Blood Bowl 2

Blood Bowl 2

I see a lot of negative reviews from people who have played the original blood bowl games which I can’t comment on due to BB2 being my first experience of the game, all I can say is that I love it, if I’ve got free time it’s my first, second and third choice, and if I’m not playing I’m watching a stream :)


1. Incredibly deep gameplay/strategy, after 600 hours I still feel like a noob, every team can be developed differently according to how you like to play, and more than half the teams haven’t been released yet so still plenty of variety to come.

Real player with 2055.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Turn-Based Games.

Yes I do recommend this game. Yes I probably should take a rage management treatment due to the random nature of the game… STILL, like Poker… this dice game REALLY reward skill, but sometimes the game “deals” you a crappy hand… and then close to anybody can beat you.

Some really love Blood bowl and give it 10/10… some don’t… It’s abit sad that many of the reviews here are made of unexperienced gamers. And if you find the game too expensive - just buy it on sale!?

Unpatient or timid gamers should not play this game. You will experience that the PvP is very hard for new coaches. The skill level of the more experienced coaches are really high and they will punish every mistake. You move 11 players on the pitch in a conversion of a table top game. Turn based, 16 turns each. All the time you need to make risk calculations and use your logic and tactical skills. Read the player/race guides out there, it will help you alot developing your skills! The game should be of course played vs real human opponents… not the AI.

Real player with 1776.7 hrs in game

Blood Bowl 2 on Steam

Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition

Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition

This game falls in one of two categories: You will love it immensely, or you will hate it and wish you never played it.

For starters, it has a tremendously high learning curve. I’ve put my share of time in with both this and the legendary edition and I’m still learning new tactics. Couple that with every single team having their own specific playing style that you need to learn to a certain degree, and you have a death sentence for a new player that isn’t patient enough to actually learn the ins and outs of the game.

Real player with 224.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Board Game Games.

You will discover new swear words you never knew you needed.

This game is frustrating. Let me say this right off the bat. It. Is. Frustrating. Between the rather convoluted rules and the insane randomness. This game is a pain to get into., especially if you’re unfamiliar with the table-top or previous incarnations. The tutorial helps a little buut the ingame documentation is done in absurdly fine print and is a pairn to read. this is one of those games where you will do most of your learning via play and by play I mean getting your ass handed to you a few times. Once you do learn…the game becomes deliciously satisfying. Still frustrating as hell but the furstration makes the successes all the more satisfying.. Oh there is nothing so great as tackling a guy on the opposing team and sending him to morgue.

Real player with 161.5 hrs in game

Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition on Steam

Blood Bowl - Legendary Edition

Blood Bowl - Legendary Edition

For sale on steam: Membership to a cult.

Specifically, the cult of Nuffle - Chaos god of random shit happening in an amusing way.

Welcome to Bloodbowl, a turn based tabletop sports game/religious ceremony of Nuffle based off the Warhammer fantasy boardgame of the same name.

For those unaware of Bloodbowl and what it is. It is essentially what happens when you take (American) football and set it in the Warhammer universe. For those who don’t know American football, players take a ball and try to run it into the opponent’s endzone, at the other side of the field.

Real player with 107.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Turn-Based Games.

Oh boy, this f#cking game. I must be honest, all I knew about this game is that it was violent, and that I had played a demo around 8 or so years ago. And well, seeing it with a big sale like that, I couldn’t really hold it and decided to buy it. Is it bad? Is it good? As usual I’m gonna start talking about what it does worse, then move up from there.

First and foremost, the worst part of the game has to be it’s difficulty for new players. It’s a board game of sorts directly ported to a video-game… But as it usually happens, good board games are complex as all hell, and that translates poorly for new players. It also doesn’t help that the difficulty spike is directly at the start: you create your own team and then suddenly you’re thrusted with little knowledge of how to play against teams that actually DO HAVE QUITE THE LEVEL ALREADY. Your team will be on a sick losing spree from the beggining because, even though the game says there’s around 140 or so teams on the game, you’ll be playing against the same mid-level ones over and over. If I start on a 0 prestige league, WHY THE HELL PUT MID-GAME TEAMS ON IT, EVEN ON THE LOWEST DIFFICULTY!? IT’S STUPID. However that’s switched around later, when your team actually gets levels and becomes decent, the enemies are actually rather easy to predict.

Real player with 77.6 hrs in game

Blood Bowl - Legendary Edition on Steam