Racket: Nx

Racket: Nx

This game is absolutely awesome if I may say so! This is like a true sport in VR, and with esport features coming I hope there will be plenty of players, and an active and competitive community. Not all want to play competitively of course, and the game is really fun, I’d say most people who enjoy racket sports to some degree will enjoy this, or if you played other similar games.

The physics are incredible, you have extreme control over the ball. You can swirve the ball and apply spin like in real life, so it feel very realistic and convincing. This is a really great concept and so far it’s really well executed.

Real player with 122.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports VR Games.

There’s a lot to like about Racket:NX. The graphics are outstanding, the mechanics and physics of hitting the ball are superior to other games I’ve played. It’s a lot of fun and gets the blood pumping.

Unfortunately there are more things that I disliked about the game than things I did. For starters, there’s almost nothing that tells you what you need to do to play. I know, I know. Hit ball with racket, right? Except there are the times and how fast you hit the ball determines a lot of things. The learning curve is steep, and it took playing through a few times to understand what I was even supposed to be doing.

Real player with 82.2 hrs in game

Racket: Nx on Steam

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing

120 hours played as of now. This is over about a little more than a year period. If you are even a little interested in boxing/fighting and/or would like more cardio workout. This is for you. It’s a boxing sim that just works. There can always be improvements in little areas or more different enemies to add in and improve the AI or other things, but the base is solid and customizable. That is all I need and I understand the limitations for one developer.

This is the ultimate work out game. I’ve tried lots of real workouts like HIIT, 5x5, heavy lifting like squats, benching, overhead press, weighted pull-ups, and cardio like ellipticals, treadmills, outside running, etc. They all have different pros and cons with different goals, but in the end it’s just hard to motivate myself to go and do them consistently to get any workout in at all. This is much easier and it is fun. It feels like boxing, and sometimes I feel like Mike Tyson with the proper dodge/block, and counter punch combo with an uppercut that results in the opponent being knocked out. I can do it indoors at my own place, and there is a high heart rate and amount of sweat every time, it can be comparable to doing a hard sprint at times. The end result is I just workout more and dread it much less and can even look forward to it, which has never happened before. This is my workout now. As opposed to how easy it is to quit or slack mid treadmill because of how boring it is, I do not slack or quit mid-bout while fighting. This can push me 3-9 minutes more of hard working out even if I am dead tired, which makes a difference.

Real player with 170.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports 3D Fighter Games.

This is a really great boxing experience and responsible for the last 10 lbs of the 60 total I’ve lost having started playing VR. Its nearly impossible to play this game for more than 20 min strait. This was one of the first games bought when I got my Oculus. I first started playing it just for a few minutes at a time and always found it very difficult. I soon realized it I was just weak, fat, and had terrible cardio endurance. For about a year I would check back in on the game from time to time to see the updates. Back then “Ugly” Joe looked like a potato man and was really quite ugly. The game has progressed along very well. At the beginning of this year I decided to add more to my VR “workouts” because I was not getting enough from Beat Saber anymore. It’s become something I look forward to each time I go to fight. The AI is pretty good and the difficulties are very defined very well. There is a big jump between them and the higher you go, the more it really requires of you. Easy lulls you into a false sense of security and lets you get away with some pretty stupid moves. Then normal hits back harder and requires a bit though but you can still knock out the guy in the first round if you know what your doing. Endurance on the other hand sees your hard work and laughs in your face while it pisses on your shoe. Anyone you fight will not go down and makes sure you do unless your dancing around. Its learn to read and doge your opponent or lights out. I don’t know how but the AI knows when your gassed and will just ride out your attack until you stop for air. I had to learn to control my breathing and exhale on each punch to keep from getting light headed. I know I’ve only played like 12 hours but you need to understand that this is the most demanding VR game out there. I have never seen anyone play this for more than a minute with out getting out of breath and breaking a sweat. The starting matches are only 3 two minute rounds but that might as well be an eternity. Three months ago I could barely go a starting match and now I’m fighting the spider for 4 minutes a round and still going back for more. Screw going to the gym, just get this.

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing on Steam

The Spike

The Spike


  • Smooth gameplay, feels very fast and fair.

  • Simple but good story to ease you into the game

  • Opponents in story and tournament feel unique in playstyle.


  • Some crashes and key sticking.

  • Controller support not complete.

  • Not much explanation of some features.

  • Setter controls very inconvenient.


  • Explanation as to what each stat / personality does.

  • Slightly faster volleyball currency earnings (esp. in tournament).

Real player with 96.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Singleplayer Games.

I really enjoyed this game. The game’s simple graphics and controls let me actually play like how I would play if I was playing volleyball in real life. Unlike many other “3D” volleyball games I played, I can plan how I will approach the rally and how I will win the point.

The special effects when I spike the ball right and win a point was huge satisfaction factor for me, it was simply astonishing.

The in-game achievements was there to help me with character progression, gacha, as well as costumizaion.

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

The Spike on Steam



I’m a casual racquet ball/tennis player, and after the update this game is now better than ever.

Before the update, this was a great game. The core game was solid, but my only gripe was that each shot felt more like a ricochet rather than an actual swing. When I would serve the ball with all my might, sometimes it’d be a cannon, and sometimes it’d be a dud. You’d get a lucky defensive shot ricochet with power into the AI’s sweet spot. You really just had to make contact to stay competitive with expert AI.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

This game is so close to being perfect. For the first hour, I was in love with this game. It was after the first hour that the issues began to arise. The first is that the AI shoots the ball right on the edge of the play space. Now, they do have a way to add padding to your play space to keep you from hitting walls, and that’s a great thing to have, but when the AI is consistently throwing shots that make you fearful of hitting a wall (I hit a picture frame and smashed the glass) it stops being fun. Tweaking the AI to keep it from throwing so many shots on the play space line would go a long way.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

HoloBall on Steam



So you heard about the 48 hour period when you could download the game for free but you missed it? Or you’re just now stumbling upon the game because it finally got a steady position as an indie title? Whatever the case, I want to tell you that, even though many got the game for free, Kabounce absolutely deserves your money.

In the past few years I have grown increasingly more interested in Alternative Future Sports Games (AFSGs). Think of games like Rocket League, Laser League, etc. And if there is one thing I’ve noticed during this time, it’s that indie developers don’t realize just how crucial a few things are to creating a stable and healthy competitive atmosphere. I’m happy to say that it seems like Stitch Heads fully understand what they need to maintain a competitive and exciting indie game.

Real player with 63.3 hrs in game

Kabounce is a bold hybrid multiplayer Pinball action game in a multiplayer esports team arena format. Now guys, this is what indie games are all about, but unfortunately rare and unique gems like Kabounce are sometimes overlooked by the gaming community. We need to support our indie developers that bring us these new and really unique games! Kabounce has the potential to be a huge rival for competitive multiplayer e-sports games like Rocket League for example.

Sometimes new games manage to generated huge media hype and player anticipation, but turn out to only disappoint most players, off course there could be various reasons for this, but we’re not going into that here. Sometimes new games within popular genres can even feel like just another re-skin of other games, without really reinventing or adding something new to the genre. Most AAA game developers are also not willing to stick their necks out and take the risks associated with developing something really unique and fresh. They usually prefer development of games that stick to a well established genre, a well proven formula or a game within a well established franchise.

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

Kabounce on Steam



UPDATE: I’m changing my review to negative because in the last patch (December 2017) the developer broke the game for levels 30+ and despite several users complaining about it in the forum they have still not fixed it. The game is effectively unplayable past level 30 due to the aiming bug and it is really frustrating because I really liked the game. While I want to try the new content they added in the most recent patch, I would rather they just rolled back the patch to the previous (working) version rather than leaving the broken version of the game deployed to Steam.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Best VR game I have. Requires VR to exist, and takes full advantage of room-size VR. Highly recommend it to anyone.

The point of games like this is to trick me, the lazy geek, into exercise. For that reason, the dodge mechanics become very important.

Holopoint requires a fairly significant amount of dodging. Part of what makes that possible is the single shots coming from bad guys that don’t track your movement. Something shoots, I see it, and move out of the way. Eventually too many things shoot and I die, but the single shot mechanics “work” for me and keep me active. (currently ranked #530 or so… so I don’t suck at the game… or there are only 540 people playing:) )

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Holopoint on Steam

Behold the Kickmen

Behold the Kickmen

This is a really fun game. I don’t tend to play sporty games but I’ve played this quite a bit already.

The tutorial is good/amusing and I like how each skill is gradually introduced in career mode. To begin with before you learn any the game can be a bit difficult, but the moment you win a game and unlock a skill the game really opens up, so make sure you don’t give up on it before this point.

I’m not even the target market as I love playing football casually in real life—I still maintain that the… er… real life fake non-Kickmen version of the offside rule makes total sense as it presumably exists to prevent goal-hanging and isn’t just a pointless faff to learn—I DIGRESS), despite enjoying real life football, I love the way this game makes fun of it too.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Livy writes of a meeting in 193 BC, as Rome prepared for war with the Seleucid Empire and generals from both sides met at the court of Antiochus the Great. There Scipio Africanus, the savior of Rome in the darkest days of the Punic Wars, found Hannibal Barca. The latter had left Carthage in exile when the Romans demanded his surrender seven years after his defeat at the hands of the former, lest he rebuilt the broken city to its former glory.

It is not often such great generals meet outside the blood and gore of the battlefield and thus the conversation between them fell to whom they ranked as the greatest generals of antiquity. Hannibal answered Alexander ranked highest and though Scipio was dismayed, they could all agree that Alexander was without equal. When asked who ranked second, Hannibal answered Pyrrhus, the Greek general who was the first to bring the young Roman republic to its knees. Scipio then asked whom he ranked third and Hannibal, without hesitation answered that it was himself who ranked third.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Behold the Kickmen on Steam



My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 233.9 hrs in game

Please for the love of god add a scooter builder not just colors and also fix the bugs and add more street tricks like downwhip,bartwist,untwist and sort PLEASE if you dont want to die by that new game scooter flow it looks so much better and smoother

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

SCOOT on Steam

Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure

Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure

I purchased this with a handful of local co-op games to play with my daughter and it turned out to be the most spectacular of the bunch. The action is simple enough for my kid but deep enough for me, and the story mode is absolutely hilarious.

For an arcade version of dodge-ball, the controls are spot-on. You can leap for balls, lunge at your opponent for a steal, and run one direction while hurling a shot in another. The response and flexibility of the small number of controls makes this feel as close to those bygone days in gym class as you can get. On top of that are the different playfields featuring different hazards, obstacles (some destructable) and alternate weapons. It just gets everything so right that I am still amazed how into a “sports” game I have become.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

I have been on a spree to buy local co-op games because friends come over quite often and this happened to be one of them. Needless to say it was an amazing purchase. I bought it for the retail price.

Right when you hop into a quick match it’s just super fun, you dive, dodge, and catch balls that are thrown at you, while also attempting to get the opponents out. My friends and I did free-for-all and team play and both were just as good as the last.


-Team Play/Free-For-All

-Story mode

-Quick match

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure on Steam

RetroMania Wrestling

RetroMania Wrestling

I’ve played 10 hours of RetroMania to really try out everything, and I’ll put it in a pros and cons list.


  • Design. The design is great, the characters and stages all feel very different to each other. The game convention stage for example has so much happening in the background, a lot of details.

  • Simple instructions. For people new to this style of game, it might be hard at first but you should be able to pick it up with a little practice. The story mode also has an intro that helps you understand the game before getting into it.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Retrofest will surely pluck a string on early 90’s kids' hearts.

In one of this game forum’s discussions (which I usually avoid participating in due to their toxic and explosive nature) I read a developer comment stating that he made this game because this is the game he always wanted to play, and no one else ever made it.

I think this is an inspiring statement, not only because sometimes it feels games aren’t always born out of love anymore, but also because who among us gamers never dreamt about developing the game HE always wanted to play.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

RetroMania Wrestling on Steam