Immerse yourself in the world of the future!

With the development of space travel technology, the horizons have expanded more rapidly than ever before. This has necessitated improvements in postal networks. But it’s not enough to deliver a parcel, you have to know how to deliver it. It’s up to you to take on the role of a parcel sorting employee - these brave heroes!

Do you think it’s a simple and relaxing job? Well no, you will be sent to very unfortunate planets with less than ideal conditions! There you may encounter radiation from another parcel, freeze in a blizzard, drown or become struck by ball lightning!

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You have a very large number of parcels to work with. They are all unique and have their own distinctive features, which depend on the delivery company. Consignments have external and internal characteristics that affect **the way they are shipped. If everything is clear with the external ones, then with the internal ones you will have to make some fuss. For example, you can use the analyzer to find out what’s inside the package and choose the appropriate delivery type.

In the game you will meet many different postal companies, each of which has its own area of activity, which is reflected in its parcels. For example, the NewMan company specializes in small shipments, mainly weapons, so it is not necessary to weigh the shipments of this company. In most cases they will be light.

Remember, you are an employee of a major mail delivery and sorting network! So you need to match your status, which will cause you to be sent to various planets for job duties. For example, your superiors may need sorting services on, say, a planet with high radiation levels or endless snowstorms.**

Read More: Best Space Exploration Games.

SSCS on Steam

Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash!

Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash!

It’s quite a literal nostalgia trip, but a criminally short one. I cleared the story in 42 minutes.


Updated review after I nearly 100%ed the game:

It feels quite nice to dance alongside Ulala and hear her talk to me, and also to

! high-five Jaguar and Pudding near the end. The dance moves are also abundant in variety, going way beyond just directions and “chu"s. A few example unique commands include “barrier”, “nyan”, about 10 different “pose"s, and of course “Toyota” and “Honda”. Even the same command - such as “left” - can require a different action depending on whether you are dancing or dodging enemy fire. This means you have to use both visual and acoustic memory to get everything right. The dance battles are paced pretty well, with frequent but short breaks to ensure the player never gets too tired.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Female Protagonist Games.

this game alone makes the hundreds of dollars it takes to get VR worth it. High-5ing Ulala after all the adventures we had been on is one of the happiest happiest moments in my life playing games. the music is every bit as great as the originals but still feels fresh. the english voice acting isn’t the greatest but i wouldn’t want it any other way, and even if i did there’s an option to switch to japanese. this game is going down as one of my favorite games of all time.

edit: after coming down from the high i can recognize this doesn’t really have much for people who aren’t fans of the space channel 5 already, and i wish it was a lot longer. not perfect but for what it is it’s incredible

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash! on Steam



Simple concept that becomes increasingly difficult, loved the additions of new mechanics as the levels progressed, was almost sure that some levels could not be beaten but eventually made my way through them.

The graphics are kind on the eyes, the controls are smooth, and the puzzles had a good ramp in difficulty.

Overall, really enjoyable game, worth the small price for the number of hours I got out of it!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Casual Games.

I beat this game; a fun and challenging puzzle game. Some of the puzzles took me up to 30 minutes to figure out and after I solved them I always felt great. All of the levels feel really unique and there’s a nice progression of new mechanic unlocks and puzzle difficulty. Would recommend!

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Astronomia on Steam

Gaia Project

Gaia Project

I had zero Gaia Project experience before booting this up. I think there’s a marginal learning curve to the UI, but after you run through the tutorial and get a game or so in, it’s totally reasonable.

The AI is also fantastic, really an exceptionally well done AI for a game of this complexity. I have about 15 games under my belt, all on 3-player 8-sector, and Hard AI continues to offer a real challenge (winning scores tend to be in the 160-170 range, whether it’s me or the AI pulling it off). The paths taken to victory also seem quite varied, so it’s not like it’s just programmed to spam Econ4 or something dumb; there’s real complexity going on under the hood. It’s not like every decision is perfect, but I seriously think it’d be difficult to find a better done digital board game AI for a game of this sheer scale.

Real player with 88.7 hrs in game

Honestly I’ve played countless games of Gaia Project IRL, it’s absolutely my favorite TTG, and this digital adaptation is perfectly fine. Yes, there are grammatical errors, but how many of us actually read the EULA to begin with? Oh noes, they forgot the C in Bescods in the achievements! Time to review bomb the game, amirite?

And sure, the UI is “clunky” compared to in-person, but let’s be real here - Gaia Project is probably one of the most complex games most people will ever learn. If you’re taking the time to learn it, you probably have enough smarts in you to get through some menu screens. Upgrade your cognitive navigation track past 1 before you throw your hands up in defeat.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

Gaia Project on Steam



Segment rotation intensifies!

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Mind bending fiesta of pure brilliance.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Cubiverse on Steam



The puzzle and gameplay aspect of the game is pretty good though the visuals is rather lacking, which may be part of the game’s aesthetic. The gameplay is what matters most though, which is a nice defense game where you need to place certain defensive mechanism in order to prevent an enemy from reaching the end of the level. There are a lot of levels which ramps up nicely and gets you to think. There are also various tools you use like mines and cannons. Other aspects also show up such as change in gravity from time to time which changes the direction the enemy moves, so that would be needed to be factored in when strategising and placing your defense. Overall, it is a good puzzle game, though with nicer visuals, would be great.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Stratside on Steam

Move It Up

Move It Up

Seems fine to me I guess. Probably better than most of the other countless Beat Saber clones that exist. This is a million times better than Beat Saber. Hell, now that I come to think of it, this game granted to be by the curator connect program (iirc) is the best rhythm game ever made since PaRappa The Rapper on the Sony Gamecast.

! It’s even better than Guitar Hero.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Move It Up on Steam

Pogo Rocket

Pogo Rocket


Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Would recommend, I see a lot of potential in this game.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Pogo Rocket on Steam

Space Survival

Space Survival

It is a cool game and very hard.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

It’s a really cool space game with cool game mechanics.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Space Survival on Steam




Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

The interface makes the text-based Sublunar more confusing than it needed to be, but once you know your way around it’s a pretty average ‘risk management’ game. In order to complete the level, you have to dominate the region with your faction by completing quests, and as you progress the game will introduce more randomized elements. The tutorial is not very helpful which is part of the problem, I would recommend highlighting the buttons for the player because they are hard to find on your own. Generally speaking, to play the game you have to go to any city, select a quest, and then you have to make sure that your crew meets the stat requirements, including potentially mandatory gear and weapons. Some of the missions have an element of “luck” because you can’t see the secondary phase, but you can eliminate it by asking people in towns for information, assuming the city is under your alignment. When you start a mission you will have a choice of a faction, it’s not purely cosmetic, it affects the frequency of certain events and items in the store.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Sublunar on Steam