tutorial to show how to properly utilize the combos. Then on top of the gameplay you have to deal with the cancerous, 2001 Microsoft Paint looking graphics which is just… bad.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Rock Paper Scissors Champion on Steam

Football Russian 20!8

Football Russian 20!8

I picked up this game on sale and very glad I did. A simple mouse click football game that was fun to play, amusing, addictive and with a nice soundtrack. An improved version of this with better controls and more humour would be absolutely fantastic!

My nomination for Steam Game of The Year 2018.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

This is not a game, it is a joke. Looks like a demo.

All you get is 18 levels where you shoot free kicks at the goal, with a drunk goal-keeper.

With each level the number of people standing in front of the ball is higher. That’s it!!

Level 6 and 14 are nearly impossible because there are people standing a couple of centimeters in front of the ball so you cannot shoot on the goal.

I don’t understand how Steam lets half-products like this be in their list of offered games.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Football Russian 20!8 on Steam

Snow Horse

Snow Horse

Snow Horse is likely one of the most unique experiences you’ll find this year. It has responsive well designed controls and plays like a hybrid of Cool Boarders 3 and the older style Tony Hawk games that were produced by Activision.

This is a game best enjoyed with headphones, the soundtrack is really a star player in this frigid equine cast and I find myself leaving the game open just to listen to it while I’m working.

The price point is good, and makes this game a great gifting idea!

P.S. You can also make the horse wear a top hat.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

I’ve played this game before its released,i can say that this game is true fun there is nothing wrong with it,the snowboarding skills,the atmosphere,songs,customization and there are more things outthere in this game,if you are looking for a game that inculding only fun and snowboarding with a horse i totally recommend this game,you won’t regret it trust me.Also developer of this game is a really friendly and good person.

I also translated this game to turkish,turkish language will be available soon i guess.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Snow Horse on Steam

Fat Prisoner Simulator 3

Fat Prisoner Simulator 3

Might possibly be the best game on the market currently. The graphics, the gameplay, the absolute talent required to even TOUCH this game is insane.

Real player with 58.3 hrs in game

quite the exceptional game i would recommend this game to others in the future 10/10 from me

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Fat Prisoner Simulator 3 on Steam

Mount Your Friends 3D: A Hard Man is Good to Climb

Mount Your Friends 3D: A Hard Man is Good to Climb

This game takes everything you loved about the first one, and dials it up to 11. Everything that may have turned you off to the first one in terms of mechanics has been remedied or simplified here. The movement is fluid and easy to pick up, only requiring your mouse and two fingers to play. The diversifcation of modes is excellent, with every single one having some kind of charm and element of fun to it. The skill floor is much lower and easier to get in to, while the skill ceiling is much higher, and difficult to master. The game can be as challenging as you want it to be, but it always remains fun at whatever skill level you play at. The skins and team customization options that you unlock through play are all hilarious, and give a genuine sense of progression without feeling like you’re missing out on anything. Custom modes are coming soon, with much more on the way, as the dev is very active and open to feedback. Basically, this is everything you’re looking for in a game and more. If you loved the first one or are just looking for a hilarious game to play in your free time, definitely pick it up. If you have a friend or two and are looking for something cheap and silly, this is an absolute must buy.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

I played the first game with my buddies and always loved it for its goofy physics and the fun game modes such as low gravity and horizontal mounting. When I heard about the release of the sequel I was excited to see a different take on the classic game of mounting jacked dudes. My friends and I got the game on the release date and I streamed it. After playing the game for (currently 8.8 hours before typing this) I can say that I like this new installment more than the previous one.


New modes such as blockade and shuffle.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Mount Your Friends 3D: A Hard Man is Good to Climb on Steam

Riding Club Championships

Riding Club Championships

I have mixed feelings about this game. I used to play this back about 10 years ago when it was a downloadable game outside of facebook. It was my favorite game at the time, and that version has remained my favorite horse game I have ever played.

This version, while in some ways is better than the downloadable version, is as a whole, missing something essential that the downloadable version had: excitement. That game was exciting to play! The courses were FUN, the cutscene when you started a course were FUN, unlocking the tiers was hard work but so very rewarding when you got to tier 3. I hardly ever play this game anymore. It is just not exciting for me. It’s boring. We do the same courses over and over. Yes, there is a course creator that the downloadable version did not have, but it’s not enough for me.

Real player with 182.8 hrs in game

When this was a standalone game it was fantastic. Only real downside was long load times in some matches. However when that was shut down and they moved to facebook the quality of gameplay, content, and graphics - including the horses - went downhill BUT they made a promise of reconstructing the game back to the original… That was YEARS ago now and I even spent two years paying them monthly through facebook, even when I wasn’t playing a couple of years ago. No progress made to bring back cross country or dressage as they said they would, it’s a real let down.

Real player with 45.8 hrs in game

Riding Club Championships on Steam

Trump and Virus

Trump and Virus

I knew it was gonna be bad, but I was hoping it was gonna be at least a little funny. It wasn’t even that. Expectedly, the gameplay is terrible, and controls just compound the issue. I played it for over an hour, and it felt like 12. I wanted to beat it so that I could give a proper review, but I didn’t have the stomach for it.

Give your money to someone else.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

🙌No one

👐knows more

👌about viruses

☝️than me

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Trump and Virus on Steam