Hextones: Spacetime

Hextones: Spacetime

This game bring to us a new thing that i really loved

Now we can use our unconscious competence in a game mode with just 5s to act

So we can practice and learn without timer and put our brain in a tough test and see if our learnings are really deeply embedded

Great Game!!!

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Hex Grid Games.

This game is so much better than the first one! The stellar archive is very cool and the soundtrack is awesome! The new time mechanic is no joke, you need to think fast, but the freeze time and swap commands help you get through it. The new options of hexgrids changed everything and the hardcore mode is for pros, but the classic, soothing mode is there too for the oldschoolers. Congratulations Nukearts! Keep up the good job!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Hextones: Spacetime on Steam



Magnesium_173 is a turn-based, movement-based puzzle game with time-related mechanics that are loosely based on quantum physics. The developer was kind enough to give me a free code for the game just for showing interest in it prior to its launch, and I had a good time playing it, but you’re probably more interested in whether I think the game is worth its current base price of 15 USD or not, as that does seem a bit hefty for this type of puzzle game, and after giving it some thought, I would have to say that I think it’s worth just that, and this review will explain how I came to that opinion.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Colorful Games.

Classic puzzler with a modern aesthetic, lots of little delightful moments within the UI really make the experience.

Update: It’s been a few months, and I feel I should update my review with more detail. This is a phenomenal game, and I didn’t realize how much so until I had a friend over and we were playing through a level together. The logical progression within this game is outstanding and satisfying, so much so that talking it out in real-time with someone is both helpful and enjoyable. Pick this one up!

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Magnesium_173 on Steam

Space Road

Space Road

rather fun! I am already level 7!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Casual Games.

Good race

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Space Road on Steam

The Entropy Centre

The Entropy Centre

The Entropy Centre is a first-person puzzle game in which you assume the role of Alya Adams, who wakes up alone, abandoned and confused in a mysterious destroyed facility. With the help of an AI companion, Astra, and a Handheld Entropy Device which allows you to manipulate time itself, you must solve complex time-based puzzles to uncover the truth about what happened at the facility, and make your escape.

Rewind Time

Progress through increasingly challenging puzzle areas

Explore Diverse Environments And Uncover The Mystery

The Entropy Centre on Steam



Simple concept that becomes increasingly difficult, loved the additions of new mechanics as the levels progressed, was almost sure that some levels could not be beaten but eventually made my way through them.

The graphics are kind on the eyes, the controls are smooth, and the puzzles had a good ramp in difficulty.

Overall, really enjoyable game, worth the small price for the number of hours I got out of it!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

I beat this game; a fun and challenging puzzle game. Some of the puzzles took me up to 30 minutes to figure out and after I solved them I always felt great. All of the levels feel really unique and there’s a nice progression of new mechanic unlocks and puzzle difficulty. Would recommend!

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Astronomia on Steam



David. is a game that includes a period as part of its title. We’re going to pretend David. knows better and it’s actually called David. Argh! That period there was to end the sentence not describe the title. Moving on. Let’s discuss David.

Here’s a bit of advice: if you’re going to write a review that hinges on you spending two and a half hours to climb to the top of a leaderboard, best make sure the game will update your score and said leaderboard when you quit out manually rather than waiting for a game over. Now, this statement should tell you three things. One: this game is engrossing enough to keep playing for two and a half hours. Two: while David is good fun, it is lacking some technical touches that can be frustrating. And three: yes, I am petty enough to gloat about temporarily being the best David! My name’s not even David!

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

David. is an action platformer that pits the titular square-shaped character against many incredible bosses strewn across a number of singular worded doors. Within each door lies in wait a boss that utilizes a certain aspect or value of vice, sin, or fear in which the creature’s body or its domain are designed around the particular aspect or value. David was to bring each monster to justice, ending their reign of terror. With the avoidance of using the words “retro” and/or “minimalistic”, since they have almost become default word choices towards games along the same line as David. treads, I’d like to say that David. is a fascinating, original concept and deserves to be set aside as such.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

David. on Steam

Lemnis Gate

Lemnis Gate

After playing this game on release, I said this about the title:

“Unique time travel elements make Lemnis Gate the most intriguing competitive shooter. The struggle to outmaneuver your opponent with mindful planning and skillful execution is exhilarating.”

Now that the game has been out for almost two months, I still agree with this statement. However, there are still some issues with the game. I’ll list some positives and negatives, ordered by how important/impactful I find them. Keep in mind that I have only played and am only interested in 1v1 turn-based. Some of my points probably apply to other modes as well, but in my mind, Lemnis Gate = Competitive 1v1 turn-based.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Lemnis gate has amazing potential. I know some players have experienced game breaking bugs. But thats not my experience, it can be buggy, the server does crash every so often. But I believe the devs can fix this later.

Now the gameplay, holy shit, its so good. This is the freshest game I’ve ever played, the concept hasn’t been done before and I love it. It feels like a game of chess with all the interaction and counter play. There is a pretty steep learning curve, more so then most FPS games. But once you get the basic idea of how the characters work, it all clicks together with how many options you have. Learning the ins and outs can be a little painful, but that feeling when you pull a massive 200 IQ play and completely blindside the enemy is worth every bad play you make along the way. its $20, great to play with friends. Give it a go, you wont regret it.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Lemnis Gate on Steam

Space Fuss

Space Fuss

This game remains me TV shows of 90s combined with Warcraft 3 custom maps. I like this silly atmosphere of space battles with jetpacks and no spacesuits :)

But I think main capmaign would be too short :( Anyway it has survival mode if you finished main strory too fast.

A good game with cartoonish graphic. Good job.

Real player with 65.7 hrs in game

Space Fuss is an interesting mix of tower defense and rock-paper-scissors. In order to win in this game you have to protect your character and destroy the enemy character. For that you can use 4 kinds of robots, which work like rock-paper-scissors(little robot can be killed by medium robot and can kill giant robot), and a pet, which can shoot at the enemies to lower their armor, stun them and so on. Also you can send your pet into the fight to help your robots, as I understood pet is equally effective against every type of robot, but you have to be careful with it as there’s no direct control over the robots and you can’t call your pet back to defend you. Besides that you have whole arsenal of boosters, these are abilities you can use to blow up enemy robots, heal your own, plant mines around your character and so on. The story is loads of fun and the characters look hilarious.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Space Fuss on Steam



I had a lot of fun learning physics. I’d pay for Space Tow Truck 2 any day.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

“I’ve come away from my great time with Space Tow Truck a little smarter…”

“…educational, entertaining, and stimulating…”


Full review at https://darkzero.co.uk/game-reviews/space-tow-truck-pc-review/


Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

SPACE TOW TRUCK - ISAAC NEWTON's Favorite Puzzle Game on Steam



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Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Really good game!

1st of all when you kill the zombies it makes a funny fart noise.

2nd of all If you like FPS well… this game is mostly for you!

Also the stimultus i think you should increase the time of it because its a bit quick.

There are awsome acheivements and the game it has a early access!

I think you should make the graphics a tiny bit better tho.

Overall tho Good game!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Vaccine19 on Steam