I use to play a bit of 3 cushion in irl. The game is okay. Able to do reverse inside shots, tickys, sometimes i feel like the physics are are not accurate. Most the time its pretty good.

Not happy that basic chalk isn’t free or basic cue needs repair or that cue repair is even a thing.

But I guess im glad there is a game at least to play for 3 cushion.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports eSports Games.

love it

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game


Crazy Kung Fu

Crazy Kung Fu

Crazy Kung Fu

This game made me feel like I was the Karate Kid, except, instead of a real old man making me wax his car I was given a cardboard cut-out of an old man.

Not that that’s a bad thing, naturally. I don’t particularly want an old man watching me work up a sweat, but I would have liked him to perhaps throw some guidance my way on how I can improve rather than waiting for the end of the match.

This game feels more like I’m training in martial arts than playing a game, there’s no mid-game scoring, no timed events or any tips during the match, you just need to get on with it, give it your best and see your ways to improve at the end. It did feel quite similar to when I was in school doing marital arts training.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Action Games.

About as close as you can get to a training simulator for martial arts. You aren’t hitting things to a soundtrack. It is purely a training dummy with spinning targets you either Block (forearm), punch, or dodge. The harder and firmer your form, the more points you build up.

If you’re looking for a game that will give you a little cardio workout, pick this up. Level 5 and beyond will have you sparring with 3 simultaneously spinning targets to work with.

This game had me sweating from my eyelashes. When you find your groove, and stop ‘trying’, your natural reactions become instant. Your right hand will be blocking, but your already looking to your left to intercept the next target.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Crazy Kung Fu on Steam

Sumotori Dreams Classic

Sumotori Dreams Classic

Sumotori Dreams is perhaps a perfect example of a cult classic video game.

It has a small but very passionate player base. It’s a game about four Sumo wrestlers - the Blue Guy, Grey Guy, Brown Guy, and Green Guy. All you have to do is push the other Sumo guys over before they get you. That’s it. Usually, doing nothing is the key to victory. All with a comedic intoxicating effect. Just walking around is a challenge.

Originally released in 2007, Sumotori Dreams has endured, now with this shiny new release. In this Classic edition, it runs smoother than ever before, with everything functioning as it should - plus a very welcome addition of an in-game mod loader.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sports Colorful Games.

surprised this game made it on here finally, now we can enjoy the bricky sausage like limb physics.

it also comes with map modding support for people who didn’t know and looks like this version has had some work done on it to enhance it for newer specs

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Sumotori Dreams Classic on Steam

Wrestlers Without Boundaries

Wrestlers Without Boundaries


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

not a wrestling game, just a port of a mobile game where you can kick, punch, and do a grapple. runs fine, but it’s a bare bones game that just exists.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Wrestlers Without Boundaries on Steam

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing

120 hours played as of now. This is over about a little more than a year period. If you are even a little interested in boxing/fighting and/or would like more cardio workout. This is for you. It’s a boxing sim that just works. There can always be improvements in little areas or more different enemies to add in and improve the AI or other things, but the base is solid and customizable. That is all I need and I understand the limitations for one developer.

This is the ultimate work out game. I’ve tried lots of real workouts like HIIT, 5x5, heavy lifting like squats, benching, overhead press, weighted pull-ups, and cardio like ellipticals, treadmills, outside running, etc. They all have different pros and cons with different goals, but in the end it’s just hard to motivate myself to go and do them consistently to get any workout in at all. This is much easier and it is fun. It feels like boxing, and sometimes I feel like Mike Tyson with the proper dodge/block, and counter punch combo with an uppercut that results in the opponent being knocked out. I can do it indoors at my own place, and there is a high heart rate and amount of sweat every time, it can be comparable to doing a hard sprint at times. The end result is I just workout more and dread it much less and can even look forward to it, which has never happened before. This is my workout now. As opposed to how easy it is to quit or slack mid treadmill because of how boring it is, I do not slack or quit mid-bout while fighting. This can push me 3-9 minutes more of hard working out even if I am dead tired, which makes a difference.

Real player with 170.3 hrs in game

This is a really great boxing experience and responsible for the last 10 lbs of the 60 total I’ve lost having started playing VR. Its nearly impossible to play this game for more than 20 min strait. This was one of the first games bought when I got my Oculus. I first started playing it just for a few minutes at a time and always found it very difficult. I soon realized it I was just weak, fat, and had terrible cardio endurance. For about a year I would check back in on the game from time to time to see the updates. Back then “Ugly” Joe looked like a potato man and was really quite ugly. The game has progressed along very well. At the beginning of this year I decided to add more to my VR “workouts” because I was not getting enough from Beat Saber anymore. It’s become something I look forward to each time I go to fight. The AI is pretty good and the difficulties are very defined very well. There is a big jump between them and the higher you go, the more it really requires of you. Easy lulls you into a false sense of security and lets you get away with some pretty stupid moves. Then normal hits back harder and requires a bit though but you can still knock out the guy in the first round if you know what your doing. Endurance on the other hand sees your hard work and laughs in your face while it pisses on your shoe. Anyone you fight will not go down and makes sure you do unless your dancing around. Its learn to read and doge your opponent or lights out. I don’t know how but the AI knows when your gassed and will just ride out your attack until you stop for air. I had to learn to control my breathing and exhale on each punch to keep from getting light headed. I know I’ve only played like 12 hours but you need to understand that this is the most demanding VR game out there. I have never seen anyone play this for more than a minute with out getting out of breath and breaking a sweat. The starting matches are only 3 two minute rounds but that might as well be an eternity. Three months ago I could barely go a starting match and now I’m fighting the spider for 4 minutes a round and still going back for more. Screw going to the gym, just get this.

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing on Steam

Wrestling Cardboard Championship

Wrestling Cardboard Championship

A game experience inspired by wrestling, making use of simulated physics, cardboard boxes with unique skills and movements, fight in large arenas based on arenas that have marked wrestling, such as Madison Square Garden, Arena México and Tokyo Dome.

A new wrestling company has been born, offering a unique show around the world, different fighting styles and extremely skilled fighters ready to give it their all in the ring. The Wrestling Cardboard Championship gives all kinds of cardboard boxes the opportunity to show that they are the strongest and that they have the talent to entertain the people.

Experience different game modes for up to 4 players: 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 1 and All vs All

Single player mode or up to 2 players, choose your favorite box and face the entire WCC roster in 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 matches depending on the modality and show who is the king.

The Normal Box is in its last days of useful life, after knowing what its cruel destiny would be, being crushed and recycled, it decides to change it for wrestling, arriving at the WCC in search of an opportunity and showing that his passion can take him to the top, although you will soon realize that being a professional wrestler is not an easy thing.

12 unique boxes with varied fighting styles, inspired by well-known brands and professional wrestlers. Each Box has its own theme song and its own personality. (Adding more post-launch boxes via DLC).

Inspired by real settings such as Madison Square Garden, Hammerstein Ballroom, Arena Mexico and Tokyo Dome. (Adding more post launch scenarios via DLC)

Wrestling Cardboard Championship on Steam

Wrestling Empire

Wrestling Empire

Wrestling Empire is a great game where you can kill people, kick them out the promotion, lead a promotion,blow up things,and customize characters to look like real people with a wide range of customization.


-Lead promotions

-Be A manager

-You can die

-Year system with calender

-Able to have a big moveset with wide range of taunts

-Huge move pool.

-Able to walk around with people on your shoulders

  • Can bully the ref, annoucers, and managers.

-Can throw people out of windows

-Wide range of areas of people you can brawl in

Real player with 448.5 hrs in game

*** Best Career Mode in Just About Any Game. Period. ***

I am not a wrestling fan. I do, however, like fighting games. This translates into wrestling games. It’s just good fun to bash opponents and I enjoy the spectacle.

I was on the fence about buying this game. I did, however, play other MCDickie games. This one is by far, his best one yet. So I bought this on a whim.

It’s hard to explain this game. Anything can, and will happen, while you are playing career mode. Just when you think you have seen it all, it doubles down on the WTF factor. It’s not just totally random, since it sometimes does depend upon your choices. It’s like semi-controlled chaos.

Real player with 282.6 hrs in game

Wrestling Empire on Steam

Airplane Racer 2021

Airplane Racer 2021

Nice little game.

Good content for the price.

AI needs improvement

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Had to try this out at the low price. Problem with no detection controller until I managed the option with Force On in the Steam menu. Runs smooth unlike the promo video. Need to get up to speed with the AI.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Airplane Racer 2021 on Steam

Brutality club

Brutality club

Good for a quick laugh, maybe a giggle, and if it were a $1 or so game i’d say its alright but not for the $8 price range. You have very little control over your actual dude so you just flail your character around and hope to hit your opponent. Chances are that you’ll play it for maybe half an hour and be bored of it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

I thought i’d give it a go because its hard to find a decent fighting/mma game on steam, i knew it was physics rag-doll based but i wasn’t expecting it to be just random flailing with little to no control over your character.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Brutality club on Steam

Fimbul Winter VR

Fimbul Winter VR

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/M-g45w1M1i4

This just isn’t a well-made game. I experienced several bugs during my playtime of only 37 minutes. I had to tap out after enduring every single minute of this game. It’s not just buggy, it lacks overall polish, & it’s just not fun to play. I will give the developer credit for being ambitious and trying to create something new for VR. A horror game with some depth. Unfortunately, either the inexperience or the lack of time put into the project are apparent.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Fimbul Winter VR on Steam