Brain Games

Brain Games

This is not an ordinary game, this is a whole complex for the development of a megamind. such games are not enough for the modern generation!

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Clicker Games.

Perfect for playing on my laptop while flying on an airplane, since the game doesn’t require good system resources and is quite suitable for weak PCs or laptops.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Brain Games on Steam

Top Burger

Top Burger

Top Burger is so much more than a simple simulation cooking game; it’s an experience. Within my near sixty hours of gameplay I have discovered that Top Burger is ascending, when you play this, you automatically became better than anything else in this realm. I’ve played oh so many games on many different platforms, and I must say. There is nothing else like it, it is simply perfect in every way. And with the games very modest price tag, Top Burger is the most bang for your buck in gaming history; even if the game was $60+ I would buy it in a heartbeat! The mechanics, gameplay, character design and even the sound design is phenomenal. Truly, top-notch. Top Burger is oozing with charm and effort. First off: The gameplay . Top Burger’s gameplay is strikingly complex, yet simple. The mechanic of customers becoming impatient is ingenious, it strikes the player with a sense of panic and rush, it also adds much needed difficulty. The inclusion of boosts makes so even gamers of a lower skill can play. The other gamemodes provide a fun distraction aside from the campaign. Second: The characters. The characters are all full with personality, in their demeanor and designs. none of them seem remotely similar to one another, this shows the sheer effort that was pour into every single aspect of this marvelous game. There is also plenty of diversity bin the characters whether it be, race, gander or age. Top burger has plenty of representation for everyone. Third: the sound design. The sound in Top Burger, like everything else, is amazing beyond words. Although the sound track is admittedly small, it makes up in quality. The soundtrack is absolute delight to listen to in every way. It’s catchy, upbeat and even emotional at times. I personally adore the main menu theme. The sound effects complement the on-screen action perfectly, in a way very few games can do. From the completion effect to the error effect it all works together perfectly. Finally: The story. Top Burger’s story may seem simple at first, but to be able to understand the very complex story which is there, you must have a very high IQ much like my self. The game hints at the story with very subtle hints and evidence scattered in the campaign. To write this timeline I had to spend countless hours piecing together the story bit by bit. The timeline begins when you first open up your shop in 1987, after opening you continue to run the restaurant for a couple years. In 1990 you begin expanding with more locations and a more varied menu. In 1992 after you finish expanding your franchise, the restaurant hits peak business with huge daily orders and hordes of customers wanting burgers. But after that, between 1994-2000 is the begging of the downfall of the company. At this point there is a massive lack of customers and orders. To combat this you close most locations and cut the size of your menu, sadly this doesn’t work. In 2006 you file for bankruptcy and close the company. I think that having a sad ending is a good contrast the game’s childish appearance. In conclusion: Top Burger is such an amazing game that is beyond my capability for me to describe. Nothing out there can compere. Thank you for reading and have yourself a good one! :)

Real player with 55.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Time Management Games.

This game is just a pain. It had potential but ended up being boring. Also, if you try to go fast the game doesn’t keep up with your clicks and it just got me so angry! Tried to get to the end of the game, but it doesn’t even have achievements on steam.

Even with the cheap price I wouldn’t buy it again.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Top Burger on Steam



Chessality is bringing “over-the-board” (OTB) chess to you!… and much, much more!

One of the most classic strategic board games can finally be properly played, enjoyed, and studied in VR!

Enjoy realistic/cartoonish environments on fun, exciting, and heart-pumping single and team battles!

Feel the intensity of OTB competitive play by joining official Chessality tournaments placing you in a competitive VR environment dedicated to tournaments.

Have fun with your friends on team battles for fun and for serious climbing of the ranks!

This game is aimed at both casual players, enthusiasts, dedicated chess players, and modders who enjoy customizing their game’s visuals.

Features Complete

  • Immerse in over-the-board chess games using ‘focus’ environments with nice simple playlists or just silent, or enjoy casual games on calm/stressful aesthetically realistic/cartoonish environments! There is a total of 5 maps available, and more to come!

  • Basic playlist offering option to load songs from Youtube or your local mp3s.

  • Lichess integration: Don’t feel like walking away from your already amazing ranking in lichess? No worries. We have almost full integration. Yes. Join all lichess tournaments, different chess variations (not all as of yet), view/add/challenge your friends, play casual and competitive. Yes, you can play with non-Chessality users across all platforms. Show your trophies and lichess' donator flags. It also supports multiple lichess accounts for households with multiple lichess players (disabled multi-user on release*).

  • Multiple chessmen skins and chessboard skins: in addition to the ability to load your own custom skins/3D models for your chessmen/chessboard.

  • Play both Chessality’s and lichess' puzzles to improve your skills based on your puzzle ratings on a variety of tactical themes!

  • Classic tutorial of the basics of how to play the game

  • Learn openings: learn intuitively with a selective level of deepness. Don’t just learn the best moves, but Chessality shows you how to play any of the openings we have available both for black and for white, displaying both the best moves for each side as well as classic mistakes from your opponent and how to punish the mistakes. This is aimed at all skill levels, from beginners to at least International Masters. [partial DLC]

  • Blindfold chess: Ever wanted to learn blindfold chess but never tried, or was it too overwhelming the first time? Chessality has different levels of blindfold (all levels include a voice announcing the move):

    • Level 1: All chessmen are made of transparent glass of the same color tone

    • Level 2: All chessmen and chessboard are made of glass

    • Level 3: No pieces, just chessboard and a 2D table showing all the historical moves of the game in notation form (i.e., e2e4)

    • Level 4: No pieces, just chessboard and a 2D table showing the last 3 moves of the game

    • Level 5: No pieces, just chessboard and a table showing the last move of the game

    • Level 6: No pieces, just chessboard.

WIP Features planned for release

  • Simple and intuitive menu with the ability to display advanced settings

  • Game modes: in addition to most of lichess' game modes, we also including Poisoned Pawn and Dice Chess game modes

  • Ability to interact in VR with other VR user(s) when playing with Chessality users

  • Music integration from Spotify

  • Voice command to move the pieces and toggling some in-game options. This is perfect for full blindness training. [DLC]

  • Learn end games

  • Learning openings: selective test for testing your skills on one or several openings and variations with selective deepness. [partial DLC]

  • Study chess by connecting to a local instance of Chessbase 16 and Fritz, with features that may assist chess schools or private tutors. [DLC]

  • Study using lichess' study mode

  • Bringing modern games' ranking system to chess: you have your own Chessality MMR, in addition to lichess'. Chessality’s ranking system includes tiers (Silver/Gold/Platinum/Diamond/Grandmaster), and divisions reset every season.

  • Team matches: create teams and have 3v3 and 5v5 team matches.

  • Create your own single/team tourney with casual settings or hardcore selective settings like: “to end a turn, you must hit your clock,” “use the same hand used to move a piece to hit the clock,” “knocking your king down accidentally is the same as resigning,” etc. Great for casual tournaments, club tournaments, or others. You may also fill gaps with AIs using Stockfish 13 at different levels. Tournament settings also include limiting the tournament for Chessality users only, in case you want a VR-only tournament.

  • Language support (in addition to the original US English): Norwegian, Spanish (Mexico), Portuguese (Brazil), and Polish. Chessality requires community support for further language support.

  • Streaming features and shortcuts to make the lives of streamers easier.

  • Integration with another 2D chess group for further expanding chess cross-play.

  • Steamworks integration for custom environments and other community content.

  • More chessmen skins, chessboard skins, and environments

  • Voice descriptions of events and tutorials

DLC information

Yes, there are some DLCs planned. However, all chessmen/chessboard skins will also be complete freely available to be downloaded from our website and can be “side-loaded” using the available feature of loading custom models to Chessality. These won’t be shown to your opponent (if they are using VR) but are fully available to you.

Feature requests

Any cool ideas or integration requests? Tell us! We are very open to ideas!

Will a non-VR version be available?

As of right now, there is no plan. Although there is code implemented for debugging without using a VR headset, one of this project’s goals is to bring emphasis to OTB chess and add a meaningful and replayable VR game to your library. We don’t want to downplay the VR in this game by offering a non-VR option. Furthermore, there are already several very well accomplished 2D options of the game.

Release date information

Originally planned for December 2020, but now the plan is around may-august 2021. We feel very safe about these range dates to release the game as actually, the gameplay is quite very well polished, and most original features for release are ready. However, further advertisement, artwork, and environmental polishment seem in order before release. The actual feature list is much longer than described, and the planned feature list is even much longer. Due to the almost pure focus of the client, server, integration of third-party services, game mechanics, and aesthetics development, almost nothing has been done on artwork and advertisement until now.

Want to help?

We would gladly accept any free help you can offer! Especially artwork and advertisement ;)

Author personal notes

Yes, 2D digital chess is incredible and offers very convenient playability/portability. However, 2D digital chess doesn’t 100% translate your skills to OTB chess, nor OTB is efficient as training on 2D digital chess.

Chessality is probably not a true replacement for over-the-board chess nor a true upgrade from 2D digital chess, but just another way to play the game. I will try to offer as much functionality and realism for true hard-core OTB players and offer the convenience of the digital world to more casual players while trying to keep the core values of chess to the best of my abilities as a human.

“Without the element of enjoyment, it is not worth trying to excel at anything.” – Magnus Carlsen

“Every chess master was once a beginner.” – Irving Chernev

“No one will regret the time dedicated to chess, as it will help in any profession.” – Tigran Petrosyan

“You must lead your opponent into a dark forest where 2+2=5 and the path out is only wide enough for one.” – Mikhail Tal

“If you wish to succeed, you must brave the risk of failure.” – Garry Kasparov

“The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.” – Tartakower

“****, I didn’t see that!” – Most players (probably)

Read More: Best Sports Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Chessality on Steam

Go Morse Go! Arcade Edition

Go Morse Go! Arcade Edition

I love the art and music and charm of the characters. I also like how you can just jump in and play. I also like the educational aspect because I was making mistakes out of pure haste and I was learning at the same time. Doing that made the game that much more enjoyable. The music is wonderful and I’m bobbing my head along often. Sometimes I just play to hear what comes next and it ramps up nicely when you want to dig into a little competitive spirit. Great presentation- everything flows quickly, the menus aren’t cluttered and explanations are lighting quick which is what games SHOULD be more like because tutorials are BORING!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

it’s got cute rabbits with several cute costumes, making it a great tool for learning.

It’s barebones basic though. There’s no listening mode, nor are you ever asked to input words. Just reciting single alphabetic letters one at a time.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Go Morse Go! Arcade Edition on Steam

Fishing on the Fly

Fishing on the Fly

A very relaxing game. The dev is very active and responds to questions quickly. I anticipate this to get even better with future updates.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Just awful! I have purchased the game “Fishing on the Fly”. Every time I try to play I have to wait 40 minutes to an hour for it to update. The Game freezes up, you cannot select flies, and when I save the game and return I have to start at the beginning. On the plus side, it would be an awesome game if the gremlins were worked out.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Fishing on the Fly on Steam

Let’s Drive - learn driving simulator

Let’s Drive - learn driving simulator

Every driver, before starting driving should not only pass the proper exams but also learn how to react in critical situations. This knowledge might save his life one day.

Nobody wants to participate in a real world accident. But in the simulation you may safely experience such situations and learn how to react properly.

Psychomotoric tests - professional drivers must undergo series of tests to check their vehicle driving abilities. Now, everybody may test their skills while playing Let’s Drive.

Your driving instructor.

Our charming instructor; John, will be your guide through the traffic rules. You can always count on his good advice, “unusual” sense of humor and constructive criticism if you earn it.


Watch the road! Not all the drivers out there apply rules of the safe driving. Stay alert for road pirates and irresponsible pedestrians entering the driveway. And that’s just a pair of many other hazards you can encounter while driving roads of Let’s Drive.

Obey the rules and be careful.

Multiple locations.

You will hone your skills in various, specially designed training grounds and safe-drive tracks.

When you’re ready you will explore the cities and encounter lots of unexpected situations.

We will take you to different parts of the world, and we will show you the complexities of traffic rules on various continents.

Repairs and maintenance.

If your car suffers a malfunctions you will be able to fix some of its parts on the road. You will understand that changing a tire or swapping a battery is not a trivial task.

Learn the rules of maintenance so you can enjoy your vehicle for a long time without malfunctions.

First aid.

If you caused or witnessed an accident you are obliged to supply first aid to people in need. We will teach you rules of conduct in case of an accident so you will know what’s need to be done no matter of circumstances.

Be the hero on the road.

Take care of your safety but also save life of the ones that needs your help.

Surprising weather.

Not adjusting speed to road conditions is the most common cause of traffic accidents. Low visibility, slippery surface, going too fast. Learn how to handle a car out of control, see how little is needed for a serious accident when you lose control of your vehicle.

Driving drunk.

Before you take the risk and try to drive a car while being drunk, try it in Let’s Drive to see what consequences it might bring. Experience for yourself that driving a car with limited consciousness always ends up badly.

Let's Drive - learn driving simulator on Steam



play and improve your typing skill. I went from 50wpm to 70wpm since buying it.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

I just want to press a lot of buttons.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Typed82 on Steam

FirePuzzle - Save the House

FirePuzzle - Save the House

FirePuzzle - Save the House is a logic puzzle game especially for children. Your goal is to defend your house from fire. Try to keep it as far away from the fire. Don’t forget to use available aids in difficult situations.

Game Features:

  • A lot of challenging levels

  • The helicopter and rain that will help you to put out the fire

  • A fire truck which will be available after level 7

  • Great soundtrack

FirePuzzle - Save the House on Steam

Quiz Pro - Guess Pictures

Quiz Pro - Guess Pictures

very fun. Everyone should get a lil taste of Quiz Pro - Guess Pictures.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

“how did i mix up hitler for martin luther king”

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Quiz Pro - Guess Pictures on Steam

MarineVerse Cup - Sailboat Racing

MarineVerse Cup - Sailboat Racing

Excellent sail race game with a great community forming, and passionate developers keen to progress the game. if you want to learn about the intricacies and tactics of racing this is perfect. i’ve played it for a while now on rift s, and it works well, plenty of stats and race replays, leagues and multiplayer races can be found and the discord channel gives plenty of advice and ongoing support. look forward to more development in the future.

Real player with 76.0 hrs in game

Here’s the deal. This isn’t the prettiest game you’ll ever play. There’s no gorgeous vistas to take in as you sail one of a bajillion boats along and watch DVD movies on an In-Boat entertainment system. It’s not loaded with eye-candy fluff.

It is an incredibly good tool to TEACH YOU HOW SAILING WORKS. How to actually sail a boat, how to handle a boat, how to hold a boat so you move along at 11.9 knots instead of 11.7 knots. How to “trick the wind” to let you work on the weak side of irons. How to make a boat pass around 5 buoys in the shortest time in a “never seen it before and never see it again” dynamic situation…and then getting that little endorphin dump to hear your own name called out as the winner of yesterday’s daily race.

Real player with 53.0 hrs in game

MarineVerse Cup - Sailboat Racing on Steam