Kosmo Laika : Guide to Space

Kosmo Laika : Guide to Space

Very nice puzzle. I like history about space missions. Reminds me of the movies I watched about it

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Casual Games.

An informative journey of man’s quest for reaching space, then the moon.

A relaxing 30 minutes!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Kosmo Laika : Guide to Space on Steam

Sheng Tian (升天) - Episode 1

Sheng Tian (升天) - Episode 1

Really creative game for learning. Kinda feels a bit like Myst, very laid back and relaxing but also a productive way to spend some time learnign some new characters. I’ve been learning Chinese for a few months now and this game reflects that skill level, it is for beginners for sure. I do wish the puzzles were a bit more complicated and challenging but that might make it more stressful so it’s an interesting trade off. Overall the game and level design feels creative and unique. Worth the price for sure!

Real player with 25.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Singleplayer Games.

Pretty short, even for a first episode, and the game play was a little slow even for an educational game. Not bad, but hoping for more in the next releases. Perhaps incorporating mouse control. If you’re learning Chinese this can help break up the boring other stuff you’ll have to learn. Will update after/if episode 2 happens. Thanks for the learning game.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Sheng Tian (升天) - Episode 1 on Steam

Kosmo Laika: Space and Beyond

Kosmo Laika: Space and Beyond

Get ready to discover the world of space exploration.

The game is good for both those who know a lot about space exploration and those who don’t, because the character “Laika” will give you hints and tips so you can proceed with the levels while learning.

The music and sound effects create a spacey and relaxed atmosphere.

Game tells about the releases of the history of space exploration.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Casual Games.

Very cool. As good as the previous game.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Kosmo Laika: Space and Beyond on Steam

Distant Transmission

Distant Transmission

I think this idea has a lot of potential, it’s a very fresh take on this genre of games but i really think the execution needs to be ironed out. I’m recommending this because i really do think this is such a great idea, but for example: the switching out of verbs imo really ruins it at some parts because sentences end up making 0 sense. It would a lot funnier if this game was more about improv writing exercises and then reading those out with your friends. Personally i would scrap the verb swapping entirely but i also wouldn’t mind if it was done less and the word changes had context behind them so it wouldn’t ruin every sentence.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Distant Transmission on Steam

Connect Chat

Connect Chat


Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

So far it seems to run very smooth with little issue, and as someone with a low spec computer.. its very useful.. however there is a severe lack of users… hopefully this will change… the sync with the DMM VR connect site is also seamless….. Just wish there was more people

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Connect Chat on Steam

Professor Watts Word Search: Space Voyage

Professor Watts Word Search: Space Voyage

It generates boards that are unplayable. A word or two will be missing a letter or incorrectly overlapped by another word eliminating valid letters. I just had a round where I spent all the time looking for the word “MESSIER”, and eventually only found the letters “ESSIER” together, because the “M” was overwritten by an “L” from a different word.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

This is a copy and paste review: Pretty much every game in this series bundle or every game made by these developers comes with achievements already unlocked, you start the game run for a minute close it and all the achievements or the single achievement unlocks.

These games whether it’s the Trivia Games, the Word Search or the Picture search game, they are all reskins of each other, the concept behind these are all plain and boring, no creativity went into any of these games, you buy these games purely for the +1 to your Game and Perfect Game count and nothing more. That is the only reason why i’m giving it a positive review, i knew before hand what these games were about and that’s why i decided to buy them.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Professor Watts Word Search: Space Voyage on Steam

Typing Fingers - Enemy

Typing Fingers - Enemy

this game it is pretty funny, like 80’s art style.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Maybe the developers should focus on making the game actually controllable? The game controls doesn’t seem to work on my Mac. And the game keeps freezing. I just checked in months later and they still haven’t done anything about it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Typing Fingers - Enemy on Steam